The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
Hey BigBlue are you sincere in wanting more POCs in Smash or are you arguing just for the sake of it? Or worse concern trolling? For every point made, you seem to only counter with "well, why not?" It's admirable, but we all know that Nintendo has very slim pickings when it comes to POC representation, and even the ones they have aren't stars or antagonists of their respective franchises, something the franchise has been very specific on this far.

As most people posted, this franchise is a celebration of gaming's past and present, which unfortunately represents the state it's in. It's slowly getting better, but it's not going to go any faster until we get more people of color in the industry and we support the ones that are.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The dlc will likely continue to be 3rd party, people who want more women/diveristy better get all their eggs in the Lara Croft basket since that's probably the best odds for a 3rd party female dlc character followed by Tracer.


Nov 6, 2017
Japan isn't really a diverse nation. I know there's probably more diversity than you'd think when you ride the subway every day, but in my daily routine living there, I felt as though 98% of the population were Japanese. I'm not saying they couldn't use a little more diversity in the cast, there are too many samey fire emblems for my taste too, but if you're wondering why diversity isn't in the front of their minds like it has been in American culture, especially lately, consider the culture of the designers.

I'm not saying not to make requests, I agree more diversity would be welcome. Personally I would give up 20 animes and pokemans for one Doc Louis echo fighter. I'm just saying I don't think the choices were made from a position of malice.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I mean, Nintendo makes the call. Sakurai has pointed this out multiple times in multiple different works. He's the one who physically does the legwork on the third party licensing, and it's possible he gives suggestions to Nintendo, but Nintendo does the choosing. Sakurai has been very clear about this multiple times now.
But Nintendo's own statements on the topic as far back as Joker's reveal contradict Sakurai's own, statements that Sakurai doubled down on for the next round of character. Like I said, I don't doubt that Nintendo's more involved with the character selection process for Ultimate's DLC than before. My doubt comes from Sakurai's claim that the picks are all Nintendo, especially when so many of the picks line up with Sakurai's own tastes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't jill the best bet right now? Capcom rep from a likely series to get in.
I think it's more likely a RE rep would be Chris or Leon.

Also I'm not even sure if RE would get into Smash over Devil May Cry. It should, but Chris is arguably the poster guy for that series being in the most recent vs game (mvci), being on the cover of re1, and starring/having a playable role in the most mainline games (1, cv, 5, 6, 7). Jill by comparison is (1, 3, 5) and Leon is (2, 4, 6).


Oct 25, 2017
But Nintendo's own statements on the topic as far back as Joker's reveal contradict Sakurai's own, statements that Sakurai doubled down on for the next round of character. Like I said, I don't doubt that Nintendo's more involved with the character selection process for Ultimate's DLC than before. My doubt comes from Sakurai's claim that the picks are all Nintendo, especially when so many of the picks line up with Sakurai's own tastes.
I think nintendo picked the 3rd parties...and possibly the series, at least in some cases. Nintendo wanted an atlus rep. Maybe they wanted like jack frost or someone else and sakurai asked if they could go with joker.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Hey BigBlue are you sincere in wanting more POCs in Smash or are you arguing just for the sake of it? Or worse concern trolling? For every point made, you seem to only counter with "well, why not?" It's admirable, but we all know that Nintendo has very slim pickings when it comes to POC representation, and even the ones they have aren't stars or antagonists of their respective franchises, something the franchise has been very specific on this far.

As most people posted, this franchise is a celebration of gaming's past and present, which unfortunately represents the state it's in. It's slowly getting better, but it's not going to go any faster until we get more people of color in the industry and we support the ones that are.
To quote what I said earlier...
True, most of the blame does fall on the state of the industry when it comes to representation (especially in Japan). But a good chunk of the blame also falls on Sakurai (& Nintendo, since they have a bigger hand in DLC character selection). While options are indeed limited, options do exist (Twintelle, Elma, Urbosa, etc.). And it's not just women of color that's the problem, it's for women as a whole (at least women by default). As of now, Smash Ultimate has the third-worst female fighter ratio of any modern fighting game, ahead of only MvCI & DBFZ. And DLC has done nothing to help rectify this. Again, while the industry as a whole is mostly to blame, Sakurai & Nintendo could do more on their end to help alleviate the concerns. As others have brought up, the game's (or rather, Sakurai's) focus on protagonists & mascots is part of the problem. It makes perfect sense to go for this mentality for a game on Smash, at least on paper. But the problem is that it magnifies a problem that exists in the industry. To be honest, this is part of the reason why I'm not as involved in DLC speculation as I used to be, as the direction Sakurai & Nintendo are taking the DLC is doing next to nothing for fixing the existing problems of the roster.

In short, Nintendo has slowly been getting better when it comes to representation in their other games. And while the industry as a whole has a long way to go, I do believe that Sakurai needs to loosen up a bit when it comes to his poster child first mentality. Basically, representation matters.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
But Nintendo's own statements on the topic as far back as Joker's reveal contradict Sakurai's own, statements that Sakurai doubled down on for the next round of character. Like I said, I don't doubt that Nintendo's more involved with the character selection process for Ultimate's DLC than before. My doubt comes from Sakurai's claim that the picks are all Nintendo, especially when so many of the picks line up with Sakurai's own tastes.

That isn't too crazy, I can totally see a situation where Sakurai is like "I'd really like to work with x company to get y character into smash" to Nintendo, and then Nintendo makes it happen. So Nintendo "makes the decision" by making the deal happen, but they probably were influenced by what Sakurai would like to work on.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Does what Capcom pushes really matter? Nintendo and Sakurai are picking the characters.

I feel like Nintendo and Capcom would pick MH to push for a theoretical MH5 in 2020. Not sure on Sakurai's personal preference but if I had to guess I think he would pick MH over RE.


Oct 25, 2017
That isn't too crazy, I can totally see a situation where Sakurai is like "I'd really like to work with x company to get y character into smash" to Nintendo, and then Nintendo makes it happen. So Nintendo "makes the decision" by making the deal happen, but they probably were influenced by what Sakurai would like to work on.
Nah I think the opposite. Nintendo had set 3rd parties in mind. An atlus, DQ, Microsoft, and snk rep all make sense because of their relationships with nintendo.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like Nintendo and Capcom would pick MH to push for a theoretical MH5 in 2020. Not sure on Sakurai's personal preference but if I had to guess I think he would pick MH over RE.

At this point, I think Sakurai would pick Ace Attorney over either of them.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Also I'm not even sure if RE would get into Smash over Devil May Cry. It should, but Chris is arguably the poster guy for that series being in the most recent vs game (mvci), being on the cover of re1, and starring/having a playable role in the most mainline games (1, cv, 5, 6, 7). Jill by comparison is (1, 3, 5) and Leon is (2, 4, 6).
To be fair, MvCI was blatant asset reuse left-&-right, while MvC3 (the game MvCI pulled most of its assets from) focused mostly on RE5 for its RE reps. Likewise, both the Marvel & Capcom sides had the exact same number of women (for better or worse) when Capcom could have easily pulled ahead in women with veterans alone, even with the rumored Season 2 that got scrapped (Ms. Marvel & Lady). It's to the point where I wonder if there was a mandate from Marvel on the matter.

I feel like Nintendo and Capcom would pick MH to push for a theoretical MH5 in 2020. Not sure on Sakurai's personal preference but if I had to guess I think he would pick MH over RE.
But MH5 already exists, it's called Monster Hunter World.

That isn't too crazy, I can totally see a situation where Sakurai is like "I'd really like to work with x company to get y character into smash" to Nintendo, and then Nintendo makes it happen. So Nintendo "makes the decision" by making the deal happen, but they probably were influenced by what Sakurai would like to work on.
That's still Sakurai influencing the picks. I could see yuoke's scenario being the case, where Nintendo decided the companies &/or franchises and Sakurai narrowed it down from there. Either way, both Nintendo as a whole as well as Sakurai share the blame, though the industry as a whole still has the majority of the responsibility for the issues with Smash's roster.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
At this point, I think Sakurai would pick Ace Attorney over either of them.

I love AA, but that series has no future.

I think sakurai putting in rathalos says that he thinks that reps mh good enough.

It's quite possible. This is just my personal speculation.

But MH5 already exists, it's called Monster Hunter World.

I'm not talking about MHW, I'm talking about MH5, which was rumored alongside MHW on 4chan before it was officially unveiled.

Btw this:

Either way, both Nintendo as a whole as well as Sakurai share the blame, though the industry as a whole still has the majority of the responsibility for the issues with Smash's roster.

Is such a laughable statement. Ultimate is the best selling fighting game and shows no signs of stopping and every single DLC character has been met with praise around the world, so it seems to me what Sakurai and his team are doing is working out for the majority of people.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I'm not talking about MHW, I'm talking about MH5, which was rumored alongside MHW on 4chan before it was officially unveiled.
There were a few inconsistencies with that 4chan post that show that the rumor wasn't entirely dead-on. Likewise, Capcom already commented that MHW is indeed MH5.
Oct 25, 2017
  1. Look Mrs. Pac-Man is in legal hell right now, I don't know what else to tell you. Licensing is complicated and just because you can get likeness of a character in one context, does not necessarily entitle you to their likeness in another. They may have full rights to all Pac-Land content but not Mrs. Pac-Man herself for example to use liberally as they see fit. This has been a known thing for a while, and has recently been shown to be an escalated problem.
  2. And they're not particularly talked about or popular in any circles. No secondary Punch-Out! character is.
  3. Kid Icarus is the fucking 33rd best selling NES game, so I'm not going to race to call it iconic, let alone the villain who then promptly didn't appear for 20 years.
  4. But King K. Rool was more popular by a wide margin, thus he was better business. If Elma was more popular than Rex/Pyra, I'd say she was better business. It's nothing against her, it's in the hands of the fans to decide who they want more. And they want Rex/Pyra. If Nintendo's going to add another Xenoblade character, they'd be foolish to not add the easy win.
  5. It's a little weak, but we're now 12 unique third party newcomers and not one has doubled up yet. They clearly add third parties in with a goal in mind and I see no indication they're going to change that behavior any time soon given the success of the Smash Bros X "Brand New Series" moniker that generates so many positives for them. Yeah, it's the weakest one (a fact I admitted as I said Chun-Li would likely be the one to break this tradition), but I'll always argue there's more benefit to more new third party series cause there kind of is.
  6. Square Enix doesn't prioritize any version of the Heroine in any of their marketing regardless of who's more popular, and my point was that games with a defined physical protagonist have largely moved away from having gender options. I think it's completely relevant to treat character creators differently from those defined options, and Square Enix clearly didn't have any suggestions for the Heroine in this process.
  7. She has some following... Not as much as others and brings very little practical benefit to the table beyond as a female rep. I'm fine with Krystal, but it's exceedingly clear Nintendo has little interest in her and her support has largely fallen heavily since her Brawl heyday. That's something you would consider in choosing characters.
  8. Ashley's entire existence in WarioWare is in this hour-long video: It isn't much to go off of like you seem to be implying.
  9. I mean, Bayonetta got the award for destroying the meta and had become a hated character in the Ultimate lead-up to the point where assholes boo'd her being back in some cases. It just wasn't going to be good PR to add another really, and it's just niche with nowhere for addition in Ultimate's plans (again, none of base could be removed, DLC focused on other stuff).
  10. Others have already said the issues with this.
  11. There's absolutely no reason to include Midna as an Echo fighter and a unique one. A unique one is the only way that really makes sense, and again, there's no room for her in the roster as is.
Like, there are reasons these characters got lower priority status than others going into Ultimate and will likely retain lower priority status moving forward. Most of their best merits are in adding diversity, which Sakurai and Nintendo clearly don't value as much as people in this thread and a great deal of fans are opposed to specifically in the context of Smash since they want their favorites in. There was basically no way to cut any of the base roster to sub in any of these characters, so that's how choices like Ashley and Elma get sidelined for base and DLC is heavily focused on third parties, and Sakurai's comments heavily imply that we will expect this to continue (especially since we've had one single Nintendo newcomer in 8 planned DLC fighters so far and they've been wildly successful it seems from Nintnedo's internal financial reports...Piranha Plant was clearly meant for base). Now, I acknowledge I could be wrong about this, but I just don't have any information to lead me to other conclusions as of now. If we were talking a more traditional Smash with more room for first party additions, I think you would have more of a point in some of your counters, but I think Ultimate's a rather special beast.

I mean, part of speculation is ruling out options to predict what makes sense as an inclusion. Speculations can be wrong without a doubt, but its intrinsic to committing to speculation and different from just general discussion. I also think that we're at the point where we have Nintendo's internal IR reports, incredibly detailed knowledge about Sakurai's process from a good 20 years of interviews including incredible transparency nowadays, and 20 years of Smash history, particularly with regards to Smash 4 and Ultimate being so closely developed after one another, that we can more seriously speculate based on real factors. Especially since Nintendo is the one picking future DLC and not Sakurai himself.

1. Can you provide the source that demonstrates that Ms. Pac-Man would be allowed in the capacity she is in but nothing else? If so this is just your speculation on what the legal dispute means.
2. If Sakurai prioritized the most highly discussed characters only, the roster would be a lot different.
3. I mean, you can make the argument just as well to say that Pit is a bad choice for Smash. He's just a niche character from a couple middling successes.
4. Is King K. Rool more popular overall? Or just in the Smash scene?
5. It's very weak, because it's the same argument people have made for years to criticize certain suggestions for years. For people like me who enjoy seeing stranger characters or characters who push boundaries of what people can expect for Smash, it makes discussion tedious and pointless when people are saying "Smash doesn't [X]" without explaining the [Y] of the matter. Smash doesn't feature transforming characters in 64, all Smash characters in 64 came out relatively recently, all Smash characters in Melee were Nintendo, all Smash characters in Brawl lacked gender options, all third-party companies in 4 had only one character, all third-party characters in 4's DLC were one per series, etc. So when you're admitting that the reason for Chun-Li being unlikely is weak, it just seems like you're scraping the bottom of the barrel to make it seem like there are fewer options than there are.
6. You need to be consistent. If Square Enix regarding Nine and Ten equally to the other Heroes is not an important factor, how they market DQ protagonists is not either. And I'm in agreement that they don't market the character well, but that sounds like a sexism issue, so it's not a great argument. If Sakurai pushed for Heroine, even a bit, that'd be a thing, but he doesn't seem to have.
7. Some following should be adequate. Like, Krystal doesn't need to be the most likely or best choice, she just needs to be a possible choice, and she is.
8. The amount of time a character is in a game in cutscenes is irrelevant to the substance of the cutscenes. She brews potions, she casts spells, she transforms people and objects, she can summon objects, she can grow and shrink things, she has a flying broom, she can summon familiars (she literally has a devil as a companion), she can grow giant carnivorous plants, she has a magic wand that can transform into different objects such as a parasol, shoot lightning, use mandrake roots, and has a wand. This, I might add, is from the video you posted. I don't know how you think Ashley has no moveset potential when the various cutscenes across the games show TONS of stuff. I mean, Ice Climbers made an entire moveset out of literally one move, so I don't know exactly why you'd think Ashley would pose any trouble.
9. I think you overestimate how much Sakurai cares about the fanbase. If he cared that much, K. Rool and Ridley would have been in years ago. Also, the game sold very well on both Wii U and Switch and has a new entry on the horizon, it's more than eligible for a second rep.
10. Not adequate reasons.
11. What you said is entirely personal opinion, and in a discussion that IIRC is about reasons why they are unlikely, it's not really useful. The reason why we could or should have two Midnas? Because it'd be cool. Zelda's a great character, and having a variant on Zelda would be great, especially one like Midna. It'd also be interesting and unexpected, and be, I think, a better Echo choice than anything else for Zelda (the next best would be Hilda, but I feel she would just be Daisy levels of Echo).

It becomes a problem when the "Debunking" revolves around speculating reasons why a character can or cannot be in. And honestly, what changed between Smash U to give us "definitive knowledge" of how Sakurai operates? What you describe as incredibly detailed knowledge is just your best guess as to Sakurai's motives. That Sakurai has not said that a third-party franchise cannot or should not have two unique characters means that the argument has no more basis than the notion in Smash 4 that third-party companies are only allowed one character each.

Hey BigBlue are you sincere in wanting more POCs in Smash or are you arguing just for the sake of it? Or worse concern trolling? For every point made, you seem to only counter with "well, why not?" It's admirable, but we all know that Nintendo has very slim pickings when it comes to POC representation, and even the ones they have aren't stars or antagonists of their respective franchises, something the franchise has been very specific on this far.

As most people posted, this franchise is a celebration of gaming's past and present, which unfortunately represents the state it's in. It's slowly getting better, but it's not going to go any faster until we get more people of color in the industry and we support the ones that are.

Smash isn't made by a machine, despite what Sakurai's aging may suggest. Sakurai has the ability to seek out POC characters, it's just not something he is interested in doing. It doesn't invalidate the notion of Smash being a celebration of gaming's past or present, because the list of characters who appear in Smash is not also the list of the most significant characters in gaming, even in terms of franchises. Like, Lyn for instance is one of the most popular characters in Fire Emblem, more popular than she was in her debut game. Why is she absent?
Last edited:


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Btw this:

Is such a laughable statement. Ultimate is the best selling fighting game and shows no signs of stopping and every single DLC character has been met with praise around the world, so it seems to me what Sakurai and his team are doing is working out for the majority of people.
It's a great roster, but it's not perfect. I can understand the lack of options for people of color, but they do exist. And regarding women, options most certainly exist. Yet these options have been ignored. As you said, Smash Ultimate is the best-selling fighting game ever. As such, it should be held to the same standards as the others. Having at least >30% of the characters be primarily women shouldn't be too much to ask, yet the roster is neighboring MvCI numbers in terms of how bad it's getting. I say this because I love the game & want it to be even better, but the current problems are dampening my hype. These concerns aren't laughable, they're legitimate. Even the best movie in the world isn't immune to criticism. Everything has flaws, big or small. And while Smash Ultimate has a great roster, the current lack of characters who are primarily women is a pretty big flaw.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There were a few inconsistencies with that 4chan post that show that the rumor wasn't entirely dead-on. Likewise, Capcom already commented that MHW is indeed MH5.
It still got more right than it did wrong. We'll see. Capcom's slate next year is pretty open.

What? Why?

I'm pretty sure that AA7 is in the works. It's just taking a while because the series is changing consoles.

It could be, I just feel like for how long it's been since AA6 we should've heard/seen something by now, especially since it's not like a AAA title or anything.

It's a great roster, but it's not perfect. I can understand the lack of options for people of color, but they do exist. And regarding women, options most certainly exist. Yet these options have been ignored. As you said, Smash Ultimate is the best-selling fighting game ever. As such, it should be held to the same standards as the others. Having at least >30% of the characters be primarily women shouldn't be too much to ask, yet the roster is neighboring MvCI numbers in terms of how bad it's getting. I say this because I love the game & want it to be even better, but the current problems are dampening my hype. These concerns aren't laughable, they're legitimate. Even the best movie in the world isn't immune to criticism. Everything has flaws, big or small. And while Smash Ultimate has a great roster, the current lack of characters who are primarily women is a pretty big flaw.

I didn't say it was perfect. Sakurai prioritized getting all previous characters in the game and then the handful of newcomers were seemingly all from the most requested poll from a few years ago. You can't make everyone happy, but it seems like he picked the characters to make the most amount of people happy. You spout these numbers and percentages when the simple reality is that the majority of them are cartoon ass characters that are beating each other up and knocking each other off stages. Sorry if that's not good enough for you, there are other fighters on the market.

The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
To quote what I said earlier...

You definitely have a point with women, but I'm talking POCs. Nintendo is taking the right steps towards more inclusion, I mean just look at the Arms roster in comparison. But really look at your options. Twintelle is a great design and a fun character, but do you really think she's getting in instead of Ribbon Girl? Elma would be a good choice but do you think she'd sell? Urbosa would be a great addition, but that's...what..1 out of 3? I think Marina has a shot, maybe. Are there more? I'm not talking obscure characters, either. Third parties too. I took a look at all of the black/brown characters that could be on the roster and I don't think either of them A. fit the game or B. are popular enough to warrant their inclusion.
I actually want more diversity in my games but this game shouldn't be that hill for you. Even if the next wave of DLC were to include all of those aforementioned choices (which would, no lie, be pretty cool) it'll only be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the game. Maybe the next Smash...


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It still got more right than it did wrong. We'll see. Capcom's slate next year is pretty open.

It could be, I just feel like for how long it's been since AA6 we should've heard/seen something by now, especially since it's not like a AAA title or anything.
There was a six year gap between AA4 and AA5, during which the series switched from DS to 3DS. AA6 came out three years ago, and now the series would move to Switch and/or multiplatform, so I think you're seriously jumping the gun here.
Oct 25, 2017
Because she wouldn't promote new fe games like the last 5 fe characters all did.

Last six. Marth was the only non-promotional character in FE.

Honestly, I feel Lyn is also demonstrative of Sakurai's blindspot for Americans, given how popular Lyn was for Americans.

There was a six year gap between AA4 and AA5, during which the series switched from DS to 3DS. AA6 came out three years ago, and now the series would move to Switch and/or multiplatform, so I think you're seriously jumping the gun here.

I wouldn't call it a six-year gap, only a few years after AA4 we got AAI, which IIRC is from the same developers, and only a couple years after that came AAI2. So AA has never had much of a gap.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
You definitely have a point with women, but I'm talking POCs. Nintendo is taking the right steps towards more inclusion, I mean just look at the Arms roster in comparison. But really look at your options. Twintelle is a great design and a fun character, but do you really think she's getting in instead of Ribbon Girl? Elma would be a good choice but do you think she'd sell? Urbosa would be a great addition, but that's...what..1 out of 3? I think Marina has a shot, maybe. Are there more? I'm not talking obscure characters, either. Third parties too. I took a look at all of the black/brown characters that could be on the roster and I don't think either of them A. fit the game or B. are popular enough to warrant their inclusion.
I actually want more diversity in my games but this game shouldn't be that hill for you. Even if the next wave of DLC were to include all of those aforementioned choices (which would, no lie, be pretty cool) it'll only be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the game. Maybe the next Smash...
I do agree that options are limited, especially with regards to people of color. But taking advantage of even one or two of the options that are there wouldn't hurt anyone & would be appreciated. Though regarding Twintelle, there are signs of her dethroning Ribbon Girl as the leading lady. And as far as popularity goes, it's mainly between her & Min Min.


Oct 30, 2017
There was a six year gap between AA4 and AA5, during which the series switched from DS to 3DS. AA6 came out three years ago, and now the series would move to Switch and/or multiplatform, so I think you're seriously jumping the gun here.
Wish the Great Ace Attorney games were localized to fill that gap though. At least one Edgeworth game made it over.


Jun 6, 2019
I didn't say it was perfect. Sakurai prioritized getting all previous characters in the game and then the handful of newcomers were seemingly all from the most requested poll from a few years ago. You can't make everyone happy, but it seems like he picked the characters to make the most amount of people happy. You spout these numbers and percentages when the simple reality is that the majority of them are cartoon ass characters that are beating each other up and knocking each other off stages. Sorry if that's not good enough for you, there are other fighters on the market.
You really need to understand that asking for diversity in the games roster is not a personal attack on Sakurai or is devaluing his work. It really is not difficult to understand....


Oct 25, 2017
Last six. Marth was the only non-promotional character in FE.

Honestly, I feel Lyn is also demonstrative of Sakurai's blindspot for Americans, given how popular Lyn was for Americans.
Well yea. Once again, maybe she was popular with the american fe fanbase, but they wanted to do more to actually make a bigger fanbase instead of appeasing the current one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If the goal is over >30% then Smash already has that if you count all characters and echoes that have alts that change gender/names like Wendy and Pikachu Libre and don't try to get cute with how you calculate it. The % only gets bad when you start discount characters to make the roster look worse then it is.
Oct 25, 2017
Well yea. Once again, maybe she was popular with the american fe fambase, but they wanted to do more to actually make a bigger fanbase instead of appeasing the current one.

Lyn is big on Heroes though, so you would get a lot of people who discovered Lyn through the app.

I didn't say it was perfect. Sakurai prioritized getting all previous characters in the game and then the handful of newcomers were seemingly all from the most requested poll from a few years ago. You can't make everyone happy, but it seems like he picked the characters to make the most amount of people happy. You spout these numbers and percentages when the simple reality is that the majority of them are cartoon ass characters that are beating each other up and knocking each other off stages. Sorry if that's not good enough for you, there are other fighters on the market.

Why do you take such offense over people criticizing Sakurai, and rather innocuously to boot? We can certainly go to other fighting games, but we like Smash, and in turn, if we notice stuff about it that we don't like, we'll talk about it. At this point it seems like you straight up don't want this discussion to happen, at which point, what discussion can possibly be had?

If the goal is over >30% then Smash already has that if you count all characters and echoes that have alts that change gender/names like Wendy and Pikachu Libre and don't try to get cute with how you calculate it. The % only gets bad when you start discount characters to make the roster look worse then it is.

For others, it's about the effort put into the characters, and people who wish female characters got comparable effort to male characters.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I didn't say it was perfect. Sakurai prioritized getting all previous characters in the game and then the handful of newcomers were seemingly all from the most requested poll from a few years ago. You can't make everyone happy, but it seems like he picked the characters to make the most amount of people happy. You spout these numbers and percentages when the simple reality is that the majority of them are cartoon ass characters that are beating each other up and knocking each other off stages. Sorry if that's not good enough for you, there are other fighters on the market.
I understand how we got to this situation, namely with the "Everyone is Here" approach. But they could have used the DLC to at least try to alleviate the problem. But so far, we've had nothing but characters who are primarily guys in the Fighters Pass, with the only female character being the secondary part of a duo. The fact of the matter is that Smash Ultimate can & should do better when it comes to women, especially considering how big the game is in terms of sales. Representation matters, plain & simple. Take advantage of the options that exist, in which there are a decent selection to choose from.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I do think a Switch-specific MH game is possible, I just don't think it'll be called MH5.

It may not be officially called MH5, I'm not sure what you would rather call it right now. MH Switch? The naming of it seems like the most non-issue to have a point of contention over imo.

There was a six year gap between AA4 and AA5, during which the series switched from DS to 3DS. AA6 came out three years ago, and now the series would move to Switch and/or multiplatform, so I think you're seriously jumping the gun here.

Again, I love AA, and I want 7, I've just lost some faith with Capcom.

You really need to understand that asking for diversity in the games roster is not a personal attack on Sakurai or is devaluing his work. It really is not difficult to understand....

And you have to understand that Sakurai isn't responsible for making up new characters for other companies and has to pick from what the industry has to offer, which has historically failed women and POC.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
And you have to understand that Sakurai isn't responsible for making up new characters for other companies and has to pick from what the industry has to offer, which has historically failed women and POC.
But our point is that options do exist, especially with regards to women in general. It wouldn't kill anyone if Sakurai & Nintendo took advantage of a few of them. Yes, the industry has failed women & people of color for a good long while. But Smash is also part of that industry. Use what's available, as while there are only a handful of characters of color, there are a solid number of women to choose from.
Oct 25, 2017
Well that doesn't help her chances now at this point. There probably won't be any FE for dlc period because it's very likely all 3rd party. Even then, a 3h rep would be the one.

I dunno, I think it's possible that the DLC after #5 might be Nintendo-based (or at least not third-party only).

Also, the latest FE character isn't to promote a recent game TBF - Chrom was added for Smash popularity. If FE characters are promotional, it really should have been Celica as a Robin Echo Fighter. More original design, more original Echo choice, more magic user options.


Jun 6, 2019
And you have to understand that Sakurai isn't responsible for making up new characters for other companies and has to pick from what the industry has to offer, which has historically failed women and POC.
I do understand that. I've said it multiple times in this thread after many people mentioned it. You're the one that keeps acting like we are all against Sakurai or something....geez

The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
I do agree that options are limited, especially with regards to people of color. But taking advantage of even one or two of the options that are there wouldn't hurt anyone & would be appreciated. Though regarding Twintelle, there are signs of her dethroning Ribbon Girl as the leading lady. And as far as popularity goes, it's mainly between her & Min Min.

Really? Interesting...


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, I think it's possible that the DLC after #5 might be Nintendo-based (or at least not third-party only).

Also, the latest FE character isn't to promote a recent game TBF - Chrom was added for Smash popularity. If FE characters are promotional, it really should have been Celica as a Robin Echo Fighter. More original design, more original Echo choice, more magic user options.
Based on everything said, 3rd party seems very likely for after character 5. Maybe there is one or two first party, but that doesn't guarantee one being. And even then...she is an assist trophy.