Oct 29, 2017

That was a nice solid premiere that did its job in setting stuff up before shit hits the fan in two months.


Oct 25, 2017
Kara told Lena too late damn. I didn't want to see but the Lena heel turn has happened.
Kara in those dresses tho.



Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I thought they were going to show that Lena had a romantic history with Andrea to open the door for her and Kara. The romantic tension is back like crazy.

Other than that it was a fine episode for Supergirl, as usual it's Kara/Lena and J'onn and everyone else is boring. The technology is bad!! messaging is extremely unsubtle. Boy Lena has an AI that's cool with killing people, that's definitely not going to be a problem later!


Oct 27, 2017
Lena heel turn to the surprise of no one! Only got to see the last half, but that Kara confession scene was great. I'll catch up tomorrow.

The issue I have with the suit's mechanics is that it should come up only from the hand holding that glasses and go over the rest of the body in one motion ending with the left side. Not the way they did it where it was all of a sudden on the left as well and met up in the middle. But eh, I'll deal.

Also, "Pants!" lol and I laughed Alex's "How do you guys get dressed so fast!?"

Miracle Ache

Oct 25, 2017
Not bad. The Kara/Lena scene was really well done. Doubt this will be as good as last season but here's hoping.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Damn this was a really good episode. Season 5 already starting off strong.


Oct 25, 2017
Terrible episode, bad acting, laughable action scenes, relationship drama, Lena inexplicably going full on cartoony Luthor, yup its a CW show. That shit with Martian's brother made me fucking laugh so hard. Really sick of Brainy.

Doesn't really give me hope for the rest of the season.

I haven't been too crazy about Titans overall but every time I catch an Arrowverse episode it makes it look like Citizen Kane.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Watching this and rewatching Smallville at the same time,
God damn is CatCo bland as all hell compared to the basement of the Daily Planet.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
-She just appeared to fight along White Martians
-but why
-because she's fueled by death

Midnight acting criteria: look menacing and grunt.

Lena has direct booty call line


Aug 22, 2018
Couple things.

-What was that dialogue? Woof, that was some bad writing. It was nearly as bad as the CW gun control episodes (which were, of course, immediately forgotten because we love guns).

-I have complained about this before, but holy shit am I tired of the "friend found out they are a superhero and is furious about being lied to" plot. Look, I hate lies more than anyone, but if IRL my friend told me they were a superhero, my responses would be 1) "that's dope!" and 2) understanding 100% why they kept it a secret. If nothing else, it's for my own safety. This whole "she betrayed me" thing. ugh.

-Likewise, I have been saying for seasons that they better not make Lena evil. Hate hate hate. >:(

Now the good stuffs:

-I liked Brainy explaining himself. He and Dreamer are cute. :3

-New suit looks great. I miss the skirt, but the new suit is def better.

-J'on's brother could be an interesting storyline. I feel a little like after Miss Martian and his dad, this is just sort of retreading, but I'm interested to see where it goes.

-James leaving means he might get some interesting new plots.


Oct 25, 2017
I never liked the idea of Lena being a villain though the show likes to tease the audience

It's more interesting for her to be anti hero ally than Female Lex


Oct 27, 2017
Good start to the season. I get the impression that Lena's putting up a bit of a front. Those hurt feelings aren't going to just go away because Kara apologized and came clean. She's still totally pissed off though.

As far as the non-compete clauses, I don't think they'd hold up in court, but Andrea has resources to tie up anyone in litigation enough to bankrupt them if they tried fighting it.

I'm assuming the shippers are furious right now.
I'm not thrilled. lol


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, my gf said the exact same thing to me after that scene. She's a paralegal so she was kinda like, "wut?"
The new boss kept saying that won't work as a journalist ever again

And I'm not a lawyer but my immediate thought was " there's no way in anywhere that's legal and no way any company can get away with that"

I even googled and yep you can't make people unemployed for very long because people need to eat let alone "ever again"


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I hope by the end Lena doesn't turn into a Lex, mainly as it's overplayed and plus we already have a Lex running around. I wonder when he is going to reveal he is still in play.

I don't want her to forgive Kara right away, but be nice if she wasn't just plotting behind her back on how to get her revenge lol


Oct 25, 2017
She's going to be evil for a bit and then goes back to her regular self, and then realized that she doesn't need any of this anymore and just remains neutral.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Lena isn't evil, she's just going about things her own way, not the goofy Supergirl way.

I'll take Brainiac-5 over Brainy any day too


Oct 25, 2017
I took the threat to be the non compete cause will
Keep you from working in this field and in the meantime I'm gonna make sure your toxic to any potential employers


Oct 25, 2017
loved that lena being super high level at holding grudges was used as a plot twist xD

And yeah the sexual tension in that coming out scene alone created more shippers

edit: I took the "never work in journalism again" as a "will say bad shit to every employee on earth and no good journal will hire you"
Oct 26, 2017
That AI and contact-lenses-beaming-wireless-virtual-reality-directly-to-everyone will never come up again. Mark my words.


Oct 25, 2017
the vr contact lenses are probably going to be used as an excuse for brainwashed Lena or some bullshit knowing the writers.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
AI: "Hey Lena should we kill Supergirl"

Lena: "Hahaha no AI, we don't need to kill her, but I'm glad I have someone reasonable and logical to talk to"


Jul 25, 2018
Kind of annoying that Lena is going evil, and for such a small reason too. It reminds me of her in Merlin. That "I'm evil" smirk got so tiresome episode after episode.

The new suit seems like it was going to take quite a while to actually fill out, whereas in previous episodes without that tech she changes in a flash.


Oct 25, 2017
The time to suit up may vary based on the plot. Seems to me that she suited up slowly because Lena and her were having a moment.

Alex is right again, lol. How do they all suit up so fast?!


Aug 22, 2018
Had a good laugh at the E2 trailer. "You never mentioned having a brother" just taking a nice, relaxing lean against the 4th wall.


Oct 25, 2017
season 6 she'll be a good person I bet
I wonder if this is having the Smallville issue. "oh we always intended her to be a villain...but everyone wrote her so well as a likeable at-worst-anti-hero style character.....too bad we're keeping to the original plan"

My understanding that the ending of the entire "Clark tries and fails to break Lex out of Bellreve before he has a mindwipe" Smallville episode was written was because people were liking how Mostly-good Lex was written too much, and they weren't allowed to leave him good due to DC meddling, or something?

(I remember reading somewhere that originally Clark does go back and save him but the ending was changed.) I still have conversations with some friends around whether Lex would have become a villain at all had Clark not suddenly decided to not go back and save him.

Betting we end up with a similar situation with Lena.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Decent premiere.

Lena continues to be the best/most interesting character in the show. Honestly surprised that for once they didn't drag out a subplot, and actually had Kara tell Lena the truth. Well granted this has been a long time coming for several seasons now, but at least it happened in this season's first episode. And it really was a very well done confession.

Despite that, I was ironically pretty annoyed that it got resolved that quickly... until it wasn't! She's still big mad, a surprising subversion given how sincere Kara was. Of course, now there's the other issue of Lena being really close to going full villain, which is something I never wanted to happen. I prefer when she straddles the line between being good and ruthless, and hope it remains that way.

As for Kara's new outfit, again, PANTS! Such a blessing, the skirt was always stupid. Though I do have to agree with those who once said that her new look could use some more red on it. It does admittedly look a bit off.

Lastly, lord help me regarding both James and his sister, easily the worst part of the main cast.