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Oct 25, 2017
There's a countdown on the Star Wars website that I used to generate this for the OT.


American timezones...


Oct 28, 2017
I'm surprised Punished Mace never happened now that Maul has survived getting cut clean in half and falling down an endless chasm.

Pretty sure Samuel L. Jackson would jump at the chance to actually do something with the character.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised Punished Mace never happened now that Maul has survived getting cut clean in half and falling down an endless chasm.

Pretty sure Samuel L. Jackson would jump at the chance to actually do something with the character.
I'm kind of expecting it to happen in Fallen Order, but I'm not sure he would return for a video game.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
I wish we were getting a Disney+ App for Windows 10. I love using the Netflix app on there, gets better battery life and is more convenient to have a dedicated app than using the browser for streaming video services.

I know where I'll be when the service goes live though. Ready with my three year prepaid account!


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
I'm kind of expecting it to happen in Fallen Order, but I'm not sure he would return for a video game.

That purple Jedi Starfighter is fairly compelling, but what feels more likely there is that you find this Starfighter and a droid that was clearly his, but he's nowhere to be seen... but if he died on Coruscant, why would his droid and ship be on another planet? A seed sewn quietly in a game that they can mine another day. He'd be a solid fit for the Obi Wan series if they wanted to go down that path, tbf.


Oct 28, 2017
Also would not be surprised if that is the actual score. Sounds very black panther.

More likely it's music written by a trailer house specifically for the trailer or licensed for it. Honestly, I hope the score doesn't have the sound of the music in that trailer. To me that just felt like it could've been the music for any epic Hollywood trailer or feature film. I hope the Mando score has more of a unique flair. The other trailers released have been utilizing some pretty off the beaten path arranging and orchestration on interesting instruments. I have a feeling it might be more like the music in those. Time will tell!


Dec 19, 2017
They just announced D+ for march 2020 in the UK.

lol. I'm definitely getting it, but...I'm also definitely watching Mandalorian day one. That's all I'm saying about that.

Anyway, finished ROTJ Harmy edition. I don't know if I never noticed before, or forgot, but the Emperor uses a cane to walk in this movie. Well, when he arrives at the death star anyway, he conveniently doesn't need it when zapping Luke in the climax.

Luke and co's plan for rescuing Han still makes no sense whatsoever. As a kid I didn't think about it, but as an adult it's baffling, no matter how I come up with a head-canon for it, the plan is illogical any way I look at it.

Boba Fett getting taken out like a punk never fails to make me laugh. Knowing it angered some people makes me laugh even more.

When Ackbar witnesses the super star destroyer plummeting to its doom, I have no doubt it's the greatest moment of his life, as he leans back in his seat, content. I'm sure nothing ever came close to it, leading to many years of discontent. He never told anyone, but when the First Order reared their head, Ackbar secretly relished the new conflict.

Leia: "Luke, run away, far away! If he can feel your presence, then leave this place! I wish I could go with you."

Fuck. Off. With. That. Shit! They did Leia dirty in this one.

Well, this was a nice week of SW binging. I'm still playing KOTOR. Making use of Marvel Unlimited and binging SW comics (finished Age of Republic: Heroes today, which was garbage). Waiting for the Mandalorian...


Oct 28, 2017
Finished rewatching Revenge of the Sith. The best thing that George Lucas could come up with for Padmé was dying of a broken heart? Really? This will always be complete and total bullshit of the highest levels (and don't @ me about how it is a real condition because it is stupid regardless).


Oct 25, 2017
Finished rewatching Revenge of the Sith. The best thing that George Lucas could come up with for Padmé was dying of a broken heart? Really? This will always be complete and total bullshit of the highest levels (and don't @ me about how it is a real condition because it is stupid regardless).
Imagine being so sexist you skip over the "woman dies for the love of her children" trope and jump straight to "woman dies for the love of her husband"


Oct 28, 2017
Imagine being so sexist you skip over the "woman dies for the love of her children" trope and jump straight to "woman dies for the love of her husband"
She is weirdly written in this movie in general. Mostly due to them cutting her entire storyline of creating the Rebellion. Other than her weird "Sandpeople aren't real people so it is okay that you killed them" moment in Clones, she is a dedicated spokesperson for her people and a defender of democracy. She's willing to be bold and brave for what she believes in. By cutting out her arc in Sith, she basically becomes Anakin's housewife that cries and sits around for him which is not who she was before. It is hard for me to believe that she would ever die like that, especially after having children and telling Obi-Wan that Anakin was still good. So I am going to headcanon it as Palpatine killing her and the medical droids malfunctioning.


Oct 25, 2017
She is weirdly written in this movie in general. Mostly due to them cutting her entire storyline of creating the Rebellion. Other than her weird "Sandpeople aren't real people so it is okay that you killed them" moment in Clones, she is a dedicated spokesperson for her people and a defender of democracy. She's willing to be bold and brave for what she believes in. By cutting out her arc in Sith, she basically becomes Anakin's housewife that cries and sits around for him which is not who she was before. It is hard for me to believe that she would ever die like that, especially after having children and telling Obi-Wan that Anakin was still good. So I am going to headcanon it as Palpatine killing her and the medical droids malfunctioning.
Yup. GL demolished what was built of her character in EP1/2 via EP3.


Oct 28, 2017
I really love the opening to Revenge of the Sith - other than the opera scene and Order 66 sequence, it is the best moment in the movie. The pacing is quick (but not too quick) and the action is still really good to look at. Some of the other CGI in this movie have not aged as well as that part. Also, will we ever have another Star Wars movie where the hero slices off the villain's hands and head in the first fifteen minutes? lol


Oct 25, 2017
I really love the opening to Revenge of the Sith - other than the opera scene and Order 66 sequence, it is the best moment in the movie. The pacing is quick (but not too quick) and the action is still really good to look at. Some of the other CGI in this movie have not aged as well as that part. Also, will we ever have another Star Wars movie where the hero slices off the villain's hands and head in the first fifteen minutes? lol
Unfortunately the incredible scope of the EP3 intro battle is trash canned as soon as the bugs need to be wiped from the ship


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Master & Apprentice, this was a really damn good book. Claudia Gray expondes so much about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's releinship, it's unreal. It makes Qui-Gon's death actually be tragic because of how great and unique of a character he now is in my eyes. He's a man who is constantly at odds with the Jedi order, who you could see turning to the dark side like others have but like he says, he doesn't choose the light to win but because it's the light.

I'd love for her to do a Master & Apprentice sequel that follows Obi-Wan and Anakin.


Oct 27, 2017
I really love the opening to Revenge of the Sith - other than the opera scene and Order 66 sequence, it is the best moment in the movie. The pacing is quick (but not too quick) and the action is still really good to look at. Some of the other CGI in this movie have not aged as well as that part. Also, will we ever have another Star Wars movie where the hero slices off the villain's hands and head in the first fifteen minutes? lol

The ROTS opening remains one of the only scenes in cinema that is near-vertigo-inducing for me. Like I get the intent but it's just too much.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Finished rewatching Revenge of the Sith. The best thing that George Lucas could come up with for Padmé was dying of a broken heart? Really? This will always be complete and total bullshit of the highest levels (and don't @ me about how it is a real condition because it is stupid regardless).

My headcanon is that Palps was absorbing her life force to keep Anakin alive. Hence why both scenes of Padme giving birth and Anaking being operated on are interwoven.

When it doubt, blame Sheev.


Oct 25, 2017
I just watched the TROS final trailer and I can confirm that there is a large amount of hype
Where's my international trailers


Oct 25, 2017
I just realized Filoni has betrayed cartoons, now live action is his best friend.

Don't lecture me, Einchy. I see through the lies of animated television. I do not fear live action as you do. Filoni has brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to our new Lucasfilm.
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