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Oct 25, 2017
Gonna try my best to honest, respectful and fair when talking about this subject, mainly by not naming names. This is something that's always bothered me, especially during E3, but it's better to talk about it now that we're further removed from it.

Some people have a particular affinity for certain systems, whether it's because it's the company they grew up with, maybe the only system they could afford or maybe they just like them that much.

It get it. It's nice to cheer for your pick, see them succeed, congratulate each milestone, dispel negative narratives. Basically, let people celebrate what they like and have fun. This is not a "no fun allowed" suggestion.

With that said, some of you take it a BIT far.

This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.

No one enjoys watching something they like get bashed, I get it, but maybe, don't take it so personally. I think it's fair to say some people are trolling and trying to get a rise out of fans, but when there are legit instances of someone going "it'd be nice if X got more games" followed by someone else going "can you guys take this negativity out of this thread", you're too attached.

Can we honestly talk about though? I know it's obvious who I'm talking about, but they're the group of the moment, this happens every single gen. And in general, I just want know what that's about? Has this always been a thing?


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I feel really bad for people who have such low self esteem that they affix themselves to bought products.

I wouldn't know. I bought a Switch.
Oct 26, 2017
This topic is very hard to navigate because the line between "reasonable critique" and "hyperbole" is different for everyone and I assue you nobody is going to be correct on where that line is


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah enthusiast favoritism is fucking garbage and one of the reasons while I'll never take the arguments of pro consumerism from this audience seriously at all
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's strongest in people without accomplishments


Are people aware of when they do it at least?

I definitely took negative Breath of the Wild threads too personally. That wasn't a game that needed further validation.

OP doesn't like the switch I guess? it's okay, bro
It's the only modern system I own at the moment and I play and enjoy it a lot.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 22, 2018
If anything I think Era is too anti-fanboy and anti-warrior. In my experience there are WAY more comments and threads that are against these people. I find callouts and quoting them every time they defend their favorite company to be way more annoying and derailing. No offense to OP.

I would rather ignore one person being blindly positive than a dozen people calling them out for it. We get it, youre proud to be multiplatform. People who are not have valid opinions and preferences.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont spend enough time here to know who you do mean, so maybe im completely off base here, but why should it be any different than rooting for a favorite sports team? I frequently see people claim gamers win when everyone does well, but you would rarely see sports fans say that sort of thing. Packers fans wanna see the Packers win more than they wanna see a great football game.
Oct 25, 2017
I dont spend enough time here to know who you do mean, so maybe im completely off base here, but why should it be any different than rooting for a favorite sports team? I frequently see people claim gamers win when everyone does well, but you would rarely see sports fans say that sort of thing. Packers fans wanna see the Packers win more than they wanna see a great football game.
I'm not criticizing the base concept of rooting for a team or company, I'm talking about the people that take too far by lashing out at people not as positive as them. I did distinguish that, right?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yes it's always been like this, all corners have people like this, but Nintendo fans (assuming that's who we're talking about since it's what immediately came to mind after reading the title lmao) have largely and consistently been like this since I started interacting with other people online.

It can get really frustrating because I'm a huge fan myself but geez, some guys need to chill. I mean, I think it's fine and natural that some younger folks might act like this (teen years are all about seeking your own identity, etc) but I've seen guys my age act the same and goddamn.
OP doesn't like the switch I guess? it's okay, bro
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Oct 26, 2017
I think something that gets lost on people is that it's good to be critical of all platforms, those you have an affinity for and those that you don't.

Just looking at the console market, there's three main players, and they are all forced to improve by competing with each other. All of the big three have shat the bed to varying degrees at different times, and it's the threat of their competition absorbing market share that forces them to turn things around. It's no coincidence that a period of being out of touch and arrogant is usually followed by a fall from grace and then a redemption.

I want all platforms to be strong and unique, and I want to be critical of these companies when they are failing their users in any regard, my affinity for any of them isn't a factor in this. I don't think uncritical fanboying does any good for anyone.

Edit: the opposite is true too. You don't have to own or be interested in owning a platform to commend the good things they do. Good decisions are good decisions, even if a platform as a whole isn't appealing to you.
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with your sentiment, but if you're gonna call people out, you might as well call them out and not be vague, otherwise people are gonna jump all over you...well I guess they would regardless, so there is no right answer. I guess I just like people being upfront about who they're talking about.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes it's always been like this, all corners have people like this, but Nintendo fans (assuming that's who we're talking about since it's what immediately came to mind after reading the title lmao) have largely and consistently been like this since I started interacting with other people online.

It can get really frustrating because I'm a huge fan myself but geez, some guys need to chill. I think it's fine and natural that some younger folks might act like this (teen years are all about seeking your own identity, etc) but I've seen guys my age act the same and goddamn.


You must be blind then if you think that only Nintendo fans are like that. Xbox and PS fans are fighting since past generation and measuring their dick online in different ways be it in sales, exclusives, features and whatever more. The fact that every day there's people being warned or banned here because of it tells everything that needs to be said about the subject.

And of course, this will never change. It happens for more than 30 years already.


Dec 7, 2017
It's been like this since before the internet was even a thing though. I remember standing around in EB back in the day listening to these two dudes argue about Nintendo and Sega. I was amused, but baffled by it then and I am less amused but equally baffled by it now.


Oct 25, 2017
Being a massive Shenmue fan. Upped my pledge, have 2 related tattoos, have the HD versions preordered 3 times and play every few months, the more news about these HD remasters coming, the more Shenmue fanboys are annoying me. I am as excited as anybody and will defend the game where necessary, however how lots of fans blatantly disregard any bad news as "oh well we getting them" and call anyone who is displeased "haters" has me all sorts of upset. My trip over to Shenmuedojo confirmed my fears that Shenmue fans are typical elitist fanboys and it kills me. I was sure before all this happened it was not like this.

Why can fans not criticize something? Why do they feel the need to defend to the death?


Whew....thanks OP perfect timing to get off my chest!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Heaven forbid you say something bad about a critically acclaimed game on the Internet, holy mother of god

"It's just a game" is writing off the issue, I love video games to death. I can't imagine not being passionate about games. But yes, I completely agree with you, OP. It's like some people take personal offense when I say God of War 2018 has the worst combat and camera angles in the series.


Oct 27, 2017
The Sony and Nintendo threads are definitely a bit much lately.

... I don't see enough Microsoft ones to compare :/


Oct 25, 2017
Were you the guy who wanted to do the Goku coming to Smash avy bet that got closed? Is that what spurred this?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You must be blind then if you think that only Nintendo fans are like that. Xbox and PS fans are fighting since past generation and measuring their dick online in different ways be it in sales, exclusives, features and whatever more. The fact that every day there's people being warned or banned here because of it tells everything that needs to be said about the subject.

And of course, this will never change. It happens for more than 30 years already.
I do mention that all sides have their "overly enthusiastic" fans, but I'm talking from personal experience as a guy who consumes stuff from Nintendo and Sony, and I think the fact that OP was vague about who we're talking about and everyone still reached the same conclusion paints a pretty telling picture.


Oct 27, 2017
Let people enjoy what they want. If it's not for you then all I can say is I hope you find something you enjoy, but this type of fandom exists for all companies in the gaming industry.

One thing I don't get, is why does it matter if some fans are super passionate about X company? Why does that make others mad? Like if someone is super excited about a Platform I'm not into I either ignore it, avoid it, or look into it to see what all the excitement is about. No reason to get upset that others are super excited about any of the platforms, whether it's one I own or not.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like it when it gets personal. Why do they need to attack people or threaten them? Do they have that much free time?


Oct 25, 2017
I do mention that all sides have their "overly enthusiastic" fans, but I'm talking from personal experience as a guy who consumes stuff from Nintendo and Sony, and I think the fact that OP was vague about who we're talking about and everyone still reached the same conclusion paints a pretty telling picture.

OP wasn't really that vague tbh. It was pretty obvious due to that last paragraph.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I do mention that all sides have their "overly enthusiastic" fans, but I'm talking from personal experience as a guy who consumes stuff from Nintendo and Sony, and I think the fact that OP was vague about who we're talking about and everyone still reached the same conclusion paints a pretty telling picture.

I really don't think that this was vague in any way, even more because Resetera is a Sony-centric forum with the other side being Nintendo-centric (and Xbox being less so) so it's obvious who it was if you think about it. It's even more obvious with the text in there. lol

And rereading your post about the title, I think that it refers to any of the three as well.


Oct 25, 2017
The Sony and Nintendo threads are definitely a bit much lately.

... I don't see enough Microsoft ones to compare :/
which bums be out. MS is doing well (or well enough in the states at least), but I feel like the don't as much of a presence in the market this Gen. Nothing give the One it's own identity. For most of the gen it has been the "Lesser Playstation", with a lack of really compelling exclusives to make it stand out from the PS4's shadow.

I know it's doing OK, but i wish it were doing a bit better.
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't think that this was vague in any way, even more because Resetera is a Sony-centric forum with the other side being Nintendo-centric (and Xbox being less so) so it's obvious who it was if you think about it. It's even more obvious with the text in there. lol

And rereading your post about the title, I think that it refers to any of the three as well.

For me it could either be Nintendo or Sony, but I'm going with Nintendo just because of the influx of said threads regarding the system and its games. I just don't understand why the OP can't just say who it is.
Oct 25, 2017
I want to hear you say who you're talking about since its so obvious.
Nintendo fans.

But let's not pretend the Uncharted 3 review thread didn't happen on the old site. This is an every system problem, but on here, at this time, one group stands out above the rest for this, to me at least.

(Instantly regretted typing this, but I'll stand by it).
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I just don't understand why the OP can't just say who it is.
Who gives a shit?

Sorry to be blunt, but really, the theme of "don't talk shit about my favourite video game or I'll call you a troll" mentality is a problem not exclusive to the game industry, but quite prevalent in the game industry. Doesn't matter if it's Sony, Nintendo or the green one.

Nintendo fans.

But let's not pretend the Uncharted 3 review thread didn't happen on the old site. This is an every system problem, but on here, at this time, one group stands out above the rest for this, to me at least.

Well, there you go.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it could either be Nintendo or Sony, but I'm going with Nintendo just because of the influx of said threads regarding the system and its games. I just don't understand why the OP can't just say who it is.

It's his way of pretending to be subtle I think. Maybe he thinks people will be less defensive since the thread and OP forges neutrality. Though I think he sunk that with his last paragraph. It became super obvious who was talking about there
Oct 25, 2017
For me it could either be Nintendo or Sony, but I'm going with Nintendo just because of the influx of said threads regarding the system and its games. I just don't understand why the OP can't just say who it is.
Because people feel attacked when you specify these kinds of criticisms, but since some of you asked for it, I posted. Doesn't change a thing.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo fans.

But let's not pretend the Uncharted 3 review thread didn't happen on the old site. This is an every system problem, but on here, at this time, one group stands out above the rest for this, to me at least.
The Switch is also heavily bashed, so I guess people make threads to even things out.

Still it's really not a bad thing to create a positive thread about the lineup of a console. Not everyone here knows about every single game releasing and it's nice to discover games this way. Why this bothers you (or anyone) and why this is considered 'taking it too far' is really confusing to me.
Oct 25, 2017
I instantly regret elaborating, but oh well.

The Switch is also heavily bashed, so I guess people make threads to even things out.

Still it's really not a bad thing to create a positive thread about the lineup of a console. Not everyone here knows about every single game releasing and it's nice to discover games this way. Why this bothers you (or anyone) and why this is considered 'taking it too far' is really confusing to me.
Um ...

"This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.

No one enjoys watching something they like get bashed, I get it, but maybe, don't take it so personally. I think it's fair to say some people are trolling and trying to get a rise out of fans, but when there are legit instances of someone going "it'd be nice if X got more games" followed by someone else going "can you guys take this negativity out of this thread", you're too attached."

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I instantly regret elaborating, but oh well.

Um ...

"This entails, multiple, redundant threads validating of your system. Which that in of itself isn't that bad, but in addition to that there's, lashing out at people that don't feel as passionately about the system, asking people to leave threads because they're not as positive as you are, accusing people of being "doom and gloom" about a system at the slightest criticism, insisting reviewers have it out for your system (and all other review thread paranoias for that matter), the general mindset that people hate on your system for shits and giggles.

No one enjoys watching something they like get bashed, I get it, but maybe, don't take it so personally. I think it's fair to say some people are trolling and trying to get a rise out of fans, but when there are legit instances of someone going "it'd be nice if X got more games" followed by someone else going "can you guys take this negativity out of this thread", you're too attached."
Yeah, that doesn't make it sound like the 'multiple redundant' threads are a good thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the feeling OP since I just commented on this in that switch thread a couple of hours ago. The constant need to tell everyone how awesome switch is or how much it's killing it at some moment in time is grating to me and a lot of other people. But the common misconception is that I'm not aware that all fanboys are like that, which I am definitely aware of. I just don't see as many of those kinds of threads popping up over the past 2 years for the other systems (nor do I want to for the love of all that is holy). I can't tell you an exact number since I'm going off what I've seen and can remember and I definitely have better things to do tonight than searching the archives and actually counting all of the threads for each system but it's the general vibe many have picked up.

At least the constant port begging has sort of slowed down somewhat. So progress is being made.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anything can be done to change that facet of fandom. All you can really do is leave people in their echo chamber and instead have a discussion with people who are willing.

If only I could count how many times I internally think "oh for fuck's sake" or "oh come the fuck on" while skimming through this forum.
It is what it is.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Tribalism is ingrained in human nature.
As long as you enjoy what you enjoy, and others enjoy what they enjoy, I see no reason for either party to be personally offended.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to video games forum. It's best to not engage with them.

Though what I find pathetic is when such people enter threads of a platform that they have no interest in (or don't own), only to spout bullshit and misinformation.
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