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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Love love love that the platforming looks more like Tomb Raider than Uncharted. Tomb Raider's raiders platforming has more fine control mid jump and that works well here since we're force sensitive. So there's actual risk of death instead of the platforming just existing for presentation purposes.
I am confident I will enjoy this game. Does anyone know the specifics as to why this game was given the OK for completion whereas Amy Hennig's project was cancelled?
Development was not going smoothly especially for the project that was to be "Uncharted 4 tier but more ambitious."
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm really keen to play a good Star wars adventure game but...errm maybe I've seen different videos to everyone else but this looks awfully formulaic. It's made from 90s book of How to do platforming and boss battle.
Having said that some of the sliding platform bits and caves looked like a few moments from the recent Tomb Raider games.

I thought they cancelled another star wars project and kept this one. That one must of been really shit.


Oct 25, 2017
"We really leaned into creating these four difficulty modes, from Story Mode to Jedi Grandmaster, and they're very different experiences," Magers said. "But also, we're gamers at heart. Respawn is gameplay driven. We wanted an experience that the Star Wars fan that grew up playing all these different games can enjoy. The difficulty modes are the biggest way that we lean into that. We wanted it to still feel like a lightsaber, no matter what difficulty mode you're playing. So one of our core tenants of the difficulty tuning was not changing the number of hit points enemies have based on difficulty. On Grandmaster, you can still kill a Stormtrooper in one hit. What we're tuning is the enemy aggression. We're tuning the size of the parry window, the difficulty of these abilities to pull off. There's a really rewarding mastery loop in those higher difficulties."

So glad that you can have the casual experience or the Dark Souls experience... and hard mode is not just making you feel un-Jedi by making Stormtroopers able to take 9 saber hits to the face.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad the previews are positive, I was in for the game from day 1 (have it pre ordered since a few months ago).
Being worked on by an awesome team and the combat looked great, while platforming and presentation reminded me of old God of War.
Can't wait to play it after I finish Death Stranding :P


Mar 28, 2018
Read some of these earlier and it sounds really exciting. If anything, Respawn were going to nail the gameplay which is what I was mostly anticipating about it. One of my most anticipated games of the year, I can not wait to play this.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
I'm really keen to play a good Star wars adventure game but...errm maybe I've seen different videos to everyone else but this looks awfully formulaic. It's made from 90s book of How to do platforming and boss battle.
Having said that some of the sliding platform bits and caves looked like a few moments from the recent Tomb Raider games.

I thought they cancelled another star wars project and kept this one. That one must of been really shit.
I mean, did you think they were going to reinvent the action melee combat genre?

Also, Respawn have a habit of underselling their games. Meaning they're willing to hold back on some really cool stuff to not give away everything ahead of time. No one thought Titanfall 2's campaign was going to be great based on trailers, but after playing it that was the consensus opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
The combat looks very much like Witcher 3 to me, also deflecting blaster shots looks extremely similar to the arrow deflecting mechanic in Witcher 3. I am not sure why they seem so surprised by it.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, did you think they were going to reinvent the action melee combat genre?

Also, Respawn have a habit of underselling their games. Meaning they're willing to hold back on some really cool stuff to not give away everything ahead of time. No one thought Titanfall 2's campaign was going to be great based on trailers, but after playing it that was the consensus opinion.

Look at Horizon.

That's good idea of what you could do with a Star Wars Adventure that isn't "KOTOR 3" IMO.

Fallen Order falls a bit too much into the "walk around, kill everything", with apparently little npcs to talk to / run into. It's more arcadey design than an adventure one.

That doesn't mean it's bad if the loop is fun but I can understand where the sentiment comes from watching the preview footage and seeing the level designs and encounters.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
Look at Horizon.

That's good idea of what you could do with a Star Wars Adventure that isn't "KOTOR 3" IMO.

Fallen Order falls a bit too much into the "walk around, kill everything", with apparently little npcs to talk to / run into. It's more arcadey design than an adventure one.

That doesn't mean it's bad if the loop is fun but I can understand where the sentiment comes from watching the preview footage and seeing the level designs and encounters.
Personally I couldn't be happier this isn't yet another open world game with NPCs to talk to.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I didn't know the gameplay was going to be so souls-like. Unless the reviews are terrible I'm gonna pick this up.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Personally I couldn't be happier this isn't yet another open world game with NPCs to talk to.

I don't care for open world stuff but the fact the world is empty because there is no "side quest" or npcs that are meaningful, with stories to find in the world etc... but you just roam around to murder everything can be off putting.

Less so in games like Jedi Knights that are level based and more arcadey, these are much bigger worlds that borrow a lot from RPG except you can customize your character and impact the story, and the worlds seem to just be there for you to murder things.

Again, that doesn't make it a bad game. But maybe it's not what everyone wants out of a single player star wars. To me a game like Horizon kind of blends this genre while meeting KOTOR halfway. It could be a nice fit. That's why I brought it up.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't care for open world stuff but the fact the world is empty because there is no "side quest" or npcs that are meaningful, with stories to find in the world etc... but you just roam around to murder everything can be off putting.

Less so in games like Jedi Knights that are level based and more arcadey, these are much bigger worlds that borrow a lot from RPG except you can customize your character and impact the story, and the worlds seem to just be there for you to murder things.

Again, that doesn't make it a bad game. But maybe it's not what everyone wants out of a single player star wars. To me a game like Horizon kind of blends this genre while meeting KOTOR halfway. It could be a nice fit. That's why I brought it up.
There are sidequests tho.

Now armed with a lightsaber, some force abilities, and with a ship and crew, Cal's well prepared to tackle what lies ahead. Exploring the vessel gave me similar vibes as classic Bioware games like Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, which allowed you to chat with your crew and learn more about them between missions. Before flying to Zeffo, I took the time to explore the ship to speak with the team, which can open up some side-missions. You'll also be able to customize your lightsaber--changing the look of the weapon's sleeve, crystal color, and the emitter--and examine the galaxy map, showing the current set of planets you have access to.

+ I believe each planet has a hub with NPCS.



Oct 27, 2017
Just saw part of one of the latest previews. I was trying to hold off but I couldn't help it. It looks excellent. Like a straight up Souls/Sekiro and Uncharted Star Wars. So basically what fans have been asking for for years now. My only gripes are the main character's face and the way he holds his lightsaber. No big deal though. I really hope there's NG+, have they talked about that?

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
So a plot detail about Cal's mentor which explains why she doesn't just tag along.
She's cut herself off from the force like Luke did in TLJ.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The preview footage has sold me on the game way more than any of the trailers have so far. Some really gorgeous looking environments in this too.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
They keep saying Souls-like. This really makes me want to see how that is incorporated with boss battles. That's the bread and butter of Souls games, the boss battles.
Hopefully more previews come out since I am still on the fence with this game.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Why do I feel like the previews are going to be glowing but actual reviews are going to be meh?

No idea.

There's literally nothing to indicate that is going to happen. The critics have been nothing but effusive about this game since E3 and this most recent hands-on seems to have compounded that affinity.

I'm predicting an 8+ meta-score that might lean closer to a 9.
Jun 17, 2018
Not sure why people are so down on it, Titanfall 2 is amazing and EA have their name all over it. Why would this be any worse in the same circumstances? Game looks great, I'll pick it up sometime near Christmas when the new movie makes me hungry for a Star Wars game.


Oct 28, 2017
Do you guys think this game has potential for someone who isn't a fan of Stars Wars at all? I do love third person action adventure games.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why people are so down on it, Titanfall 2 is amazing and EA have their name all over it. Why would this be any worse in the same circumstances? Game looks great, I'll pick it up sometime near Christmas when the new movie makes me hungry for a Star Wars game.

Star Wars track history contrasts with Respawns. The caution around the game should be understandable given the IP.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Do you guys think this game has potential for someone who isn't a fan of Stars Wars at all? I do love third person action adventure games.
An Action-Platformer with elements of Metroid and Dark Souls? Hell yeah, count me in. Although I´m not a fan of Star Wars, I´m buying this.


Jul 17, 2019
All this seems to allign with that Game Informer article back at E3, that was the thing that really sold me on the game, more than anything they've shown. Really happy with how this is shaping up, I'm just confused why it's been shown like it has.


Nov 2, 2017
It looks cool and all but where is the music?
Why is the game almost silent in the videos (even against bosses)?

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't had the chance to read through the previews yet but with it being Souls-like, do we know anything about post-game content? New game plus etc.?


Oct 28, 2017


Dec 3, 2018
hmm, I already gave up on it, but the previews seem surprisingly good - maybe maybe... but I'll still wait for the reviews I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
"Because Star Wars is for everyone," Magers said. "We want to appeal to a wide variety of players. I want my niece to be able to play this game, because she's a huge Star Wars fan."
That usually means appealing mostly to the niece and those wanting an easy going cinematic experience. You can't really appeal to everyone.

Sure you can choose to be annoyed challenged with extra tight parry windows and heightened enemy aggression but since there's no difficulty customization for anything that's not combat (puzzles, platforming, exploration) one can only assume those parts of the game are extremely streamlined and kept to a minimum (otherwise not *everyone* would be able to play the game, right?).

Probably a pass.


Alt account
Mar 23, 2019
That usually means appealing mostly to the niece and those wanting an easy going cinematic experience. You can't really appeal to everyone.

Sure you can choose to be annoyed challenged with extra tight parry windows and heightened enemy aggression but since there's no difficulty customization for anything that's not combat (puzzles, platforming, exploration) one can only assume those parts of the game are extremely streamlined and kept to a minimum (otherwise not *everyone* would be able to play the game, right?).

Probably a pass.

So you'll pass because the game offends your sense of elitism? That's a bit much.
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