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Oct 25, 2017
Luke throwing away his lightsaber against the Emperor

meant so much more than.... two lightsabers.

It's crazy that people railed so much against this in TLJ when Luke tossing his lightsaber aside was such a pivotal moment in one of the best scenes of the OT.

Plus, there were years of discussions after AotC and RotS about how Yoda using a lightsaber was just pandering and he should be beyond that.

Then TLJ comes out and it's "OMG RJ is disrespecting the weapon of the Jedi"

It's not just about missing the point of TLJ, but it's missing the point of Luke's journey in the OT.
Oct 28, 2017
Upon second viewing today I think there were enough hints dropped that make it pretty clear Finn is Force sensitive. Are people upset that it wasn't explicitly stated or are they happy with just the implied cues that happen 3-4 times in the movie?


Oct 26, 2017
I can't get over how much this movie hates screen transitions and establishing shots.

Man, I seriously feel like I watched a different movie than y'all. It had plenty of establishing shots (definitely miss the classic screen wipes though).

Unlike the last two films this one actually has glaring flaws that don't require excessive nitpicking and missing the point.

This is also what people said about TLJ, and within the past year or so it seems like people have warmed up to it.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't agree with your post at all, I don't think this film had nearly enough material to cover two (and definitely not three) films, and I thought it was fairly light on exposition (especially compared to TLJ). Like I said, the pacing was great in this.

If nothing else, it needed an additional hour, OR simply fucking edit out all of the needless scenes with auxiliary, pointless characters to give the main characters more screen time. It was overstuffed with characters that went nowhere because as soon as an actual conversation would start, it jumped into hyper space to the next. Did you happen to watch the original trilogy first, or did you start with the Prequels?

Upon second viewing today I think there were enough hints dropped that make it pretty clear Finn is Force sensitive. Are people upset that it wasn't explicitly stated or are they happy with just the implied cues that happen 3-4 times in the movie?

What clues were given in this aside from his "I have a feeling" regarding the main ship? Also, what was with his awkward glance at Rose at the end of the film? I couldn't tell if he was wanting to talk to her, and then was just like "Nah" when he saw her hugging someone else, or what that was about.
Nov 13, 2017
She completed her training, saw a vision that the person to bring balance to the force be not her and gave her saber to Luke cause...fuck being a Jedi mentor if I'm not the chosen one?

And then Luke presumably took it with him to Ach-too to place behind a rock.

No, her vision was that her son would die.
So, did Rey end up being the Chosen One after all? Guess it would make sense since she has Jesus healing powers. Still kinda dirty they knocked Anakin down a few pegs. He may have saved his son, but he didn't destroy the sith.
I sound like a broken record. I'm going to all caps this so people see it.

ANAKIN IS THE CHOSEN ONE. HE FULFILLED THE PROPHECY. The natural order of the force was restored. That chapter closed.


Palpatine was revived by unnatural methods. The natural order of the world would not have brought him back.The prophecy was still fulfilled.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Did this movie even have coherent themes beyond "Star Wars is cool"
Yeah here's the theme


Oct 27, 2017
Unlike the last two films this one actually has glaring flaws that don't require excessive nitpicking and missing the point.
I mean it probably helps that I loved the Rey Palpatine reveal and I knew the spoilers for months and had all that time to process them. It's obviously not a perfect movie but there's just too much good in this movie for me to hate on it, let alone not like it.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Upon second viewing today I think there were enough hints dropped that make it pretty clear Finn is Force sensitive. Are people upset that it wasn't explicitly stated or are they happy with just the implied cues that happen 3-4 times in the movie?
I don't know that anyone really even cares enough any more to be upset. Yeah it's cool that they made him force sensitive, but it doesn't really mean anything when he wasn't given anything meaningful to do with it. Even just holding the lightsaber and standing up to Ren to protect Rey said more about his character then him having a line saying "well, i just feel it."

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
Upon second viewing today I think there were enough hints dropped that make it pretty clear Finn is Force sensitive. Are people upset that it wasn't explicitly stated or are they happy with just the implied cues that happen 3-4 times in the movie?
I think it's a weird thing to introduce in the final act of the trilogy, since it's a character trait that can't be developed or pay off down the road narratively. You generally don't tease something in the final act that can't be paid off.

Abrams can't resist mystery shit, so he had to put something in this movie and I guess this was it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The pacing was one of my favorite parts, it was excellent.

I don't mind slow-burn films (The Wailing is one of my favorite films of the past few years), but when I'm watching a movie about space wizards and space ships, I want to see space wizard things and space ships fighting each other. I had plenty of that in this, no complaints here.

That doesn't make it a good movie with an interesting story. You can't just write off bad pacing with that lol. The movie was a mess. Again, it wasn't terrible, but even as a hardcore Star Wars fan I was lost pretty early. It felt like Tik Tok Star Wars.


Oct 26, 2017
If nothing else, it needed an additional hour, OR simply fucking edit out all of the needless scenes with auxiliary, pointless characters to give the main characters more screen time. It was overstuffed with characters that went nowhere because as soon as an actual conversation would start, it jumped into hyper space to the next. Did you happen to watch the original trilogy first, or did you start with the Prequels?

I watched the OT first, my first exposure to Star Wars was these beauties.

Nov 13, 2017
I think it's a weird thing to introduce in the final act of the trilogy, since it's a character trait that can't be developed or pay off down the road narratively. You generally don't tease something in the final act that can't be paid off.

Abrams can't resist mystery shit, so he had to put something in this movie and I guess this was it.
Disney is going to use these characters in the future.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Lol I really can't get past this. And the reasoning behind it is more nefarious
The reasoning being "fans complained that she was powerful without having a powerful ancestor and also JJ is completely unoriginal so he had to ape plot points from the other movies" right?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I mean it probably helps that I loved the Rey Palpatine reveal and I knew the spoilers for months and had all that time to process them. It's obviously not a perfect movie but there's just too much good in this movie for me to hate on it, let alone not like it.
Even if you liked Rey being a Palpatine, the way it's handled in the movie makes no sense as it makes Luke and Leia look like retroactive assholes and Palpatine's plot to capture or kill Rey with Ochi also makes no sense🤷‍♂️

Deleted member 5596

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Oct 25, 2017
Is a well done movie, with fun banter, some good action scenes and jokes that landed quite well? Well, yeah.

Is also a mess with a non-sensical script, glaring holes which basically retreads thematically the OT and destroys all the opportunities for new things that TLJ paved the way? Also true.

If you enjoyed the movie, hey, that's all the better for you. But is funny how TROS tried so hard to please everyone (well, excepot TLJ fans) and ended being even more divisive.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I think it's pretty clear that JJ always planned for Rey to be at least from a special lineage.
Maybe. He never answered it in his own movie because he likes mystery box bullshit and then when someone gave an answer he decided he didn't like it and changed it to the detriment of his own movie and the preceding movie.
Oct 26, 2017
The more I think about it the more I feel Rey being a Palpatine is the worst, most forced, and most creatively bankrupt plot twist to ever happen in cinema, and I'm not exaggerating.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think it's a weird thing to introduce in the final act of the trilogy, since it's a character trait that can't be developed or pay off down the road narratively. You generally don't tease something in the final act that can't be paid off.

Abrams can't resist mystery shit, so he had to put something in this movie and I guess this was it.

Going into TFA, I think a lot of people were expecting Finn to be a force sensitive, especially thanks to seeing him using the lightsaber in the promo material. I guess "anyone" can just pick up the laser sword since it isn't magical in and of itself, and works similarly enough to the weapons he was trained to use anyway that could directly combat them (plus they already showed that Grievous could use them). Then, when they kind of went nowhere with that in the second film, the end of this seemed like it was meant to sort of finally answer that. Although apparently there was more than a single reference in this film, but I guess I missed all but one.

The "I have to tell you something" to Rey, didn't really strike me as being force related, but maybe it was.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Is a well done movie, with fun banter, some good action scenes and jokes that landed quite well? Well, yeah.

Is also a mess with a non-sensical script, glaring holes which basically retreads thematically the OT and destroys all the opportunities for new things that TLJ paved the way? Also true.
It's not a well done movie, though. The editing alone is disqualifying -- it fails not merely creatively, but on a technical level.
Nov 13, 2017
I just remembered J.J. signed a $50M deal with WB to presumably take over the DCEU lmao.

Patty Jenkins would be a great Star Wars candidate, now that I think about it...


Oct 27, 2017
Even if you liked Rey being a Palpatine, the way it's handled in the movie makes no sense as it makes Luke and Leia look like retroactive assholes and Palpatine's plot to capture or kill Rey with Ochi also makes no sense🤷‍♂️
How did they act like assholes with Rey? And I thought Ochi was clearly trying to capture young Rey for the Emperor.

Maybe. He never answered it in his own movie because he likes mystery box bullshit and then when someone gave an answer he decided he didn't like it and changed it to the detriment of his own movie and the preceding movie.
I can't agree with that, for me it made TFA and TLJ better.
Feb 4, 2018
It's crazy that people railed so much against this in TLJ when Luke tossing his lightsaber aside was such a pivotal moment in one of the best scenes of the OT.

Plus, there were years of discussions after AotC and RotS about how Yoda using a lightsaber was just pandering and he should be beyond that.

Then TLJ comes out and it's "OMG RJ is disrespecting the weapon of the Jedi"

It's not just about missing the point of TLJ, but it's missing the point of Luke's journey in the OT.

I think Rian said on the commentary that he didn't mean for the lightsaber toss to be a troll move but I think it just got away from him somewhere along the way because I've seen TLJ at least fifteen times and it has felt like a troll move each time.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's not a well done movie, though. The editing alone is disqualifying -- it fails not even creatively, but on a technical level.

The cinematography is great and the movie has some really well done shots (but TLJ was clearly better in this regard...well most of the time). Yeah, the editing is a mess, but even so, is a beautiful and well crafted movie, just very badly put together.


Oct 26, 2017
Is a well done movie, with fun banter, some good action scenes and jokes that landed quite well? Well, yeah.

Is also a mess with a non-sensical script, glaring holes which basically retreads thematically the OT and destroys all the opportunities for new things that TLJ paved the way? Also true.

Saw it today and this is a good summary on my feelings. Wasn't as awful as I thought it would be based on the synopsis but (IMO, obviously) what a disappointing trilogy.
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