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Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Or the antisemitic goblins, or the message of "slavery of is okay cause the slaves like it", or the fact that the villain is evil cause he was conceived via rape, or the... well you get the point.

Harry Potter has a ton of awful shit in it, and that's even before getting to the shit Fantastic Beasts added.
yeah there's literally so much but people just look at the insanely corny "hey near evil with the power of magical love :)" as though it's this great, powerful message

like not only is jk rowling an awful, hateful TERF but her books just aren't really that good


Oct 25, 2017
So do we take the Minecraft approach to Harry Potter?

you can like something even if the author's shitty. harry potter isnt exactly that sacred to begin with but its not wrong to like the media but hate the author. half the shit she spouts has nothing to do with the books, and the half that does is so completely out of left field and undermines the messages there. its not the same as minecraft because it was and has been mostly created by one person as opposed to the ship of Theseus that minecraft has become but the movies, games, and other representations of harry potter as a franchise arent entirely rowling either.

this has been known for years. if you still liked harry potter you probably still like it irregardless of rowling's shitty transphobia. if it makes you happy but you don't share her views or politics, you're not a bad person.

this is not a defense of rowling, by the way. the way she talks about trans people is abhorrent and is indefensible and should be criticized relentlessly. she stopped trying to keep up the illusion she's not a transphobe for everyone.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I get the impression JK feels that, as someone who lived a rough life a few decades ago as a single mother, she has become some arbiter for women's rights. She doesn't realize that by accruing wealth she's essentially become distanced from reality and her "cause" has evolved from what it was 20 years ago.

It's kinda the same reason you see middle class people who were active in counter culture during their youth turn against anything that goes beyond what they fought for. They've got what they wanted, screw everyone else.

Harry Potter has a ton of awful shit in it, and that's even before getting to the shit Fantastic Beasts added.

I still can't believe Rowling made it so wizard Hitler wanted to stop the holocaust and the creation of nuclear weapons and the heroes of the story want to stop him.

Sure, he was almost certainly being manipulative because all JK villains are charismatic baby murderers, but why on earth would you even bring it up???
May 26, 2018
yeah there's literally so much but people just look at the insanely corny "hey near evil with the power of magical love :)" as though it's this great, powerful message

like not only is jk rowling an awful, hateful TERF but her books just aren't really that good

Her books are awesome frameworks for Fantasy World Self-Insertion. For kids and adults to enter another world free from their mundane troubles. That's why there's SO much fan fiction and SO many non-Harry Potter HP spinoffs that made bank. Rowling nailed the structure of self-insert fic.

And there are some really fun characters and scenes.

But as a whole? The stories themselves ain't... great.

Deleted member 64666

User requested account closure
Mar 20, 2020
Does she just have a hard time understanding the concept between cis-woman/non-trans woman and trans woman? Is that it?

I'm not sure what she is trying to debate.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I still can't believe Rowling made it so wizard Hitler wanted to stop the holocaust and the creation of nuclear weapons and the heroes of the story want to stop him.

Sure, he was almost certainly being manipulative because all JK villains are charismatic baby murderers, but why on earth would you even bring it up???

The only good part of that scene is that so little of what the fuck is going on is explained that someone had to repeatedly type Skull Hookah on a wiki.

But, yeah, Fantastic Beasts is like her limiter breaking on both how horrible and how ridiculous her writing can be. And the fact that it literally cannot end without actually covering that time period means it's only going to get way, way worse on all fronts.


Sep 18, 2018
Public perception of it has cratered a lot in the last decade or so as people woke up to its terrible politics and plothole-ridden writing, as well as the shitty stage play and new movies that Rowling insists on pumping out because she doesn't have enough money already.

I'm not sure if it's cratered so much as people have held tightly to the original books/movies and not have any further interest in the newer stuff for various reasons (quality/JK being a TERF/disinterest/etc). Like, consider the last book in the main series came out thirteen years ago, and the last movie came out ten years ago, and the series is so popular it just got a new theme park attraction last year and it's still being merchandised heavily. I think a vast majority of fans are unaware of any large issues besides the TERF stuff.


Alt account
May 19, 2020
the idea that the harry potter books are this great example of standing up to bigotry is just so stupid at this point

like please just use one brain cell to try and rethink what those books said. tell me how a book with one asian character named cho chang is combating bigotry
I definitely agree, if you think about the story even a LITTLE deeply, you realize it's an enormous pile of shit in so many ways, but on the surface level, which is all I took from it as a child, it says "discrimination is bad, stand up to it." At least that's what I got out of it lol

(Of course, I'm sad because I'm sure better authors wrote books that contained the same message and didn't it wrap it in a story full of discriminatory and capitalist undertones)

Like someone said earlier, I definitely wish a new coming-of-age/YA series blew up and became the go-to series to introduce kids to novels, one that doesn't include the glaring problematic details the HP series has.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure if it's cratered so much as people have held tightly to the original books/movies and not have any further interest in the newer stuff for various reasons (quality/JK being a TERF/disinterest/etc). Like, consider the last book in the main series came out thirteen years ago, and the last movie came out ten years ago, and the series is so popular it just got a new theme park attraction last year and it's still being merchandised heavily. I think a vast majority of fans are unaware of any large issues besides the TERF stuff.

Of course it's still very big and mainstream (at least among the over-20 crowd, not sure if today's kids give a shit) but within the academic/criticism/analysis field, the reception to the books has gone down significantly.


Sep 18, 2018
Of course it's still very big and mainstream (at least among the over-20 crowd, not sure if today's kids give a shit) but within the academic/criticism/analysis field, the reception to the books has gone down significantly.

That's likely true, though I recall a lot of criticism of them even back in the day.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's time to post this again

Wow, first time reading this. I love it.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
"I know and love trans people, but"

you know, for someone with a mastery of the English language, you truly are inept at communicating empathy


Oct 26, 2017
Does she just have a hard time understanding the concept between cis-woman/non-trans woman and trans woman? Is that it?

I'm not sure what she is trying to debate.

Based on this:

It seems like she's become friends with the kind of cis lesbian who is obsessed with trans women and feel convinced that trans women are going to try to force these unsuspecting cis ladies to date them.

These people always look like a toe, so I'm not sure why they think anyone is interested, but there are a lot of them and they are convinced that trans people are oppressing them by asking pretty nicely to not be misgendered and mistreated.


May 9, 2018
not even worth engaging with

it's insane that she could have just not said anything, even silently just kept these hateful views to herself, but decided to set her own legacy on fire for absolutely no reason
Nov 27, 2019
I wish I had so much money I had nothing better to do with my time than shit on vulnerable and underprivileged minorites. Although I'm pretty sure I could come up with something more constructive.

I'm so fucking exasperated with her. The only time she enters my conscious anymore is because she has said something gobsmackingly awful about transness yet again, and she seems to do it at least monthly. Possibly more, but I have better things to do than pay attention to whatever garbage falls out of her mouth on the daily.

How much effort does it take not to be a hateful piece of shit?


Oct 27, 2017
If you knew she was a TERF before, I got news for you buddy.
It is obvious if you have an awareness of these issues or are directly affected by them.
But most of her posts have been coded just enough that it was not blatantly obvious to other people that were not directly affected.
She doesn't say "trans women are not women" she says that "sex is real" or that she is acting "in defense of women".
She claims that she "supports trans people" but really means that she tolerates trans men.

Mark Hamill initially liked this tweet of hers and then apologized when it was pointed out to him that it was transphobic.

It's so obviously transphobic if you are aware of the issue at hand, but can be read another way if you don't give it too much scrutiny or are looking to give her the benefit of the doubt.
That's what I mean about these new posts from her being so blatant. Surely no-one would mistake them for anything other than transphobia.
Until now it has always been using coded language, "accidentally" liking transphobic posts, posting something awful then deleting and saying it was a mistake etc.
May 26, 2018
It is obvious if you have an awareness of these issues or are directly affected by them.
But most of her posts have been coded just enough that it was not blatantly obvious to other people that were not directly affected.
She doesn't say "trans women are not women" she says that "sex is real" or that she is acting "in defense of women".
She claims that she "supports trans people" but really means that she tolerates trans men.

Mark Hamill initially liked this tweet of hers and then apologized when it was pointed out to him that it was transphobic.

It's so obviously transphobic if you are aware of the issue at hand, but can be read another way if you don't give it too much scrutiny or are looking to give her the benefit of the doubt.
That's what I mean about these new posts from her being so blatant. Surely no-one would mistake them for anything other than transphobia.
Until now it has always been using coded language, "accidentally" liking transphobic posts, posting something awful then deleting and saying it was a mistake etc.

Yeah. All pretense is gone now.


Alt account
May 19, 2020
It is obvious if you have an awareness of these issues or are directly affected by them.
But most of her posts have been coded just enough that it was not blatantly obvious to other people that were not directly affected.
She doesn't say "trans women are not women" she says that "sex is real" or that she is acting "in defense of women".
She claims that she "supports trans people" but really means that she tolerates trans men.

Mark Hamill initially liked this tweet of hers and then apologized when it was pointed out to him that it was transphobic.

It's so obviously transphobic if you are aware of the issue at hand, but can be read another way if you don't give it too much scrutiny or are looking to give her the benefit of the doubt.
That's what I mean about these new posts from her being so blatant. Surely no-one would mistake them for anything other than transphobia.
Until now it has always been using coded language, "accidentally" liking transphobic posts, posting something awful then deleting and saying it was a mistake etc.


She hides her transphobia behind "defending women" and "feminism." That's what she's doing right now, too, trying to spin all this so that people think opposing her is opposing women and particularly lesbians.


Oct 25, 2017
My wife and her sister love the books. I've contended they're trash just like their author.

I hope we stop talking about her soon. She's not worth anyone's time. Let her die a sad, angry old windbag.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What a dumb cunt. Money really rots the brain of people.

Imagine being so vile and hateful that you feel the need to say this shit against minority groups that face constant violence and insecurity in the world.


Oct 25, 2017
Dot Matrix with stereo sound
for whatever reason this really pissed me off tonight. Maybe because I was feeling really self conscious about the lived experience thing last night. Maybe I would have a similar lived experience as her if I didn't spend decades in the closet because I internalized doubt and shame thanks to people like her. I was able to push past it, and when I think of how many people never lived to do that, or how many kids are struggling with it now, wasting years of their life, god is it frustrating.
For all of her talk about lived experience, I guarantee she's got some piping hot takes about children exploring their gender identity or taking blockers. Like what's the cutoff age for having enough lived experience so I can be a real woman? I'd like to know, JK.


Oct 25, 2017
....What the hell?

Like I get her terrible message: i.e. fuck LGBTQ but her terrible argument doesn't even make sense. Does she mean gender instead of sex? But even that isn't understandable. How hateful do you have to be to jump through this many hoops to hate on a group?


Oct 26, 2017
She has a lot of lived experience being an enormous asshole, so I guess according to her that's just immutable now.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I hope we stop talking about her soon. She's not worth anyone's time. Let her die a sad, angry old windbag.

I have to believe that's her ultimate fate

Funny how the history books could have remembered her as the Charles Dickens or Jane Austen of the early 21st century but now she's destined to be Song of the South'd. In a just world, at least.


Oct 25, 2017
JK Rowling is stuck in the 00s when TERFs were becoming more popular and went around saying things like "Trans people are appropriating gender the way white people appropriate other cultures"


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Abby Russell showing as the first reply on my feed is fantastic and cathartic.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
For those of you looking for a similar series written by an unproblematic writer that actually has diversity and LGBTQ representation, I recommend reading books in the Percy Jackson universe. It's written by Rick Riordan.


Jun 12, 2019
That's some next level bullshit hole she has dug and sheltered in...

you can like something even if the author's shitty.

Indeed, Louis Ferdinand Celine was more Nazi than Nazis, to the point where Nazis themselves thought he was a little extreme, and yet Journey to the End of the Night is still revered.


Oct 25, 2017
Does she just have a hard time understanding the concept between cis-woman/non-trans woman and trans woman? Is that it?

I'm not sure what she is trying to debate.

She's saying that by broadening the definition of women to include transwomen, it dilutes the platonic idea of a woman and "erases" them.

That's why she got so prissy at the phrase "people with uteruses." To her that's just a woman, which clashes with transgender terminology.

Basically female biology and gender role essentialism.


Oct 27, 2017
She loves them enough to consistently attempt to disqualify them as human beings. Okay, JK.
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