
One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
I don't mind if they end it at 60.

I'd rather they end it on high note rather than burn themselves out.

Too many of my favourite content creators had their stuff stagnate over time.

I want them to make these videos because they have the drive in them to make them, not because the fans keep nagging them.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
I'll admit I would be sad if it ending at Cell. Just because I want to see their versions of Maijin Vegeta V Goku and Vegeta's Sacrifice.

But if after Cell they are done, I will still love and respect them for all they did.

Gotta admit though I have always sort of wondered what KaizerNeko's season 1 redo would have been like.


Feb 4, 2018
I'll admit I would be sad if it ending at Cell. Just because I want to see their versions of Maijin Vegeta V Goku and Vegeta's Sacrifice.

But if after Cell they are done, I will still love and respect them for all they did.

Gotta admit though I have always sort of wondered what KaizerNeko's season 1 redo would have been like.

We could still possibly get a season 1 redo even if the Buu Saga was passed on. The issue of time commitment is a major one for the Buu Saga. But a redo of Season 1 wouldn't be long, especially if they kept it to the original ten episodes.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Did they get hit with a cease and desist or something?
No, they've been transitioning to more legit businesses lately. They've got an actual dub they're working on, among other things, so they probably don't have the time to keep it going through another long season.


Oct 25, 2017
That statement isn't telling me anything I didn't already know. It's been kind of obvious that all the things they've been doing recently [the increased focus on their Twitch content, FourStarBento, FF7MA (which, love it or hate it, at least gets support from the original rights holders unlike DBZA), the Hells dub, that AWF thing they teased during the anniversary stream, etc.] have essentially been them preparing a safety net for if/when they end DBZA, but they've been hesitant to say with 100% certainty that Ep. 60 will be the end because they want to make sure they can survive without it. Last thing they'd want to do is something like Channel Awesome where they killed The Nostalgia Critic suddenly and ended up nearly tanking their business because what they made to replace it just didn't draw enough of an audience to keep it going.

Still, the feeling in the air is definitely that DBZA is winding down, though even if they don't do Buu I could definitely see them keeping DBZA alive with the remaining movies and some original skits, since those wouldn't have the expectation of a semi-regular release schedule like the main series and could therefore be worked on at a more leisurely pace as a side project to their other ventures.

for example, when was last time little kurbioh was funny?

YGOTAS fell off hard around Battle City Top 8 & Virtual World, but it seems to have picked back up with the Doma arc.


Oct 25, 2017
That statement isn't telling me anything I didn't already know. It's been kind of obvious that all the things they've been doing recently [the increased focus on their Twitch content, FourStarBento, FF7MA (which, love it or hate it, at least gets support from the original rights holders unlike DBZA),

Wait, SquareEnix has supported FF7MA?


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, SquareEnix has supported FF7MA?

Apparently they worked out a deal to sell that album of FF7 remixes they did for the show with Square Enix getting a cut of the profits in return. Not exactly a wellspring of support, but it's still a hell of a lot better then what they've gotten from Toei.


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently they worked out a deal to sell that album of FF7 remixes they did for the show with Square Enix getting a cut of the profits in return. Not exactly a wellspring of support, but it's still a hell of a lot better then what they've gotten from Toei.
Toei would probably throw them out of the building for even attempting such a thing

I guess Square thinks it's for the better since it's basically free marketing especially when they have a remake coming or they just don't care


Oct 25, 2017
Toei would probably throw them out of the building for even attempting such a thing

I guess Square thinks it's for the better since it's basically free marketing especially when they have a remake coming or they just don't care

I imagine it's also because FF7MA falls into the same realm as LPs, where it's not a real replacement for playing the game and therefore is judged a lot less harshly by rightsholders.

I can't believe it's not a dp and raw kind



Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna lie, I had a dream last night that just uploaded it with no warning whatsoever.

I am kinda annoyed at them uploading it in parts though.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be nice to get all of episode 60 at once, but it sounds like each part is roughly 30 minutes, twice as long as the standard DBZA episode up to this point. Plus, they'll be releasing on consecutive fridays (premiered on the stream four star twitch channel, then going up on youtube), so there's not too much of a wait between episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be nice to get all of episode 60 at once, but it sounds like each part is roughly 30 minutes, twice as long as the standard DBZA episode up to this point. Plus, they'll be releasing on consecutive fridays (premiered on the stream four star twitch channel, then going up on youtube), so there's not too much of a wait between episodes.
Wow it's gonna be released with more than a weeks wait between each? Christ I was thinking a day or two. That's bullshit.


Feb 4, 2018
Wow it's gonna be released with more than a weeks wait between each? Christ I was thinking a day or two. That's bullshit.

That's a more than reasonable gap given the size. If you want to wait a day or two between releases, they'd have to release it like two weeks later than we'd get like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking about it, they do have a lot to cover for this Finale, so I dunno if I can be annoyed by that wait inbetween.


Oct 25, 2017
uhh..what? How does that make sense
I think he means...

It's going to go New Episode -> one week wait -> New Episode -> one week wait -> New Episode.

If you want the episodes all at once, you can't really make TFS finish them faster, all you can do is get them to delay the first two episodes by one or two weeks. That'd be the only real way to bunch up the episodes. Assuming TFS is actually working frantically on the new episodes right up until the day of their release, which I expect they probably are.


Oct 25, 2017
That fucking Gohan monologue in the preview clip, Jesus H. Christ! Shit sent chills down my spine. Just amazing how good they've gotten at delivering the dramatic moments like that.


Feb 4, 2018
According to the May update video they only started editing a month or two ago. It was scripting + focusing on other projects that delayed this episode.

Yeah, they're starting to take off as a company that does professional voice acting, and that kept them a smidge busy. They had their first ever dub to work on with Hells. Plus, at least some of the delay was them wanting to make episode 60 their best episode ever due to the possibility of it being their last if they do decide to call it at Cell (nothing decided there yet).


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's some crazy mental hoops
I don't see how you're seeing mental hoops.

TFS is crazy slow with DBZA, and they're getting slower all the time. Or maybe it just feels that way. I totally get your pain, because I feel it too.

But the average episode of DBZA is 10-15 minutes long, and "episode 60" is apparently going to be three 30-minute long episodes. That's crazy huge. I think TFS's longest abridged DBZ movie was only 30 minutes long, and this "episode" is going to be three times that big.

If the first part of this party hits at the beginning of July (just pulling that date out of my ass, to use as an example), and the last part comes in at the end of July (still just my ass), that's probably because they're still working on the later parts of it, and probably not because they're deliberately dragging things out to make us suffer (although strategically, I can see how once-a-week-for-three-weeks is better for sustaining hype than three-days-and-gone). If you want "episode 60" all at once, as one 90-minute mega-episode (which I don't disagree with, that might be interesting), that sort of thing couldn't possibly come out at the beginning of July, it would have to come out at the end of July, because it's apparently not finished in it's entirety. TFS is presumably going to be working on the final episode of this special (and maybe the entire series) right up until it comes out.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait....the next episode is THREE. HOURS. LONG.?! Holeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey shite.

This almost makes me give them a pass for taking forever to come out with it.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with the wait, I would have liked it sooner, but what can you do.