
Oct 27, 2017
I don't care about SW. I'll play this for Cameron Monaghan.

And why is there this obnoxious obsession with needing to see gameplay in a reveal trailer? Have you people not seen a third person action adventure before? It comes out in November, you'll get more videos lol


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the trailer. Something like this last year at EA's press conference would've been perfect if it just dropped out of the blue.

Looking forward to the gameplay reveal.


Oct 27, 2017


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
watching the trailer: "Is this... finally a force user game without a lightsaber? Is that why logo had a broken one?"
near the end:" well nevermind. fuck me I guess"
OT, but it always bothered me that Rey went from using a staff to using a regular old lightsaber and not either someway/somehow creating or stumbling upon a saberstaff.
Oct 29, 2017
I feel like the teaser didn't impart any meaningful information about the game. I'm no more equipped to make a judgment about whether I'm going to like it than I was yesterday. :/

Dragon's Game

Alt account
Apr 1, 2019
GTA III: White Dude
GTA Vice City: White Dude
GTA San Andreas: Black Dude
GTA Vice City Stories: Black Dude
GTA IV: Eastern European
GTA V: Black dude, and two white dudes.

In short, the GTA series has been diverse. And, people have been criticizing Rockstar for not having a female lead along with their treatment of women in their stories.

All of your comparisons are poor.

UC4 was the fourth game in a series started in the 00's starring the same dude. No one would be up in arms if the finale of said character turned out to include that same character. Oh, but kerp using Uncharted itself not like the last game in the series didn't star a female Indian protagonist and a Black female supporting character. But, I guess you forgot about that just like Franklin in GTA V.
but if the Housers don't want to do it, then they don't have to have a female protagonist. they don't have to justify not having one. They want to write the characters they want.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I watched the trailer a second time to see if I missed something the first time. I'm still completely apathetic towards this. It does nothing for me, but at least I don't particularly hate it either. Maybe it'll be good, but this trailer did a poor job of getting me excited for the story or characters.


Oct 25, 2017
Good reveal trailer, aside from the most generic white dude protagonist in recent years. I'm honestly wondering how he got green lit.

Ivory Samoan

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
loved the trailer, this thread need to be restarted
I'm with you, this is the biggest whinge fest since the BioWare forums debacle of 2013.

Side note: As a redhead Male, I'm feeling represented for once and all this 'generic white male' talk is really starting to grind my gears.

He's a VERY talented actor (so good in Gotham and Shameless), and the game looks great IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (5 days): ignoring mod-post + several posts across multiple threads implying other members are racist for caring about diversity
Man, I genuinely did not expect to see the 'forced inclusion' argument brought up in this thread but here we are.

You learn something new every day.

You are literally complaining about the race of a character you don't know and a game you don't know much about. You're judging an actors appearance as a protagonist in a series that has proved to be inclusive because the characters skin color is not to your liking. You are completely unaware of how ridiculous and backwards you are.


Oct 27, 2017
No gameplay is easily forgiveable with E3 being pretty much around the corner.
I liked the trailer, not feeling sorry for it either.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have a problem with the main character being white, just look at Star Wars 1313. The design of his costume, the world itself is so much more interesting, detailed and grimey than what we got here.

When the plot was detailed for this game, I was envisioning something far more dirty than what was represented in the trailer.

Oh well.


Oct 30, 2017
Because unlike this forum I ain't negative about everything Star Wars, I like the canon universe we currently have, I also love the legend stuff as I know it is their if I didnt like the canon stuff.
EU added depth to what has always been space fantasy, the narrow redifinition of canon makes it saturday morning cartoon level storytelling once more. Glad you're enjoying it though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Wait hold up. It wasn't enough for that guy to fall off the side of a Republic cruiser in an industrial accident. He also had to be falling off the side of the ship into a Sarlacc pit?!


Oct 31, 2017
It'd be cool if we had any of these whatsoever, to be fair. Guarantee you this lead won't be gay. Disney doesn't really offer LGBT+ representation outside of interviews and conveniently cut scenes.

I agree with the thrust of the point that casting white men shouldn't be a dirty thing — and it's particularly mean-spirited to decry the mocapping actor's appearance as "generic" — while also insisting that diverse protagonists are extraordinarily important, especially for IPs like Star Wars whose audience include children who need relatable role models. It's also sad that Jedi protagonists in particular are... exclusively white. (It's also rather transparent why the protagonist for the next big single-player Star Wars game is a young straight white dude.)

But casting a white male protagonist is still okay. Just not something to celebrate, and understandably disappointing to many, given gaming's severe diversity issues.

Great post.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see more characters that look like me, and it's good to see things have improved over time. It's disappointing when that doesn't happen, but I'm not gonna write off a story on that count alone.

Hell, they seem to have a black female Jedi that isn't just a bit role/an alien, which is more to say than another other piece of Star Wars canon! Again, not to say they can't improve. It's still something!

In any case, I'm interested after that trailer. Wish they showed gameplay, but I have faith in Respawn and Stig to make it fun as hell. An action game as a Jedi in that era always seems weird to me; having the character lay low to survive flies in the face of the rad stuff people want to do as a Jedi. Definitely want to see what they have in mind!


Oct 25, 2017
Pre-orders are up on Xbox

Looks like the Deluxe edition includes some cosmetics and a Director's cut feature.

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ Deluxe Upgrade
Get the story behind the game with the STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition, featuring a "Director's Cut" suite of behind-the-scenes features and content as well as additional unique cosmetic equipment for your adventure.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when they interviewed the director for this at E3 and they had literally nothing to show or talk about but wanted interview him anyway? That was fun.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
If there aren't combat moves like Jedi Outcast and customisable light saber like colour, make (double-bladed, two handed and classic single) etc alongside different stances with meaningful distinctions then it'll be a missed opportunity.

It's a console game designed to be "very accessible" so you can forget Jedi Knight right there lol.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
Would have loved some game play footage, I guess E3 at the earliest?. The trailer was super boring. The whole thing reminded me of that awful Battlefield V reveal last year were they just talked and had a crappy trailer.


Jun 5, 2018
How many times do I have to hear generic white guy complaints. If someone complained about the protagonist being a women or dark skinned they would be scolded beyond belief if not banned.
Star Wars has had plenty of main characters that arnt "generic white dudes" lately.
7 had ray, Poe, and Finn.
8 brought on rose
Rouge one had 2 Asians, kassian, and the female lead.
Even solo had a pretty diverse cast.
The madalorian and the other series Disney is doing both cast non white characters as leads.

Star Wars has been pretty diverse lately(good). I'm thinking they get a pass for having a white dude this time.
There are times to complain about not having a diverse cast or having generic leads. This isn't one of those times.
Edit - This isn't a racist post i like games and movies with female leads and people of color. I love ray and Finn from the new trilogy. And I'm jumping with joy that Oberon martell is the lead in the madalorian.


Oct 25, 2017
Biggest problem with the protagonist, at least until we get more information, is that it REALLY feels like a "been there, done that" situation. A padawan on the run from the Empire, seemingly working on mines and supressing his force powers/sensitivity, wielding a blue lightsaber is extremely familiar territory to a big portion of Star Wars fans.
What other Star Wars projects feature the same/similar scenario?

On some level they have backed themselves into a corner with the way the world and Star Wars timeline is built. It's difficult to do a story about Jedi unless it is either in the prequel-era or the Old Republic era. The prequel era is commercial poison and means that the most beloved and iconic vehicle/enemy/character designs can't be used. Lucasfilm seems to have declared the Old Republic off limits. Respawn doesn't have much choice but to set the story in between Ep3 and Ep4.


Jun 29, 2018
The trailer was great. I love the line delivery from the voice actor. Probably a day 1 purchase for me on November 15.


Oct 25, 2017
OT, but it always bothered me that Rey went from using a staff to using a regular old lightsaber and not either someway/somehow creating or stumbling upon a saberstaff.

There's so much room for variety, but stupid super popular glow sticks gonna take precedence cuz das what fans want.

For those wondering how Force User marital arts without light saber even work,
Imagine combination of Ermac, Kenshi and Nero from devil may cry.
From Kenshi you'd get palm strikes that inexplicably hit a dude 3 meters away, from Ermac all sort of hand wavey kungfu wizard stuff where you wave your hands around and people get tripped by invisible force in the direction of your hand movements, and Nero... just imagine his buster moves, only blue stand hand is invisible.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How many times do I have to hear generic white guy complaints. If someone complained about the protagonist being a women or dark skinned they would be scolded beyond belief if not banned.
Star Wars has had plenty of main characters that arnt "generic white dudes" lately.
7 had ray, Poe, and Finn.
8 brought on rose
Rouge one had 2 Asians, kassian, and the female lead.
Even solo had a pretty diverse cast.

Star Wars has been pretty diverse lately(good). I'm thinking they get a pass for having a white dude this time.
what was the last single-player focused star wars game?


Oct 28, 2017
I dont understand why you are getting so upset about this ? Most people just arent hyped about the MC.
Its not like people are boycotting Respawn/EA or burning their EA games.

Its a combination of a couple of factors for most people - doubt most people would even comment on the MC if we had gotten some kickass gameplay trailer...but from what we have seen, he is gonna be the focus of the initial trailer convo.

Because I feel for the actor the mc was based off of getting a ton of vitriol for no reason?

And because if people didnt care they wouldnt say anything. I just dont get why people are bashing star wars of all things for having a white male mc


Oct 27, 2017
How many times do I have to hear generic white guy complaints. If someone complained about the protagonist being a women or dark skinned they would be scolded beyond belief if not banned.
Star Wars has had plenty of main characters that arnt "generic white dudes" lately.
7 had ray, Poe, and Finn.
8 brought on rose
Rouge one had 2 Asians, kassian, and the female lead.
Even solo had a pretty diverse cast.

Star Wars has been pretty diverse lately(good). I'm thinking they get a pass for having a white dude this time.

....dont you think there is a difference between those situations ?


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
but i don't think its effective. I much rather Dan Houser, feel comfortable about the characters he wants to write then try and do something that he might not feel that he is sure of doing
The argument of "they make the characters they want" always falls apart when you consider publishers are always pushing to have a certain type of characters to guarantee sales. I think it was Horizon where they almost didn't get the approval on the main character because she was a woman.