
Oct 28, 2017
They're trying to bypass medical counseling? Yeah, this is super problematic. Same reason why we don't just let oxy, Vicodin and Adderall OTC.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
What happens if you get in and decide you don't want to go through with it but already hit the button

Dr. Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Dystopian, dangerous, and almost certainly dependent upon biased algorithms, even by design. I'll re-quote what you already quoted, just in case someone replies to mine:

This sounds like a perfectly safe product to mass-produce and allow the general population to access.

Oh dear god. My computational biology PhD class today was literally about the dangers of idiot AI researchers relying too hard on unexplainable/black box or confounded AI models to replace decisions by humans or draw faulty conclusions too hastily. We are certainly not at the point we can exclude a psychiatrist from this process.

My Tulpa

alt account
Sep 19, 2021


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who supports fully assisted suicide no one should be forced to live in pain or if their quality of life isn't livable but who is bipolar and is constantly fighting suicidal thoughts this scares me so much. removing the psychological evaluation is terrifying

I honestly wouldn't worry too much about this. The sad truth is there are so many more, much much worse things to worry about, such as guns, pills or even ICE cars.


Mailing Out Their Business
Oct 30, 2017
Huh. I'm... not sure how to feel about this. I do generally advocate people's agency over their own bodies, so I'm not opposed. Just wonder about the legal ramifications. Wasn't Dr. Kavorkian royally fucked or something?
Damn. Now I'll have to get my tattoo erased.
Do you really have a tattoo of that roller coaster?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm all for assisted suicide for people that can't cope living with severe disabilities or illnesses that degrade them over time like Alzheimer's and cancer. Going out on your own terms should be allowed if the alternative to living isn't a good one, but it should always be under supervision with doctors and psychologists.

There is no point forcing people to be kept alive if the time they have left will be pure torture and have come to terms on ending it early, at that point the law is just forcing people to suffer.

Im sure the pod will make sense in the future when AI technology is deemed reliable enough to make these sorts of judgements, this still seems too early.


Oct 27, 2017
What happens if something goes wrong and someone ends up dying in one of those things?


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Sarco pods — short for sarcophagus — allow a person to control their death inside the pod by quickly reducing internal oxygen levels. The person intending to end their life is required to answer a set of pre-recorded questions, then press a button that floods the interior with nitrogen. The oxygen level inside is quickly reduced from 21 per cent to one per cent.
I guess asphyxiation wouldn't be the worst way to go. As long as you can blow off CO2, you won't feel like you're suffocating.

I guess the company comes and hauls off the pod later? I hope it's refrigerated at least a little bit


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 29, 2017
Imagine working for a company actively developing & creating objects to allow someone to more effectively kill themselves? Seems like it'd be interesting work experience.


Oct 25, 2017
People should def have the right to end their own life in a humane way. Just thinking about having the possibility for myself actually makes me feel a lot better about living🤷🏾‍♂️.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
What, who or where is the fail safe in case someone changes their mind at the very last minute?

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
100% do not support any physically healthy people (yet mentally unhealthy) being approved for assisted suicides. In cases where people have terminal illnesses, fine. Someone who has depression or many other mental disorders able to kill themselves is not cool. Those conditions can be treated. I don't believe it's a good precedent to set.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather take the capsule mentioned in the article.
There is a video I just watched on Reddit of a relatively known author doing assisted suicide with his wife and best friend at his side. He drank something that put him to sleep and his organs shut down. It looked semi peaceful except the part where he begged for water, but he wasn't allowed to have it because he may drown because his organs basically don't work.

Resetta Stone

Oct 26, 2017
Nothing, Arizona
I bet this will find it's niche here in the US with states that have the death penalty on the books. It'll be marketed as a more 'humane' approach than the chemical injection methods we currently have.


Oct 27, 2017
People should def have the right to end their own life in a humane way. Just thinking about having the possibility for myself actually makes me feel a lot better about living🤷🏾‍♂️.
Exactly...And unlike what people say, I maintain not all mental illnesses can be completely cured.They can be toned down, contained, but sadly it doesn't always heal.I will always support right of people to choose the time of their end.
Oct 25, 2017
Just put a VR headset in there and then nobody will have to waste gas driving it to wherever the fuck. Imagine dying surrounded by all your favorite anime babes. 🤩


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
100% do not support any physically healthy people (yet mentally unhealthy) being approved for assisted suicides. In cases where people have terminal illnesses, fine. Someone who has depression or many other mental disorders able to kill themselves is not cool. Those conditions can be treated. I don't believe it's a good precedent to set.

Suicide is not always a spur of the moment impulse. Sometimes people have just had enough. And I don't think people empathize with that pain enough.
Dec 30, 2020
I love how it's depicted as being in the middle of nowhere. Such a hassle to get to.
Imagine wandering through a forest on some journey, then you happen upon a silven glen.

"Where am I?" You ask.

"You are in the realm of the faire folk," says a friendly fae.

"And what is that?" You ask.

"One of our legal suicide pods," replies the friendly fae.

"And that?"

"That is a nutribullet we use to make smoothies. But do not accept smoothies from the goblin-mart's juice stand."


Oct 27, 2017
Just put a VR headset in there and then nobody will have to waste gas driving it to wherever the fuck. Imagine dying surrounded by all your favorite anime babes. 🤩
Just kill me now—wait a minute…
I don't think I wanna be on this planet anymore…dammit

is there a phrase I can use to express my disappointment with humanity without invoking suicide?


Oct 25, 2017
Suicide is not always a spur of the moment impulse. Sometimes people have just had enough. And I don't think people empathize with that pain enough.
It certainly wasn't impulsive for me (and was probably 2 years in the making), so that I can understand. But when people are ill, their perspective is warped and unreliable. I felt like I had no other options, that I didn't deserve anything else, and that it had gone on long enough. Of course, it wasn't until I finally got the help I needed that I could step back and see how mental illness was robbing me of agency and the ability to know anything else.

Maybe it could be argued for chronic, long-term cases where all other options have truly been exhausted, but I'd fear that more people would be failed rather than getting adequate treatment.


Oct 27, 2017
I can only assume the people behind this gets off on all the deaths they will be responsible for. This is quite sickening.


May 20, 2018
100% do not support any physically healthy people (yet mentally unhealthy) being approved for assisted suicides. In cases where people have terminal illnesses, fine. Someone who has depression or many other mental disorders able to kill themselves is not cool. Those conditions can be treated. I don't believe it's a good precedent to set.
I mostly agree with this. Committing suicide before cycling through every anti-depressant is absolutely irrational. Other forms of treatment also such as CBT and ACT.


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, WA, USA
Fascinating article to read, and sent me down a rabbit hole of groups for/against stuff like this.

Tough thread to read though, skipped most of it. You even hint at making light of suicide in most threads and you are shredded... but memes and jokes seem ok here in this thread. Seems off to me.

Deleted member 28564

User-requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I agree that you ought to have control over your body and that this should extent to your life, but I don't really want it to be this easy. At least make this cost a fortune.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh so no humans are involved like psychiatrists. What are tech folks' fascination with being against safeguards and wanting algorithms to sort everything out? It's such libertarian hubris, don't use experts and just build it all from the start up with all these ideas and narratives but none of the regulations. Theranos, Elon Musk, and other Silicon Valley ventures are very much like this. They all end up failing.
Nov 3, 2021
It seems annoyingly narcissistic. It's not any more convenient or painless than cheaper methods, the only advantage is that some rich person can get their butler to retrieve their coffin from a scenic area.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not entirely against assisted suicide but man I can't help but feel this is some dystopian shit.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
No psychiatric evaluation? No direct oversight during the process.

Yeah, fuck this shit.