
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
T7 Hwoarang is an embarrassment, but almost everyone is overdesigned in that game. The artists didn't know when to stop, it's all just a gaudy mess.

T3 was peak Tekken character design frankly. Iconic and memorable. Hopefully Tekken 8 will be a return to more simpler times.


Oct 25, 2017
Some redesigns like Hwoarang and Bob don't really work but there are also some good to great designs. Yoshimitsu looks especially dope IMO.



Jul 21, 2020
Yeah, Tekken 7 has a lot of characters that are just way overdesigned. Look at default Heihachi costume, versus his classic (which is fortunately still in the game):

I can't say I know anything about tekken lore, really, but just from the way he plays I feel like the basic gi is much more appropriate than the extra frilly garbage getup they've got him in by default.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The highs are high but the lows are holy shit terrible. Kinda like the soundtrack as well.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Knew the first one I'd see would be Hworang lol. Yeah his design in T7 is abysmal I have no idea wtf they were thinking but they fucked up. There are only a couple that I think are as bad as Hworang like Fahkumram and Yoshimitsu. The rest are either not great or actually pretty good.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah the new designs for the console release are generally pretty crappy, like they were trying too hard to make it look both "next gen" and different to the classic designs already in the game so you ended up with loads of capes/cloaks/jackets and sashes etc etc flowing off the characters obviously as an attempt to show off their physics engine and then you have eyepatches, asymmetrical giant bulky armour in places and the like, basically just severely overdesigned.

Overall there's more I dislike than like with the new designs, Hworang being possibly the worse offender, the majority of the female characters also had simpler redesigns too so they aren't as bad but still utterly unnecessary such as Asuka. I just hope the designs in the next Tekken game be that 8/Tag3/xSF are a lot better and this is just seen as an embarrassing phase for the most part


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Doesn't help that the game is really ugly to luck at graphically as well.


Nov 1, 2017
Both T7 and SC6 were so bad this gen. 2011 character models with overdesigned costumes.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah its very busy, its certainly fucking annoying to draw at conventions when Im doing commission requests. Its very much an exercise in seeing how much detail they can cram in a 3D model and overall its some fashion aesthetics that I dont connect with ... but at the same time, Tekken has been moving in that direction for a while, with the characters designs not tied to their martial art or fighting style, theyre going after the "if you respond to this fashion, this is your character" which has some merit no matter how much I dislike it.


Feb 20, 2019
Every fighting game has at least 1-2 not so great designed characters.
That's why skins/costumes exist.
But generalizing it like you've done is bullshit in my opinion.

Tekken has awesome characters design.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Nothing beats the pain of cowboy pants Hwoarang

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
The harsh reality is that Namco's designs have been mediocre to utter garbage barring a few commendable exceptions. Soulcalibur in particular has been a continuous source of embarrassment.


Oct 30, 2017
Tekken 4 was the epitome of elegance in terms of character design
Also the last time Tekken redesigned its system.

It has become more and more bloated with every new iteration ever since.

Tekken 4 design-wise is my favorite entry BY FAR. Paul looked so fucking dope. They turned him into a goofball afterwards. :(
Tekken 5 is the best gameplay-wise. It went downhill from there.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, they're terrible, I didn't like pretty much every new redesign introduced in T7. Doesn't help that the customization is similarly shitty. At least the actual game is great, but I'm hoping for a more toned-down T8 sometime during next-gen.


Jun 14, 2018
T7 gave us Streamer Julia and Struggle Cop Lei, so that's a win. And Leroy is cool as fuck. But yeah, most of the new designs are super trash. Too much tribal motif for a game not set in 1993



Sea lion

Sea lion

Nov 8, 2017
T7 gave us Streamer Julia and Struggle Cop Lei, so that's a win. And Leroy is cool as fuck. But yeah, most of the new designs are super trash. Too much tribal motif for a game not set in 1993



These are nice and simple, looks like what real people would wear, and somewhat practical. Don't know what they were thinking with the rest of the cast. So strange.


Jun 7, 2019
I personally would say most characters got a great new costume. There are only certain characters with questionable worse new outfits or redesigns.
As long as there are a lot of options I don't really care if the 1st costume sucks.

But there's always a lot of alternative outfits you can select or even create your own. In my opinion this is actually one of the strengths of T7.

This is not like SF V or other fighting games that only have a very limited amount of costumes to select unless you own the complete edition or willing to pay for alternatives or get lucky and they're unlockable via challanges.


Jan 14, 2019
Heihachi looks like he's going through an end-life crisis. A century-year old man has no business dressing like he does in T7.

Anyway they need to bring back long-hair King from T4. Easily his best design. Tekken 4 had the best character designs overall



Oct 25, 2017
Jin got done dirty in his storyline by T6, and in his outfit by T7. They need to leave my dude alone.

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
It feels like the artists that constantly tried to ruin Soul Calibur for years were moved over to Tekken exclusively this gen.

Josie Rizal has a great design though. Lei's new look is pretty cool too.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Tribal tats have been a Tekken thing for as long as I can remember

I guess I can remember further back, because they were not a thing until Tekken 3. Even then, I don't thing anyone but Jin had one, and the PSX opening implies it's not a tattoo but a burn scar Devil gives Jin.

Back on topic, Tekken's designs have been pretty uninspired and terrible for quite a long time. 2 and 3 are more the exceptions than the rule, even Tekken 1 had horrendous designs.


Jul 8, 2019
The series peaked at number 3. With the second one being the runner up.
The new ones look really weird

In terms of design, I agree. Tekken 3 was peak martial artist get-up aesthetic, simple but some bold colours. Tekken 4 started going down more of a Western punky, tattooed look which I didn't like as much and then it got worse from there.

EDIT: Leroy is a great new design which also happens to be quite unique at the same time, which is some feat.


Oct 25, 2017
I despise how Anna and Nina look in this game. Trash.

Lili's outfit is just a version of her Tekken 5 DR/6 default.

Jin's arm armour is disgusting.

King is yet to top his Tekken 4 look.

Julia's activist tech girl aesthetic is nice but the zipper vest gotta go.

Yoshimitsu makes his Tekken 4 ugly bug look seem like a 10/10 in comparison.

Hworang has already been dragged. And rightly so, he has the worst costume in the game.

Kazuya, Feng Wei, Law, Alisa, Lee and Xiaoyu received the best designs in the game.


Oct 28, 2017
They seem to be following the Capcom style of making very "busy" looking characters. Fahkumram is cool but I would have preferred his design much more if they made it less "edgy" and full of all kinds of shit, to be honest. Then there's Hwoarang, whose design is just absolutely awful. But some characters, like Armor King, were redesigned quite well.
Oct 25, 2017
They seem to be following the Capcom style of making very "busy" looking characters. Fahkumram is cool but I would have preferred his design much more if they made it less "edgy" and full of all kinds of shit, to be honest. Then there's Hwoarang, whose design is just absolutely awful. But some characters, like Armor King, were redesigned quite well.
Que? Apart from Necalli, none of the new characters in SFV are remotely busy. Even the return redesigns are often less gaudy and ridiculous than they were previously.

I mean, I can't even fathom what Namco would have turned out given the design brief for characters like Menat, Kolin and Zeku, but I know it wouldn't have been anything as graceful as the SFV designs.

Capcom in general don't really tend to do designs as busy as tekken, even in their gaudiest form at DMC and MH.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
They seem to be following the Capcom style of making very "busy" looking characters. Fahkumram is cool but I would have preferred his design much more if they made it less "edgy" and full of all kinds of shit, to be honest. Then there's Hwoarang, whose design is just absolutely awful. But some characters, like Armor King, were redesigned quite well.
I need to see some receipts on that, because "busy" is not a term i would use for SFV's new characters, except for Necalli and Abigail.