
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what would be the incentive for people to stay in the "Edge of Extinction" after they lose the competition.
You can build relationships and your case if you get back into the game now, but whoever gets back at the end it's dead on arrival unless they were voted out towards the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Keith might be one of the most useless "players" ever, even more than that old lady who got voted off like within minutes. i dont get his game, he's weak, dumb as rocks, and has no gamesmanship at all, i mean at least wendy for all her antics is charming in a way and too nice for her own good.

To be fair, he was the only one with enough sense to go off on his own and find those clues. The whole "make a pact to find it together" makes literally no sense considering the situation they're in.


Oct 28, 2017
To be fair, he was the only one with enough sense to go off on his own and find those clues. The whole "make a pact to find it together" makes literally no sense considering the situation they're in.
I have to also jump on the Keith hate here. Guy never stick the landing with what he's attempting to do. And him continuing to be slighted at Chris voting for him just shows how he has no idea how this game is supposed to be played. You don't hold grudges, you make the decisions that are going to get you far, even if that means burying the hatchet with other players at times.

I think part of EoE's decision to stick together just speaks to them having no idea how they SHOULD be acting in this situation - is it every man for themselves? should they be acting like their own tribe? how will the actually get back into the game proper? They're already in dire straits (mentally, physically, emotionally) so why add to that stress by being internally competitive if it's not (yet) necessary?


Oct 26, 2017
I dunno if he has no gamesmenship. He was literally the only person that saw that map and was like "Nah, I'mma go get this on my own."

Your basically in limbo and have no idea what this could lead to, it could get you back in the game for all you. Everyone clearly got a vote to make it seem fair. To think you want to find it together was absolutely stupid by everyone else.

The decision was at least made for him at the time to not immediately go by himself and he didn't recognize that. He may as well have just told them to their faces he was going right then. He immediately blew their trust forever.

I wonder what would be the incentive for people to stay in the "Edge of Extinction" after they lose the competition.
You can build relationships and your case if you get back into the game now, but whoever gets back at the end it's dead on arrival unless they were voted out towards the end.

a) it's a choice between being completely eliminated or still in the game.
b) you never know what the dynamic will be at a given time. anyone on the bottom could use a vote or two to flip their status quo.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Isle of Extinction is, surprisingly enough, the best part of the show. Not that the season itself is bad (it's surprisingly OK so far). It's really entertaining watching them slowly, but surely start to hate each other. It also seems like there are more players this season that don't like each other, which I absolutely love.

If I were to rank who I want to return from IoE:
1. Aubry - Love Aubry, and she's wasted on IoE. She's the only player I want to see return.
2. Reem - She's fantastic, but I would hate to remove her from IoE.
3. Chris - Not as interesting as either Keith or Reem, but their dislike for him is another reason to like IoE.
4. Keith - Another reason why IoE is so fun. He should stay there.
5. Wendy - I feel like she has nothing more to show, so nah.
6. Rick - He's so bland. Hard pass.
Oct 28, 2017
I actually am very unimpressed by Aubry two seasons in a row. I think she excelled in her first season when everyone was new, but I'm not sure she's quite good enough to compete with the best players and she's now too good to compete with the newer players. She's entertaining enough, but I wouldn't mind seeing her get eliminated.

Reem and Keith are good for drama, but they're also mostly uninteresting as players. Keith is just a straight up idiot. I hope they stay on the Edge, but have no desire to watch them try to play. They'll get eliminated instantly.

Wendy is just there. I agree that she's got nothing more to add to the show. Would like for her to be eliminated.

I like Rick, but I think he would have been content to coast as a likeable player. I'd be happy to see him come back as he's got potential, but I won't cry if he's not back.

Chris is interesting in that he did try to make a big move, it just blew up on him. I'd like to see him try again. I think he'd be not nearly as trusting and therefore a better player moving forward.


Oct 27, 2017
Last chance to make roster changes! You get a lot of points if you play the person/people who come back from Extinction if you want to risk it!
Oct 25, 2017
That moment would have been better if Jeff didn't spend a minute being like "hey guys, this is super iconic. Can you predict it?"


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Fully half of these people haven't had a confessional in weeks.
Oct 25, 2017
This is absolutely how you edit a Joe blindside when you think Joe is a hilariously inept player at the strategic game.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Woops you voted out Joe at the merge on the season where that is like the worst possible thing you could do.


Oct 27, 2017
Time for the real Extinction Island: Joe provides for everyone and makes Extinction Island a paradise.
Oct 25, 2017
You keep Joe until after the final EoE challenge so he can't get back in.

Anyone who knows their Survivor history will be assuming that's at Final 5 (where Redemption Island ended), and that's simply too late to risk taking Joe, because then he only needs two wins (or one if that stupid fire making rule is still a thing).


Oct 27, 2017
I still feel like I know nothing about over half of Kama - the Pagonging + Extinction twist has made the characters real weird.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This season is becoming so bad that I'm starting to enjoy it in an ironic sense. It's like it's combining the gameplay and format of South Pacific with the characters from World's Apart. Starting to suspect the producers realized how bad this is and decided to lean into the curve with the editing.

I still feel like I know nothing about over half of Kama - the Pagonging + Extinction twist has made the characters real weird.

Yeah, when they were debating between Joe and Kelley late in the episode, it really took me out of it. I was like, why would I be invested in this debate between Ron, Victoria, and Julie? Then next week, the preview is teasing this cocky dominant alliance of 6 anonymous people. I feel like that combination should mean "no way do they succeed", but who knows with this season.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, when they were debating between Joe and Kelley late in the episode, it really took me out of it. I was like, why would I be invested in this debate between Ron, Victoria, and Julie? Then next week, the preview is teasing this cocky dominant alliance of 6 anonymous people. I feel like that combination should mean "no way do they succeed", but who knows with this season.
What's worse is that compared to Julia, Eric, Gavin and Aurora we know a ton about Ron, Victoria, and Julie.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
I still feel like I know nothing about over half of Kama - the Pagonging + Extinction twist has made the characters real weird.
Part of me just want's next episode to devote the entirety of its coverage to Reem's Island. We'll spend 30 minutes watching her bark orders at and pick fights with Chris & Joe while Aubry spends 10 minutes plotting and looking for idols/advantages... then we go with the jury to tribal council and be surprised at who is on the chopping block.

That's how invested I am in the game right now.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Uh oh I wonder who passes out next episode.

I'm assuming Lauren... she looks terrible. Especially if it's another endurance challenge, she was paler than a sheet after the one today.

The production team won't let her die, right? Lol. She's been rocking the ghostly pale/major under eye circles look for episodes now, I feel bad for her.


Oct 28, 2017
This is my first "live" season since (I think) Cook Islands. I'm gonna pick up another few seasons over the summer - which ones are good ones to watch, and which ones should I skip?


Oct 27, 2017
I literally just can't get into this season. Everything just seems so anti-climactic and uninteresting for whatever reason.


Oct 27, 2017
This is my first "live" season since (I think) Cook Islands. I'm gonna pick up another few seasons over the summer - which ones are good ones to watch, and which ones should I skip?

Welcome back into the fold. What made you decide to come back and try a live season again now? How's this one sitting with you so far?

Have you actually missed the seasons since Cook Islands? There have been many great ones since then. Some standouts: 15 (China), 16 (Fans vs. Favorites), 18 (Tocantins), 20 (Heroes vs. Villains), 25 (Philippines), 27-29 all good (Blood vs. Water, Cagayan, BvW2), 31 (Second Chance), 32 (Kaoh Rong), and 37 (David vs. Goliath)

Most fans would agree on the list above as seasons since Cook Islands worth checking out. I personally like many of the gaps in that list, so if you have time, the real advice would just be to move forward chronologically from where you haven't seen. Fun to watch the strategy evolve if you like that sort of thing.