Is Palpatine Fiction's Biggest Troll?

  • The Senate will decide his trolling

    Votes: 60 34.5%
  • No, nooo!!! *Lightning*

    Votes: 38 21.8%
  • I will watch his career with great interest

    Votes: 76 43.7%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So we all know that Palpatine was playing literally everyone all the time to get to the top and stay there, but it's strange exactly how much of that time was spent trolling Vader. And I don't mean just to turn him to the dark side, but all purely to piss him off

First he's sticking Vader in a suit that doesn't fit right, is old, and apparently beeps for no reason. Then when he asks about his wife he's straight up telling him "Nah man, your wife and kids are dead. Better get pissed about it, buddy."

Then he's like "Hey man, want a ship? Here's your wife's. Remember? That one you murdered?"

Then Vader wants a planet and Palpatine tells him it's gotta be one that pisses him off (because why would you ever want to relax, Vader? What are you, a weak-ass punk?), so obviously he goes with Mustafar

Fast forward some time later after the first Death Star blows up. Vader starts getting upset because Palpatine isn't returning his calls, so he goes on a little adventure to find out what's going on. Lo and behold, Palpatine's been having some new Vaders made

Vader demands to know what the fuck is up, and Palpatine doesn't even care

For 20 years. He's basically been training replacements since Vader showed up.

Cut to Empire Strikes Back where Palpatine reveals "Nah man your kid's been alive this entire time. Go kill him." That's probably gotta be a lot to take in for Vader, don't you think? Well no time to think about that because now his kid's kicking his ass in Return of the Jedi. How does Palpatine react to this? "Good job Luke, kill your dad." We can't see Vader's reaction under the helmet but it's probably gotta be something like


Luke, not being nuts, says no. Palpatine now fully expects Vader to stand there and watch him electrocute his son to death. Vader, by now having hit his trolling breaking point, chucks that asshole down a hole.

But that wasn't it. Palpatine had the greatest troll left in the event of his death

"Hey, if I die, just burn it all down. All of it. Fuck all y'all."

And then that asshole ain't even dead

And let's not even get started on what he did to poor Maul

Is Palpatine quite possibly the largest troll in fiction?
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Oct 25, 2017
Just a note, Vader's been aware Luke is alive since shortly after ANH, Boba Fett and Aphra dug up the info and that's when he began secretly plotting against Palpatine.

But yes the Senate is a master troll who gets his kicks dicking around with people all day, he's earned that right after everything he worked for.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I do think he loves Anakin though, in his own fucked up way. That's why he let his guard down and got killed. When he sees him fucked up on the volcano planet, he seems distraught. Not just because he's a commodity, I doubt he gave much of a shit when Maul got killed in episode 1.

Dixie Flatline

alt account
Sep 4, 2019
New Orleans
Even in the OT, I got the impression that Vader always knew in the back of his mind that the Emperor cares more about his ambition for power than his apprentice.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
The only way he could be even more of a troll is if he gave vader one of those Zen gardens to relax.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not a troll so much as a manipulator with a mean streak. Which is part of why he's so great.
If you're on life support and your boss puts a random beeping machine next to your bed for no reason I gotta think that's just straight up trolling

The only way he could be even more of a troll is if he gave vader one of those Zen gardens to relax.
that's the thing: he said he could've but that if Vader accepted that he'd basically be a wimp. And you don't want to be a wimp, right Vader? Riiiiiight?


Oct 25, 2017
I've been reading that comic, the time immediately following ROTS is ripe for storytelling. I'd love to see a movie exploring a completely fucked up Vader struggling to adapt to life in a robot suit while Sheev trolls him the whole time.

We could also get a better look at the EmPal SuRecon Centre!
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Oct 25, 2017
isn't the sith apprentice supposed to kill his master at one point? maybe palpatine doesn't respect vader because he didn't try to kill him.


Oct 25, 2017
Even in the OT, I got the impression that Vader always knew in the back of his mind that the Emperor cares more about his ambition for power than his apprentice.

I'm pretty sure Rule of Two Sith are basically the space opera version of extremely fucked up toxic relationships. They usually end up with one of the two slain and then the cycle begins anew.

There's no actual respect there. Only fucked up emotional co-dependence and a hell of a lot emotional manipulation. Plus I'm pretty sure Vader was fucking high on self-loathing the entire time, though I'm not sure if he hated Sheev or himself more.


Oct 29, 2017
Man, this makes me realize it was a good job Vader never decided to pay a visit to the Lars homestead. And also -- good job hiding a kid and letting him use Skywalker instead of Lars, Uncle Owen!!!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man, this makes me realize it was a good job Vader never decided to pay a visit to the Lars homestead. And also -- good job hiding a kid and letting him use Skywalker instead of Lars, Uncle Owen!!!
Hey man, they're moisture farmers on an arid desert planet who bought a ship solely for shooting 6 foot long rats in a solar system with lightspeed travel and at least one planet that is 100% water. They're not smart.
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Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
I do think he loves Anakin though, in his own fucked up way. That's why he let his guard down and got killed. When he sees him fucked up on the volcano planet, he seems distraught. Not just because he's a commodity, I doubt he gave much of a shit when Maul got killed in episode 1.
I don't think he was distraught, it was more like, "Fuuuuuuuuuck this stupid sonuvabitch. Of course he does this *after* I killed all the Jedi. <sigh> But he's all I got at this point. All right boyos, grab the spatula and scrape this dumbfuck off the dirt."
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think he was distraught, it was more like, "Fuuuuuuuuuck this stupid sonuvabitch. Of course he does this *after* I killed all the Jedi. <sigh> But he's all I got at this point. All right boyos, grab the spatula and scrape this dumbfuck off the dirt."

Or more like "well there goes my prime spirit transfer real estate."


Oct 25, 2017
Paply is like every manga and cape comic villain rolled into one evil ball

Mad respect TBH


Oct 25, 2017
The best part is, Senate never lies to Anakin.
I'm pretty sure Rule of Two Sith are basically the space opera version of extremely fucked up toxic relationships. They usually end up with one of the two slain and then the cycle begins anew.

There's no actual respect there. Only fucked up emotional co-dependence and a hell of a lot emotional manipulation. Plus I'm pretty sure Vader was fucking high on self-loathing the entire time, though I'm not sure if he hated Sheev or himself more.

The rule of two. Is about power. The lust for power by the apprentice, the power of dominance for the master and the ambition of greater power by the both of them.
Paply is like every manga and cape comic villain rolled into one evil ball

Mad respect TBH
He is the Senate, after all.


Oct 27, 2017
Actually I think one of the really nice flourishes of writing in the OT is that you get the sense that Vader has been completely fucked mentally by Palpatine by Empire.

He is almost more like a Dark Side crack addict at that point than someone who feels/thinks rationally (you don't understand the power of the Dark Side, I must obey my master), Palpatine has completely twisted him and caused him to kill most of what was left of Anakin Skywalker.

I get the sense by ESB/ROTJ, the Dark Side is basically all that sustains Vader. He's almost entirely lost any sense of himself by that point. He's been basically horrifically mentally abused.

The only time in the OT we get a sense of Vader being "happy" or "pleased" in any way is the most perverse moment he has when his voice changes to glee as he's discovered Luke was keeping Leia secret from and he's gleaned that knowledge from him and now will try to turn her to the Dark Side.

It's actually somewhat brilliant and well beyond the writing of "just a kid's movie".

Scarlet Spider

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY

Sheev is a troll, but it's amusing that Vader still hated Tusken Raiders, going out of his way to their village to slaughter them while on a mission.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017

Sheev is a troll, but it's amusing that Vader still hated Tusken Raiders, going out of his way to their village to slaughter them while on a mission.
The sand people ended up creating a religion out of Vader. They have a ritual where they sacrifice one of their own to a giant effigy of death god Vader so he won't come back and slaughter them all again.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually I think one of the really nice flourishes of writing in the OT is that you get the sense that Vader has been completely fucked mentally by Palpatine by Empire.

He is almost more like a Dark Side crack addict at that point than someone who feels/thinks rationally (you don't understand the power of the Dark Side, I must obey my master), Palpatine has completely twisted him and caused him to kill most of what was left of Anakin Skywalker.

I get the sense by ESB/ROTJ, the Dark Side is basically all that sustains Vader. He's almost entirely lost any sense of himself by that point. He's been basically horrifically mentally abused.

The only time in the OT we get a sense of Vader being "happy" or "pleased" in any way is the most perverse moment he has when his voice changes to glee as he's discovered Luke was keeping Leia secret from and he's gleaned that knowledge from him and now will try to turn her to the Dark Side.

It's actually somewhat brilliant and well beyond the writing of "just a kid's movie".
The Revenge of the Sith Novel was fantastic for expanding on what Anakin was thinking after everything went down. His moment of rage in the Medical Center where he tries to kill Palpatine but realizes he is just a shell of the man he used to be and at the same time comes to accept the simple fact that he killed or lost everyone who ever cared for him and he finally resigns himself to the fact Palpatine is all he has.

Its why when he learns about Luke it becomes such a huge thing. That little spark
Oct 27, 2017
Sheev is the dickiest of all the dicks and he's great. Most exciting thing about the new movie is he comes back to be a colossal dick one more time.


Oct 30, 2017
Sheev is master level troll and has broken beyond the boring shit Lucas envisioned for him.

I thought Vader hung out on Vjun though.


Oct 27, 2017
Even in Rotj Palpatine is like "after you kill Vader you'll be my new apprentice" to Luke, and Vader is standing like right there. Sheev really should have seen that reactor shaft coming.
Oct 28, 2017
Even in Rotj Palpatine is like "after you kill Vader you'll be my new apprentice" to Luke, and Vader is standing like right there. Sheev really should have seen that reactor shaft coming.

That's the Sith way. Vader knew one day he would kill Palpatine to become the Master or die trying. And his position as apprentice was never secure either.


Jan 16, 2018
To be fair, Anakin could have seen this coming if he put two and two together after the whole Count Dooku Business.


Oct 25, 2017
The 1950s ship design still looks so bad even when various mediums try badly to incorporate them lol

Does not look like Star Wars at all.

That out of the way, can't wait to see what kind of fuckery he pulls in TROS

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
To be fair, Anakin could have seen this coming if he put two and two together after the whole Count Dooku Business.
Vader did see it coming. He was just complacent just like he was complacent in never trying to kill Palpatine. Thing is, an opportunity to kill Palpatine never presented itself until his son came into the picture.


When it comes to the darkside, master apprentice relationships are toxic as fuck. Like, imagine if hypothetically, Luke joined Vader. He would've tortured the shit out of his son just to breed some perpetual anger and misery.


Oct 30, 2017
When it comes to the darkside, master apprentice relationships are toxic as fuck. Like, imagine if hypothetically, Luke joined Vader. He would've tortured the shit out of his son just to breed some perpetual anger and misery.
You either cast aside all emotions and do what Yoda says or feel miserable as fuck with some anger on the side and do whatever you want. Those are the only options unless you're like a force witch.


Oct 25, 2017
It's like you can save your loved ones have a complete story if you learn the dark side spend a lot more money.

In that case, every entertainment creator is a troll.