
The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018

The actress, who was the first woman of color cast as a significant character in the franchise, appears in just over one minute in the newest installment.


"The Rise of Skywalker," the latest "Star Wars" film, has left fans wondering why Rose Tico, played by Kelly Marie Tran, had such little screen time.

The actress was the first woman of color to be cast in a significant role in the franchise, in 2017's "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." But in "Skywalker," she appears in just over one minute of the 2-hour-and-22-minute film, which was released last week.

76 seconds, to be exact, according to Slate writer Violet Kim, who watched TRoS with a stopwatch.

Tran's page on the "Star Wars"-related Wookieepedia website was even altered to include a racist description of her character.

"Ching Chong Wing Tong is a dumbass f------ character Disney made and is stupid, autistic, and ret---ed love interest for Finn," the page read.

The actress scrubbed her Instagram account last June after the attacks and wrote an essay in The New York Times about the experience.

"Their words reinforced a narrative I had heard my whole life: that I was 'other,' that I didn't belong, that I wasn't good enough, simply because I wasn't like them," she wrote. "And that feeling, I realize now, was, and is, shame, a shame for the things that made me different, a shame for the culture from which I came from. And to me, the most disappointing thing was that I felt it at all."

Neither Tran nor [director J.J.] Abrams returned NBC News' request for comment.

More at the link. Give in to the bullies if old.


Oct 25, 2017
This was a big disappointment for me that she was barely even in this movie after having a pretty big part in the previous one.


Oct 27, 2017
It's pathetic and disappointing, but pandering to the shittiest members of the audience is a pretty solid strategy these days. The current president campaigned on it.
Oct 27, 2017
For anyone who comes in this thread and uses the apologetic remark of "she wasn't interesting or good in TLJ anyway, so she didn't need to be in ROS," the correct opinion (instead of that) is: Then JJ could have written her better material, if material was the only problem you had with her.


Oct 28, 2017
Okay but did Charlie from Lost really need all that dialogue they could have tossed her way? I screamed at him having two pages in the Visual Dictionary and Rose having an excerpt.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, her absence was jarring. I can't wait for the Doctor Aphra adaptation to shut up those mouthbreathing racist neckbeards.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It really was baffling what they did to her in this movie. They essentially gave Dominic Monaghan's character all the lines that she should've had. It was bizarre.


Oct 25, 2017
Any chance it could've been KMT's own decision to stay out of the spotlight to avoid more BS coming her way?

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Zero reason she couldn't have been traveling with the rest of them while trying to find the wayfinder.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus. I haven't seen it yet but... what?? She was so big in the last one.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
The second part of the insult is that the movie manages to introduce a shit-ton of new characters we don't need, some of which drive plot beats that Rose Tico could have easily covered.
Oct 25, 2017
Okay but did Charlie from Lost really need all that dialogue they could have tossed her way? I screamed at him having two pages in the Visual Dictionary and Rose having an excerpt.
It really was baffling what they did to her in this movie. They essentially gave Dominic Monaghan's character all the lines that she should've had. It was bizarre.
Greg Gunberg from heroes had more lines than Rose

JJ has to support his faves and sideline the character the Alt right despises so they buy tickets.
Oct 25, 2017
There is a big spoiler in the movie that explains Rey's power which feels like it was done to appease the "Rey is a Mary Sue" assholes like known sexual predator Max Landis who popularized that talking point


Mar 5, 2019
Yeah. This pissed me off. Finn even gets a newly introduced companion, as if there isn't the perfect one – including a shared history – waiting at the base... researching star destroyers or what was it?

It was so silly and forced. The three of us (Rey, Poe and Finn) are off on an adventure as if we're best friends – while they've never been on screen together in the two previous movies –, Rose, you stay at home, watch the screen and 'do research'.


Oct 25, 2017
Given the fact JJ had control here, and he put a female character and a black character in main roles, the decision to sideline Rose probably wasn't due to racism.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
It's actually pretty impressive that they managed to betray the ethos of her entire character in the space of seventy seconds.

What's that, Finn? Another hopeless suicide mission? Ight Imma head out


Nov 4, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory drive-by in a thread on concerns of representation; Prior bans for drive-by trolling
Her character was gutter trash in The Last Jedi. Unforunate JJ could not redeem her, albeit it would have required quite an effort.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't care for her character, but thought she was pretty good at elevating a terribly written character to one that was just annoying.

hopefully she gets some meatier roles soon.


Oct 25, 2017
It's actually pretty impressive that they managed to betray the ethos of her entire character in the space of seventy seconds.

What's that, Finn? Another hopeless suicide mission? Ight Imma head out

they already did that in TLJ. kill herself to stop someone else from killing themself and risk killing both of them

Rose should have knocked Finn out of the way and died in the cannon thing. would have been an actual resolution for her character. Just shows how JJ effed up the whole series by letting Rian Johnson do whatever the hell he wanted


Oct 27, 2017
I was watching it and every time Dominic Monaghan was on screen I was asking myself, "why isn't this Rose talking?"

And JJ even tried to write a story reason why she didn't come with the main cast. "Sorry, Leia wants me here, have fun!" Dogshit. She was a welcome addition to the cast in TLJ, her character helps the audience to understand the politics of the SW universe, the parellels between there and our world, and she was an entryway for the audience to see the under class, the average person.

I hate having to justify her existence in every conversation about TLJ because people only see pointless side mission and just completely ignore that that side mission is where the movie explores its most important themes and metaphors.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yea that was lame as fuck. I also recall one scene in the final act that honestly came across as wanting to appease those that took issue with her characterization in TLJ

It's actually pretty impressive that they managed to betray the ethos of her entire character in the space of seventy seconds.

What's that, Finn? Another hopeless suicide mission? Ight Imma head out

Lol yup, glad I'm not the only one that peeped that

Elderly Parrot

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 13, 2018
I love her and hope she kills it in all her movies but couldn't stand her character felt like a fan who was in love with Finn self inserted herself into the movie. People attacking her as a person are the worst though.
Oct 25, 2017
I hate having to justify her existence in every conversation about TLJ because people only see pointless side mission and just completely ignore that that side mission is where the movie explores its most important themes and metaphors.
If we learned anything from these few years, most of this fandom does not have the literacy to understand themes and metaphors.



Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 months): Inflammatory false equivalence and dismissing concerns on racism; prior severe ban for dismissing concerns of the sexualization of minors
With how rushed this movie was already, did you really want them wasting time trying to fit in a disliked character?

The character Rose sucks, so she wasn't a part of the 3rd movie, that's really the long and short of it.

Nobody is crying about Jar Jar's diminished screen time in Episodes II & III!
Oct 26, 2017
I didn't want to see Rose sidelined, per se, but I did want to see Rey, Finn, and Poe back together. They were what made me give a shit about TFA and TLJ throughout the shitty plots going on. Now if they could get them together, and keep Rose involved too? That would have been aces. Lord knows there was some fat to be trimmed from TRoS, which could've made room for more Rose.

As poor a filmmaker JJ is (& he is a hack), I'm pretty sure the decision to cut Rose was part of the mandate given to him by Lucasfilm/Disney.

The film is focus-tested garbage afterall.
YES! Hack! Didn't even get past page 1. Keep it classy, Era.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously she got sidelined, but her screentime isn't exactly a whole lot different than Lando in RotJ. I'd compare her to Jar Jar, in the sense that she was not a well liked addition to the films, and thus was basically cut in the following film. Ultimately she was an unimportant side character whose plot thread was a bit shoehorned into Finn's story.

Her story probably should have been what Jannah's ended up being as it would have better connected with Finn and what was going on with him.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine having to go through what this woman did when all of the assholes came out to trash her character and shit all over her, and then the director of the next movie pulls this kind of bullshit with her character. For fucks sake, she deserves better.


Oct 27, 2017
For anyone who comes in this thread and uses the apologetic remark of "she wasn't interesting or good in TLJ anyway, so she didn't need to be in ROS," the correct opinion (instead of that) is: Then JJ could have written her better material, if material was the only problem you had with her.

She shouldn't have been given such a shit role in the first place. Her acting was certainly never the problem, she did good. How did they not know how that role would be looked at?

With how rushed this movie was already, did you really want them wasting time trying to fit in a disliked character?

The character Rose sucks, so she wasn't a part of the 3rd movie, that's really the long and short of it.

Nobody is crying about Jar Jar's diminished screen time in Episodes II & III!

That's not how this works. If you're wondering how this does work, go read the OP.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't a big fan of her character in TLJ, so, write her as a better character, don't just close your eyes and plug your ears.


Oct 25, 2017
If we learned anything from these few years, most of this fandom does not have the literacy to understand themes and metaphors.

The movies pretty much end up reinforcing "lore and explanations before themes" so it kind of circles around. The ot was about a lot of themes, and the prequels were about explaining how and why it all happened. Now ros kind did the same for episode 7 and 8.