
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like this tribe is just going to get chewed threw by Rob. He says everyone dump their bags and they just do it? lol

Deleted member 864

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Two of my favorites already gone and Ben is still there?

Ugh...just ugh. At least Denise had a pretty good episode.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
I feel like this tribe is just going to get chewed threw by Rob. He says everyone dump their bags and they just do it? lol
I honestly wouldn't mind it if we just had Sele lose every week until it gets down to Rob and Denise. Denise gets to survive another tribe self-implosion while we just spend time watching the other tribe marvel at Tony's wacky antics of building bamboo ladders and catching fish.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON

Sandra (immunity idol w/ limited shelf life)
Jeremy ("get out of tribal free" card)
Denise+Adam (split immunity idol)
Kim+Sophie (split immunity idol)

FIRE TOKEN TRACKER (after 2 episodes)

Denise = 2
Natalie (on EOE) = 2
Rob = 2

Amber (on EOE) = 0
Danni (on EOE) = 0
Sandra = 0

Everyone else has 1.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm very happy it was Danni went, she was maybe the only person who seemed out of the depth so far.

(I'm not sure how or why Danni got the invite over someone like Tina or Vecepia - whose entire mystic was she claimed she hid her game from the viewers and producers... which well as viewers isn't very enticing.)


Oct 25, 2017
I'm very happy it was Danni went, she was maybe the only person who seemed out of the depth so far.

(I'm not sure how or why Danni got the invite over someone like Tina or Vecepia - whose entire mystic was she claimed she hid her game from the viewers and producers... which well as viewers isn't very enticing.)

jeff likes to believe that vecepia does not exist 🙁


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Fun episode. I can't figure out a way to arrange these random thoughts into coherent paragraphs, so I am just going to number them.

1. The ladder scene was absolutely hilarious and is the sort of moment I miss in modern Survivor. When they leaned it against the tree and it was twisting and buckling and stuff, I was totally ready for Tony to make a joke about climbing it and that's it. And then for him to actually do it... And somehow be SUCCESSFUL in getting fruit? Is ridiculous. Such a great scene.

2. Sophie is attempting to go from being one of the most under-edited winners ever to one of the most obvious winners ever. Let's see if she can pull it off.

3. Edge of Extinction stuff was incredibly, incredibly boring, and it was lame that Natalie just bungled her way into finding the clue.

4. Really digging this Adam/Denise alliance more and the way they're navigating the other groups in the tribe. Denise palming the idol during the bag search was really slick. Her suggestion to bring in Parvati was less slick, but luckily Adam was there. They seem like they balance each other well.

5. Super disappointed in how Danni played this season. I never really bought into her hype going into this season, but I was hoping she'd put in the kind of run that would re-contextualize how we view her victory. Her instincts were so off in this season, it's making me wonder how she even got to the end to begin with. Very frustrating. Ethan kinda bungled it too, but Danni had two shots at righting the ship and managed to annoy both sides.

6. Parvati and Rob did kinda blow it with Danni, though. Even though it actually was paranoia on her part, they did a terrible job in keeping her in the loop. Surprisingly clumsy play from these veterans.

7. Jeremy looking super pensive during Tribal tonight. Every time they flashed to him, it looked like he was contemplating getting up and walking out of there.

Judging by the preview, I am totally looking forward to another week of "The Amazing Adventures of Tony Vlachos." Can't wait.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
7. Jeremy looking super pensive during Tribal tonight. Every time they flashed to him, it looked like he was contemplating getting up and walking out of there.
Something feels off about Jeremy this season. I can't really put my finger on it but it's a vibe I've had since his pre-game interview with ET Canada. He kind of feels like he's sleepwalking or going through the motions as opposed to being firmly in-tune with the game and tribe dynamics the way he was the last two times out.

Now that said, I think that even a sleepwalking Jeremy is probably more capable at Survivor than many winners. Certainly more than a Danni or a Ben or JT the last two times he's played. But he just doesn't seem fully engaged the way a number of other players are (whether they have edit reinforcement or not).


Mar 1, 2019
I'm very happy it was Danni went, she was maybe the only person who seemed out of the depth so far.

(I'm not sure how or why Danni got the invite over someone like Tina or Vecepia - whose entire mystic was she claimed she hid her game from the viewers and producers... which well as viewers isn't very enticing.)

Jeff has always really liked Danni. Most people that I've seen speculate it's due to the fact that since Jeff is from Kansas, he's always been preferential to her since she's the only winner from Kansas.

Word on the street is that Tina made it far in the casting process for this season, but was dropped pretty late in the process in favor of Sophie. As for Vecepia, she made a post addressing her not being invited back for this season. It's pretty disappointing that she's never even been considered for a returnee season as the only black woman to win Survivor.



Oct 25, 2017
They should have just done 24 players with 3x8 tribes. Add Tina, Vee, and then like Aras and Fabio or something.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Vee is justified in feeling slighted/insulted that Survivor producers haven't even bothered to string her along for an invite back. I'm glad she's speaking out against it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that the women are dropping like flies this season after clearly being a much more impressive contingent of returning players than the men. We've already lost 3... none of whom are Sandra (who likely can't win again)... which realistically leaves only 6 in contention for the Winners at War crown. And Kim seems like a lost puppy right now outside of finding half an idol. Which just leaves Sophie, Parv, Invisible Michele, Sarah and Denise.

It's a bad look for the Survivor US franchise that has produced just two female winners since Season 29 and ZERO female winners in the fire-making challenge at Final 4 era (which is, something, that Australian Survivor has once again incorporated in a way that makes more sense and heightens drama).


Oct 25, 2017
Parvati has to be going "wait is this really happening?" watching others self-immolate on her tribe.


Oct 27, 2017
Vee is justified in feeling slighted/insulted that Survivor producers haven't even bothered to string her along for an invite back. I'm glad she's speaking out against it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that the women are dropping like flies this season after clearly being a much more impressive contingent of returning players than the men. We've already lost 3... none of whom are Sandra (who likely can't win again)... which realistically leaves only 6 in contention for the Winners at War crown. And Kim seems like a lost puppy right now outside of finding half an idol. Which just leaves Sophie, Parv, Invisible Michele, Sarah and Denise.

It's a bad look for the Survivor US franchise that has produced just two female winners since Season 29 and ZERO female winners in the fire-making challenge at Final 4 era (which is, something, that Australian Survivor has once again incorporated in a way that makes more sense and heightens drama).

Yep...waiting with bated breath for a man to finally be voted out... and feeling like a guy will win.

I think Sandra and Parv are both in the "no way they can win" category (along with Rob). Everyone else is kind of fair play.

When people talk about how there hasn't been a woman winning since GC (six seasons ago), and that women have only had a combined 2 of 55 final tribal votes (or some other highly lopsided number), it's pretty disappointing.

Kind of rooting for Sophie right now (though Sandra forever in my heart lol), even though I think a man will win.


Oct 25, 2017
How do Sandra, Parv, and Rob all survive three tribals?

Most of these winners are clearly beneficiaries of circumstance.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
4. Really digging this Adam/Denise alliance more and the way they're navigating the other groups in the tribe. Denise palming the idol during the bag search was really slick. Her suggestion to bring in Parvati was less slick, but luckily Adam was there. They seem like they balance each other well.
I'll just leave this little blurb here from someone in the media that was an eyewitness to the events of last week's premiere.

Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: I managed to tag along when Parvati and Denise went for a chat before Tribal. It was hard to make out exactly what was said, but they seemed to be talking about their connections on the other side. (Parvati with Sophie and Denise with Sarah). When they split up, Parvati said, "I've got you."
Just a reminder that there's a lot we don't ever get to see in the final broadcast cut that informs someone's decision-making process largely because it doesn't play into the season-long narrative CBS is attempting to craft. Alliances and relationships that don't factor into that narrative may often get skirted or left on the cutting room floor.

Denise may have been concerned heading into that first tribal on Day 2 and just seeking out reassurance from Parv prior to the vote. It may have been their only game conversation and CBS didn't want to include it as it factored in cross-tribe alliance chatter that they didn't want to dabble with outside of the Mariano marriage connection and Sandra.

Or they may actually have the inklings of an alliance that doesn't factor into long-term gameplay. Perhaps they get tribe swapped to separate tribes and one gets voted out pre-merge. No narrative to bother with there.

Perhaps there's an actual alliance of substance that they've elected to introduce at a later point in the game cycle where they will then circle back and present older footage as if it's brand new to frame its formative motivations differently in service of a story thread. You can do that with female castaways more easily than men due to lack of facial hair growth.

It could be any of those three scenarios but I rhymed them all off to provide context to explain why Denise "randomly spitballed" Parvati's name out there when deliberating with Adam who to share the idol with. My takeaway is that she was feeling Adam out on how amenable he would be to working with Parvati in the game and clearly got an answer that he wasn't on board with that.

That footage actually was in service of the narrative for this week's episode as Parv was the decoy target for this week's tribal and Adam was seen deliberating her as a boot possibility along with Ben, Ethan (who was quite active this week on the down low), Michele, Jeremy and others after Danni first floated the suggestion. We never saw Denise active in those discussions because she was probably deflecting the target away from Parvati instead of openly considering it and that would have resulted in less suspense for that tribal council outcome even though it would have afforded us more insight into actual relationship dynamics.

The Production narrative for the Sele tribe is that Rob and Parv are calling the shots and that everyone else is progressively getting more and more fed up with it. Anything that isn't in service of that storyline is of little consequence right now and thus not shown.


Nov 17, 2017
the rest of the players are idiots
Pretty much this. I feel that if one of them isn't voted out in the next tribal council or two the "legends" alliance will form post-merge and just dominate to the end.

The big gun's only shots at winning are if they are the final three, so I am guessing they go for that.


Oct 25, 2017
Denise and Adam are like cartoon villains behind Ben at this point, waiting to pull a S2E1 of House of Cards on him.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished watching a couple seasons while waiting for new episodes as I haven't watched survivor in years and years. I really enjoyed the David VS Goliath season, Christian was so entertaining to watch. Also watched the Edge of Extinction with Rick Devens being my favourite by far. Currently part way through Redemption Island and it has been good so far, too. Forgot how fun this show is!


Oct 27, 2017

Sandra (immunity idol w/ limited shelf life)
Jeremy ("get out of tribal free" card)
Denise+Adam (split immunity idol)
Kim+Sophie (split immunity idol)

FIRE TOKEN TRACKER (after 2 episodes)

Denise = 2
Natalie (on EOE) = 2
Rob = 2

Amber (on EOE) = 0
Danni (on EOE) = 0
Sandra = 0

Everyone else has 1.

Just threadmarked this. Super helpful. Can you do this every week? <3


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Just threadmarked this. Super helpful. Can you do this every week? <3
No probs. Gotta keep tabs on this stuff somewhere. Incidentally, even though it was not brought up in the show proper, apparently Jeremy's "get out of tribal" pass can only be used up until the Final 10. Makes sense it would have a finite usage restriction in the same way that idols do.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I might be one of the few that probably see's this vote as the right move for the newer era players. They probably easily had the numbers to make a move this episode, but why worry about it too much when the older players are wanting to get one of their own out anyways? It's not like Danni was going to be some great asset to them, why not wait until the next vote to more easily get out Rob/Parv.

I can't help but think that's basically what came of the Michelle/Jeremy/Adam talk where they all basically stay silent when they wonder if it's the right time. Them three plus Ben and Denise gives them the numbers already, but why disclose it if they're only wanting to get out one of their own now.


Oct 27, 2017
I just really don't want anything to happen to Ethan. Luckily Rob and Parv are bigger targets, but I hope he's not just seen as an easier target for the "new school" majority to pick off first. Hoping he makes it to a swap and can diversify his bonds.


Oct 27, 2017
Also how much did Jeremy receiving an advantage from Natalie play in to their decision to vote out Danni? Did he think at all about the possibility of Rob getting something from Amber?

So much damn shit I wish they'd show but no, we get multiple times with Edge of Extinction with them walking around a fucking water well.


Dec 14, 2018
I think I might be one of the few that probably see's this vote as the right move for the newer era players. They probably easily had the numbers to make a move this episode, but why worry about it too much when the older players are wanting to get one of their own out anyways? It's not like Danni was going to be some great asset to them, why not wait until the next vote to more easily get out Rob/Parv.

I can't help but think that's basically what came of the Michelle/Jeremy/Adam talk where they all basically stay silent when they wonder if it's the right time. Them three plus Ben and Denise gives them the numbers already, but why disclose it if they're only wanting to get out one of their own now.

Nah, you're definitely right. They were getting a favorable outcome without ruffling any feathers. People overstate the need to target the "legends" early. They can be used as effective shields, and since they don't have the numbers they can be taken out down the road if need be. Why not let them lead from the front? Mark my words none of the old schoolers except maybe Ethan has a shot at winning. The only way Ethan wins is by the bigger target old schoolers getting taken out, and then assimilating with the newbies. Probably through Adam.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Nah, you're definitely right. They were getting a favorable outcome without ruffling any feathers. People overstate the need to target the "legends" early. They can be used as effective shields, and since they don't have the numbers they can be taken out down the road if need be. Why not let them lead from the front? Mark my words none of the old schoolers except maybe Ethan has a shot at winning. The only way Ethan wins is by the bigger target old schoolers getting taken out, and then assimilating with the newbies. Probably through Adam.
Are you including Yul amongst that group of old schoolers that can't win? 'Cause I'm not ready to get on board with that assertion given his level of play thus far. (Admittedly, I say that despite not having Yul on my fantasy roster like every other person ahead of me in the Era league leaderboard.)


Dec 14, 2018
Are you including Yul amongst that group of old schoolers that can't win? 'Cause I'm not ready to get on board with that assertion given his level of play thus far. (Admittedly, I say that despite not having Yul on my fantasy roster like every other person ahead of me in the Era league leaderboard.)
Nah actually I forgot Yul. I would include him with Ethan as a possible winner. I do think Ethan has the better shot just because he's not as much of a target though.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah actually I forgot Yul. I would include him with Ethan as a possible winner. I do think Ethan has the better shot just because he's not as much of a target though.

I dunno, I feel like Ethan's proximity to Rob and Parv bares worse for him than Yul is in his tribe. He's not really looked at in the same way and he's not really trying to tie in with the old schoolers from what we see.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Ethan is in the "DO NOT ALLOW TO FTC" camp from jump based on his backstory I think.
Yeah, that's an anchor shackled around his neck which makes him a highly unlikely winner compared to just about everyone not named Boston Rob or Sandra. They won't let him stick around long enough to sniff Final 4 so I don't see a path to the win for him unless he pulls a Chris Underwood and goes on an immunity run after returning from the Edge of Extinction.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Danni just imploded. She was in such a good spot, too. It's likely no one was coming after her for a long time.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I always found Danni boring to watch so I was ok with her vote off.

I'm still annoyed Natalie went first though.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Danni was boring af in her first season because she and others literally refused to talk strategy on camera because they were hyper image conscious.

Actually from what I understand Danni's reason was that she thought if she discussed strategy to the camera, it could give things away to other Survivors when they got other confessionals. So she kept her game as secretive as possible so nothing accidentally was given away.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually from what I understand Danni's reason was that she thought if she discussed strategy to the camera, it could give things away to other Survivors when they got other confessionals. So she kept her game as secretive as possible so nothing accidentally was given away.
Ah. Pretty sure that was what was going on with Brandon/Gary, maybe not so much her.

This is also how Derrick won his season of BB, btw. He wouldn't reveal that he wanted to target likable players in the DR until he actually had the opportunity to do it. But in Danni's case it was likely unnecessary, while in Derrick's, very.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I heard that, early on, Danni had tested the producers in Guatemala. She intentionally dropped a piece of innocuous info in one of her confessionals to see if it would spread. When her castmates started mentioning that info to her shortly afterwards, it confirmed that production was leaking stuff. So after they failed that test, she stopped being forthright about her strategy.

I think I heard that story from one of the RHAP preseason podcasts.


Oct 25, 2017
I never watched Guatemala, but Danni was a disaster this season. I'm hoping Adam/Denise/Jeremy/Michelle/Ben take a shot at Rob next week, they have the numbers and Rob needs an ego check. Ben would probably fuck it up though.


Oct 27, 2017
I never watched Guatemala, but Danni was a disaster this season. I'm hoping Adam/Denise/Jeremy/Michelle/Ben take a shot at Rob next week, they have the numbers and Rob needs an ego check. Ben would probably fuck it up though.

If Adam is spearheading it I don't think he tells Ben, honestly.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
If Adam is spearheading it I don't think he tells Ben, honestly.
That's somewhat of a gamble even if Adam isn't worried about another idol because he knows where the Sele idol is due to not being privy to the EOE firesale of goodies. They have a 5-3 numbers edge over Rob-Parv-Ethan right now. They can elect to leave Ben out of the loop or tell him a different name to make the next vote 4-3-1 but that's a HUGE unnecessary risk to take when it's not at all unusual for a swap to manifest itself after 4 tribal councils.