Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm cool with this, the Ewok Hunt sounds fun for solo play and we were under no illusion that season 2 was due this soon. Hoping that it's a substantial update - from the sounds of it it should be!
Oct 29, 2017
Way back when this game released I pitched that Ewok idea.....DICE, I expect my royalties. Seriously though, it sounds like it could be pretty fun. Whats the Endor at Night though? Isnt Endor always at night?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Currently, there's 3 different times of day for Endor. Night, foggy nightish, and daytime. I think they must've added daytime recently cause I don't remember that variation at launch.


Oct 27, 2017
Ive seen the other maps have different times of day and Ive seen "foggy night" Endor but I've never seen the daytime variation....but the question still stands, Endor at night isnt new so what are they talking about?
"Night on Endor" is just the name of the new Update and the new mode is called "Ewok Hunt".

Daytime Endor was patched into the game:


Oct 25, 2017
And Season 2 is basicly confirmed Han Solo.
'span multiple months'? Anything less than 3 new GA maps & 4 new heroes would be a massive disappointment then tbh


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Lmfao wow

We aren't getting Conquest.

Be prepared for endless little cutesie game modes like Jetpack Cargo and this Ewok silliness. Anything to avoid putting Conquest in the game.

No Clone Wars skins

All the skins we are getting seem to already be in the game since launch. Or it's useless shit like omg a new bandage on Chewbacca lmfao

Season 2 gonna be Solo

What a fucking disappointment


Oct 25, 2017
They will never listen to the fucking community. Tons of skins and game modes were requested, they're added a stupid Ewok mode and Bandaged Chewbacca skin. Not cool, not fucking cool.

In short, I'm done with this game.
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Hold up guys there's a new Kylo skin which is just the pre-order skin but with a tiny fucking patch over his scar!!

Better bust out the credit cards


In the end, the best thing that came out of this game is that DICE's next Battlefield probably won't have invasive microtransactions.

And there's still the hope that Disney ends the EA Star Wars contract early.

Other than that...RIP


Oct 27, 2017
Season 2 gonna be Solo

What a fucking disappointment
Let's judge when it's out. I was under the impression that they announce Season 2 today, but it seems like this is only a small update and the more meaty stuff is coming in May. If it has a similar amount of content like the first season I am okay. That means new planet for all modes like Crait and a new space map. Both with a slight spin on the already known gameplay. Also two new Space and Ground heroes and some vehicles/skins (like the Crait-Speeders and First Order AT-ATs/AT-STs). I mean conquest would be nice but I am not even THAT desperate for it. Didn't like it that much in BF1. What I really want to return is Cargo Hunt. That mode was so intense.
Oct 29, 2017
Season 2 gonna be Solo

What a fucking disappointment

The movie looks meh but if it gets us some good new maps...who gives a shit? Seems kinda pointless to judge the content of the season before any of is even shown. Also, is anyone really surprised that the season of the game that comes out at the same time as a new based on the new movie?


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm somewhat satisfied by the news overall.

And yeah, if you're still waiting for something akin to Conquest...


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Sounds cool. Nice to see that we'll be getting a steady stream of content/updates. And I guess for some people it's never going to be good enough... We knew that the April update was going to be cosmetics and shit, with the next season at a later date. Let's wait and see what that update is going to bring before we start bitching and moaning...


Oct 28, 2017
Is there a reason why people seem to be so convinced that conquest or a conquest type mode won't be added?
Basically because existing maps wouldn't fit a conquest mode. The design of actual maps is tailor made for GA. That means they would have to make new big maps, which is an argument against a conquest mode, since Dice seems pretty busy with other stuff for this game at the moment. In addition to that a proper conquest mode would require more players, such as a bump of at least 5 players per team. 50 players in total (at least).

Imo the majority of maps would suit a conquest mode with some modifications. Don't know if Dice is able to increase playercount from 40 to 50 or even higher.

Some kind of a conquest mode without heroes would be great.


Oct 27, 2017
Basically because existing maps wouldn't fit a conquest mode. The design of actual maps is tailor made for GA. That means they would have to make new big maps, which is an argument against a conquest mode, since Dice seems pretty busy with other stuff for this game at the moment. In addition to that a proper conquest mode would require more players, such as a bump of at least 5 players per team. 50 players in total (at least).

Imo the majority of maps would suit a conquest mode with some modifications. Don't know if Dice is able to increase playercount from 40 to 50 or even higher.

Some kind of a conquest mode without heroes would be great.

Couldn't they re-use maps from BF 2015? I mean I don't know if it's possible but I remember the Hoth map being pretty big (as in all sections of turning point etc).


Oct 25, 2017
They will never listen to the fucking community. Tons of skins and game modes were requested, they're added a stupid Ewok mode and Bandaged Chewbacca skin. Not cool, not fucking cool.

In short, I'm done with this game.

They've been pretty clear that it was all hands on deck for the most part for the progression changes, and going forward more content will be dropping quicker. These skins/customizations have probably been done or near done since the game shipped and stuff blew up; probably not much of an indicator one way or the other of what kinds of skins and modes we will be getting going forward (I imagine Solo season stuff is locked but after that who knows).

Outside of the Ewok thing being random as fuck this is about exactly what I expected to be honest. Been saying Season 2 was a complete lock for Solo since the game came out, and I bet that stuff has been largely done for quite a while now. Ultimately what their content plan and the speed of it's rollout past Season 2/Solo is where we'll see what kind of support the game is really going to get since that's when we'll probably see stuff that wasn't really truly worked on pre-release. None of that is really consolation to folks who are understandably pissed and want lots of new stuff now, but I never realistically expected that so guess I'm kinda surprised people seem so shocked at this update.


Oct 25, 2017
Dot Matrix with stereo sound
Also most if not all of the Ewok mode assets were already in the game, the only real work done here was making them playable. So it's not like this was some huge time sink that diverted a ton of resources away from clone wars stuff.

Personally the Ewok mode interests me a lot more than jetpack cargo.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't worry guys. Dice heard your request and will give you us the Hero Ship we all want. The Falcon with Lando


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. It's a good sign for the future. The game is doing fairly well generally afaik, considering how things started.

It's an amazing game with perfect Star Wars atmosphere.
I mean, it sold 9 million copies. It should have made them money and they can make more with the microtransactions and maybe gather something from the Solo-hype when it does well. It will be allright. So more content would be nice. They still support Battlefield 1, don't they?


Oct 26, 2017
Patch notes said they messed with the lightsaber combat... Hopefully it doesn't end up being for the worse.

Darth Smurf X

Oct 25, 2017
Hoth, WI
For those complaining about today's news, I'm going to refer back to this Tweet:

All of their time has been spent on correcting the course after the great MTX debacle. Now that that is behind us/them, they can focus on releasing content. I'm sure Clone Wars was supposed to come out before Solo, but because they had to fix the game first (no small task), plans changed and content drops got delayed.

Yeah, I'd love more maps too. But I'm not unreasonable in thinking deadlines got shifted. They needed to plug the holes in the ship before adding more deck chairs. If the Solo season is underwhelming, then I will begin to worry. But they did say maps will continue to be released alongside patches/updates and not constricted only to big Season drops. So I'm not running for the lifevests yet.

I'm sure collecting all the skins and shooting Ewoks will keep me plenty entertained until May.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, it sold 9 million copies. It should have made them money and they can make more with the microtransactions and maybe gather something from the Solo-hype when it does well. It will be allright. So more content would be nice. They still support Battlefield 1, don't they?
Didn't play or follow BF1 lately, but BF1 is a fairly big success so they will keep patching it of course.. contentwise i thought they were done one month ago. Haven't bought any content outside the basegame, it ended up to be pretty big with all the DLC added it seems. Love the game nontheless.

The free updates in content without splitting the playerbase is a huge plus for BF2. I got it at launch for 69€ and it was worth every penny. It's pretty easy to recommend this game for 20-30€. I consider it a steal actually.

The Josh

Nov 13, 2017
Can anyone tell for certain if the Ewok Hunt map is an entirely new map or just an old one? It looks new from the trailer. If it's new, I certainly wouldn't mind if they ported this map to some other game modes.