Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
We've rehashed the hell out of how important 2016 was but I think it's really important that we focus all of our energy on how important these 2022 midterms are. This is probably the last chance to chase these nuts back into their holes because if there's a red wave to further embolden this party we may not make it to 2024 at the rate they're moving.

They've got to feel like they overreached and got punished even if that's not really what happens in the fall. I'm really hoping that the results will be at least lower than expectations for GOP gains to give them some pause about this course.


Nov 25, 2017
Los Angeles
Would love to think this is going too far. Maybe they should just do stuff that helps their base. We'll just have to see if "moderate conservetives" exist and if they give a shit about being evil.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know much about law school, but med school in the U.S. is a total disaster just like the rest of the health care system. Especially Texas which has a totally separate med school system from the other 49 States + D.C.

"Doesn't prepare you to practice, far too long and taught horribly" does sound kind of a lot like the typical U.S. medical school experience, from what I understand.

Med school isn't constructed to foster learning, it's constructed to break you down to the brink of insanity.

If you survive the gauntlet, you get the right to call yourself a doctor. There is no way the current US medical school (and residency, fellowship, etc) system is structured with proficiency in mind.


Feb 4, 2021
not American here.
could some please explain to me what is the electoral college reform they intend to propose?
i do have some knowledge about the electoral college on a federal level But not on a state level.
more and more I see the left dying on the hill of the cultural wars and winning on 'instagram' while the right slowly take the institutions, courts and local municipalities and changes the society for the worse …..I speak from experience in europe.
is this happening with this proposal in Texas?


Oct 27, 2017
It's like someone shook the trash can full of crumpled up bad idea balls of paper, and put it all together.
Rooting for succession isn't the answer and abandons all the people that will be actively harmed by all this. Have a heart people.
If I had a nickel for every time I've had to explain this on here I could buy this site. As someone who used to live in Florida as a gay black teen, succession tearing away what little federal protections I had would've been disastrous but I guess some people don't care.


Aug 1, 2018
I don't know much about law school, but med school in the U.S. is a total disaster just like the rest of the health care system. Especially Texas which has a totally separate med school system from the other 49 States + D.C.

"Doesn't prepare you to practice, far too long and taught horribly" does sound kind of a lot like the typical U.S. medical school experience, from what I understand.

Gotcha, friend.


Oct 25, 2017
On top of all that, it seems like they also have other gems as well.
I really really really hate how a political party can be so nakedly against something "just because" the another party supports it. Where is the consideration of whether so and so plan supported by another party could just be a good plan? Public transportation and good urban design is apparently "anti-driver policies from California". I don't even know where to even begin to digest this.



Oct 25, 2017
This is desperation. They're way too close to purple for their comfort so they have to make the place as unwelcome for dems as possible to try to keep it. It's a losing battle for them as long as people don't leave. Ofc that's easy to say when I don't live there. There's a reason we're seeing some of the most extreme laws in traditionally toss up states like Ohio and Florida.

They really are trying anything to see what sticks
Oct 27, 2017
Columbus, OH
If I had a nickel for every time I've had to explain this on here I could buy this site. As someone who used to live in Florida as a gay black teen, succession tearing away what little federal protections I had would've been disastrous but I guess some people don't care.
I think it's a defense mechanism. "This can't happen here, I'm in <blue state>", but it can, and it will at the rate.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Rooting for succession isn't the answer and abandons all the people that will be actively harmed by all this. Have a heart people.
Clearly. But people are frustrated and the only other realistic option is for this to become more mainstream across more states and eventually onto the national platform. So in both scenarios, the same people are still going to be actively harmed.


Oct 28, 2017
If it walks like a duck...

and yet most of my life I was told to tut tut cause it would never happen.

Can't even say the truth about the bushes at this site or in the media.

They evolved the left didn't and dems are no leaders of the left yet we act like they will do what's be for us or the planet.


Oct 25, 2017
So wait no income tax? Something else is gonna have to give to make up for it

Property tax is already high as it is


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
"freedom to travel"... language sounds like that stupid Soverign Citizen "travelling" bullshit.


Jun 28, 2018
Public transportation and good urban design is apparently "anti-driver policies from California". I don't even know where to even begin to digest this.
Public transit is a threat (however small) to oil industry profits (currently at record highs). Oil industry profits matter far more than the so called "environment" or "climate" or "people who don't have cars." How else is the oil industry going to be able to bribe donate to Texas GOP candidates and dark money PACs.

The only solution they have for energy is to pump, refine, and consume more and more oil. Copy/paste this plan for coal, natural gas, etc. It's not like fossil fuels will ever become scarce if we keep doing this, right?
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
Rooting for succession isn't the answer and abandons all the people that will be actively harmed by all this. Have a heart people.
If there's one issue far right nutjobs and "liberals" agree on it's seceding and fuck the minorities who will be hurt by it. Far right nut jobs want to secede so they can do what they want to minority groups, the otherside encourage them to secede and don't care what they do to minority groups


Oct 25, 2017
I skimmed through the whole thing and there is a lot of spicy stuff. Here are just a few of the positions I found some of the craziest and most amusing.









I noticed they decided to endorse critical thinking this time, which is different from the TX GOP's infamous position 10 years ago

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Pretty straightforwardly tells you what the "parental rights" language all over this document is actually about. They want to be able to completely dictate what their child thinks and stop them from being exposed to any other viewpoint.


Oct 25, 2017
I skimmed through the whole thing and there is a lot of spicy stuff. Here are just a few of the positions I found some of the craziest and most amusing.









I noticed they decided to endorse critical thinking this time, which is different from the TX GOP's infamous position 10 years ago

Pretty straightforwardly tells you what the "parental rights" language all over this document is actually about. They want to be able to completely dictate what their child thinks and stop them from being exposed to any other viewpoint.
They want to hide from plain sight that what they currently do to their children is brainwashing, and want to take it even further.
Oct 25, 2017
Was listening to Ezra Klein's podcats and his guest, an economist who's name I'm forgetting, said due to fuck ups on how the US has allowed cheap money to be spent since 08 especially (on dumb shit instead of infrastructure and other tangible, long term valued investments) the US could be akin to the way we look at developing nations today in the not so distant future. Well Texas and the GOP sure wanna run the country like some janky ass regressive dictatorship


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I'm surprised that they didn't add 'ban/kick out Austin' to their platform. The rest of the platform is crazy shit, so why not add one more crazy thing?


Oct 25, 2017
I skimmed through the whole thing and there is a lot of spicy stuff. Here are just a few of the positions I found some of the craziest and most amusing.









I noticed they decided to endorse critical thinking this time, which is different from the TX GOP's infamous position 10 years ago

Pretty straightforwardly tells you what the "parental rights" language all over this document is actually about. They want to be able to completely dictate what their child thinks and stop them from being exposed to any other viewpoint.

I wonder how the Log Cabin Republicans are reacting to this manifesto? It's literally condemning their entire existence.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I wonder how the Log Cabin Republicans are reacting to this manifesto? It's literally condemning their entire existence.

They made a comment saying it was bad and politically short-sighted.

I'm just surprised at the dialogue surrounding this on Twitter. People are like, "See? GOP hates you! Why would you want to be part of the GOP? Switch affiliation!"

Let's get something clear: Log Cabin Republicans have the same vision for a right-wing authoritarian shit-hole and support all the same demonstrably harmful policies as their straight counterparts. If the GOP succeeds with their goals then yeah, gay Republicans will watch their rights being shit on but they'll still share the core, conservative ideology and their proximity to the GOP and those in power (because it won't be them) will allow them to shit on all the other marginalized groups and help destroy the rights of those groups so that, relatively speaking, they'll be pretty well off.

It's like people forgot you can be gay (or trans for that matter) and be a right-wing piece of shit.

FUCK log cabin republicans.


Nov 22, 2017
Over a decade ago, when the Tea Party was throwing a tanthrum in washington, I was rather optimist. I tought that their radical views would repel voters, creating a split of the right into two parties, and that the left would have no difficulties wining elections, while the TP would be increasingly extermist, and thus increasingly irrelevant.
But man, did I overestimate the moral spine of the average conservative voter. Chosing to outright deny reality rather than question their choices...
Aug 12, 2019
It'd be nice if after Texas Republicans spent the past 2 years going as fascist as fucking possible in a nearly Purple State they actually experienced literally any comeuppance, but Texas Conservatives are built different apparently and Texas Dems aren't good enough to fully capitalize on it or recognize where their own base has slowly collapsed over the past 6 years...


Mar 11, 2019
These people are going to hurt so many people.

It isn't "just move!"

If it were, then there would have been lines out the state already. Many people have already said, but moving isn't so dang easy.

Absolute madness.