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Deleted member 2834

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Oct 25, 2017

I thought it was an interesting take worth talking about even if the topic is certainly controversial. But let's stay calm. He's right that raping animals is less accepted than outright killing and eating them, that's not up for debate is it. I think with respect to humans, we perceive killing as the worse crime at least if prison sentences are anything to go by. What would you respond to Destiny with regards to this issue? Which moral framework can you come up with that makes killing and eating animals for pleasure (certainly not ouf of necessity in this day and age) acceptable but not sexually abusing them, while staying consistent? How does raping an animal get a negative response out of someone who eats said animals?

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Same reason rape and torture are considered worse than murder ? idk man but that's a weird fucking take to have


Oct 30, 2017
I'm reminded of that story about the orangutan that was being raped in some brothel that was severely traumatized by the experience.

Deleted member 50374

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Dec 4, 2018
Killing and eating animals is not about causing pain and abuses on the animals. Most western countries have laws that address the welfare of animals even when they're going to be eaten. Rape is also not about pleasure but inflicting pain and making the victim feel helpless.


Oct 26, 2017
I think if you eat an animal you could argue that you get sustenance from it. I don't think raping horses actually does anything positive for your health, but I don't know for sure I haven't tried.


Oct 26, 2017
It's taboo because it evokes anti-civility, which is a major driving force of taboos.

See also: Eating food off the floor

And it falls under animal abuse laws or something. Destiny would need to provide an argument against animal abuse laws, which he probably can. I'd like to see it though.
Oct 25, 2017
My view is this: You can make an argument against something and still be part of the problem, it doesn't negate your point. I recognize my own hypocracy with the fact that I eat meat yet would still advocate against horse rape. In my household, we're working on reducing our meat consumption.



Oct 27, 2017
I mean, there are people whose job it is to collect sperm of horses or bulls, so I'd say it's not really a line of animal cruelty but of morality. If there's a practical use for it it's ok, if it's just done for someone's pleasure we despise it. It's actually not that different when it's about killing animals
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Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
OP I know you've been looking into vegan/vegetarian lifestyle things but this guy ain't The One to pop up fam


Oct 25, 2017
Eating animals is its own thing, which occurs in nature. Rape is a deliberate evil.

Just like in nature you would have a different emotional reaction to an animal eating a different animal, than you would to one animal torturing another.


Jan 31, 2018
We have methods of slaughtering animals that civilized society has deemed humane. Doesn't always happen that way, but ideally killing an animal for meat should be a quick and largely painless experience for the animal.

Can't really think of a humane way to rape an animal.


Nov 28, 2018
How on earth can you not tell that hes joking lmao. Y'all need some more social interactions in your life my lord
Oct 25, 2017
There's no moral framework that works. You would have to take the pragmatic approach, that neither is ethically bad, but we discourage bestiality because someone who engages in sexual acts with animals without their consent is probably lacking in empathy and looking for sexual gratification in ways that might be extended to humans, and that would be harmful. We don't see this same thing for eating them.

But if rape is bad killing is bad. That's my current, tentative position.


Oct 29, 2017
An animal cannot consent to intercourse with a human. Then again killing them isnt consensual either.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
If ever was a use for "Don't @ me", this is it

Just Jet

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Bruhh this is obviously a joke, y'all internet weirdos take things too seriously


Oct 25, 2017
Killing someone outright means they will suffer less than if they were continually (sexually) abused, but I wouldn't claim either action is better than the other, they are both more or less awful. In a world where we have options, where we build crops and can live off of plant-based foods we get to make that choice. People that abuse animals sexually need to go to get therapy and work on those issues. And maybe they can find a way to live with other people and have sexual relationships with them, that's a choice for them. Or face charges if they are caught, of course.

The short version is: If you have options that are morally (and economically!) better, you would be wise to choose those. For a cleaner conscience and for a nicer world.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
OP I know you've been looking into vegan/vegetarian lifestyle things but this guy ain't The One to pop up fam
Sure, I know he's flawed. I wasn't too thrilled about his performance on Era either. Even with regards to animal cruelty and veganism, he's had some eye brow raising discussions with some of his viewers. He basically says he absolutely doesn't care about animals, which is the reason he won't abstain from consuming animal products. However, for those who do empathize with animals, eating them is a moral wrong. That's about his position. He's probably the only non-veggie/vegan I've seen who actually turned some of his viewers into ones.

ITT people looking for reasons to fuck a horse
Not quite. I oppose the eating part in the first place.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
What would you respond to Destiny with regards to this issue? Which moral framework can you come up with that makes killing and eating animals for pleasure (certainly not ouf of necessity in this day and age) acceptable but not sexually abusing them, while staying consistent? How does raping an animal get a negative response out of someone who eats said animals?

This reads like the most ridiculous essay prompt ever.

Let's use a hypothetical. You have a kid and they're reading a book, the passage could say "Hunter Joe trapped the rabbit and cooked it for dinner," or "Hunter Joe trapped the rabbit and had sex with it." Which seems normal?


Nov 28, 2018
Destiny is joking, but not really. Like hes had a whole 2 hour debate about it with a caller.

These are the highlights cause the full debate is really long and dragged out by the caller.

Do you see the faces that are being made in the thumbnail lol. Yes maybe a 2 hour debate was had but have you never had a ridiculous debate with your friends over nonsense before?

Thats what that is lol. This shouldn't be a serious thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Same reason animal abuse is illegal while killing animals is legal. Killing and eating animals is considered natural and part of the circle of life. Abusing animals is considered unnatural and cruel.

Bestiality and animal rights laws have a morality aspect to them. They're only partially for the benefit of the animal (which has very limited legal rights) and also partially - or even in the larger part - meant to punish acts that degrade humanity. That happens to include needless cruelty and cross-species sexual acts.


Nov 24, 2018
Eating food is a necessity. It can be argued that we could survive on crops, but that's besides the point. Eating other animals is simply a brutal part of nature.

But raping another animal (they can't consent) is just wrong and perverse and self-serving.

I say this all as someone who wants to cut back on the amount of meat I eat.
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