
Oct 26, 2017
Not sure what the point of these tweets are, but the game looks sick. Can't wait to play it.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not reading through this whole thread, it's far too toxic for my liking, but I see that some confusion still persists. Tim Soret did in fact apologize for those tweets he'd made years ago, he did explain that he's grown since, and The Last Night no longer represents those views. It's been reported in many places, and it's really easy to google up, but here are some examples.
"Far too toxic" is blaming victims of abuse for their abuser's suicide.


Oct 25, 2017
It seldom happens that my hype deflates as fast as it did with this game. The reveal trailer at that Microsoft event all those years ago was great and the game does have an incredibly appealing art style but I'd never in a million years willfully support a gamergate asshole like Tim Soret so fuck this game and its options menu.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not reading through this whole thread, it's far too toxic for my liking, but I see that some confusion still persists. Tim Soret did in fact apologize for those tweets he'd made years ago, he did explain that he's grown since, and The Last Night no longer represents those views. It's been reported in many places, and it's really easy to google up, but here are some examples.
There are newer examples in this two page thread showing he is still trash

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
What is the difference between egalitarianism and feminism? I did a quick read on some google results but still didnt quite understand.

I think what he intends to say is not a feminism that wants equality and equal treatment but instead wants to achieve a superiority and privilege for women.


Oct 25, 2017
I think what he intends to say is not a feminism that wants equality and equal treatment but instead wants to achieve a superiority and privilege for women.
That's not feminism... he's making a bad faith misrepresentation. Feminism is literally defined as equal rights for both sexes.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for this game to come out so that these threads won't show up anytime this dude does anything.


Oct 27, 2017
What is the difference between egalitarianism and feminism? I did a quick read on some google results but still didnt quite understand.

It probably refers to things like "positive discrimination", "affirmative action", etc., where a feminist could feel that gender-based discrimination is OK and good as long as it favors women, while a true egalitarian would feel that gender-based discrimination was bad no matter what. Doesn't describe everyone who would call themselves feminist or egalitarian, of course, but is probably the distinction he wanted to make.


Oct 30, 2017
Is there anything inherently bad about having that as a premise?
Or is it that you take issue with his depiction of how it would be like if feminism won

Apart from him being a shithead, one of my problems with the game is that it's lazy as fuck. It's one thing to say "what would the future look like if Feminism was in charge?" and develop a world based on that. This looks like he just took Blade Runner and shit his misogyny all over it.

Like, you can't do this. The circumstances that led to Blade Runner are entirely different from what a feminist ruling class would implement. You might as well say "Blade Runner but Socialism," even though there are big neon advertisements and megacorps everywhere.

Also, I doubt he'd have the ability to do a nuanced dive on what a feminist future would even be like, if he even bothered to try.

I'm not reading through this whole thread, it's far too toxic for my liking, but I see that some confusion still persists. Tim Soret did in fact apologize for those tweets he'd made years ago, he did explain that he's grown since, and The Last Night no longer represents those views. It's been reported in many places, and it's really easy to google up, but here are some examples.

Dude's still a shitheel who thinks Ben Shapiro has valid ideas. I've got plenty of other games to play made by people who aren't complete morons.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't see why I should financially reward a game dev with rotten ideologies that supports harassers. There's plenty of games to play.


Oct 30, 2017
User Banned (2 weeks): Antagonizing other members regarding their concerns over bigotry, account in junior phase
honestly resetera's reaction to this game makes me bummed on resetera. i guess you all freaked out when the new chapelle came out?

been looking forward to playing this since the e3 reveal

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

I remember how ERA was so hyped about this game and it's awesome quality pixel art. Then the guy behind the game was exposed..Welp
Personally I don't care who's making the game. If the final product looks as good and has a decent gameplay, I'll just play it.
Some people might care more about things beyond an aesthetic. I have zero interest in playing a regressive, anti-cyberpunk game.


Oct 25, 2017
Still interested in the game, but it feels like it's been forever. Hopefully development is progressing as well as can be expected given the difficulties they said they were having.


Oct 27, 2017
He literally admitted the premise of his game was based on a future where feminism won

Thats deeper than a halfbaked backtrack can save.

Not feminism but supposedly based off of a type extreme modern radical feminism. I mean, in 2019 we're seeing 4chan supporting forms of modern radical feminism, we can't conflate them.


Oct 27, 2017
What about the point of these tweets?

But the game looks sooooo good. Does it really matter if it's misogynistic when it looks so good? Like, it looks really, really good. Don't bring politics into this. The game looks too good for that. The dude say he was sorry. What more do you people want? Typical cancel culture going after innocent people.



Oct 25, 2017

I remember how ERA was so hyped about this game and it's awesome quality pixel art. Then the guy behind the game was exposed..Welp
Personally I don't care who's making the game. If the final product looks as good and has a decent gameplay, I'll just play it.
Maybe people might be wary of and turned off by a story-heavy game from a small indie team where the writer, creator, and premise has been shown to embrace gross values and a questionable understanding of the genre

I was probably the biggest proponent for this game when I was following it during the GAF years. Arguably, I was a sizable factor in getting a lot of people on GAF interested in the game since I was constantly updating the threads with new GIFs and sharing development tweets. This was one of my most anticipated game for quite a while


Oct 26, 2017
"Guys, I don't want to talk about the fact that the game is literally based around horrifically sexist ideas. I'd rather live under my rock and ignore it."
Okay? That's not what this thread is about, though. It's clearly about footage of the options menu and that was what I was commenting on. I don't really understand the point of showing it without any more context, but it still reminded me of the game, so maybe it worked? I dunno.

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If the thread was only about the short gif of the controller with fucked up buttons under fancy lighting, then the thread should be closed, because there's nothing to discuss.


Aug 31, 2018
The genome for the game is some GamerGater's nightmare of the future feminism has created a cyberpunk dystopia

I never took seriously what he said about the game's premisse because it sounded like a joke. A real bad and obnoxious joke, but a joke nonetheless, to mock feminists and etc.

I doubt that it was once the game's premisse, because it's too ridiculous to be true. And I doubt that Microsoft would have backed a game like that.

But anyway, graphically it looks amazing

Really curious to see how the final game turns out


Oct 25, 2017
I never took seriously what he said about the game's premisse because it sounded like a joke. A real bad and obnoxious joke, but a joke nonetheless, to mock feminists and etc.

I doubt that it was once the game's premisse, because it's too ridiculous to be true. And I doubt that Microsoft would have backed a game like that.
Then you see the kind of tweets he likes on Twitter and comments made elsewhere, and realize no, it wasn't a joke


Oct 30, 2017
I never took seriously what he said about the game's premisse because it sounded like a joke. A real bad and obnoxious joke, but a joke nonetheless, to mock feminists and etc.

I doubt that it was once the game's premisse, because it's too ridiculous to be true. And I doubt that Microsoft would have backed a game like that.

But anyway, graphically it looks amazing

Really curious to see how the final game turns out

I love to make completely-straight-faced jokes that cast my upcoming game in a terrible light and then when everyone gets upset I say "oh, that's not the story anymore" instead of clarifying that it was a joke(?)

Come on, guy.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Good to know—last I checked, he hadn't personally tweeted something questionable for a while, but was busy liking a bunch of garbage

To anyone interested/acting like the game can be separated from Soret's GamerGate, misogynist views, my take from the other thread reflects my take today, so i'll share it here:
What's wrong with Glenn Greenwald? Dude did a great job here in Brazil this year.


Aug 31, 2018
I love to make completely-straight-faced jokes that cast my upcoming game in a terrible light and then when everyone gets upset I say "oh, that's not the story anymore" instead of clarifying that it was a joke(?)

Come on, guy.
Then you see the kind of tweets he likes on Twitter and comments made elsewhere, and realize no, it wasn't a joke

I don't think both of you understood what I meant

Him being a piece of shit is why he made the "joke". Because he clearly only meant to offend and irritate some people.

What I mean is that it probably was never the premisse of the game.

You guys really believe that when he was pitching the game to Microsoft he told them THAT premisse? Don't be so gullible


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Him being a piece of shit is why he made the "joke". Because he clearly only meant to offend and irritate some people.

What I mean is that it probably was never the premisse of the game.

It was't a joke. That was the premise. He said it himself.

You guys really believe that when he was pitching the game to Microosoft he told them THAT premisse? Don't be so gullible

What he told Microsoft is literally unrelated to what he said publicly on Twitter. The two have nothing to do with each other.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
honestly resetera's reaction to this game makes me bummed on resetera. i guess you all freaked out when the new chapelle came out?

been looking forward to playing this since the e3 reveal
Oh come on man. People are upset that he has horrible viewpoints on topics that might actually be in the game itself and you're bummed that we're disappointed???

And did you not actually see the Chapelle thread? Or the separate thread about certain jokes that Chapelle made that weren't well received not only by Era, but by social media in general?


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
You guys really believe that when he was pitching the game to Microsoft he told them THAT premisse? Don't be so gullible
Don't you think it's possible that he misled them? Especially given how they stopped talking about the game almost immediately after those statements by him came to light, followed by them subsequently pulling funding.


Aug 31, 2018
It was't a joke. That was the premise. He said it himself.

What he told Microsoft is literally unrelated to what he said publicly on Twitter. The two have nothing to do with each other.
"He said it himself" ... On Twitter

So what goes is what he said on Twitter

I can't keep up with you guys, really

I'm not deffending him, by any means at all, but taking "bait" as something seriously like that is very naive


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think both of you understood what I meant

Him being a piece of shit is why he made the "joke". Because he clearly only meant to offend and irritate some people.

What I mean is that it probably was never the premisse of the game.

You guys really believe that when he was pitching the game to Microsoft he told them THAT premisse? Don't be so gullible

Oh, I fully understood what you meant. It's just nonsense.

If he was joking, why not just clarify that it was a joke when the heat was on, instead of specifically stating that the game's story had changed since then?

"He said it himself" ... On Twitter

So what goes is what he said on Twitter

Erm.. Yes...?

Should we not take things at face-value because a lead developer posts them on Twitter without any indication that they're a joke, never attempts to clarify that they're a joke (and in fact specifically confirms that "actually that's what the game was about at one point" by saying it isn't anymore), his Twitter is full of straight dev updates, and they're entirely consistent with all the rest of his Twitter history?

I can't keep up with you guys, really



Oct 28, 2017
The thread is about the game. And if you enter the thread to announce that you don't care about the fact that the basis of the game is that women are evil, you're going to be rightfully called out on it.

The basis of the game is that women are evil? I mean the dude is certainly spouting problematic things, but that's one hell of a leap.

You could easily make the argument following this same logic to criticize or ignore anything in the cyberpunk genre as it's inherently xenophobic. So much of the accepted cyberpunk aesthetic is doused in the now very distant racist anxiety of Japanese influence in the 80's, does that mean you have to agree with it? No, it's a setting, it's background. it's not very constructive to just shout "The entire basis of Blade Runner is that the Japanese are evil and are going to take over if we're not careful!" and ignore the gargantuan amount of artistic merit that is built upon it.

I see nothing wrong in stories taking place in twisted heightened reflections of reality. The guy said some weirdo shit that I don't agree with for sure, but as an artist myself, I'm not the type to ignore someone's expression because of whatever ideology they harbor, publicly or privately, I'll judge the work on it's own merits rather than extrapolating it's entire meaning and worth from a series of tweets.

It's entirely possible that the game is exactly what it is feared to be, but until the actual art reflects that, It's remains on my radar.


Nov 6, 2017
Yup. It's nothing but misogynistic propaganda. It really shouldn't be allowed here.
If it is people should know and we should be informing them. But until someone gets the actual game in their hands we have no way to know. The anti feminist talking points might be so poorly executed that it ends up being an endorsement of feminism and a scathing look at the real nature of misogynists, for example. Like that weird incel comic.

Personally, I'm not convinced that this isn't vaperware now. It was originally supposed to release in 2016.


Nov 1, 2017
If it is people should know and we should be informing them. But until someone gets the actual game in their hands we have no way to know. The anti feminist talking points might be so poorly executed that it ends up being an endorsement of feminism and a scathing look at the real nature of misogynists, for example. Like that weird incel comic.

Personally, I'm not convinced that this isn't vaperware now. It was originally supposed to release in 2016.
Wasnt there even a demo for this game like, waaaaay before they showed it at E3? I remember Patrick Klepek playing it like, when he was still at Giant Bomb.