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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really frustrated about Evanna Lynch's response. Its a really well thought out one from a good place but I absolutely hate the "we need to be friends with bigots and educate them and change their mind!" mindset

When has that ever worked? When has standing up to a bully and educating them on why they shouldn't bully ever actually worked?

Bigots should absolutely be social outcasts, they should be treated like shit and ostracised for their views, not handled with kiddy gloves and empathised with. Especially if they have a lot of influence.

In a just world people like Trump would never be elected, they would be booed off stage as soon as they said something fucking hateful.

People should not be allowed to say whatever they want with no consequences and we shouldn't be pulling punches against harmful ideologies and ideas

Also fuck Rowling for using her past trauma as a shitty excuse to punch down at a minority that have nothing to do with her. Fucking disgusting

I know it's frustrating, and no one is obliged to go out of their way to fix bigots, but compassion does work. An enormous amount of bigotry comes from a place of fear, and assuaging that fear leads to real change. It's not right to tear down the efforts of people who choose to do the emotional labour and put in the work, because what they do is incredibly valuable.

There's a balance to be found between the immediate need to shut down expressions of bigotry (especially because it's always bound up in fearmongering, and spreading fear spreads hate), and the long term eradication of bigoted worldviews held by individuals.

You're absolutely right that it's more important to protest a JKR booksigning and prevent it from happening than to let it go ahead so someone can have an empathetic discussion with her about her transphobia over a cup of tea; but as long as they don't lose sight of the big picture, anyone prepared to educate her with kindness has the potential to make a significant impact.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Yes, it has. My religion, Islam, was built on people educating and standing up to bullies.

We have all been on the wrong side of an argument. Educating, understanding, and coming to terms with it takes time. Especially if you expect the change/ realization to be genuine. Anger only breeds more anger. Hate only breeds more hate. People are working way too hard to try proving each other wrong rather than helping them understand other point of view.

As a Muslim, I've faced prejudice many times but can't imagine where I'd be if i treated those people the same way. I'd like to think changed many minds that we're not all trying to "kill all infidels."

Yes, there are some people that won't change their ways but that doesn't mean we sink to their level.

I agree with you here. But with Trump, white privilege/ supremacy has become undeniably present. And now we can work on a solution and I like to think we are with this BLM movement.

It's just sad that it took this long and so many lives.
I know it's frustrating, and no one is obliged to go out of their way to fix bigots, but compassion does work. An enormous amount of bigotry comes from a place of fear, and assuaging that fear leads to real change. It's not right to tear down the efforts of people who choose to do the emotional labour and put in the work, because what they do is incredibly valuable.

There's a balance to be found between the immediate need to shut down expressions of bigotry (especially because it's always bound up in fearmongering, and spreading fear spreads hate), and the long term eradication of bigoted worldviews held by individuals.

You're absolutely right that it's more important to protest a JKR booksigning and prevent it from happening than to let it go ahead so someone can have an empathetic discussion with her about her transphobia over a cup of tea; but as long as they don't lose sight of the big picture, anyone prepared to educate her with kindness has the potential to make a significant impact.
You guys do make good points but when it comes to stuff like this I find myself unable to care about being empathetic with these people. The rights of LGBT+ and other minorities is not something that I consider up for debate or or something that someone can simply disagree with.

The problem with trying to educate JK Rowling is that she doesn't want to be educated, according to her she has been studying trans related stuff for 3 years and her takeaway from that is this disgusting display. She chose to educate herself the entirely wrong way. Some people are actually that hateful and want to be against people like us not out of ignorance but out of malice.

I find it hard to believe that education and empathy works when so many of the worlds governments are being run by bigots, the most influential people in the world that all the idiots follow are usually bigots. It feels like we are trying to educate a brick wall of prejudice and it all feels completely pointless to me


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You guys do make good points but when it comes to stuff like this I find myself unable to care about being empathetic with these people. The rights of LGBT+ and other minorities is not something that I consider up for debate or or something that someone can simply disagree with.

The problem with trying to educate JK Rowling is that she doesn't want to be educated, according to her she has been studying trans related stuff for 3 years and her takeaway from that is this disgusting display. She chose to educate herself the entirely wrong way. Some people are actually that hateful and want to be against people like us not out of ignorance but out of malice.

I find it hard to believe that education and empathy works when so many of the worlds governments are being run by bigots, the most influential people in the world that all the idiots follow are usually bigots. It feels like we are trying to educate a brick wall of prejudice and it all feels completely pointless to me

Oh for sure, and much of the time, engaging might as well be bashing your head against the wall.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I certainly am not happy with Lynch's statement. I don't like how she frames the discussion around trans people as "complex". It's not. I don't like her plea for kindness and empathy for people I don't "agree with". My identity is not up for debate, and it never will be. And I reject the notion that we should just "block and move on". When somebody with such a tremendous platform spews lies and hate, we are obligated to fight against it before she can infect anybody else.


Dec 4, 2017
I'm really frustrated about Evanna Lynch's response. Its a really well thought out one from a good place but I absolutely hate the "we need to be friends with bigots and educate them and change their mind!" mindset

When has that ever worked? When has standing up to a bully and educating them on why they shouldn't bully ever actually worked?

Bigots should absolutely be social outcasts, they should be treated like shit and ostracised for their views, not handled with kiddy gloves and empathised with. Especially if they have a lot of influence.

In a just world people like Trump would never be elected, they would be booed off stage as soon as they said something fucking hateful.

People should not be allowed to say whatever they want with no consequences and we shouldn't be pulling punches against harmful ideologies and ideas

Also fuck Rowling for using her past trauma as a shitty excuse to punch down at a minority that have nothing to do with her. Fucking disgusting

I agree with all of this.

I think she uses that "we only give kindness to people with agree with but never those we don't agree with" COMPLETELY missing the point of how power dynamics work. Rowling isn't a rando person on twitter I disagree with. She's a powerful filthy rich author that could get any book deal she wants and is largely doing whatever she wants with zero repercussions. I, on the other hand, could lose my job for one misunderstood or wrongly worded social media post, and be ruined for the rest of my life. edit: i'm WHCM, by the way, if that even matters.

My disagreement with Rowling then becomes a life liability for me, and just a lazy "im bored on my phone" day for Rowling.

That and, well, there's not an ounce of "kindness" in what Rowling is saying about Trans people, so when a disagreement is started with no kindness, does it deserve any in return?


Oct 25, 2018
TERFs are a hate movement. I had quick peek and it's easier for me when I remind myself you cannot win with them.

One of them was talking about sex being real because otherwise why doesn't her husband go breastfeed their child. Now you'd think that means they would accept trans women once they find out we can breastfeed children too.

But their reaction would likely be that we'd interrupt important mother/child bonding to satisfy a breastfeeding fetish.

And this whole idea that they think trans people deny that sex exists is weird. How can you even define being trans without taking sex into account?
I know it's frustrating, and no one is obliged to go out of their way to fix bigots, but compassion does work. An enormous amount of bigotry comes from a place of fear, and assuaging that fear leads to real change. It's not right to tear down the efforts of people who choose to do the emotional labour and put in the work, because what they do is incredibly valuable.

There's a balance to be found between the immediate need to shut down expressions of bigotry (especially because it's always bound up in fearmongering, and spreading fear spreads hate), and the long term eradication of bigoted worldviews held by individuals.

You're absolutely right that it's more important to protest a JKR booksigning and prevent it from happening than to let it go ahead so someone can have an empathetic discussion with her about her transphobia over a cup of tea; but as long as they don't lose sight of the big picture, anyone prepared to educate her with kindness has the potential to make a significant impact.

It is just there are some many woman telling about the stuff what was done to them by men or happened to them because of pregnancy.
And then just do a 180° and hurt other people?

Do they not see / want to see the hurt they are causing? Because of their wounds?
Now they are whillingly dance to the bigot's tunes....

But the picture changed during the day , now it is just men mensplaining what women feel and that trans people must not ? At least thefirst ten are mostly men, anime avatars. So back to normal it is and I spent to much time in the depth of this twitter thread


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It is just there are some many woman telling about the stuff what was done to them by men or happened to them because of pregnancy.
And then just do a 180° and hurt other people?

Do they not see / want to see the hurt they are causing? Because of their wounds?
Now they are whillingly dance to the bigot's tunes....

But the picture changed during the day , now it is just men mensplaining what women feel and that trans people must not ? At least thefirst ten are mostly men, anime avatars. So back to normal it is and I spent to much time in the depth of this twitter thread

Truth. Twitter is not the place to have meaningful discussions. It's the place to steadfastly yell "no", and vote with numbers.
Oct 25, 2017
Looking at her twitter, the fact that she went back to "lovable children's book author" mode is...troubling

No reaction to the blowback she's gotten over the dumb essay she put out, or her (former?) friends calling her out, nothing. I'd almost welcome more digging down; that'd show she's human, if still nuts. Outright ignoring the critique, the lifelong fans shocked, the trans people/allies telling her off...tells me she's heartless. Like, she's determined not to acknowledge other's perspectives, even if they're telling her how hurtful her words are


Oct 28, 2017
Looking at her twitter, the fact that she went back to "lovable children's book author" mode is...troubling

No reaction to the blowback she's gotten over the dumb essay she put out, or her (former?) friends calling her out, nothing. I'd almost welcome more digging down; that'd show she's human, if still nuts. Outright ignoring the critique, the lifelong fans shocked, the trans people/allies telling her off...tells me she's heartless. Like, she's determined not to acknowledge other's perspectives, even if they're telling her how hurtful her words are

She's made up her mind and has bent over backwards to find validation from questionable sources and likeminded individuals. She didn't post that stuff to be proven wrong or to change her mind. She was using her position to spread her views as facts. When people rightfully ripped into her she basically ignored it.

She's gotten bolder in her views and felt comfortable in making an off the cuff "witty" response to an inclusive turn of phrase, when that gotten taken for what it was she dug her heels in and decided now was the time to let rip her bigotry. She should be listened to, because she's been through stuff. "Think of the children and bathrooms" with just a dash of weaponisation of her unrelated pain, very classy Jo.

I imagine this return to blandly rating children's drawings is a request from her PR team. The fact that it's right next to her TERF talking points is just tasteless.

Best to unfollow and disengage. Buy nothing of her work or any products. Don't offer her an audience or a soap box. It'll be a drop in the pond but it's all you can do. And don't accept anything other than a reverse and an apology from her.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.

Yeah I know man it's such a mystery!

Also, guess who was cited in the GOP's successful blockage of the Equality Act?

Senate vote on Equality Act blocked by Republican citing J.K. Rowling

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), however, objected to the legislation, effectively filibustering it, after citing Rowling, who has come under fire for a recent essay widely regarded as transphobic that distinguished sex from gender identity.

"We don't want anyone to be discriminated against, anyone, but we can do this in a way that accommodates everyone, and that we can actually work towards agreement," Lankford said. "To say in the words of J.K. Rowling this past week where she wrote, 'all I'm asking, all I want is for similar empathy, similar understanding to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats or abuse.' Let's work together to get equality. This bill does not do it in this form."

The Equality Act was insufficient, Lankford said, because it makes no exemption for religious liberty and privacy issues, such as concerns from individuals who want to have a TSA agent of the same sex for pat downs at the airport.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm really frustrated about Evanna Lynch's response. Its a really well thought out one from a good place but I absolutely hate the "we need to be friends with bigots and educate them and change their mind!" mindset

When has that ever worked? When has standing up to a bully and educating them on why they shouldn't bully ever actually worked?

Bigots should absolutely be social outcasts, they should be treated like shit and ostracised for their views, not handled with kiddy gloves and empathised with. Especially if they have a lot of influence.

In a just world people like Trump would never be elected, they would be booed off stage as soon as they said something fucking hateful.

People should not be allowed to say whatever they want with no consequences and we shouldn't be pulling punches against harmful ideologies and ideas

Also fuck Rowling for using her past trauma as a shitty excuse to punch down at a minority that have nothing to do with her. Fucking disgusting

Most people in the alt-right tend to be outcasts already. That just gives them an opportunity to unite.

You won't change anything without education. There's a reason the vast majority of Trump supporters are non-colleged.

Of course, it's much harder to educate someone who is filthy rich and holds the status of literature legend. Maybe impossible.
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Deleted member 20850

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017

Yeah I know man it's such a mystery!

Also, guess who was cited in the GOP's successful blockage of the Equality Act?

Senate vote on Equality Act blocked by Republican citing J.K. Rowling

These people act like self ID laws don't have an initial waiting period or a cooldown period when you cannot apply again for a certain time or both.

So a man doing this would have to wait for 6 months or so before legal recognition and then be stuck with female documents for maybe a year.

As someone who lived with documents not matching what people read me as all I can say is: have fun.

Thst aside if someone comes out as a trans woman of course we should respect their identity.


Apr 26, 2019
John Cleese is an embarrassing dinosaur.

Why are people trying to even debate with him?


Oct 30, 2017


Nov 9, 2017
I'll always love what John Cleese did for comedy. Monty Python will never not be something I love and adore deeply. But Cleese as a person, especially right now, should sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up and be ashamed of his entire existence. Fuck John Cleese.


Oct 28, 2017
Utterly unsurprised to see uber-cunt Laurence Fox chipping in a with an Op-Ed in The Spectator to air his own completely trash opinion on JK Rowling and the backlash from the Harry Potter cast. Also finds time to have a pop at BLM too. He really is a fucking scumbag cunt.

Laurence Fox calls Harry Potter stars ‘spoiled millionaires’ for turning against JK Rowling

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint all publicly disagreed with Rowling’s recent comments on transgender issues


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Wasn't sure if a new thread was warranted, but four people have resigned from Rowling's literary agency after it refused to back trans rights:

Four authors represented by JK Rowling's literary agency have resigned after accusing the company of declining to issue a public statement of support for transgender rights.

In a joint statement, Fisher, Davies and Jónsdóttir said that following Rowling's recent intervention on transgender rights, they had asked the agency "to reaffirm their commitment to transgender rights and equality". However, following private talks, they said: "We felt that they were unable to commit to any action that we thought was appropriate and meaningful."

Jónsdóttir, also known as Owl Fisher, said they were happy with the Blair Partnership on a professional level but had asked the agency to make a public declaration of support for transgender rights following Rowling's comments. The co-author of the Trans Teen Survival Guide suggested the literary agency should conduct staff training with the group All About Trans but "these requests weren't met positively by the management".

"We tried speaking with them internally before going public. We felt like we had to speak out about it. As trans people it's just a matter of values … We don't want to be associated with an agency that doesn't value the same things that we do."

Davies, the author of three published novels, also said he felt unable to continue working with an agency that did not bring "conviction and communication to the world".

"I'm gay, I know what it's like to be a minority, and I also know what it's like to be in an industry where you have to be aware of your public persona and how that might affect sales. Every queer person has a shared experience of someone in a more powerful position saying something that feels hurtful," he said.

The authors called for greater diversity of voices and staff in the publishing industry and are marking their resignation by making a donation to Shakti Women's Aid, a Scottish charity that supports black, Asian and minority ethnic women who have experienced domestic abuse.

A spokesperson for the Blair Partnership said: "We support the rights of all of our clients to express their thoughts and beliefs, and we believe in freedom of speech. Publishing and the creative arts are dependent on these things. It is our duty, as an agency to support all of our clients in this fundamental freedom and we do not comment on their individual views.

"We are disappointed by the decision that four clients have taken to part ways with the agency. To reiterate, we believe in freedom of speech for all; these clients have decided to leave because we did not meet their demands to be re-educated to their point of view. We respect their right to pursue what they feel is the correct course of action.

Authors quit JK Rowling agency over transgender rights

Writers had asked company ‘to reaffirm their commitment to transgender rights and equality’
Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy how the agency couldn't even talk-the-talk enough to assuage the concerns from their staff.

That's some self-righteous bigotry right there.


Oct 30, 2017
And she's still at it? I hear you hat guy from sinfest and that IT crowd fella also turned it up to 11. They really hate pride month huh, they really can't even wait a few days until it's over and their hateful selves can have the whole month for just them again. At least until black history month, were they'll be forced to share it again, which of course they'll start another crap fest about.


Oct 30, 2017
He's pro brexit as well.
Jup and then fled to his house in the Caribbean going :"this wasn't what I voted for" on some American talk show. The guy has so much privilige running out of his ass, that his body can't cope and he has to piss it as well as vomit it all over his audience!

Sorry... That moving thing he did really ruined him for me.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
And she's still at it? I hear you hat guy from sinfest and that IT crowd fella also turned it up to 11. They really hate pride month huh, they really can't even wait a few days until it's over and their hateful selves can have the whole month for just them again. At least until black history month, were they'll be forced to share it again, which of course they'll start another crap fest about.

Wait what IT crowd guy?


Oct 28, 2017
Graham Linehan. Unforunately, he's a nasty bigot.

His bile has gotten so bad that his wife and children have seemingly left him. She's changed her name back to her maiden name and her family issued a statement stating that they do not agree with his current values.

On a humourous aside someone spotted him shopping for ingredients and equipment (pan and grater) to make a carbonara for one which many have run with as a response to his more pathetic posts on twitter. "Carbonara must have been disappointing", etc

Alas, all he does all day is post and retweet bigoted shit and try and set his followers on groups or people. He's been trying to mess with BodyShop because of their response to Rowling crap. It's trending currently.

It's fascinating to watch someone literally live to hate. It's breathtaking to see the lengths he goes to and mental gymnastics he employs to be so disgusting. He does nothing but tweet it seems. He's clearly not writing or engaged in anything that looks like work. No one will hire him for very good reason.

When Rowling showed her true colours he went all notice me senpai, clearly thankful that he had a high profile ally. He's been white knighting her ever since.

The other day a French article was positive about Rowling and he kept bringing it and attempting to translate it. He then edited his Twitter avatar to have a little beret.

I hope he gets banned soon. I honestly don't know what he'd do with himself.
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Oct 30, 2017
Wait what IT crowd guy?
Graham Linehan, of course. I'd be Soo much more devestated if Dermot Morgan from Father Ted was a bigot. Sadly he passed away not long after the show ended.

I just wish people could see that trans rights is not to take away but to add. But the fear of losing something will always be greater than the feeling of gaining something. Politicians and hate mongers have always banked on that.


Oct 26, 2017
His bile has gotten so bad that his wife and children have seemingly left him. She's changed her name back to her maiden name and her family issued a statement stating that they do not agree with his current values.

On a humourous aside someone spotted him shopping for ingredients and equipment (pan and grater) to make a carbonara for one which many have run with as a response to his more pathetic posts on twitter. "Carbonara must have been disappointing", etc

Alas, all he does all day is post and retweet bigoted shit and try and set his followers on groups or people. He's been trying to mess with BodyShop because of their response to Rowling crap. It's trending currently.

It's fascinating to watch someone literally live to hate. It's breathtaking to see the lengths he goes to and mental gymnastics he employs to be so disgusting. He does nothing but tweet it seems. He's clearly not writing or engaged in anything that looks like work. No one will hire him for very good reason.

When Rowling showed her true colours he went all notice me senpai, clearly thankful that he had a high profile ally. He's been white knighting her ever since.

The other day a French article was positive about Rowling and he kept bringing it and attempting to translate it. He then edited his Twitter avatar to have a little beret.

I hope he gets banned soon. I honestly don't know what he'd do with himself.

What a pathetic loser.

Also, it's weird that J.K, a non-transphobe, doesn't denounce Graham considering what a giant transphobe he is. It's weird, don't you think? Really just very weird.


Oct 28, 2017
What a pathetic loser.

Also, it's weird that J.K, a non-transphobe, doesn't denounce Graham considering what a giant transphobe he is. It's weird, don't you think? Really just very weird.

Quite honestly I reckon she doesn't even notice him, which makes his efforts all the more pathetic.

This is his level of discourse by the way:


A comedy writer, some say.
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Oct 28, 2017
It's honestly creepy how much of his Twitter is devoted to this. Does he have any hobbies??

I think it's safe to say that this is the hill he has chosen to die on.

A single minded obsession that is worth wrecking his marriage, family, friends, future job opportunities and legacy. Anyone of merit or value has distanced themselves from him. I'd have thought that was why he had gone full tilt into this but he was like this before he had nothing.

A ghastly little goblin of a man.

He tried to get his followers to attack Hbomberguy again the other day. Still taking the L from the Mermaids/Mumsnet/DonkeyKong farce.

And here he is not understanding the Old man Skinner meme:

The comments are mostly people laughing at his embarrassing lack of subtlety or understanding.
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Oct 25, 2018
Quite honestly I reckon she doesn't even notice him, which makes his efforts all the more pathetic.

This is his level of discourse by the way:

A comedy writer, some say.

I think it's safe to say that this is the hill he has chosen to die on.

A single minded obsession that is worth wrecking his marriage, family, friends, future job opportunities and legacy. Anyone of merit or value has distanced themselves from him. I'd have thought that was why he had gone full tilt into this but he was like this before he had nothing.

A ghastly little goblin of a man.

He tried to get his followers to attack Hbomberguy again the other day. Still taking the L from the Mermaids/Mumsnet/DonkeyKong farce.

And here he is not understanding the Old man Skinner meme:

The comments are mostly people laughing at his embarrassing lack of subtlety or understanding.

...and he is gone !


Oct 26, 2017
I was thinking, why are the tweets unavaliable.

Deleted member 8166

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
He'll probably move to Facebook now, I've to say I never thought twitter would really start banning people for this stuff and it is amazing to see it.
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