
Nov 20, 2017
Yeet. Oof. They had me in the first half.

I was fine with oof because it's been around forever, but then people started using it way too much, and that always bothers me. I don't like when people latch onto a word and run it into the ground. For instance, if you're having a lengthy discussion about some serious topic with people, casually insert the word "draconian" somewhere in there, and then suddenly it's in every fucking sentence. I can't stand it.

Also, dank and swagger were words before five years ago and had different meanings, and I'm not referencing meme culture when I use them, dammit.


Oct 25, 2017

A lot of the performative wokeness-style terms I see here are annoying, but there's something to flippant about "yikes" that's especially obnoxious.

also, starting sentences with "I mean..."


Oct 27, 2017
This seems to be specific to the business world, but using the term "ask" as a noun.

"My ask is this..." or "I have an ask"

It's a fucking request. You make a request, you have a request, or you "ask" for something. You don't have "an ask".

No idea where this started or why it became a thing specific to the business world.

There's probably a ton of other business terms that I could list, but this one specifically bothers me.


Oct 26, 2017

But only when it's used as pushback to criticism. "Oh, so now we're canceling so and so?" No, shut up and actually listen to the criticisms people are bringing forward. It's so dismissive and makes me think less of people who use it that way, although it's mainly drive-by shit-posters who wouldn't want to engage in the discussion in any meaningful way from the start.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
"Use your best judgement" feels like asshole shorthand for "I don't want to have to think about this, go fuck yourself and come back with something good".


Oct 25, 2017
I don't trust anyone who uses the word "paradigm" in a professional setting. It makes them sounds like a con man.


Oct 25, 2017
problematic - if someone is an asshole say they are an asshole, don't start being passive aggressive with phrases like "thats a problematic phrase.."

hashtag - it sounds cringe whenever someone says it out loud


Oct 27, 2017
When people create threads that start with "We need to talk about ... "

It always makes me laugh.

It sounds so serious and is usually something totally banal.

"We need to talk about the size of Joker's nose in smash" and so on and so forth


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
"Cunt" - I automatically disregard anything else that comes out of that persons mouth after and distance myself from them. That word is straight up disgusting and disrespectful because most of the time it's directed at females.

Edit: sorry op, that's not none offensive.

Cankles - why?
Last edited:

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
"Cunt" - I automatically disregard anything else that comes out of that persons mouth after and distance myself from them. That word is straight up disgusting and disrespectful because most of the time it's directed at females.
Depends where you're from I guess. In the UK it's used towards men as much if not more than it's used towards women. We also don't really see it as much worse than any other insult, like dick or bastard. Over here though we use insults pretty liberally, even towards friends and family.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Depends where you're from I guess. In the UK it's used towards men as much if not more than it's used towards women. We also don't really see it as much worse than any other insult, like dick or bastard. Over here though we use insults pretty liberally, even towards friends and family.
Here in the US, it's definitely directed more towards women. I hate that word.


Oct 30, 2017
Upsell, suggestive sell, add on sell, unit per transaction or any other term used to sell me additional shit. In rare times it's okay, say I'm buying a water pump, sure make sure I have coolant, but if you have to sell me the farm, fuck off. They waste so much of our time and money. AT&T is practically harrassment every call for U-verse, I can't get anything done. We all know how Game Stop is. It's time we fight back and collectively say no. Kill this. Especially from big companies with CEOs that have boats they can park in boats, while the regularly employees have to meet these quotas just to put a cheap spaghetti dinner on the table. I have a GameStop preorder from Sonic Forces I want to cancel feel too bad about tanking that employees sale goal that day. /rant


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
I get that, just saying it's not really a fair judgement to distance yourself from anyone that uses it (online at least) because it doesn't carry the same weight in other parts of the world.
Fair enough, but it still sounds the same regardless.
But America is the capital of everywhere!!!!!!!!!

Cunt is used so commonly here in the UK it's unbelievable.
I am not one to think that America is the world - I think quite the opposite actually. I don't want to derail the thread because I didn't follow OPs guidelines but wherever it's used, it still doesn't change that the word sounds disgusting and disrespectful to my ears.


Oct 28, 2017
"Overwhelm" as a noun. Last I checked this wasn't a dictionary word, and I suppose I understand the intent when it's used and wouldn't be surprised if it's added to the dictionary, but until it is it bugs the hell out of me. I don't know if this is OCD or maybe I'm just an asshole but I have to always make the mental note to just let it go and not correct someone.

Edit: latest Google search indicates maybe it's a dictionary term. Regardless, I'm going to stand up for myself and express my feelings... "My name is Threadkular and I don't like when people use overwhelm as a noun".

I'm not sure I've ever seen someone use 'overwhelm' as a noun, can you give an example?

Deleted member 37235

Rule of law
Corporate responsibility
Business confidence


Oct 27, 2017
Not a term, but I hate it when people call Palpatine 'Sheev'. Not because it's a stupid name (it is), but because it comes of as a way to show how invested you are in the lore by knowing it. It also has an air of mild gatekeeping. It's as bad as calling Apple Cupertino imo.

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
I really hate how "reactionary" has become a synonym for "in reaction" or "prone to reaction" when it denotes conservative politics. Of course, it's a laugh when reactionaries use the word to describe progressives and you point out they don't know what it means.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
+1 for Oof.

Might as well just sit on your keyboard and post the result.
Dec 3, 2018
I hate "my dude" or "my guy". I feel like those belong with exceedingly passive language like "That's a bad look..." or "That's a yikes from me..."


â–˛ Legend â–˛
May 1, 2018
When people create threads that start with "We need to talk about ... "

It always makes me laugh.

It sounds so serious and is usually something totally banal.

"We need to talk about the size of Joker's nose in smash" and so on and so forth

Oh God, yeah, I totally agree with you. This seems to have started in enthusiast media about pop culture "We need to talk about THAT look Ariana Grande gave the reporter" and "We need to talk about THAT Black Panther scene", which of course was then adopted by video game news sites, which was of course then adopted by Resetera.

We don't NEED to talk about these things.Literally just say "I want to talk about X" and it sounds so much less embarrassing


Nov 30, 2018
When adults call each other mom and dad and their kids aren't around or they are grown up. It creeps me out. Save that for the bedroom!

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Oh God, yeah, I totally agree with you. This seems to have started in enthusiast media about pop culture "We need to talk about THAT look Ariana Grande gave the reporter" and "We need to talk about THAT Black Panther scene", which of course was then adopted by video game news sites, which was of course then adopted by Resetera.

We don't NEED to talk about these things.Literally just say "I want to talk about X" and it sounds so much less embarrassing

Any thread title that invokes a collective opinion, or trying in insinuate that one particular opinion is objectively correct, makes my eyes roll out of my skull. "Can we all agree that..." or "What is the best movie released this year, and why is it X" as examples.
Oct 25, 2017
Leadership at my company keeps using the term "North Star" to refer to where we want to be in the future (tech stack etc) . The north star isn't the fucking destination, it was a static reference point that sailors used to position themselves.


Oct 26, 2017
"Am I the only one?"
"By all accounts-"
"What say you, <foo>?"
"Its objecitvely <blah blah blah>" (it's not)

And any phrase that uses pointless adverbs. If it ends in -ly reread the sentence and decide if its needed or if they just trying to pad the sentence out

I suck at English as a subject but these things annoy me.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't really bother me, but calling people cowards 24/7 got old a few weeks ago.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

When describing anything that isn't remotely trash.

e.g. The Witcher 3's combat is trash.

Then again, it's an easy way for me to tell whose opinion I shouldn't give a shit about.


Jul 22, 2019
"It is what it is" is stupid.
Middle aged rednecks love this one. Two of my coworkers were in a very heated argument that involved screaming and cussing at each other, then one of them went, "hey man, it is what it is" then the other guy looked down, shrugged his shoulders and repeated, "it is what it is". They were fine after that and acted like nothing had ever happened.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Whenever I post on Era and someone replies "my man!". I'm not a man.

Anything "hack"