Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.

Reason 1 - Jigglypuff. In a lot of Melee Fans's eyes if you are playing a "Lame" Charcter such as Jigglypuff then you don't deserve to be the best. Plus Jigglepuff's defensive playstyle has led to a lot of pepole saying how Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff as being really lame as he does a lot of camping.

Reason 2 - Mango. Mango and Hungrybox have a heated rivarly with each other as two of the best Smash Players in the world and the two have never gotten along with many pepole siding Manga over Hungrybox due to their opinion that Mango plays a more intresting playstyle and is preceived in the community as being less of an asshole then HB

Reason 3 - Embrace the Heel, often times Hungrybox will embrace the Heel in him and while he won't throw matches - he will act in a way to annoy his opponent and acts like a "diva" at times - being very vocal about his wins and losses.

Reason 4 - He's Killing Melee, pepole think that due to Hungrybox's attitude and his "boring" way of playing Melee, he's slowly killing Melee for everyone else
Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.

This makes more sense.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.
Oct 25, 2017

panama chief

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.

Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.

ahhhh, yeah this will get you cancelled. that stuff the other user posted sounded like people just being mad to be mad. like how some people hate Kim K for existing...

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"Cancel culture" looks like it has a totally different meaning on page 2 than it did on page 1.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Reason 1 - Jigglypuff. In a lot of Melee Fans's eyes if you are playing a "Lame" Charcter such as Jigglypuff then you don't deserve to be the best. Plus Jigglepuff's defensive playstyle has led to a lot of pepole saying how Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff as being really lame as he does a lot of camping.

Reason 2 - Mango. Mango and Hungrybox have a heated rivarly with each other as two of the best Smash Players in the world and the two have never gotten along with many pepole siding Manga over Hungrybox due to their opinion that Mango plays a more intresting playstyle and is preceived in the community as being less of an asshole then HB

Reason 3 - Embrace the Heel, often times Hungrybox will embrace the Heel in him and while he won't throw matches - he will act in a way to annoy his opponent and acts like a "diva" at times - being very vocal about his wins and losses.

Reason 4 - He's Killing Melee, pepole think that due to Hungrybox's attitude and his "boring" way of playing Melee, he's slowly killing Melee for everyone else

None of these are legitimate reasons to hate anybody, nevermind "canceling" them.

Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.

Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.

These, however ...


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.

Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.
I'd forgotten about the Milo thing.

I also don't remember the sexual harassment stuff at all though. I remember the infidelity thing coming up after a bout of depression on Twitter when his girlfriend left him.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I don't want to hear Zero's opinion on cancel culture after hes done shit like @'ing the reviewer at IGN to accuse her of being paid off, or his shitty views on mental illness.
On-topic: Hbox seems like a cool enough person, but I don't need Zero of all people to tell me that
Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.
Not keeping close tabs on these people, I feel like I'm missing a lot of context here.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I saw Hungrybox at a grocery store in Florida yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I miss this
Oct 25, 2017
I'd forgotten about the Milo thing.

I also don't remember the sexual harassment stuff at all though. I remember the infidelity thing coming up after a bout of depression on Twitter when his girlfriend left him.
To my knowledge he hasn't touched anyone inappropriately, thankfully, but I've read several stories about unwelcome advances and him hitting on women right in front of their partners.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Celebrity worship is such a pathetic thing.
the smash playerbase has always been embarrassingly immature.

I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a community for a game that acted this immature and wasn't almost exclusively played by literal children.
But that's okay because he's killing the "spirit of Melee" (lost count of hearing that too). Apparently, Melee is only Melee when you play it by their non-spoken house rules, otherwise expect backlash and the community demanding new rules to prohibit you doing that again.
This is why I couldn't ever get into it, beyond all of the esoteric nonsense the game has that is frightful for new players.
You have to play with a specific set of rules.
You have to play with a specific controller.
You cannot have a controller with a specific layout (Hitbox) or any kinds of mods to make it actually playable without doing detrimental harm to our hands.
You cannot play this character in this way or we won't acknowledge it as legitimate because we cannot put a specific rule in place that won't make us look like buffoons.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Reason 1 - Jigglypuff. In a lot of Melee Fans's eyes if you are playing a "Lame" Charcter such as Jigglypuff then you don't deserve to be the best. Plus Jigglepuff's defensive playstyle has led to a lot of pepole saying how Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff as being really lame as he does a lot of camping.

Reason 2 - Mango. Mango and Hungrybox have a heated rivarly with each other as two of the best Smash Players in the world and the two have never gotten along with many pepole siding Manga over Hungrybox due to their opinion that Mango plays a more intresting playstyle and is preceived in the community as being less of an asshole then HB

Reason 3 - Embrace the Heel, often times Hungrybox will embrace the Heel in him and while he won't throw matches - he will act in a way to annoy his opponent and acts like a "diva" at times - being very vocal about his wins and losses.

Reason 4 - He's Killing Melee, pepole think that due to Hungrybox's attitude and his "boring" way of playing Melee, he's slowly killing Melee for everyone else

My responses to these:

1. Who the fuck cares.
2. Who the fuck cares.
3. Who the fuck cares.
4. Melee is still alive? I thought Ultimate basically killed it except for the 3-4 morons who insist that wavedashing continue to be a thing.


Jun 21, 2019



I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a community for a game that acted this immature and wasn't almost exclusively played by literal children.

This is why I couldn't ever get into it, beyond all of the esoteric nonsense the game has that is frightful for new players.
You have to play with a specific set of rules.
You have to play with a specific controller.
You cannot have a controller with a specific layout (Hitbox) or any kinds of mods to make it actually playable without doing detrimental harm to our hands.
You cannot play this character in this way or we won't acknowledge it as legitimate because we cannot put a specific rule in place that won't make us look like buffoons.

There are actual several Hitbox style controllers that have been designed specifically for playing Melee! Check out the B0XX its pretty dope. Additionally most people play on Dolphin now a day's which comes with a lot of nice features. The online is actually quite good and there are some pretty awesome training pack modifications to help you get into the game. Sure there are some silly narratives propagated top players but I don't think that's avoidable in any game with an esports scene.

Regarding HBox as people have said earlier in this thread things have gotten a lot better for him after the crab incident, he has a pretty strong stream following these days and all of the old beefs have deflated into harmless jokes at this point. HBox has been invited and played friendlies at the last couple big training/stream sessions that Mango has hosted at his house prior to big tournaments.

Zero seems pretty chill overall but really feels like he's digging for some drama on this one. Guess that's the youtube life though.

My responses to these:

1. Who the fuck cares.
2. Who the fuck cares.
3. Who the fuck cares.
4. Melee is still alive? I thought Ultimate basically killed it except for the 3-4 morons who insist that wavedashing continue to be a thing.

C'mon, are you even trying here?


Dec 30, 2017
Hbox is my favorite melee player because he isn't playing fucking Fox or Falco. Yes, he sometimes does something wrong, but he's not the reason why Melee's community appears to be a cesspool.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Zero's thoughts on cancel culture fail to address necessary elements. I like him as a smash player, but he is obviously stuck in a YouTube/Smash bubble where the actual reasons to dislike Hungrybox (found on page 2 of this thread) are completely irrelevant when compared to some nonsense in the melee community. Further, outrage over cancel culture rarely actually addresses specifics or what is at stake? Is Hungrybox really cancelled? I don't think so. Did some good come of canceling Milo? Yes. So, what are we talking about? Condemning all people without a road back to retribution is bad? Okay, yeah everyone believes that. To take it further is just strawman shit.

Zero's #1 soapbox is "people get hate when they are the best" just so he can circle back to people wanting him to lose in Smash 4. That's what this video is about.

Space Hunter

Feb 12, 2018
Hbox is my favorite melee player because he isn't playing fucking Fox or Falco. Yes, he sometimes does something wrong, but he's not the reason why Melee's community appears to be a cesspool.
Character representation in the 2019 top 10 Melee players list: Jigglypuff, Fox, Falco, Marth, Sheik, Captain Falcon, Pikachu, Yoshi. So no, not everyone plays "fucking" Fox or Falco, whatever that means. Not even close.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
You have to play with a specific controller.
You cannot have a controller with a specific layout (Hitbox) or any kinds of mods to make it actually playable without doing detrimental harm to our hands.
This isn't true. Hitbox's Smashbox technically doesn't meet the legality requirements but it's highly unlikely anyone would prevent you from using it even at a major tournament. Hax's B0XX controller is legal though, and the soon-to-be-kickstarted-again Smash Stick (analog fight stick) also meets the legality requirements. A custom made controller could also meet the requirements, it's just a matter of choosing to follow them.

You cannot play this character in this way or we won't acknowledge it as legitimate because we cannot put a specific rule in place that won't make us look like buffoons.
This is completely irrelevant unless your goal is to appeal to Twitch chat instead of being good at the game.

And there has definitely been talk about more explicit camping rules. I think nearly everyone that has a half decent grasp on the concept supports a ledge grab limit these days.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
There are actual several Hitbox style controllers that have been designed specifically for playing Melee! Check out the B0XX its pretty dope. Additionally most people play on Dolphin now a day's which comes with a lot of nice features. The online is actually quite good and there are some pretty awesome training pack modifications to help you get into the game. Sure there are some silly narratives propagated top players but I don't think that's avoidable in any game with an esports scene.
The controller thing is really a weird issue, to me. In the rest of the FGC you can use whatever you want so long as it doesn't have macros or some way to cheat on it on it. that's it. With Smash you had to have committee hearings across TOs to decide which freaking way you wanted the SOCD to be handled. It had to allow people to "compete" with it when using a GC controller. And even then there are still tournaments where the B0XX and SmashBox aren't legal. I'm actually glad to see them finally moving on to allowing them, for their community's sake, but it never should have been the cluster that it was.
This isn't true. Hitbox's Smashbox technically doesn't meet the legality requirements but it's highly unlikely anyone would prevent you from using it even at a major tournament. Hax's B0XX controller is legal though, and the soon-to-be-kickstarted-again Smash Stick (analog fight stick) also meets the legality requirements. A custom made controller could also meet the requirements, it's just a matter of choosing to follow them.

This is completely irrelevant unless your goal is to appeal to Twitch chat instead of being good at the game.

And there has definitely been talk about more explicit camping rules. I think nearly everyone that has a half decent grasp on the concept supports a ledge grab limit these days.
This is the type of thing I was talking about and it reeks of "stop throwing so much!" from playing SF2 back in 91. I thought we were all past making up silly rules like this.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
This is the type of thing I was talking about and it reeks of "stop throwing so much!" from playing SF2 back in 91. I thought we were all past making up silly rules like this.
Ledge camping is literally maintaining invincibility to prevent the opponent from approaching you. It's not something where you can just say "get better."

It's like a basketball game if the players never had to pass the ball inbounds to start play, so a team scores 2, gets the ball back, and never starts play again and wins.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
None of these are legitimate reasons to hate anybody, nevermind "canceling" them.

These, however ...

It speaks to the priorities of certain gamers that the whole thread is trying to weigh the "cancelability" of what amounts to the Melee Jigglypuff guy being a bit of a jackass to other Smash players when the actual "cancelable" shit had to get dragged in by someone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I really care what Zero has to say about cancel culture, I'm gonna be honest.

Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.

Oh wow I did not know about the Milo bit or the harassing women bit

Damn HB actually did earn that crab


Jun 21, 2019
The controller thing is really a weird issue, to me. In the rest of the FGC you can use whatever you want so long as it doesn't have macros or some way to cheat on it on it. that's it. With Smash you had to have committee hearings across TOs to decide which freaking way you wanted the SOCD to be handled. It had to allow people to "compete" with it when using a GC controller. And even then there are still tournaments where the B0XX and SmashBox aren't legal. I'm actually glad to see them finally moving on to allowing them, for their community's sake, but it never should have been the cluster that it was.

This is the type of thing I was talking about and it reeks of "stop throwing so much!" from playing SF2 back in 91. I thought we were all past making up silly rules like this.

The other side of the arguement would be that competitive sports have spectator driven ruleset changes all of the time. One thats often referenced when talking about Melee having rule set changes is the NBA adding a shot clock to speed up the pace of the game. I understand that different people have different ideas of how Smash should be played, but it isn't exclusive to the Melee scene at all, you don't see Ultimate tournaments being played with items on or with stage hazards and Ultimate has its fair share of unliked characters. It's just the nature of any competitive game (excluding perfectly symmetrical ones perhaps).

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.
Ok there we go. The information prior to this sounded like a bunch of childish bullshit from the Smash-centric FGC, but this makes far more sense.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Reason 1 - Jigglypuff. In a lot of Melee Fans's eyes if you are playing a "Lame" Charcter such as Jigglypuff then you don't deserve to be the best. Plus Jigglepuff's defensive playstyle has led to a lot of pepole saying how Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff as being really lame as he does a lot of camping.

Reason 2 - Mango. Mango and Hungrybox have a heated rivarly with each other as two of the best Smash Players in the world and the two have never gotten along with many pepole siding Manga over Hungrybox due to their opinion that Mango plays a more intresting playstyle and is preceived in the community as being less of an asshole then HB

Reason 3 - Embrace the Heel, often times Hungrybox will embrace the Heel in him and while he won't throw matches - he will act in a way to annoy his opponent and acts like a "diva" at times - being very vocal about his wins and losses.

Reason 4 - He's Killing Melee, pepole think that due to Hungrybox's attitude and his "boring" way of playing Melee, he's slowly killing Melee for everyone else
What ? That's the reason ? That's hilariously stupid... I expected so much worse...

Seems like you forgot a few:
Reason 5 - Sexually harassing women at Smash events, plus having a history of infidelity.

Reason 6 - Lots of personal anecdotes from community members who describe him as being rude and needlessly confrontational.

Reason 7 - Posting a selfie with Milo Yiannopoulos when his white supremacist politics were already well known. Pretty sure Milo had already outed himself as a pedophile at that point too but I could be wrong. Of course, Hbox's excuse was that "anyone would want to take a selfie with a celebrity" so it's totally cool.

There it is.


Oct 25, 2017
A mod should really add Sami's post to the OP

and yeah Zero can kindly shut the hell up if he is going to cape for HB knowing that all of this happened


Oct 28, 2017
if you pepole think the smash community is cancelling due to reasons 567.

you expect too much from them honestly.

and this is not even something specifically to the smash community, most "gamer communities" dont give a shit about those kind of things enough to "cancel" someone


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
It speaks to the priorities of certain gamers that the whole thread is trying to weigh the "cancelability" of what amounts to the Melee Jigglypuff guy being a bit of a jackass to other Smash players when the actual "cancelable" shit had to get dragged in by someone else.
Yeah some of these narratives and especially the confirmation bias are pretty damn transparent.

I was never comfortable with the fgc scene as a whole back when all these guys were getting started and "getting raped" was considered a tame form of discourse, thats about all I needed to know from that crowd.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
if you pepole think the smash community is cancelling due to reasons 567.

you expect too much from them honestly.

and this is not even something specifically to the smash community, most "gamer communities" dont give a shit about those kind of things enough to "cancel" someone
That is also true, sadly
Jun 22, 2019
I wasn't even aware of the legit gross stuff from HB, geez. I've only ever known him as the guy hated for playing Puff (which is what 99.9% of people hate him for).


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah some of these narratives and especially the confirmation bias are pretty damn transparent.

I was never comfortable with the fgc scene as a whole back when all these guys were getting started and "getting raped" was considered a tame form of discourse, thats about all I needed to know from that crowd.

Recently watched the Smash Bros youtube Doc and wooooooof. Let that entire scene die. Also that doc is fuckin terrible for the most part.


Jun 21, 2019
Yeah some of these narratives and especially the confirmation bias are pretty damn transparent.

I was never comfortable with the fgc scene as a whole back when all these guys were getting started and "getting raped" was considered a tame form of discourse, thats about all I needed to know from that crowd.

Did you watch the video? I think the blame lies on Zero for not bringing it up in the video.

Big sponsors have been on the scene since like 2013, people don't use vernacular like "getting raped" anymore. Really the scene has been pretty good about removing problem players (harassers and transphobes) whenever they're exposed. Overall the scene is pretty darn inclusive at this point though I'm sure there's tons of room for improvement.

Recently watched the Smash Bros youtube Doc and wooooooof. Let that entire scene die. Also that doc is fuckin terrible for the most part.

The doc itself pretty old at this point, and the sections you are referring to are probably clips from even earlier. Times have changed for the better.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Big sponsors have been on the scene since like 2013, people don't use vernacular like "getting raped" anymore. Really the scene has been pretty good about removing problem players (harassers and transphobes) whenever they're exposed. Overall the scene is pretty darn inclusive at this point though I'm sure there's tons of room for improvement.
Yep, in the last couple years several noteworthy players have been banned for harassment, and one lost his sponsor and was temporarily banned after a death threat on Twitter.

I actually wasn't aware Absentpage's ban (for the death threat) was lifted until writing this post. Seems like he had to agree to some sort of therapy to be allowed back.
Oct 25, 2017
if you pepole think the smash community is cancelling due to reasons 567.

you expect too much from them honestly.

and this is not even something specifically to the smash community, most "gamer communities" dont give a shit about those kind of things enough to "cancel" someone
Would it blow your mind if I told you that I've been in the community for a while and know plenty of socially progressive people who've been much more involved for a much longer time who do care? It's not really a small community.


Oct 25, 2017
Done, sorry i didn't do it earlier - was having dinner

Oh it's no problem at all, thank you for adding it!

if you pepole think the smash community is cancelling due to reasons 567.

you expect too much from them honestly.

and this is not even something specifically to the smash community, most "gamer communities" dont give a shit about those kind of things enough to "cancel" someone

While you may be right I still think these things should be known regardless I used to have a neutral opinion on HB and actually started to root for him, but as soon as I saw that pic above


Like damn it was instant disappointment