

Nov 6, 2017
Sleep-Deprived Fired Texas Lawyer, Experiencing 'Massive Sewage Backup,' Admits His Lord of the Rings-Themed Lawsuit Is 'Perhaps' Fantasy 'in a Sense'
Paul Davis, fired from his in-house counsel job one day after recording himself at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, admitted in a Monday filing that critics were perhaps right "in a sense" to say that his The Lord of the Rings-themed lawsuit was "mere fantasy." He also mentioned that he has been dogged in recent days by anything from sleep deprivation to massive sewage backups.
In case you missed it somehow, Davis argued last week in favor of the installation of a temporary government analogous to the fictional Kingdom of Gondor. In the 9-page filing on Monday, Davis, well aware of media criticism and analysis of the lawsuit's claims and aims, complained about a sewage backup at his home, sleep deprivation, and being painted as an "extreme lunatic." The lawyer also, in the opinion of legal commentators, unwisely discussed his behavior on Jan. 6. And that's just the filing's footnotes.
Adding that he had "struggled greatly with the question of what is an appropriate remedy," Davis curiously decided to let the court know about his plumbing and sleeping issues, going so far as to inform the court that he was awake in the pre-dawn hours of Monday.
The embattled Davis also took issue with how he was being portrayed in the media, providing a seemingly incriminating explanation about his presence at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Former federal prosecutor Ken White, for one, found the footnote incriminating.


Sleep-Deprived Fired Texas Lawyer, Experiencing 'Massive Sewage Backup,' Admits His Lord of the Rings-Themed Lawsuit Is 'Perhaps' Fantasy 'in a Sense'

Paul Davis filed a mind-boggling self-incriminating memo in his lawsuit seeking to install a government similar to that of a fictional kingdom from Lord of the Rings.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Davis curiously decided to let the court know about his plumbing and sleeping issues, going so far as to inform the court that he was awake in the pre-dawn hours of Monday.
the court isnt interested in your shitwater-covered home, jack


Dec 10, 2018
Oh, well he said it so it must be true.

Wait. It was still passed through the senate. Nevermind then.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Is this the guy who filed a case declaring "Joseph P. Biden" an illegitimate President? It's hard to keep track of the stupid, these days.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I remember when my cousin, who graduated from Columbia Law, told me all these horror stories about law school and especially the BAR exam and how difficult it was.

Turns out they were lying, apparently any moron can become a lawyer...
Oct 25, 2017
After the Vic Mignogna shit I'm starting to wonder if it's somehow gotten a lot easier to get a law degree/license. There's abusing the law for your own gain and then there's straight-up not knowing better and making shit up.

I'm starting to think Lionel Hutz wasn't just satire, but based on real lawyers the writers knew.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sleep-Deprived Fired Texas Lawyer, Experiencing 'Massive Sewage Backup,' Admits His Lord of the Rings-Themed Lawsuit Is 'Perhaps' Fantasy 'in a Sense'


Sleep-Deprived Fired Texas Lawyer, Experiencing 'Massive Sewage Backup,' Admits His Lord of the Rings-Themed Lawsuit Is 'Perhaps' Fantasy 'in a Sense'

Paul Davis filed a mind-boggling self-incriminating memo in his lawsuit seeking to install a government similar to that of a fictional kingdom from Lord of the Rings.

So he is literally full of shit


Nov 6, 2017
Trump-Appointed Judge Not Feeling Fired Texas Lawyer's Meritless 'Gondor Has No King' Lawsuit

Albright did not have positive things to say about Davis's core argument on behalf of plaintiffs Latinos for Trump and Blacks for Trump. Davis contends that the 2020 election somehow violated the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), entitling Davis to unprecedented relief—such as a judicially ordered creation of an entirely new system of government. (You can read what he had to say about that here.)
The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, named as defendants: Pete Sessions, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Mark Zuckerberg, Chuck Schumer, Brad Raffensperger, "all current so-called members of the 117th Congress of the United States," and "all the state governors and secretaries of state."
The judge explained that, first, HAVA "does not provide the declaratory relief" Davis seeks. Secondly, Judge Albright said "[42 USC] § 1983, even if used to assert any potential right under HAVA, does not apply to federal officers, such as members of the 117th U.S. Congress, who act under federal law, and thus relief is not available under this statute."
The judge ordered Davis and his co-counsel to "show cause as to why the Court should not dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint for failure to state a claim."

Davis was given until Feb. 10 to fix his complaint or else face dismissal.


Trump-Appointed Judge Not Feeling Fired Texas Lawyer's Meritless 'Gondor Has No King' Lawsuit

If you've been reading Law&Crime the past few weeks, you would know that Texas lawyer Paul Davis was fired from his job the day after he recorded himself at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and self-reported that he was tear gassed. Davis then filed a, uh, remarkable lawsuit that declared Donald Trump's...


Nov 6, 2017
Lawyer Fired After Recording Himself in D.C. on Jan. 6 Finally Corrects Rookie Legal Mistake, Asks Judge for Do-Over of 2020 Election

Texas Attorney Paul M. Davis, who lost his in-house counsel job after he posted video of himself wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat at the pro-Trump siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, is litigating yet again.

In previous court documents, Davis, who has not been charged in connection with the siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, asked a federal judge to prevent his arrest — should authorities move against him — so that the election can be sorted out according to his demands.

TL;DR: Davis appears to be complaining that a group he calls the "Cabal" convinced people to vote for Joe Biden and that its strategy diluted votes for Trump. Thus, he contends, a federal judge should tear down significant portions of the U.S. Government and order a new election in order to sort things out.

Lawyer Fired After Recording Himself in D.C. on Jan. 6 Finally Corrects Rookie Legal Mistake, Asks Judge for Do-Over of 2020 Election

Texas Attorney Paul M. Davis, who lost his in-house counsel job after he posted video of himself wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat at the pro-Trump siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, is litigating yet again.
Mar 7, 2020
Lawyer Fired After Recording Himself in D.C. on Jan. 6 Finally Corrects Rookie Legal Mistake, Asks Judge for Do-Over of 2020 Election


Lawyer Fired After Recording Himself in D.C. on Jan. 6 Finally Corrects Rookie Legal Mistake, Asks Judge for Do-Over of 2020 Election

Texas Attorney Paul M. Davis, who lost his in-house counsel job after he posted video of himself wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat at the pro-Trump siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, is litigating yet again.

Are these the Cabal he's talking about? (They are a enemy faction in the Destiny game called Cabal)


Oct 31, 2017
I voted for Biden because Calus said he'd give me a non-sunset version of Midnight Coup.


Nov 6, 2017
Lawyer Who Was Fired the Day After U.S. Capitol Siege Speaks for First Time About Visit from FBI and a Disciplinary Inquiry in Texas

"I've gotten so many requests in the media, and I haven't responded to a single one because I've been so focused on the case," Davis said in a phone interview, referring to his embattled lawsuit asking a judge for an injunction that would block his arrest and topple every 2020 federal election as, he asserted, deficient under the Help America Vote Act.
Davis told Law&Crime that the lawsuit has been funded in part by an organization called the M90USA movement, whose name stands for "Middle 90% of the U.S.A." He called himself a "secretary" for that group in a phone interview and then, in a follow-up email, denied a professional affiliation, other than unsolicited financial backing from them that he claimed did not benefit him personally.
"In this lawsuit, our firm has one Bernie Sanders supporter I am in communication with who sees Bernie as the 'populist' candidate from the Democrat side and who may be interested in asserting such a claim in our case," Davis wrote.
Throughout his hourlong phone interview and lengthy emails, Davis still maintained that the evidence still had not been adequately reviewed, insisted that pointing out the string of failed post-election lawsuits was misleading, and repeatedly attacked Law&Crime. He described follow-up questions about M90USA as a "fishing expedition."

It was the same phrase he used to describe a federal judge's disciplinary referral to the grievance committee.

Lawyer Who Was Fired the Day After U.S. Capitol Siege Speaks for First Time About Visit from FBI and a Disciplinary Inquiry in Texas

In a once-confidential document and exclusive interview, Law&Crime reveals the disciplinary inquiry and FBI visit that Texas lawyer Paul Davis has faced since footage of him at the U.S. Capitol went viral.


Oct 26, 2017
TL;DR: Davis appears to be complaining that a group he calls the "Cabal" convinced people to vote for Joe Biden and that its strategy diluted votes for Trump. Thus, he contends, a federal judge should tear down significant portions of the U.S. Government and order a new election in order to sort things out.



Oct 28, 2017
TL;DR: Davis appears to be complaining that a group he calls the "Cabal" convinced people to vote for Joe Biden and that its strategy diluted votes for Trump.

Isn't that called... campaigning? That's like... what's supposed to happen.


Nov 6, 2017
Fired Texas Lawyer Gets Fired Again — And He Seems Happy About It

Attorney Paul M. Davis, who lost his in-house counsel job with an insurance company shortly after recording himself protesting outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th, says he's planning new and imminent litigation surrounding the 2020 election. His new move is partially being forced upon him: he's been "fired" by some, but not all, of his clients in the case he filed just weeks ago which asked a federal judge in Texas to remove Joe Biden from the White House and to install a council of "stewards" from Donald Trump's cabinet to help oversee the country. (Biden would nominally remain the president subject to the check and balances of the "stewards" under Davis's proposal.)

Davis characterizes the move as a positive step which will free his own plaintiffs from pressing a claim connected to — and under the same case caption as — institutional plaintiffs which facially support Trump.
Davis said the differences revolved around his clients' desires to press apolitical claims surrounding voting policies and procedures and the other plaintiffs' interests to clearly support Donald Trump. He called those plaintiffs "special interest groups" who "weren't down with" his broader strategy to tie in additional plaintiffs for a broader legal constituency.
Davis, who says he's been working 80 to 100 hours a week for free, is also working "through the weekend" to add new plaintiffs to the case. He described one of his plaintiffs as "a former Democratic candidate;" he said he's talking to Christians, a group of Vietnamese descent, and to supporters of Bernie Sanders.

He promised a "new motion for a TRO [temporary restraining order] with new evidence from our experts" — likely to be filed next week.
With reference to the Trump supporters he previously represented, Davis said as follows: "they have good intentions, but they have their interest, and it's very specific to Trump, and we want this to be a movement for all Americans."

Fired Texas Lawyer Gets Fired Again — And He Seems Happy About It

Attorney Paul M. Davis, who lost his in-house counsel job with an insurance company shortly after recording himself protesting outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th, says he's planning new and imminent litigation surrounding the 2020 election.