
Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
That's the only way this makes sense. He likely has the real memories of Ash Tyler too or as close to them as he can. Geez I wonder if this is the real Ash but Voq is waiting inside ready to strike and there's gonna be a struggle for control.

That must be why they haven't seen anything unusual biologically. Michael is going to have to kill Ash on his request as he struggles to hold back Voq. Right?

That's one of my two guesses. It also leaves the door open for the real Tyler to be out there as a new character for Season 2 if this one has to die.

My other guess is that Michael, ever the xenoanthropologist, sets aside her animosity Kirk-in-Star-Trek-6-style and works with Tyler!Voq to bring down Kol.

Deleted member 5028

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Oct 25, 2017
Michael, this is Clem Fandango. Can you hear me?
Oct 25, 2017
That's the only way this makes sense. He likely has the real memories of Ash Tyler too or as close to them as he can. Geez I wonder if this is the real Ash but Voq is waiting inside ready to strike and there's gonna be a struggle for control.

That must be why they haven't seen anything unusual biologically. Michael is going to have to kill Ash on his request as he struggles to hold back Voq. Right?
Yep. Brain swapping/sleeper agent is the only way the Voq/Ash thing makes any sense.
Mudd is absolutely a lovable rogue though. The montage of him killing Lorca in a half dozen different ways was great. His method of trying to steal the Discovery via trial by error was fun. He's certainly not a good guy by any stretch but that doesn't make him less lovable!

Btw the time crystal thing from a "fourth dimensional race".. is that like Q?
Yeah, it's played for laughs, but I don't really see it being funny. And that's leaving aside the fact that he's perfectly willing to let people stay dead and hand them over to the Klingons.

I've seen the argument that his wife "changes" him, but I don't see how we get from this Mudd to TOS Mudd, who admittedly was still a jerk (he is human trafficking, even if the women go along with it, and he's still enough of an ass to exploit the Enterprise's condition to get out of his predicaments) but simply didn't seem to have the same streak of hatred running through him.


Oct 25, 2017
New images for episode 8 are out.


The USS. Discovery is tasked with a high priority mission to planet Pahvo and learn the science behind the Klingon's cloaking technology.

On the CBS All Access front. It looks a new version of the Twilight Zone will be headed to the service. Being headed by Jordan Peele (from Key & Peele and director of Get Out).

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of better alien representation, how come Saru wasn't immediately thinking "well, the Federation are racist" when the list of highest decorated captains in Starfleet he asked for came back with all of them showing as Human? Andorians don't get medals?

I'm guessing Saru knows the vast majority of Starfleet is made up of humans and knows there probably aren't a ton of non-human captains.

Mr. Pointy

Oct 28, 2017
Just had a thought after watching Star Trek IV a week ago and then checking out a video from Major Grin. What do you think? What if Burnham ends up being theCaptain of the Saratogain STIV? The captain of the ship that first encountered the whale probe. It'd be an interesting little easter egg, and not too far into fanwank territory.

I mean, she's the first female Starfleet captain shown on screen in Trek, and yet she has virtually no presence in the novels. Age wise, if you added 30 years to Burnham, she'd kind of look like Madge Sinclair.

And Starfleet is, honestly, very lenient with mutineers so it could be possible that Burnham gets her career back. Kirk got away with a lot of stuff because he managed to save Earth a couple of times. Spock got away with dropping Pike off at the Talosian's place, which was punishable by death. Burnham just needs to save the Federation one time and they'll probably expunge her criminal record - that's pretty easy to do in Trek.

I don't know what the writer's room of Discovery is planning, but I thought this was a cool little thing.


Oct 27, 2017
I assume more a species like the prophets from DS9, they were fourth dimensional
They spoke in riddles to seem complex but that was more the pilot
They seemed to get simpler as the show went on and thought more corporeal and linear like

They went from 4 dimensions... to 3... downgradeaton
Oct 25, 2017
They spoke in riddles to seem complex but that was more the pilot
They seemed to get simpler as the show went on and thought more corporeal and linear like

They went from 4 dimensions... to 3... downgradeaton
The charitable way of looking at the Prophets is that via Sisko they became aware of corporeal forms and linear time and thus basically set up the entire events of the series, from Sisko being born to the Orbs to the Bajorans. Aka, the Prophets didn't know or care about Bajor until the Sisko arrived, and then through their nonlinear existence basically changed the past without anyone realizing it; the orbs, pah wraiths, and prophecies are all backfilled because of the Sisko's meeting with them.

Creates a heaping dose of weird time paradoxes to concern yourself with, but the alternative is just accepting that the Prophets were a bad idea and they seriously dragged down the series.

Just had a thought after watching Star Trek IV a week ago and then checking out a video from Major Grin. What do you think? What if Burnham ends up being theCaptain of the Saratogain STIV? The captain of the ship that first encountered the whale probe. It'd be an interesting little easter egg, and not too far into fanwank territory.

I mean, she's the first female Starfleet captain shown on screen in Trek, and yet she has virtually no presence in the novels. Age wise, if you added 30 years to Burnham, she'd kind of look like Madge Sinclair.

And Starfleet is, honestly, very lenient with mutineers so it could be possible that Burnham gets her career back. Kirk got away with a lot of stuff because he managed to save Earth a couple of times. Spock got away with dropping Pike off at the Talosian's place, which was punishable by death. Burnham just needs to save the Federation one time and they'll probably expunge her criminal record - that's pretty easy to do in Trek.

I don't know what the writer's room of Discovery is planning, but I thought this was a cool little thing.

It'd be a nice touch, I guess, especially since the Saratoga's captain never actually got an identity.
Oct 25, 2017
The charitable way of looking at the Prophets is that via Sisko they became aware of corporeal forms and linear time and thus basically set up the entire events of the series, from Sisko being born to the Orbs to the Bajorans. Aka, the Prophets didn't know or care about Bajor until the Sisko arrived, and then through their nonlinear existence basically changed the past without anyone realizing it; the orbs, pah wraiths, and prophecies are all backfilled because of the Sisko's meeting with them.

Creates a heaping dose of weird time paradoxes to concern yourself with, but the alternative is just accepting that the Prophets were a bad idea and they seriously dragged down the series.

It'd be a nice touch, I guess, especially since the Saratoga's captain never actually got an identity.

Just reminds me of how much I hated the Prophets in DS9,


Oct 27, 2017
The prophets worked great as a concept but they were awful whenever they actually had any screen time


Oct 26, 2017
The prophets worked great as a concept but they were awful whenever they actually had any screen time

I generally didn't like most bajoran-focused episodes. Some of them were decent but I had no interest in their civilization and their political or religious issues. Every other civilization was vastly more interesting in DS9.

Pizza Dog

Oct 25, 2017
I generally didn't like most bajoran-focused episodes. Some of them were decent but I had no interest in their civilization and their political or religious issues. Every other civilization was vastly more interesting in DS9.
I feel the same way about Klingons. Never been interested in them as a race, always inwardly groaned when we got a Klingon-centric episode in TNG or DS9.


Oct 27, 2017
I generally didn't like most bajoran-focused episodes. Some of them were decent but I had no interest in their civilization and their political or religious issues. Every other civilization was vastly more interesting in DS9.

Ah I really liked that stuff. But that may have been more to do with the fact that most of those episodes tended to focus on Kira, who was always my favourite character on DS9.


Oct 25, 2017
I generally didn't like most bajoran-focused episodes. Some of them were decent but I had no interest in their civilization and their political or religious issues. Every other civilization was vastly more interesting in DS9.
I think the bajoran episodes are fine, but I skip them along with most holodeck episodes when I rewatch


Oct 30, 2017
I don't really want Ash to secretly be a klingon/spy, just because the show still barely has any developed characters and I don't want one of the most prominent to be a big ass fake right now.

Maybe if they revealed this later when the rest of the cast has filled in a bit - we have barely had ANY of the doctor for example - they could afford to sacrifice Ash, but I dunno. If it's next week, it takes away more than it adds

I kinda like him just fine as he is.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope so. The Tholians is one alien species I want to see explored more in Star Trek. They're so different from any other that shows up regularly. They're also going to be CGI heavy and this series seems to have the budget to do them for several episodes and not just as a one off.
Oct 25, 2017
There are actually a shitton of interesting systems / empires out there, even within Federation space, like the 'treaty citation episode' in TNG where that particular species considered humans to be vermin and happily suggested to take care of the illegal colonial infestation within their space. That in itself is more already intriguing than most normal relatable relations, but it's mostly left unexplored in the ST shows since. Discovery is clearly trying to -- forgive the seeming pun -- 'rediscover' a balance between some of those darker topics and the lighter tone of the original show at least. But at the same time, that's not something that will be possible in the first season and the serial format, I think.

One thing that IS lost in the serial format is the sense of there being a crew instead of just Michael and frenemies. Disco feels like the first season of Stargate Universe in that sense, which of course, ditched the frenemy stuff for the second season, got good, and then got cancelled. I'm really hoping that's not going to be repeated here. But at same time, despite good viewership numbers, it's difficult to think that the split in the fanbase will be without consequences on the longer term.


Oct 25, 2017
There are actually a shitton of interesting systems / empires out there, even within Federation space, like the 'treaty citation episode' in TNG where that particular species considered humans to be vermin and happily suggested to take care of the illegal colonial infestation within their space. That in itself is more already intriguing than most normal relatable relations, but it's mostly left unexplored in the ST shows since. Discovery is clearly trying to -- forgive the seeming pun -- 'rediscover' a balance between some of those darker topics and the lighter tone of the original show at least. But at the same time, that's not something that will be possible in the first season and the serial format, I think.

One thing that IS lost in the serial format is the sense of there being a crew instead of just Michael and frenemies. Disco feels like the first season of Stargate Universe in that sense, which of course, ditched the frenemy stuff for the second season, got good, and then got cancelled. I'm really hoping that's not going to be repeated here. But at same time, despite good viewership numbers, it's difficult to think that the split in the fanbase will be without consequences on the longer term.

The thing is that in the old Star Trek, Lorca would be a villain or someone like Captain Decker, who may have the right idea, but has gone insane in the process and is completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
I was finally able to watch last week's episode — now that was a Star Trek-ass Star Trek episode. Man, that was just so enjoyable to watch.

And I'm glad The Bee Gees made it to the 23rd Century, even in remix form.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, if you want to at least make it unique, why not just license some k-pop song or some Chinese/Hindu hit that is probably massively popular in Asia but unknown here? Star Trek has established that other human languages still exist, so there's no reason why non-American culture would suddenly be vaporized.

And yeah, I realize this is a nitpick - but it's definitely not a problem limited to Discovery either. It's easy for SciFi novelists to invent new cultures because they can just describe them - something that you can't do in an multimedia format like television. (Fantasy doesn't count because you just set everything in medieval England and call it a day).

But it's been a problem for Star Trek since at least DS9, when they decided to make the crew love Vic Fontaine and his Sinatra ballads, and I don't get why people keep doing it.

µ's songs will make it to the 23rd century and save the federation dammit! in all seriousness tho, the use of 70s music in the 23rd century doesn't bother me, since the kelvin universe shit already established late 20th/21st century music as classical, and i doubt the 23rd century definition of classical, is like what we commonly consider as classical ie symphonies like bach and such. also discoveries crew skews younger, than alot of the crews we've previously seen on starfleet vessels, lorca aside. ill give disco a pass on this front. b5 handled the concept of future media alot better, as in b5's time you still had the television mass media and space CNN, actually more like space fox news once president clark pulls his bullshit, but yea.


Oct 25, 2017
µ's songs will make it to the 23rd century and save the federation dammit! in all seriousness tho, the use of 70s music in the 23rd century doesn't bother me, since the kelvin universe shit already established late 20th/21st century music as classical, and i doubt the 23rd century definition of classical, is like what we commonly consider as classical ie symphonies like bach and such. also discoveries crew skews younger, than alot of the crews we've previously seen on starfleet vessels, lorca aside. ill give disco a pass on this front. b5 handled the concept of future media alot better, as in b5's time you still had the television mass media and space CNN, actually more like space fox news once president clark pulls his bullshit, but yea.

It's funny because these shows usually have the characters say they fetishize the 20th century in order to justify why they keep using old culture. I think it was Bashir who was into all the Vic Fontaine stuff (I really appreciated Sisko calling them out for playing around in a caricature of a racist time in history), Trip was into movies... and I think Paris loved hotrods or cars for some reason. Even Orville has the pilot guy who keeps making 20th century references because he likes the culture.

Anyway, in that case I suppose I can accept it - even if I know it's just a cheap excuse. Maybe one of the extras who will never get any lines is a music PhD obsessed with late 20th century American music. :p

Speaking of Sisko's point... I guess if you were obsessed with 70s American music, I'm sure there would be another smart ass who would go, "Wasn't that when humans from American slaughtered millions of humans from a country called Vietnam? Is it fine for us to celebrate the culture of such a barbaric people?" but you know, this is why I post on message boards and not write scifi stories. lol

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
µ's songs will make it to the 23rd century and save the federation dammit! in all seriousness tho, the use of 70s music in the 23rd century doesn't bother me, since the kelvin universe shit already established late 20th/21st century music as classical, and i doubt the 23rd century definition of classical, is like what we commonly consider as classical ie symphonies like bach and such. also discoveries crew skews younger, than alot of the crews we've previously seen on starfleet vessels, lorca aside. ill give disco a pass on this front. b5 handled the concept of future media alot better, as in b5's time you still had the television mass media and space CNN, actually more like space fox news once president clark pulls his bullshit, but yea.

To put it in perspective, this is a world that experienced societal breakdown, nuclear holocaust, the erasure of the old world, a barbarous post-apocalyptic era, and a long, hardscrabble existence that only ended due to a chance encounter with an alien species after some genius crackpot in Bumfuck, Montana converted a nuclear missile into an experimental spaceship.

Such a society, existing only a couple hundred years after all that went down, could conceivably see our era as the last great gasp of the old world before everything went to shit, and for all we know, Discovery takes place right when a 20th Century pop culture revival is sweeping Starfleet (nostalgia for earlier eras when things weren't "as complicated" is common during wartime).


Oct 25, 2017
To put it in perspective, this is a world that experienced societal breakdown, nuclear holocaust, the erasure of the old world, a barbarous post-apocalyptic era, and a long, hardscrabble existence that only ended due to a chance encounter with an alien species after some genius crackpot in Bumfuck, Montana converted a nuclear missile into an experimental spaceship.

Such a society, existing only a couple hundred years after all that went down, could conceivably see our era as the last great gasp of the old world before everything went to shit, and for all we know, Discovery takes place right when a 20th Century pop culture revival is sweeping Starfleet (nostalgia for earlier eras when things weren't "as complicated" is common during wartime).
If Sisko hated the 20th century because of segregation and racism and he lived in the 24th century, what does that say about people from the 23rd century? Would they be Trump fans? lol

Deleted member 1722

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Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the timeloop episode. It was great! I've really grown fond of the crew!

Still surprised by this show, it's been decent at worst and mostly good to great.

Another one tomorrow!


Oct 25, 2017
The Alexander courage theme being present in a lot of last weeks episode was a very welcome addition. It felt infinitely more like a trek series (it has been great all along, but this brought it up to a whole new level). I hope they keep it up.


Oct 30, 2017
This week's is the last one before the break, right?

Bummer. Feels like we're just getting into a groove here.


Oct 27, 2017
As it stands, I like the show just fine but I do have a couple of gripes still
1. The show's music theme is so generic and not star trek enough for me... even that tag at the end is like... here is what you actually wanted to hear than that shit a few seconds ago
2. The ship's HULL is a freakin weird triangle... it's so ugly... I will even admit I have gotten used to the Saucer section and the nacelles, but that HULL is so freaking ugly and doesn't match the rest of the aesthetic in the universe


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
As it stands, I like the show just fine but I do have a couple of gripes still
1. The show's music theme is so generic and not star trek enough for me... even that tag at the end is like... here is what you actually wanted to hear than that shit a few seconds ago
2. The ship's HULL is a freakin weird triangle... it's so ugly... I will even admit I have gotten used to the Saucer section and the nacelles, but that HULL is so freaking ugly and doesn't match the rest of the aesthetic in the universe
Star Treks incidental music has always been generic as fuck, save for the movies
Oct 25, 2017
At this point if Discovery never improves in any other way and stayed where it was quality-wise, the opening credits are by far the worst part of it. Music that never kicks into gear because it wants to pull the Alexander Courage sting at the end, and a montage of props that have no thematic resonance set against an old west sepia tinted background that doesn't relate to the futuristic setting. Dunno what the hell they were thinking of. I'll take "Faith of the Heart" over this opening any day, because if you just mute the TV you've got a way better title sequence.

Star Treks incidental music has always been generic as fuck, save for the movies

Only 90s Trek.

Kind of surprised Courage's themes never made a comeback anywhere. Besides the fight music, the opening theme, and the probably instantly-recognizeable "here's a threat, cut to commercial" stings that got reused a lot, he's got a lot of other tone pieces that are great. I especially like the solemn dirge that gets used for the derelict Constitution class ship in "Doomsday Machine" and gets a few subtle reuses later on.
Oct 25, 2017
Since we don't have an OT for ST yet I'll post it here but yesterday they showed the Voyager episode where they go to the 90s, it was pretty good and Sarah Silverman was great in it, the only downside was the time travel shenanigans


Oct 25, 2017
Since we don't have an OT for ST yet I'll post it here but yesterday they showed the Voyager episode where they go to the 90s, it was pretty good and Sarah Silverman was great in it, the only downside was the time travel shenanigans
Future's End. Great episode, or set of them. Tom and Tuvok get put together in a number of episodes, they always good ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally watched last Sunday's episode. I had a busy week.

I liked it but I am sad we only have a couple more episodes left until the break.


Oct 25, 2017
So tried tonight. Debating if I'm going to stay up and watch or watch tomorrow. Guess I'll see how it goes.

Speaking of music...

I'm not sure if this was posted, but it appears Bryan Fuller approaches the composer of Star Trek VI before he was fired, and he created a couple of test tracks before he was fired:


Four tracks available on Apple Music and Spotify. I will say I love the Klingon undertones from the motion picture and I'm kind of sad we didn't ge it.
Yeah saw this. The music is nice but not sure how well they would have fit given the show we've gotten. Don't think it's worse then what we got though, just different.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of music...

I'm not sure if this was posted, but it appears Bryan Fuller approaches the composer of Star Trek VI before he was fired, and he created a couple of test tracks before he was fired:


Four tracks available on Apple Music and Spotify. I will say I love the Klingon undertones from the motion picture and I'm kind of sad we didn't ge it.

Eidelman is a better composer than Russo and I'm confident he would have produced much better underscore than what we've been getting. A shame.

(Not that it matters. The music is irrelevant in this show largely because it's mixed so quietly that it has no impact.)