Deleted member 51789

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Jan 9, 2019
Probably, considering it's another Japanese company. Although I imagine SEGA was more gungho about doing something vs Nintendo, so no convincing needed.

In general though it's pretty normal behavior that doesn't end in a deal being blown up. Could just be more that Nintendo wasn't all that interested to begin with.
Leaks happen and are normal but intentional leaks (without one party being aware of it) like seems to have happened here by Netflix are *not* pretty normal in the industry. This is a massive breach of trust on a project that was very, very early doors and one that most companies worldwide would be very unhappy about.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I can kinda get it. You're venturing into a completely new area with your IP, with a company youve never worked with before, and they do something to break your trust in the project... Especially if the project is super early in development, why would nintendo want to continue the relationship? They were working with Miyamoto directly, they clearly cared a lot about what the product would be.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah a lot of people are skimming over that second quote. There's nothing weird about Nintendo pulling out if Netflix themselves were doing shit like this.


Oct 25, 2017
If this was 2015? I'm pretty sure they were interested. Think about it.

They have a partnership for theme parks and movies with Universal, they had begun negotiations with Netflix for a Zelda series. College Humor for a probable web series for Star Fox, at the same time they had a small CG short series with Pikmin and a short for Star Fox Zero marketing (and a whole production agreement with the Henson Company during E3. This was legitimately the time they were trying to plant seeds for IP expansion.

This breach of trust rained on their plans a bit and scared them off projects, but they recently announced they were willing to take more risks again.

Huh? We're talking about 'wii' 'wii u' 'switch' nintendo here. They're stubborn, sure, but not exactly risk-averse.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not surprised by Nintendo doing this, especially since Netflix leaked it on purpose. What a bunch of idiots at Netflix


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I see Netflix as completely at fault for us not having a Zelda and Star Fox series. They literally just brazenly breached agreement and went to the WSJ. Nintendo are the good guys here, period.

Deleted member 18324

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Oct 27, 2017
So according to many here it is apparently childish or petty to expect a licensee not to leak details of ongoing private negotiations, is this right?


Aug 3, 2020
It seems petty but it is a totally valid reason to cut ties with a business partner if they leak stuff intentionally.
Definitely the right move by Nintendo, strictly speaking from a business and not consumer perspective.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
Star Fox just can't catch a break, can it?

I can't believe people are calling Nintendo petty. If it's true Netflix leaked intentionally Nintendo has every right to stop the project to which their IP is attached. The pressure on a project like that after a leak must be immense. Plus, it's a pretty big breach of trust in a partnership.

It's cool, Nintendo can just create their original programming for Disney+ and Hulu/Star, instead.
Oct 25, 2017
The people who come in here to say "Maybe X was cancelled because of leaks" clearly don't know to stop at a sign when driving by.


Oct 28, 2017
After all the 2d content that was leaked here in reset era a few months ago, they may cancel 2d mario. The hell. Fox is perfect for a tv series.


Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
If I lose trust in a bussiness partner, I don't want to work with them anymore either. Nintendo has proved this many times. Can't believe there are so many people in the thread not seeing fault at what Netflix did.


Oct 27, 2017
Netflix just couldn't help themselves, live-action Zelda is one of the most sought after TV adaptations and they screwed themselves.


Mar 18, 2020
A lot of people here really don't get that contracts and legal clauses exist huh.

I can't think of a single thing in entertainment I would like less than a live action Zelda tv show so major bullet dodged as far as I'm concerned.


Jan 5, 2018
Zelda seems like a show suited for Disney+ but with nintendo doing a deal with universal for the theme park i cant see that happening. Maybe Amazon could do something but not sure its their type of show.
Oct 25, 2017
Zelda seems like a show suited for Disney+ but with nintendo doing a deal with universal for the theme park i cant see that happening. Maybe Amazon could do something but not sure its their type of show.
Doesn't matter. Disney has kept the NA distribution of Ghibili films for decades and HBO Max still ended up getting streaming rights to it in North America.

Vault Boy

Nov 2, 2017
I believe Adam also mentioned this on an episode of his own podcast Factually a while back. Or maybe it was one of his appearances on Waypoint Radio? A detail he mentioned then was that Netflix intentionally leaked the Zelda show to create buzz, it wasn't some rogue employee or somebody finding out something they shouldn't have.

Netflix: "Well excuuuuuuse me Nintendo!"

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
That Netflix Zelda series was in super early talks and didn't even have a writer attached to it. No script. No script treatment. No outline. No jot notes on a torn-out page of a notebook. It was literally nothing.

Netflix: "Hey Nintendo, can we make a Zelda series?"
Nintendo: "Sure, maybe. We'll think about it."

-series leaks via anonymous source on WSJ blog post-

Nintendo: "Hmm, nah."
Yeah leaking stuff to drum up interest isn't exactly a rare thing in the movie and TV industry. What likely happened is they were in early talks, then Netflix leaked it to pull public support and put pressure on the project to be realized and Nintendo was like "Yeah, no."


Oct 25, 2017
Seems most people here never had to sign NDA's at their jobs. Breaking one, at the beginning of a partnership, seems like a very good reason to pull off the deal then, when you didn't have any money invested.

Netflix screwed up, it's that simple. Even if they're used to leaking their own shit to generate interest, it doesn't mean every partner will accept it lying down.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, sounds like Netflix really fucked up on this one. Imagine trying to work with Nintendo of all companies and going "We can have a little leak, as a treat".


Aug 23, 2018
People justifying Nintendo's decision. Talking about 'breach of trust'. There's a reason why the idiomatic expression "don't throw away the baby with the bath water" exists.

This was in 2015, when the Wii U was in its death throes as a catastrophic failure and nobody could predict how the market would react to the Switch. Canceling Netflix shows that would have popularized your IP over a single leak seems to be an overreaction.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems most people here never had to sign NDA's at their jobs. Breaking one, at the beginning of a partnership, seems like a very good reason to pull off the deal then, when you didn't have any money invested.

Netflix screwed up, it's that simple. Even if they're used to leaking their own shit to generate interest, it doesn't mean every partner will accept it lying down.
Netflix tried to do the same thing that Disney did with Sony with the Spider-man movies, trying to use public pressure to have a favored position when it comes to negotiating. Like "Now we have to do the series yes or yes, Nintendo, we have a good grip on you, haha".

It just didn't work out for Netflix.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I would have loved to see it but seems fair to can shit if people can't keep their mouth shut.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
People justifying Nintendo's decision. Talking about 'breach of trust'. There's a reason why the idiomatic expression "don't throw away the baby with the bath water" exists.

This was in 2015, when the Wii U was in its death throes as a catastrophic failure and nobody could predict how the market would react to the Switch. Canceling Netflix shows that would have popularized your IP over a single leak seems to be an overreaction.
There was no bath water to throw out let alone a baby, they'd only started to discuss whether they should even turn the tap on. Any business relationship would be hit hard by that especially in the early stages, definitely enough to end it on the spot - in the business world it's not as extreme reaction as some people here seem to think


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
I really doubt a live action Zelda adaptation would have worked but a stop motion Star Fox would have been great if only to see the visuals of it. Especially if they kept it in line with how the old boxart looked.
Nov 1, 2017
I admire and respect Nintendo for sticking to their guns. There are dozens of other content studios who can keep their mouths shut, to hell with Netflix.


Oct 27, 2017
Some posts in here really need to understand the difference between "leaking by accident" and "leaking on purpose with an intention behind", really.

People justifying Nintendo's decision. Talking about 'breach of trust'. There's a reason why the idiomatic expression "don't throw away the baby with the bath water" exists.

This was in 2015, when the Wii U was in its death throes as a catastrophic failure and nobody could predict how the market would react to the Switch. Canceling Netflix shows that would have popularized your IP over a single leak seems to be an overreaction.

And two years later, Nintendo released a thing called Switch with a little game called BotW and just went to revitalize and popularize their IPs on their own.

Also, nothing would've helped the Wii U. Not Netflix shows, not getting all 3rd party games, in theory not even getting GTA 5 exclusive would have. Nothing.


Oct 30, 2017
Well it was for the better cause eww Zelda live action with Netflix. The only one I'd be less irritated by for a live action would be with HBO.

That being said, animation would work best with Zelda
Oct 26, 2017
I mean, trusting a company with a multi million IP, when they can't even keep basic NDAs?
Nintendo has no problem with even smaller Indies, trusting the Zelda IP to them even, so the leak probably wasn't the only red flag for them.
Oct 25, 2017
"I mean I will still say I hate Nintendo but in this absolutely isolated incident I will in fact now say good on Nintendo for doing this one thing."

Nintendo properties heading to other media is inevitable, or at least, it's always going to wrap around back to other media here and there.

Now, imagine a dedicated streaming service/production company with only adapted Nintendo content.