Annoying Old Party Man

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
So, let me get this straight:

- Nintendo will charge you 20 dollars/euros per year for access to online features
- Probably the biggest selling point in this offer is the available library of NES titles (with added online functions)
- There will be more titles added to the service every month
- You will still have access to every title previously released
- You will need to be online to access those titles
- Super Nintendo titles are kind of confirmed, though it makes sense for Nintendo avoid talking about it until they're done with NES.

So, isn't this the kind of Netflix service we have been asking from Nintendo ever since we started discussing about how the VC will evolve? Yes, the service looks unappealing right now, especially for people (like me) that don't really care about NES titles. But:

- It's really cheap: In 6 months from now there's probably going to be around 50 NES titles available. Now think of what we had to pay last gen for NES games... plus we're talking about a full online service, not only the "Nesflix"

- Super Nintendo is coming: Nintendo will run out of NES games sooner rather than later. At that point there is a sure bet that Super Nes is going to join the service. Though it's too early to talk about other systems, I would imagine that we will be talking about them further down the road - if not too late in the system's late.

- Having "vintage" titles in a handheld is always awesome: There's something about playing these games in a handheld that makes it more satisfying than playing on TV. Maybe it's the smaller screen but it feels good to play 8-bit/ 16-bit games in the loo.

So it seems to me that Nintendo is essentially soft launching its "Nintendflix" service. It remains to be seen when Super Nintendo will launch (I would assume in a year from now, with an official announcement at next E3's Direct) and if Nintendo will experiment with different pricing tiers. I can't imagine they keep the 20 dollars per year when they add new systems to the mix...

What say you ERA?

- EDIT -

To the people that have started making direct comparisons to Netflix, of course we're not talking about the same thing, but the format to which Virtual Console should evolve to - from buying titles separately for an absurd amount of money (never forget the 5 dollars for a single NES game) to paying a monthly/yearly sub to constantly access a large pool of games.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I think all those threads about the Nintendo Online service are making my head hurt. It's that bad.

Those are still NES games. You are paying for them in the $20 subscription. The same everyone is paying for current generation games in their $60 for PSN, Live or Humble Bundle.

Super Nintendo MIGHT be coming. I still remember people saying VC (with GC no less) was coming to the Switch and that's still MIA.

And playing older games on a handheld, we are doing this for 10 years on the PSP. At least.

They still have a long, long, long way to go to even be close to be considered as a Netflix for gaming.


Oct 25, 2017

I Agree with you but ...

- Super Nintendo is coming: Nintendo will run out of NES games sooner rather than later. At that point there is a sure bet that Super Nes is going to join the service. Though it's too early to talk about other systems, I would imagine that we will be talking about them further down the road - if not too late in the system's late.

I think SNES and more (specially gb/gbc/gba) IS coming, but "will run out of nes games sooner rather than later" at this pace is a BAD argument to make

"there is a datamined snes controller" bad

Like they are releasing 3 games per month with 1 first party and 2 third parties. At this rate it will take 3 years for the first party to stop.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems natural that they would start adding indie titles and other classic plattforms over time.
There is def. alot of potential here.


Oct 25, 2017
I see the potential but as of now and the immediate future it's a Netflix of NES games which is honestly not super appealing to me.

We'll see what they do with it in the future though.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
It's going to need to go beyond NES to be anything special for me. I'm not really looking forward to playing NES games.


Oct 25, 2017
No. Netflix gets you the latest series and movies including some exclusive content.

Nintendo gives you some 30 year old NES games, which are worthless save for a few exceptions.

I gladly pay for Netflix. I'll only pay for Switch Online because they are forcing me to do it by locking basic functionality behind it for no good reason.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I consider myself to be more of a casual gamer. I don't pay for PSN because it doesn't offer me things I really care about or think are worth $60 a year.

Nintendo's online service, however, nails what I care about for a good price. Cloud saves and online access to new games are fine and all, but I'm very excited about playing some of my favorite games from my childhood with friends out of town. I have no doubt that SNES games will be added in the future, probably with a price hike, and I'm cool with that too.

If one is the type of gamer who cares more about new experiences, maybe the service isn't as enticing. But as far as my tastes go, $20 feels like a steal.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Although I believe SNES, Gameboy, and N64 will come eventually (though you're not going to be paying only $20 for these), the idea that Nintendo is going to run out of NES games to add to the service anytime soon is laughable.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh boy, can't wait to play games over a decade older than me with the drip feed in tact! No need for Gamecube, GBA, DS, or Wii games.


May 2, 2018
Nintendo's online still doesn't compare to the standard set by Xbox Live in 2002/2003. Forgive me OP, but I have no faith in Nintendo getting this right or even coming close to a competent online and/or netflix style service within the next 3-5 years.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's such an amazing offer Nintendo should not lock the online owing behind it, the Netflix of gaming should practically all itself.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe down the line. As it stands, the games revealed so far are (for me) pretty underwhelming. Throw N64+Gamecube there and you have my attention.

I'm gonna begrudignly give it a shot cause I wanna play Splat 2 and stuff online, but everything about the service so far has ranged from meh (retro games list) to awful (doubling down on phone app voice chat). Only saving grace is literally the price.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
- Super Nintendo is coming: Nintendo will run out of NES games sooner rather than later. At that point there is a sure bet that Super Nes is going to join the service. Though it's too early to talk about other systems, I would imagine that we will be talking about them further down the road - if not too late in the system's late.

Put me on the side of "I don't think we're ever getting SNES games."

I suspect Nintendo considers them too valuable to give away for free. Some panicked exec is worried that kids might buy fewer "real" games (like NSMBU and the upcoming inevitable 2D Zelda) if they can play Mario World and ALttP for free instead, so they'll delay it forever.

I hope I'm wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft game pass is better. These are Nes (and possibly snes) games. Yeah I played them in the past and I still play some now but adding online play doesn't suddenly make them revolutionary to go gaga over. These are 30 year old games, and truth be told, most of the Nes catalogue suuuuuuucked. People have nostalgia for a handful of games.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, call me when there's more then NES games and you might be able to compare this barebones service to the Netflix king.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
We have no idea until we know what their content rollout plans are.

That being said, we have no reason to be optimistic imo. 20 NES games off the bat, then three per month? They could easily sustain that for like two years without every needed to move up to SNES games.
Annoying Old Party Man

Annoying Old Party Man

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Although I believe SNES, Gameboy, and N64 will come eventually (though you're not going to be paying only $20 for these), the idea that Nintendo is going to run out of NES games to add to the service anytime soon is laughable.

How long do you think that Nintendo will be able to keep the momentum just on NES titles alone? Also, how many appealing NES titles are out there? Are there more than 30-50 games worth adding to their service?


Oct 25, 2017
I have minimal faith in Nintendo to offer a competent online service.

How long do you think that Nintendo will be able to keep the momentum just on NES titles alone? Also, how many appealing NES titles are out there? Are there more than 30-50 games worth adding to their service?

Longer than it takes for people to get bored of the service. 3 NES Games a month is pretty mediocre compared to the likes of Xbox/PS which offer an equivalent number of current gen games. The cost is way lower, but as I stated above, I think Nintendos online service itself is going to be a step down from what people have come to expect from the likes of PSN and XBL.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Netflix's streaming service didn't always have the latest and greatest. They built up to that.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess if you like NES games but I think 90 percent of those games suck so I have no interest in playing them when I can be playing newer games. My value is time and I see no reason for playing Soccer when I could be playing Dead Cells.

Deleted member 274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Gamepass is much closer to Netflix, not that unecessary barebones trash Nintendo is charging for.


May 28, 2018
Like others have said, it's not. Netflix hosts a huge amount of content to stream. Like more then you can humanly consume plus they have like 30+ completely original and new shows that show where the future of video media is going.

Nintendo online is just....old stuff that doesn't cost a lot to host. With potential of giving you less older stuff but still really old stuff in about a years time.

Gamepass is more like what you are describing.


Oct 27, 2017
You're putting a lot of faith in Nintendo actually putting some effort into the Virtual Console on Switch.

Right now it's beyond lacklustre, and they really have no motivation to change that, because people are subbing to Online to play Smash and that's pretty much it.