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Apr 27, 2018
Anakin watching Rey physically heal a random snake monster with the Force


The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
As with all the mystery boxes set up by J.J. in this trilogy the answer is pretty simple: because Palpatine. No matter how.
I have been every vision

Sheev also gave Luke the vision of Ben destroying everything.
He also gave Anakin his visions of his mom and Padme dying.

Everything is Sheev.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw this yesterday, didn't like it all that much, but still better than AotC imo. The editing and pacing were really off in the first half an hour, and felt more like a trailer for what was to come in the rest of the film.

Not sure what the point was of showing that Finn was Force Sensitive, in terms of the story (I'm think that, that was what he wanted to tell Rey)...

Btw, was that a double-bladed lightsaber Rey had at the end, it looked like it to me, even though only one blade was ignited?


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You know, I honestly didn't and I guess still mostly don't think that JJ Abrams harbors ill will towards Rian Johnson.

But 'You should treat a Jedi's weapon with a little more respect' really reads like "FUCK YOU LAST JEDI" subtext that I think they only snuck in because they knew this was one that they could totally get away with since half the fandom feels the same way.

One of the friends I was with said that too, and thought the whole "I was wrong" thing out of Luke read the same way, but I think that TLJ itself kinda comes to the same conclusion... by the end, Luke HAS totally changed. Luke at the end of TLJ already wouldn't have thrown the lightsaber.


Oct 25, 2017
Btw, do y'all think they released the Mandalorian earlier for this exact reason:

To show that 'force healing' is a thing and to quickly create precedence. So they have something to point to when people wanna complain about Rey having never before seen force powers OMGOMGMARYSUE.

One of the friends I was with said that too, and thought the whole "I was wrong" thing out of Luke read the same way, but I think that TLJ itself kinda comes to the same conclusion... by the end, Luke HAS totally changed. Luke at the end of TLJ already wouldn't have thrown the lightsaber.

Yup, Luke grows so much throughout the course of TLJ, but people tend to ignore this because they disagree with both his starting point as well as his destination.
Luke once again embraced the force at the end of TLJ, albeit in a different way


Oct 25, 2017
You know, Maz herself is kind of a wierd non-sequitur character.

She's this wierd next-gen Yoda stand in, but isn't a force user and is just this super connected character to the rest of the galaxy who knows much about the force and is super respected in the resistance and....

who the fuck is she?

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
Shipping culture is out of control. You know you can have characters talk to each other without them needing to hook up.

I think Finn only loved Rey as a friend.


Apr 27, 2018
Maz had no business even being in TLJ or TROS, they just shoe horned her in to say she was in all 3 films. Her appearance in TLJ is especially dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
Anakin watching Rey physically heal a random snake monster with the Force


Anakins force ghost must have been so pissed with the goings on in this movie. Fatal wounds being healed left and right. Force resurrection, clone resurrection.

He's all, I killed the younglings and all I got was this dumb suit!

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Forgive my Cinema Sins level of discourse here but...

Ben shows up on Sith World in an imperial TIE Fighter... they don't have hyperdrive capability, do they?

Also triangle winged TIE's looked dumb.


Oct 27, 2017
This trilogy didn't really feel like "star wars" to me. Everything seemed to happen so fast and without reason. So much seemed disjointed.

I still don't get why/how Palps came back? And in the crawl? I'm still a bit confused.


Oct 27, 2017
ANH: Great classic film. Badass planet destroying weapon decades in the making. To find the weakness took incredible luck, planning, and sacrifice. Later explained via another great film it was sabotaged by its own designer, which actually makes a ton of sense.

Empire: Beyond excellent film. No mega weapon with a single point of failure. Straight character drama.

ROTJ: Pretty ok movie. Same mega weapon as ANH with yet another single point of failure. Fine, it's incomplete, so simply exploding the core actually makes sense. Obviously in there to excuse a massive space battle nonetheless.

TFA: Pretty fine movie I suppose, but safe as fuck. Essentially ANH for a new generation. Same weapon, but is biiiiiggggeeer. THREE PLANETS AT A TIME!!!!! (but built with a single point of failure...again??how/why??? Who cares. It's not a prequel).

TLJ: Controversial, but I personally loved it. No mega weapon with a single point of failure. Lots of character development taking the series in a new direction.

TROS: Disney hears a few people disliked TLJ. Needs to make bank. Bring in JJ Abrams to give their film the safe as fuck TFA treatment.

I know, let's have the Emperor lure the new gifted Jedi to do battle while the space Nazi grapples with himself (again). That confrontation should be a trap so the rest of the cast battles it out with his totally secret army (again).

A fleet of planet destroying mega weapons with a single point of failure? Sure, let's escalate THAT premise like a fucking elementary school kid. Beat the fucking horse: the Emperor you knew was dead should single handily be able to easily destroy a 1000 ship armada with force lightning. Why not.

Also, the space Nazi should repent at the end and be absolved of the billions killed. Because of the good sensed by the new gifted Jedi that was always in him. Have him die in the arms of the new gifted Jedi after the Emperor is killed...again...maybe...who ever really knows anymore.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Movie didn't live up to the low expectations I had for it. I don't mind and even adore at times fan service stuff like Lukes X-Wing but this film overused it so much that it lost impact. The spectacle of the film was wonderful but the whole story was a mess. The logic of Ben coming back to the light because he was stabbed and called for from his mom was so absurd. Han coming back to appear for him was nowhere near earned in this film.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the friends I was with said that too, and thought the whole "I was wrong" thing out of Luke read the same way, but I think that TLJ itself kinda comes to the same conclusion... by the end, Luke HAS totally changed. Luke at the end of TLJ already wouldn't have thrown the lightsaber.
Eh, it's a bit half way.

Like, the final conversation regarding that is his discussion with Yoda regarding the Sacred Texts. Rey ended up taking them and will learn from them, but Yoda said "Yes, Wisdom they contained, but turn pagers they were not. The girl Rey has everything she needs."

My interpretation of this was basically the same as the general thesis of the movie: The past is important and you shouldn't kill it, but you shouldn't idealize it and hold it to utmost importance. Just learn from it so you can do better." Yes, it's worth keeping hte sacred texts around, but they're not THAT important.

In regards to the light saber, yes, I agree Luke probably wouldn't have tossed it away like that at the end of the movie, but I think he'd still scoff at treating it with too much reverence or respect. It's an object, it's a thing, it's something to use. There's no reason to throw it away, but don't worship the damn thing.

Honestly, I wish the damn thing would have stayed broken and Rey had made her own lightsaber like the one she has at the end of the movie. If anything, her trying to throw away her own lightsaber would have been more inline with both TLJ and TRoS since this is about her getting her self actualization. It's not Luke's lightsaber that shouldn't be discarded, but her own.

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
So I saw this last night and honestly, I loved it.

I had a great time with it. I laughed, gasped and was just generally enthralled with it all.

My one question is regarding near the end when Rey hears all the past Jedi voices as she's saying "be with me". I swore I heard Obi Wan, Anakin and even Qui Gon (Luke and Yoda obviously), but was there anyone else? It went by so fast I couldn't really process it.

Also I could've sworn that it was Matt Lanter's Anakin that I heard, or was that just me?

Either way, I'm really happy and I can't wait to see it again on Sunday with family.


Oct 30, 2017
It was a mediocre movie, felt like the Pirates sequels in that there is just too much going on and the movie doesn't take enough care to build a story. Sheev's role was dumb as hell and it wasn't worth bringing him back in the flesh. He should have been a ghostly spirit and nothing more.

I really enjoyed the Ben and Rey stuff though, that has been the best thing about this trilogy. The kiss worked for me. My favourite part of the film was when Leia calls out to Ben and the immediate aftermath. That shit was beautiful.


Apr 27, 2018
They screwed themselves over in TFA by remaking ANH. So desperate to have a new Empire, Rebellion, Vader, Emperor, Tarkin, no Jedi, force prodigy on a desert planet. Should have gone with something fresh. Show the Republic slowly building itself back up, the remnants of the Empire, a fledgling Jedi Order, then some new threat we havent seen before etc.


Oct 28, 2017
I think Rian Johnson made his Star Wars movie and JJ made his Star Wars movies. No malice or desire to undo any of each other's work. No one shits on Rian for not picking up what JJ left at the end of TFA.
I at least appreciated the call back to ROTJ where the Emperor wanted to be "struck down in anger." It confirms to me that most of the idea came from Lucas.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the movie as a turn-brain-off rollercoaster ride

Honestly at the very end when Rey channelled all the Jedi, I was half hoping for the likes of older Ezra, Ahsoka, and every other Jedi that survived to drop in from above. If you're going to go cheesy and fan servicey, go all the way. Hell, I'd be fine with them all showing up as ghosts and it being the most anime scene in the franchise.

Forgive my Cinema Sins level of discourse here but...

Ben shows up on Sith World in an imperial TIE Fighter... they don't have hyperdrive capability, do they?

Also triangle winged TIE's looked dumb.

Star Wars Rebels had a prototype TIE with hyperdrive that had three wings too... which is actually a kinda neat reference if it was deliberate
Oct 28, 2017
There is more genuine tension and suspense in that opening bomber sequence in TLJ than ANY of the action set pieces in this. Also it was staged with a clear sense of framing and scene geography


Oct 27, 2017
I must say, Adam Driver was great in every movie. Even when the script went full Jar Jar.

He's the Ewan Mcgregor of this trilogy


Oct 25, 2017
So any chance we get some sort of extended edition becasue holy shit this movie was packed! I I think the route of 3 hours would have helped this movie flow better!


Oct 28, 2017
Ooh, I thought the "I have something to tell you" bit was about his force sensitivity. Not that that went anywhere with him and Rey just him sensing the right Star Destroyer in the final battle.

I thought this was what it was going to end up being. A psyche-out of sorts...

As in, the whole time we thought Finn was dying to confess his love to Rey but in the end he was trying to tell her he felt the force as well. Idk. It's hard to know what was really going on there.
Oct 26, 2017
And maybe don't install super cannons if they can cause the whole ship to be destroyed when they're hit. If you have 1000 destroyers you don't really need a super weapon on them.
No I'm keeping em, a star destroyer just isn't intimidating anymore unless it has a giant dong.

I'm going to teach my pilots to lightspeed skip like bosses too.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the movie. Not my favorite Star Wars, but far from the worst.

Has Leia being inside Kylo been discussed? This movie seemed to imply that dead Jedi/Sith can go in living ones. My take was that Leia was inside Kylo starting with when he threw his red lightsaber through the end of the film. That would explain was she faded the second he did. Is that how others interpreted it?


Oct 27, 2017
This trilogy didn't really feel like "star wars" to me. Everything seemed to happen so fast and without reason. So much seemed disjointed.

I still don't get why/how Palps came back? And in the crawl? I'm still a bit confused.

I think it's Poe that makes an offhanded remark about how the Sith have cloning tech
Oct 28, 2017
Lightspeed skipping was a neat idea but couldn't they have tied that into TLJ at least by saying they do it now because of FO tracking? Like at least try to recognize the existence of the previous movie ?


Apr 27, 2018
I still don't get why/how Palps came back? And in the crawl? I'm still a bit confused.
Im sure it will get explained in the comics or something. Since we saw the wreckage of the Death Star I suppose his near death corpse was discovered in the wreckage and taken back to the Sith planet.


Nov 6, 2017
This trilogy is what happens when you don't have a singular story writer/director for all three films.
This, this, this!!

Putting aside how one might feel about JJ vs Rian, if either of them had handled all 3 movies we would have ended up with something much better then we have.

As it stands now TFA sets up plot points and theads, that TLJ ignores or subverts, that TRoS then picks up again. Like Finn's latent Force sensitivity. I wish l the movies were able to build a consistent narrative that built up over all 3, because TLJ definitely feesl like the odd man out.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the movie. Not my favorite Star Wars, but far from the worst.

Has Leia being inside Kylo been discussed? This movie seemed to imply that dead Jedi/Sith can go in living ones. My take was that Leia was inside Kylo starting with when he threw his red lightsaber through the end of the film. That would explain was she faded the second he did. Is that how others interpreted it?
The way I saw it he felt Leia dying, she used her last powers to 'be' with him one final time.

He also chose not to kill her in TLJ so I guessed he has more of a soft spot for his mother


Oct 25, 2017
I loved the movie. I'm not going to pretend it's some perfect movie because it is rushed, and I wish some things were handled differently, but I still enjoyed it a lot and was happy where the main storylines went. I'm going to try and keep it simple but a few things I really loved were Rey, Finn, and Poe being a real trio this movie, that is something I really missed in TLJ. I was also ultimately happy with everything that happened to Rey and Kylo, and I thought Daisy and Driver were fantastic. I thought the humor was well done, which despite really loving TLJ, the humor was hit or miss in that one. Lots of fan service in this one, and me and my theater loved it. Lastly, visuals and the soundtrack continue to be amazing in this movie.

Really my only main negative is how rushed it is. I know that's going to ruin the movie for some people, and I get it, but it didn't for me. Also, some of the stuff connecting TLJ to this movie was done alright and some weren't, things like how they handled Rose in this was one of the things I was not a fan of. The handling of the direction of the trilogy was flawed, I'm not going to say it wasn't. The three movies could have been improved with a clear vision for all three movies, I'm not going to pretend like that isn't obvious. Still though, I loved the three movies and I think they do very much work together.

Finally, I just wanted to quickly say how much I enjoyed watching the movie with a crowd that was super into it and didn't say a negative thing as we were leaving. It's easy to forget how much people love Star Wars and how fun it can be to watch with how the internet is. I'm not saying there isn't anything wrong with not liking the movie, or having issues with things, because I had issues as well. However, the echo chamber of hate surrounding the TLJ and now this movie on the internet is just soul-crushing to read. It's not just Star Wars, the internet just loves to hate, and I'm so tired of it. Some discuss it intelligently and I really enjoy reading that regardless if they liked it or not, but others just shit on it relentlessly and it sucks and I'm over it, so I don't know how much of this thread I'll continue to read. Regardless of all that, I really enjoyed the movie and look forward to hopefully a new direction for Star Wars movie, and hopefully learning from what worked and what didn't work this time around, mainly the way they rushed things. I will always want more Star Wars though and I'm happy we have things like the Mandalorian going on right now as well.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
This trilogy didn't really feel like "star wars" to me. Everything seemed to happen so fast and without reason. So much seemed disjointed.

I still don't get why/how Palps came back? And in the crawl? I'm still a bit confused.
Maybe he never died? Could have survived the death star explosion using the force similar to how Leia survived in space in TLJ. Perhaps he's using the force / tech he originally promised to show Anakin.


Oct 30, 2017
There is more genuine tension and suspense in that opening bomber sequence in TLJ than ANY of the action set pieces in this. Also it was staged with a clear sense of framing and scene geography

For sure, this is a mindless movie. Far too much technobabble and random McGuffins. I didn't understand what the hell they were talking about with the control towers and all that shit.
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