
Aug 1, 2018
Can any Texans explain why he keeps getting voted in? He seems stupid even by republican standards, and frankly useless; all he does is grandstand in some new way a few times a year.

Does he actually get legislation for his state passed that outsiders wouldn't really know about?

As a Texan, he has an R next to his name. I've only met one person who has legitimately admitted to liking Ted Cruz.

Fuck Ted Cruz.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
As a Texan, yes. Yes he is.

Yup yup. I got my first and only ban for joking about his voicemail being full of... something. I bet that wouldnt happen now...

Hate him more than anyone, because he knows what he's doing. Honestly, if he runs in 2024, we might have decently smart evil instead of the idiot evil we have now.

He's not dumb, just an asshole who will do anything for power.


Oct 24, 2017
The thing that really has me puzzled with the likes of Cruz and Hawley is that even if I throw away any conception of what's right and wrong and say "only the politics matters" I still feel like what they tried to do is a gross miscalculation. Like, I get it. You've got this Trump base that if you stand against him you'll be hated and if you fight for him they'll love you. You'd like to court that vote. I understand the political calculation of "going along" with some of this stuff.

But to stand up front and center and just directly hitch your wagon to his star strikes me as foolish. If there was some play where you could take one last meaningless stand, be able to say to the Trump people that you fought as hard as you could, went down swinging, and that was that I'd get it. But, like, this wasn't going to end with "I tried to get an audit but it's over now." Trump was always going to continue to fight on with increasingly more ludicrous loyalty tests. And even if you pass them now you're playing with fire trusting that he will pay you back. His base would be loyal to him. Do one thing that pisses him off and there'll be a knife in your back instantaneously.

Any notion of bending the knee now so that he'll anoint you as a chosen successor is moronic. And Cruz especially knows what kind of character Trump is. Even as a shameless political ploy I continue to be puzzled by the recklessness of this.
It is also entirely pointless if Trump endorses another candidate, another Trump runs, or god forbid Trump himself runs again.

Then it will all have been for nothing.


Jun 12, 2018


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
At least this time he didn't try to run to Mexico when there was a tragedy he could help fix. So hooray for Mexico I guess?


Oct 28, 2017
Our little green eggs and fash still thinking he has any right to say anything after what he pulled off a month ago. Cute.


Oct 27, 2017
Highlands, Scotland
That's the face of a man who regrets shooting JFK.
For a second I thought it was Ted's wife that Trump told me about!