

Oct 27, 2017

Safety-first reminder that two new episodes of Star Vs. air tomorrow morning starting @ 7AM!

Sunday, May 12
Star vs. the Forces of Evil — The Right Way; Here to Help
(7:00 — 7:30 A.M. EDT)

Star, Ponyhead, Sea Horse, Kelly, Rich Pigeon, Jorby, Talon and Quirky Guy all arrive to bail out Eclipsa; Moon arrives to save the day.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil — Pizza Party; The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
(7:30 — 8:00 A.M. EDT)

Moon and Mina agree to disagree; Star searches for a way to defeat Mina and her Solarian Warriors.

A preview clip from, er... "Pizza Party" I think? has been released:


Oct 27, 2017
babby-clipsa is pleased with today's episodes

okay, this whole sequence was pretty bad-ass


I was NOT expecting this turn of events


didn't disappoint (except for the whole 'no-Marco' thing, maybe he got his wish and he's in a pocket?)

promo for next week's SERIES FINALE already in the wild

I would hate to be a shipper right now.
depends on the ship


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Speaking of ships. My wife and I hate Star/Marco because we loved the idea of teaching children that you can just be friends with the opposite genders without it ever being romantic.

We felt it was a very important lesson for kids that not enough media both for kids and adults are willing to show.


Oct 25, 2017
These eps were good but I'm still deciding whether or not Moon's actions are in line with her character or a cheap twist. Regardless of her motivations, Moon has always come off as cautious and calculated, so this dangerous, radical scheme just seems out of line for her. I do appreciate that we're seeing the personal ramifications of decision though.

I'm also surprised Eclipsa's no name spell came from her mother. All this time I thought she was the one who created it, or is this spell different from the one she gave to moon?

Speaking of ships. My wife and I hate Star/Marco because we loved the idea of teaching children that you can just be friends with the opposite genders without it ever being romantic.

We felt it was a very important lesson for kids that not enough media both for kids and adults are willing to show.
Same. Even with all the swerve balls the show threw they still settled on age old traditions. The whole idea of falling in love with your best friend is never going to die.


Oct 25, 2017
Somehow I knew it would end this way. It just didn't make sense for Marco to become king of mewni and leave his family and baby sister behind.

I know what's coming and I'll probably still end up sad :(


Oct 27, 2017
I'm also surprised Eclipsa's no name spell came from her mother. All this time I thought she was the one who created it, or is this spell different from the one she gave to moon?
This confused me too. The incantation is different and the actual blast is different, yet the Book of Spells seemingly confirmed that "the spell with no name" and "the spell powerful enough to kill immortal Septarians" were meant to be one and the same.

The Prince of Darkness was right about the Septarians. Their army is growing and they are even recruiting other monsters outside their own to join them. There's really too much to explain here but I've developed an extreme option, something that may prove useful against the Septarians.

Due to the severity of the consequences of this spell, I refuse to give it a name. It should never be used unless it must be used. For this spell to work, you must aim your wand directly at your adversary's heart. Then recite this poem:

I call the darkness unto me,
From deepest depths of Earth and Sea.
From ancient evils unawoken,
Break the one that can't be broken.

To blackest night I pledge my soul,
And crush my heart to burning coal.
To summon forth a deathly power,
To see my hated foe devoured.

If you are wondering, I have witnessed first-hand the results of this spell. I've used it and it works against the Septarians. I'll say nothing more about it.

Tonight, I make my escape to the future queens who inherit this book. I hope that time will show my decisions were just and right. I don't know what the future holds for this Kingdom, but it's clear the mounting tensions between the monsters and mewmans are at their peak. I know it seems like I am thinking only of myself in this decision, but maybe it benefits the Kingdom, too.

It may be a level-upped version of the spell. Or perhaps the original form of the spell, before Eclipsa fashioned it into a weapon specifically to kill Septarians.


Nov 3, 2017
These eps were good but I'm still deciding whether or not Moon's actions are in line with her character or a cheap twist. Regardless of her motivations, Moon has always come off as cautious and calculated, so this dangerous, radical scheme just seems out of line for her. I do appreciate that we're seeing the personal ramifications of decision though.

Moon being so naive and trusting someone like Mina did seem out of character.


Feb 21, 2019
These eps were good but I'm still deciding whether or not Moon's actions are in line with her character or a cheap twist. Regardless of her motivations, Moon has always come off as cautious and calculated, so this dangerous, radical scheme just seems out of line for her. I do appreciate that we're seeing the personal ramifications of decision though.

I'm also surprised Eclipsa's no name spell came from her mother. All this time I thought she was the one who created it, or is this spell different from the one she gave to moon?

Same. Even with all the swerve balls the show threw they still settled on age old traditions. The whole idea of falling in love with your best friend is never going to die.

Cheap plot twist for Drama more than likely specifically designed to coincide with Mother's Day.

It was impossibly blatant and predictable since Blood Moon Ball. There was never any actual doubt and every swerve was predictable as hell when you know your manga/anime romcom stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
The Right Way / Here to Help
Summon Bigger Fish
Damn, impaled. I guess glowing makes it fine for censors.
Kaiju battle armor
Damn, that nameless spell

Was worried about a Moon betrayal
Marco saying he was in love with Star from the start doesn't seem right, because I definitely remember being disappointed by the lack of early shipping
Oh damn, didn't expect Mina to be working for Moon

Pizza Party / The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
Guessing Star will be forced to team up with former villains
Ah, flashback first
I knew we were getting Solaria and Baby Eclipsa, but I didn't expect Mina backstory
Letting Moon rule for now then working behind her back seems like the best option for now... aside from Mina inevitably betraying her
Ah, the pizza party in question
Kind of weird to make a big deal about the rooster crowing but then Mina is still hanging back during all this talking
Oh, I guess it didn't actually crow earlier and that was just for drama
Wow, Moon really didn't expect Mina to betray her

Hekapoo not doing enough to redeem herself
Hitchhiker's Guide reference
Oh damn, an actual death
Was worried about Star hesitating about destroying magic due to being separated from Marco, but looks like she's fine with going through with that (though of course there will be some twist)
Toffee Was Right

Good set of episodes.
Oct 26, 2017
The Right Way / Here to Help
Summon Bigger Fish
Damn, impaled. I guess glowing makes it fine for censors.
Kaiju battle armor
Damn, that nameless spell

Was worried about a Moon betrayal
Marco saying he was in love with Star from the start doesn't seem right, because I definitely remember being disappointed by the lack of early shipping
Oh damn, didn't expect Mina to be working for Moon

Pizza Party / The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
Guessing Star will be forced to team up with former villains
Ah, flashback first
I knew we were getting Solaria and Baby Eclipsa, but I didn't expect Mina backstory
Letting Moon rule for now then working behind her back seems like the best option for now... aside from Mina inevitably betraying her
Ah, the pizza party in question
Kind of weird to make a big deal about the rooster crowing but then Mina is still hanging back during all this talking
Oh, I guess it didn't actually crow earlier and that was just for drama
Wow, Moon really didn't expect Mina to betray her

Hekapoo not doing enough to redeem herself
Hitchhiker's Guide reference
Oh damn, an actual death
Was worried about Star hesitating about destroying magic due to being separated from Marco, but looks like she's fine with going through with that (though of course there will be some twist)
Toffee Was Right

Good set of episodes.
Re Marco love thing: From what I understood it wasn't the 'love' he was feeling now. Marco has always had strong feelings toward Star. It's what propelled them into being best friends so easily while already having friends groups on each other's planets. I mean he himself said he didn't believe in love at first sight. It's more like he encountered something new that only grew and got defined with time. (To be fair though, I could just be inserting my thoughts into their mouths. It was a really well done scene with some great voice acting for the both of them.)

There's a lot to unpack about these last few episodes, but what is arguably best is how it's bringing things full circle (in extremlely unexpected ways).

Mina idolizing Solaria the same way Star idolized Mina. Of course, Star was able to realize the faults of her idol, unlike Mina who, like many of the people of Mewni, was far too susceptible to the words of royalty and those in power. It's funny how Mewmans, or at least radical ones, ended up being the main antagonists of this last season. Seeing some of the villagers we grew to knew earlier on with Queen Moon and King River end up as Solarian Warriors was a bit of a shock to me. It really drives home to point on how xenophobia can twist any average person into a living monster.

I also find it fascinating how hypocritical the Magic High Commission is. Rhombulus basically confirmed they were all in on the arresting plot, something a few of us expecte previously. It's especially fucked up that, given them stripped of their titles, they'd basically be seen as monsters themselves.

Moon's betrayal of course, is the big moment of the day. I don't agree with the take that it was something entirely out of nowhere done purely for shock and awe. We've seen the building blocks of Moon's distaste with Eclipsa for 2+ seasons now. Every snide expression or comment she had on how Eclipsa ruled showed us how uncomfortable he was with her rule. Her not initiating the plan at first, but rather joining it, also feels far more natural than just hatching it all up.

This of course leads to the added stakes of these episodes, which is the fact that a huge amount of people ended up getting slashed with the Solarian swords, with the quirky dude actually dying (something I did not expect to happen). While this show hasn't shied away from death before, there's something heavier about this moment.

That of course, leads us to the Tavern at the End of the Universe. Hekapoo saving them only for her plan to be to chill there while Mewni is destroyed aligns yet again, with the mentality of council and how little they actually care for the people. Eclipsa's control over her temper and her thanking Moon for being the one to free Globgor reminded me of how great of a character they've made her (thank god they didn't just turn her into a villain).

The ending of course is a big moment. Star sees all her ancestors, who look angry at her, as well as her tapestry revealing that she will be the one to destroy the magic of Mewni. Of course, in doing so, Marco will be sent back to Earth, permanently. Now this obviously go one of two ways. One, they're playing this entirely straight and this about to have the saddest fucking ending ever. Or two, there's more than meets the eye. I don't see this ending with Star ending up with her parents. A big point of the show is how she's matured enough to not need them anymore and it'd be weird if they just stuck her with them at the ending. Also, Star honestly doesn't have much left on Mewni. I don't think it's for nothing that she came to Earth when she and Tom took a break.

To be honest though, none of us know how things are going to end up. And that's what makes this finale all the more exciting to see.

These episodes were worth it for the Toffee cameo alone.


Oct 25, 2017
Moon is such a fucking idiot, christ. Wanted to scream at my screen for some of the shit she pulled in this.
I dunno why I really expected some of these characters to grow or change in a meaningful way when they were fucking around with starco for four seasons, but i dunno
Theres some interesting set up at the end here i guess but theyve already kind of set up like three other solutions so i guess ill just find out next sunday whether everything worked or not
This season has gotten better as it goes on but i just tend to find the character motivations pretty wacky. I find it completely within Rhombulus' character to try and frame eclipsa while not even remotely thinking it out so that plot that i thought was going to end with him just captured for the rest of the series would have been a good note to end on but no, actually the whole magic high commission was in on it! who was probably guided by moon? because she knew mina was going to attack anyway but ended up making the issue a million times worse because of the events she orchestrated for no real good reason?
It wasn't because of her people, who moon seemed to care about, because they were ready to take on this societial shift by the end of coronation after seeing who globgor really was. did i miss something more to moon's motivations here or am i just an idiot? i get this show wants to paint the old rulers as morally complicated but i find moon's motivations in these last couple episodes completely wack.

Speaking of ships. My wife and I hate Star/Marco because we loved the idea of teaching children that you can just be friends with the opposite genders without it ever being romantic.

We felt it was a very important lesson for kids that not enough media both for kids and adults are willing to show.
also by the way, hated this ship from like the beginning because they dont even really have that great of a chemistry but i guess whatever, nuts to that

its funny for how much this show seems to like it's twists, even when they dont make sense, they kind of just kept going with this one plotline that's predictable and nigh unbearable to watch given how little of it works. im surprised they havent tried to imply something with marco and janna given that kelly and marco were a thing for a brief bit, but then again marco doesnt seem to like janna much

maybe they swerve out of this or something, i dont know. this show loves it's lack of committing to this relationship in any meaningful way despite spending so much time on it. i feel like its easily the worst part of this show and would have rather had them not get together, even if it would have pissed off some people. i dont ship kids, so maybe thats just part of it, but god these two are just kind of dull together as soon as they try to make it romantic. they were much stronger as friends.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Moon's betrayal was totally out of character and it really soured my enjoyment of her story this season. Not to mention it makes her out to be petty and manipulative in a way that I don't remember seeing in any of her past episodes.


Nov 3, 2017
Yeah, Moon's betrayal was totally out of character and it really soured my enjoyment of her story this season. Not to mention it makes her out to be petty and manipulative in a way that I don't remember seeing in any of her past episodes.

So, Moon is responsible for releasing Globgor and she helped Mina and her followers obtain Solarian armor? This make absolutely no sense.


Oct 25, 2017
So, Moon is responsible for releasing Globgor and she helped Mina and her followers obtain Solarian armor? This make absolutely no sense.
Yep, she put Eclipsa's entire family on the line as well as hundreds of innocent lives. All of that bonding she did with Eclipsa last season really amounted to nothing. I have no idea how the show is going to redeem her of this without doing an asspull.


Nov 3, 2017
Speaking of ships. My wife and I hate Star/Marco because we loved the idea of teaching children that you can just be friends with the opposite genders without it ever being romantic.

We felt it was a very important lesson for kids that not enough media both for kids and adults are willing to show.

I was hoping that this series would avoid the destined couple trope but after the Curse of Blood Moon I knew it was going in that direction.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Yep, she put Eclipsa's entire family on the line as well as hundreds of innocent lives. All of that bonding she did with Eclipsa last season really amounted to nothing. I have no idea how the show is going to redeem her of this without doing an asspull.

The fact that she blames her for getting lost is pathetic.


Oct 25, 2017
Moon being behind Globgor being released was weird, yeah. It made way more sense when it was Rhombulus being impulsive. Her just going, "You know, maybe it's better if you just do what Mina says," also feels more in character than her going out of her way to power everyone up.


Oct 25, 2017
like, i could totally buy rhombulus acting on his own without it being a plot by the magic high commission because i think they would think any fighting that resulted from it being in a very tight and public space would be irresponsible and them doing it during eclipsa's coronation already had the potential to backfire if they wanted to push this narrative that monsters are evil

i think its also just that this show's definition of "monster" is rather vague. i have the feeling if the show ever addressed how they see themselves in relation to monsters i could buy a plotline where they're all in it, but ive never been under the impression that they were all in it together because the plan was never thought out in any way at all. it being impulsive and done by rhombulus makes sense because its a plot that depends entirely on his fierce opposition of monsters. out of the commission, he's been the most xenophobic and i just dont buy everyone being on it.

this recent episode makes this even further confusing. it was moon all along? the same moon that told the mewmans it was their decision on whether globgor was okay? the episode concluding on this point? seems like this would be the point where moon would have stepped back. but no, for some reason she decided to help mina make a future fight even more worse by powering up towns people with ancient armor and solarrion spells? maybe she did this before telling the commission to free globgor so she had no choice, but the show has done a real poor job establishing a timeline for this twist. it was clear that mina had this armor already, but if moon thought it was so hopeless, why did she make it even worse? she had no real responsibility to fulfill by doing this. she was trying to let the people live on their own. why did she turn heel between this?


Oct 27, 2017
If people in the fandom thought Moon acting only slightly OOC in previous episodes meant that she was being controlled/possessed somehow by Toffee/Seth/SVTFOE version of Kagura, I wonder what they could be thinking now?


Oct 25, 2017
also, like the high commission in general are not stupid. rhombulus is kind of a dullard but like, omnitraxus and hexapoo can easily push back on him. both of them clearly feel guilt about the way they treat monsters (omnitraxus feels guilt about the way they treat monsters in the book of spells, hekapoo is CLEARLY not cool with anything occurring) so they have no reason not to oppose the plan. why they thought to follow a plan obviously concepted by him that had so much room to go wrong is beyond me. thats why i didnt feel like i bought it to begin with, and with this recent "twist" it just comes off as even more confusing. if moon was behind the plan all along it certainly seemed like she could have pushed things in her desired direction. she knows the town people will just listen to her even if they dont agree, so why not just condemn globgor irregardless? it's not like they dont have a perfect framing for him already. was she just chickenshit about what her daughter would do to fight back? if so, she fucking didn't think that out when she basically strengthened up mina here.

the more i think about it the less i like this twist. coronation was a nice episode but its a shame it seemed to be written in a bubble because nothing that happened in it really mattered to the overall story beyond globgor becoming free and star's dad becoming fond of him. that's a character arc they committed to, but the story arc where moon was attempting to help the mewmans kind of becomes tarnished when she's the one responsible for the destruction of their homes as well as their blossoming relationships with monsters.

i like when this show indulges in it's own politics for a bit. i think it creates some strong episodes that i dont see on any other show and its actually thought out and interesting. but man they are not sticking the landing on this last bit here and i think its a shame.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel really mixed about this last batch of episodes. On the one hand I really like some of the dramatic places this show has gone in the past season, and on the other I really don't care about Star and Marco anymore. Like I still enjoy the characters, but their personal drama means nothing to me at this point, and I would have rather had more episodes heavily featuring Eclipsa. Honestly, I kind of wish Eclipsa and her family were the leads at this point.

I don't mean to come in here and sound negative. I'm sure the final episodes will be great, but its a problem I've always had with this show. The higher the stakes get, the less I care about Star's romance or teenage problems. It doesn't help that this season has really pushed a lot of relationship drama heading into the final storyline.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah these last few eps really elevated an otherwise scattered season. Queen moon heel turning makes sense.
how exactly? im actually really curious. episodes like coronation and down by the river have suggested a completely different direction for the character with no real foreshadowing pointing against it.


Oct 27, 2017
how exactly? im actually really curious. episodes like coronation and down by the river have suggested a completely different direction for the character with no real foreshadowing pointing against it.
Moon's heel turn/ coup makes sense with the shows broader message of intolerance and discrimination. Last season Queen Moon goes missing, Star becomes Queen and abdicates the throne to Eclipsa. When Moon returns she finds her Kingdom ruled by monsters. If we're following the shows metaphor Moon is squarely in the separate but equal camp. Star pushed for too much change too fast and Moon wasn't ready for the status quo change. It made perfect sense that a character like Moon would still hold racist beliefs besides best her efforts not to. Its just a generational divide. I mean she already was ruling over a monster free town so this was the next step. Clearly Moon wanted a bloodless coup but she was stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
Moon's heel turn/ coup makes sense with the shows broader message of intolerance and discrimination. Last season Queen Moon goes missing, Star becomes Queen and abdicates the throne to Eclipsa. When Moon returns she finds her Kingdom ruled by monsters. If we're following the shows metaphor Moon is squarely in the separate but equal camp. Star pushed for too much change too fast and Moon wasn't ready for the status quo change. It made perfect sense that a character like Moon would still hold racist beliefs besides best her efforts not to. Its just a generational divide. I mean she already was ruling over a monster free town so this was the next step. Clearly Moon wanted a bloodless coup but she was stupid.
You're forgetting that moon, despite her prejudices, has always been reasonable and cautious. I could see her taking a back seat because she's not interested in the direction Eclipsa wants to take Mewni, but actively endangering thousands of innocent lives and creating hundreds of psychotic super soldiers? No. That's reckless and flat out stupid, two things moon has never been.


Oct 25, 2017
Moon's heel turn/ coup makes sense with the shows broader message of intolerance and discrimination. Last season Queen Moon goes missing, Star becomes Queen and abdicates the throne to Eclipsa. When Moon returns she finds her Kingdom ruled by monsters. If we're following the shows metaphor Moon is squarely in the separate but equal camp. Star pushed for too much change too fast and Moon wasn't ready for the status quo change. It made perfect sense that a character like Moon would still hold racist beliefs besides best her efforts not to. Its just a generational divide. I mean she already was ruling over a monster free town so this was the next step. Clearly Moon wanted a bloodless coup but she was stupid.
that doesnt make sense given that she told the mewmans it was up to them (apparently during a plan she herself was involved with? what?)

like, sure, she had a monster free town, but none of her actions really line up with someone that wants to protect her people who were more than okay with how things were going by the end of coronation. there were always going to be growing pains, which this show illustrated in a bunch of episodes, but arming mina who is dangerous with 100s of other people like mina is not protecting your people given they attacked indiscriminately and were going to kill people sympathetic to the plight of monsters.

even if she was prejudiced, certainly her character before and after (especially after) doesnt line up with someone that would be okay with giving someone with genocidal urges all that they want to pull off their invasion


Oct 27, 2017
You're forgetting that moon, despite her prejudices, has always been reasonable and cautious. I could see her taking a back seat because she's not interested in the direction Eclipsa wants to take Mewni, but actively endangering thousands of innocent lives and creating hundreds of psychotic super soldiers? No. That's reckless and flat out stupid, two things moon has never been.
that doesnt make sense given that she told the mewmans it was up to them (apparently during a plan she herself was involved with? what?)

like, sure, she had a monster free town, but none of her actions really line up with someone that wants to protect her people who were more than okay with how things were going by the end of coronation. there were always going to be growing pains, which this show illustrated in a bunch of episodes, but arming mina who is dangerous with 100s of other people like mina is not protecting your people given they attacked indiscriminately and were going to kill people sympathetic to the plight of monsters.

even if she was prejudiced, certainly her character before and after (especially after) doesnt line up with someone that would be okay with giving someone with genocidal urges all that they want to pull off their invasion
Yes the same Moon who made a deal with Eclipsa in order to defeat Toffee has never been reckless or shortsighted. The same Moon who made a machiavellian plan to trick the Magic High Commission would never trick other people again. The writing may be a bit sloppy but the character work is there to back it up. Moon made all these super soldiers she thought she could control. No one was in mortal danger because Moon thought she could dip everyone in magic before they died.

She was sloppy but her planned worked on paper.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes the same Moon who made a deal with Eclipsa in order to defeat Toffee has never been reckless or shortsighted. The same Moon who made a machiavellian plan to trick the Magic High Commission would never trick other people again. The writing may be a bit sloppy but the character work is there to back it up. Moon made all these super soldiers she thought she could control. No one was in mortal danger because Moon thought she could dip everyone in magic before they died.

She was sloppy but her planned worked on paper.
which was in favor of eclipsa? who she had no real reason to distrust even afterwards? by coronation, eclipsa doesnt even want globgor freed and society is mostly against her to begin with- theres no reason to do that. why even work with the magic high commission if you openly dont trust them and have no reason to because moon was right?

also her and toffee was a much younger moon. considering toffee came back with a vengeance, you would think she would think twice about things.

also why even arm people with super soldier serum? hell, moon didnt even demonstrate she could heal anyone back before she had to leave, so we don't actually know if she can fix this. its a reckless plan even on paper, and we still dont have all the details.


Feb 21, 2019
which was in favor of eclipsa? who she had no real reason to distrust even afterwards? by coronation, eclipsa doesnt even want globgor freed and society is mostly against her to begin with- theres no reason to do that. why even work with the magic high commission if you openly dont trust them and have no reason to because moon was right?

also her and toffee was a much younger moon. considering toffee came back with a vengeance, you would think she would think twice about things.

also why even arm people with super soldier serum? hell, moon didnt even demonstrate she could heal anyone back before she had to leave, so we don't actually know if she can fix this. its a reckless plan even on paper, and we still dont have all the details.

Not to mention that young Moon had her mother killed who I imagine was much more powerful yet still died or the broader context of why she lied to he MHC being to seemingly protect Star from the fallout of things. Like I can buy that she feels the Eclipse might not make the best Queen, but previous episodes make it clear she doesn't see that as her problem anymore combined with the sheer stupidity of this plan in terms of everything that could go wrong and how badly they'd turn. Not to mention, that if she wanted the throne back, given Eclipsas attitude and rather indifferent take, it's not too farfetched she'd likely had made a deal with her for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not to mention that young Moon had her mother killed who I imagine was much more powerful yet still died or the broader context of why she lied to he MHC being to seemingly protect Star from the fallout of things. Like I can buy that she feels the Eclipse might not make the best Queen, but previous episodes make it clear she doesn't see that as her problem anymore combined with the sheer stupidity of this plan in terms of everything that could go wrong and how badly they'd turn. Not to mention, that if she wanted the throne back, given Eclipsas attitude and rather indifferent take, it's not too farfetched she'd likely had made a deal with her for it.
exactly! i got the feeling eclipsa would just throw over the throne in these last few episodes, like that barely seemed to be her issue at hand here....
but now she put everyone into danger without even thinking about any part of this?


Feb 21, 2019
exactly! i got the feeling eclipsa would just throw over the throne in these last few episodes, like that barely seemed to be her issue at hand here....
but now she put everyone into danger without even thinking about any part of this?

There are so many things I wanna say about the shows writing(most of which I've said on Reddit in days long pastl in terms of characters and story, but in this instance it feels like the writers realised that Mina was not interesting or imposing enough at all as a villain so they rewrote things like this.


Feb 21, 2019
honestly hes been enough of an ass that i could honestly see him manipulating star this past episode, because thats how motivations work in this show apparently

It's punishingly frustrating. A lot of things in this series have been. I'll make a "Great Big Write-up" later or maybe when the Finale airs.


Oct 25, 2017
So I don't really see a bittersweet ending to this series. Between all the plotlines of the mewmans actually being humans and Glossaryck talking about how the destruction of magic would "put Marco where he belongs", I'm guessing all the Mewmans will be teleported back to Earth where they belong. The only part I question is Eclipsa being teleported but there's been so many hints of Meteroa's power that I wouldn't be shocked if she dip down'd her mother back to the magic realm at the last second.


Oct 28, 2017
Finally caught up with this season and I'm beyond hyped for the conclusion.

Moon teaming up with Mina makes sense given her explanation that Mina would have gone through with it either way and Moon figured she could at least soften the impacts (stupidly). Also Moon has been letting a xenophobic town rise around her, so she's at least tolerant of intolerance so overthrowing a monster lover is as good a cause as any.

Your reasonable racist mom is still going to vote for the racist


Feb 21, 2019
Finally caught up with this season and I'm beyond hyped for the conclusion.

Moon teaming up with Mina makes sense given her explanation that Mina would have gone through with it either way and Moon figured she could at least soften the impacts (stupidly). Also Moon has been letting a xenophobic town rise around her, so she's at least tolerant of intolerance so overthrowing a monster lover is as good a cause as any.

Your reasonable racist mom is still going to vote for the racist

The problem with all of that is that it retroactively does away with ALL of the character development we've seen for Moon. The time they hid in Buff Frogs house and all of the sort of bonding moments over parenting she had with him and Eclipse all tossed out simply because they wanted to crank up the drama. It basically cheapens all of those moments to nothing more than Moon habing faked it. The rising of the town is just a weird one. WAS the town racist or was that just something we were told AFTER things went down? Ditto for helping build the town. What were they supposed to do? Live in squalor when they can improve their circumstances? A lot of things frankly feel like there was no setup whatsoever.

Edit: Ok I just read the synopsises for the S4 episodes with Moon since It's been a while and I don't have time to rewatch, but JESUS does it make this whole change horrid. Like there's bad, but this is another level of that.
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