
Oct 28, 2017
Those architect reviews videos made me hope there will be extensive showrooms for the various ship manufacturers so you can check out the ships "in person" even if you would never buy one (with either real or in game currency).


Oct 25, 2017
Noted! I do prefer agile fighters, though.
I've flown one, it's pretty nimble. (next freefly keep an eye for it)

And i don't know if this is still true. Completely fucking op. LOL.
Those architect reviews videos made me hope there will be extensive showrooms for the various ship manufacturers so you can check out the ships "in person" even if you would never buy one (with either real or in game currency).
They already have those.

Also glad you like the vids.


Oct 28, 2017
Those architect reviews videos made me hope there will be extensive showrooms for the various ship manufacturers so you can check out the ships "in person" even if you would never buy one (with either real or in game currency).
This is already a thing, last year there was a ship expo around october-november, each day was a different ship manufacturer, you could walk around each ship, and even test fly each of the ships on the showfloor, except for the non-flight ready ships. This is in addition to the ship stores already in game that are permanent which also fit your description.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not really ship related. But all of you that liked the architect reviewing ships vids. He also did a couple on the areas you can visit. Hope you like them.



Oct 27, 2017
Every time I see this I'm tempted to get into this game but the money sink just feels far too wide for me to devote myself to. Can anyone cut through the shit posts enough to explain how much I have to spend to "enjoy" the game, or even just get into it/started?
Stay away from that scam. I say this as someone who loved WC3 and WC4.

If SQ42 ever comes out and is actually good (very unlikely), then you and I can buy it. Until then, you have been warned.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
If anybody needs some help me with the game shoot me PM, if somebody registers using my ref code i get a free little car i think :D
I think you need a couple referrals for that. At 10 you get a gladius if i'm not mistaken. Not sure if that's Arena Commander only though.
I put my referral code into one of those generator and try and keep it active, but so far I've gotten just one xD

On topic: all of these ships look great. The amount of love and detail poured into each of them is amazing. Personally I just have an Aurora, and even though it's one of the uglier ships in the game (I think even Raoul doesnt have any Aurora beauty shots), I absolutely adore that little starter ship.

Also, just cause it can't be repeated enough: you can earn these ships with ingame money.
Yes, at the moment the progress still gets reset every patch, so you will lose them.
There are also regular Free Fly periods with lots of ships free to try (they get added to your ship list temporarily).
And there is the public testing of new patches for active players, which also has pretty much all ships free to fly most of the times it is up.
I've spent 45 bucks for the starter pack years ago and never felt the urge to actually drop more cash.
If people want to do that to support the project, more power to them. I think a large part of the fun in these games is working your way up the chain in ship types, so don't really see the point in buying them with actual money.
Yes, development has been rough, and trust me, it's been even rougher looking at it from the inside, where you can enjoy a close up look everytime CIG shoots itself in the foot.


Sep 3, 2019

why yall doubting Chris Roberts, he is one of the great pioneers of gaming, one can say he ushered in cinematic gaming with Wing Commander which was above anything else, before the likes of Kojima


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to upgrade my Mustang to either an Avenger, Gladius, 325A, Hawk, Sabre or Arrow.

Dunno which. Accepting recommendations.

I'd prefer a Vanguard Sentinel/Warden (I'm an F-14 Tomcat kinda guy) but it's not available atm.
The Avenger and 325A are rather unique in that they're fighters that also have beds and cargo. The Gladius/Hawk/Sabre/Arrow/F7/etc are combat ships without the ability to log off in (and maintain persistence), or carry any cargo (F7C cargo pod aside). If you're going to have a single ship of that class, I'd highly lean towards those two for that reason. The ability to have some storage for salvage and such, and the ability log off anywhere while still maintaining the ability to dogfight will be a major boon vs a pure fighter which is a one trick pony. Very effective ponies for what they do, mind you, but still limited in scope.

As for the Vanguards, they will go on sale when 3.7 hits, and everything will go on sale when the anniversary hits, but I'd caution against them if agility is your goal. The Vanguards are big, heavy fighters, and you ideally want a second person/NPC to make the most of them (manned turret). They're also in a completely different price bracket compared to the other ships listed. For that matter, the Sabre is also significantly more expensive than the other options you listed.

oh shit I need to do that.
As far as testing ships goes, most org members would be quite happy to let you test out their ships at any point in the year. I could spawn any of the above mentioned ships, for instance, with the exception of the Avenger. Contrary to some beliefs, we're actually quite hesitant on recommending people to spend hard cash unless they have a good idea of what they're getting for it.

Edit: Actually, come to think of it, I believe you can log off in the Hawk - by use of the bounty confinement area. Still, not quite the same thing.
Last edited:


Feb 25, 2018
My favorite is the Terrapin I think.

But some of these designs look too much like planes in space for my tastes. I think overall I prefer Elite Dangerous ship design.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
I will be very excited when the beta is available in 2023. I have a few of these ships, came with my 140 pledge or whatever.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
I thought it was gonna be a nice thread about the ships.

But nope, gotta make snarky ass posts whenever Star Citizen is involved

Ya'll just can't help yourselves, huh?

Stop being so damn touchy about this game, it's healthy to be a bit cynical about a game with 1000$+ macro transactions.

And i say that as someone who has backed this game for a fair amount of money.
Oct 29, 2017
Well when it is the only part of the game that they actually make any progress in creating and selling these ships for a couple of hundreds up to the thousands of dollars in new and disgusting predatory ways. Funny how everything else like gameplay and interactive worlds gets ignored but at least the ships and skyboxes are shiny and guess what you can sell for hundreds of dollars.



Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Yeah, attack the person, not the message. Especially in a thread where people outright advertise $1000 virtual ships in an unfinished game...
I mean, you know just like me that nobody cares about attacking "the message" of shitposters in Star Citizen threads doesn't matter, especially not the shitposters themselves. Accusing people of "astroturfing" is pretty big.
That's a waste of time.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, attack the person, not the message. Especially in a thread where people outright advertise $1000 virtual ships in an unfinished game...
Who are you talking about? I don't see people "advertising" ships as in suggesting people buy them, some are just asking how much certain ships are. It's a negative if anything since most people won't react positively to seeing such high prices for virtual ships.
Jul 17, 2018


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
I find the drama around SC very entertaining and all, but coming into a thread about admiring space ship designs and shitting up with antagonistic stuff is just not classy, man.


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
If you're asking about referrals then generally that actually isn't allowed, no. Not sure that's "astroturfing"
I think not everybody is down with people selling others on ships "they will like" when there's a known referral program in the game that benefits people who have spent more and can get more people to join. It really murks up the waters of who is just really excited about the game and who is trying to get people to join to get something out of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I think not everybody is down with people selling others on ships "they will like" when there's a known referral program in the game that benefits people who have spent more and can get more people to join. It really murks up the waters of who is just really excited about the game and who is trying to get people to join to get something out of it.
Is there anybody in the thread that's done it? I haven't seen.

If there is, it should be reported, instead of shitting up a thread to whine about it.


Oct 28, 2017
I think not everybody is down with people selling others on ships "they will like" when there's a known referral program in the game that benefits people who have spent more and can get more people to join. It really murks up the waters of who is just really excited about the game and who is trying to get people to join to get something out of it.
Like I said I think referral talk is generally not allowed (and has even been called out / moderated in other SC threads) so if anyone is complimenting the design of ships in the game with the intent of getting someone to buy a ship using their referral code then that's fine to call out. I thought the person claiming astroturfing was talking about the thread in general.
May 10, 2019
I like some of the futuristic fighters looking like their modern day counter parts of today, ie: F-117. I miss Wing Commander & Privateer but a little off-topic, I really would love to see a Macross/Robotech game made with today's tech.


Mar 2, 2018
That's the only ship I'm considering upgrading to.

I've been upgrading through the years from an Aurora, to a Mustang alpha, to a Mustang Beta, to finally the Avenger Titan, and now I feel like I can take some bad guys, either in my cargo hold in an individual cell or with my guns.