
Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
The more you talk about how all those issues are not really issues, the more people will realize that there are issues.
The more you downplay an issue, the more people will question if those doom- and nay-sayers were right all along.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering Google routinely kills products that are plenty successful I completely understand why some devs would feel that way. I'll change my mind when they revive Google Reader, put out a modern update to Picasa, and they quit fucking with Google Photos for PC, among other things.
Feb 10, 2018
Good, there should be consequences for the just "try a business to see if it hits" it almost like a form of massive corporate gamberling.

The only problem Google is that companies are judged by the past actions.

I'm guessing Google have put in about $1 billion into stadia, when they realise to compete with Sony/ms and steam they need to spend another $billion and to break even will take like 10yrs, the higher ups will be like "er why did we do this again"

Google/stadia need to put there mouth is if they are serious about being a serious player then need to provide the good, they need to demonstrate shock and awe tactics, they should buy take 2, or EA plus several other smaller companies, or buy remedy, Io interactive, avalanche, playdead, from software, crytek and capom.
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Nov 3, 2017
No they weren't. Knack, Killzone, Playroom, Resogun. These were. The entire rest of it was rereleases.

I'm not just singling out PS4, XBO had the exact same problem. Neither console had actual new games almost a year into the cycle.
Surely you agree that when you're releasing 12 games at launch on a console and 3 of them are tomb raider games that have been out for over a year that's an issue? It hasn't got the History or promise of support that those other platforms had, either.

I think saying they'll kill it is hyperbole at this point but as things stand it isn't looking fantastic.


May 10, 2018
I think Schrier said he gave Stadia 2-4 years until it's officially dead. I agree with him.

Phil Harrison is 0/3. He was at Sony for the PS3 launch. He was at Microsoft for the Xbox One launch. Now he's managing Stadia. Dude can't get a hit.


Oct 25, 2017
I compare Stadia to their movies and tv business. I have bought a few movies on google play. I can still stream them years later.

I understand the concerns, because Google has shut down small free services in the past. But Stadia is a much bigger deal, and deals with content you will spend money on. They aren't going to leave you hanging if you invest in that ecosystem imo.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
"I'm not sure what implications this has in a place like Africa, where everything's mobile," she said. "When 6G drops, is this going to suddenly be a big deal? What does this mean for places where everyone goes to Internet cafes, like in Brazil? Who knows."
Wtf about internet cafe in Brazil? Don't remeber the last time I saw one here in Rio. Is it still a thing?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Phil Harrison is 0/3. He was at Sony for the PS3 launch. He was at Microsoft for the Xbox One launch. Now he's managing Stadia. Dude can't get a hit.

I'm not sure how much of those faults are on Harrison.

PS3 had the cell, which was notoriously difficult to develop for (especially for 3rd parties). You had Kaz saying a bunch of stupid shit like folks will be glad to work two jobs to buy a PS3 (paraphrasing), etc. It had early bombs like Lair and Haze. CG fueled E3 trailers that led to hype which fell once real gameplay was shown. etc etc

Xbox One was just a misstep by Microsoft. You had Don Mattrick in charge. Folks like J Allard weren't part of the vision, and they took a gamble on Kinect, and they had a lot of marketing/product launch set backs (Tier 2 countries, wtf?). And the way Xbox was set up then isn't like the Xbox team today. Microsoft was going through a transition period and imo they didn't know what they wanted Xbox to be.
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Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
Since it's also essentially a store that you steam from, why isn't Every current game available, available to buy? Publishers have nothing to lose by putting their games on it.


Oct 29, 2017
Since it's also essentially a store that you steam from, why isn't Every current game available, available to buy? Publishers have nothing to lose by putting their games on it.
It still takes time to port the games, and I'm guessing the launch titles are just everyone who jumped on early and had something for the release date. Also consider that EA, Microsoft, and Bethesda are all looking to make their own streaming services


Oct 27, 2017
i get the concern from dev/pubs but if i (a consumer) was interested in stadia my games being yanked wouldn't be a concern.

i know i'm supposed to be cynical of the corporate big bad but nullifying a bunch of $60 purchases a few years later would be egregious even by google standards. if this was some start up ragtag outfit i could understand it, they need to shut down servers with no cashflow. but it's google


Oct 25, 2017
i get the concern from dev/pubs but if i (a consumer) was interested in stadia my games being yanked wouldn't be a concern.

i know i'm supposed to be cynical of the corporate big bad but nullifying a bunch of $60 purchases a few years later would be egregious even by google standards. if this was some start up ragtag outfit i could understand it, they need to shut down servers with no cashflow. but it's google
Wait...your first sentence does not match your second paragraph.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jun 6, 2019
You've been getting a lot of response to this post and I apologize for piling on but - the real key difference here is if Day 2 of X1 and PS4, MS and Sony both said "Fuck this we done", you would still have your console and your 20 games each until they die a physical death.

If, next week, Google says "Fuck this", and you bought all 12 launch titles, you have nothing at all. And you might say this is just digital v. physical, but every other digital service has an offline mode you can leave on as you like even if their service did go down. Stadia has no safety net and that's a big deal for people's money.
And when they won't, where will you move the goal posts to so your hate boner remains in tact?


Oct 27, 2017
Wait...your first sentence does not match your second paragraph.

it does, i'm just talking about me personally. i can fully understand why anybody would think otherwise

but if i may project myself onto joe six pack consumer (who doesn't pore through forums) i would think they would enter it with a mindset like google play or whatever, you buy a game you'll probably 'own' it for a very long time
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Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
"There's nothing I can say now to make you believe if you don't."

If they said "We will refund anyone who has bought games on our streaming service if we discontinue the service" it would go some way to convincing me.

See now that would be a statement. If they put their money where their mouth is and said they would give people a full purchase price refund if they kill the service, i'd be completely on board. That would show their commitment.

Instead, i'm left in this kinda weird spot where I love the idea of Stadia, but i'm way more likely to just wait for a company I 'trust' like Microsoft or Sony and just use their version.

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
I'm extremely hesitant to invest in the service, exactly for this reason, despite being very interested and curious about trying it out.


Dec 13, 2017
The way they presented everything as a whole makes it feel entirely rushed and unfinished. You have to rally gamers with exclusive gaming experiences you can't get anywhere else. As far as I can see it they are just selling everyone a gimmicky device that is has latency as a feature being it entirely done via online and no hardware support.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The headline of the article seems pretty click baity considering the context of what was actually said.

Context is a Stadia dev saying that the biggest worry that people have is that Google will drop it, but Google have been massively successful with a ton of things and that they use Google Maps, Google Phones, Google Calendars etc every day and companies have to take risks on new ideas.

Headline makes it sound like a candid, anonymous "everyone here thinks it's gonna get cancelled".
context is a developer who has a stake in the platform's success trying to push back against its poor reception with arguments that seem like non sequiturs to me

and if google were actually 100% confident that the service will be up in several years they could easily make a guarantee to that effect, but they won't


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Considering Google routinely kills products that are plenty successful I completely understand why some devs would feel that way. I'll change my mind when they revive Google Reader, put out a modern update to Picasa, and they quit fucking with Google Photos for PC, among other things.
If you are willing to jump through some hoops, you can still buy google glasses


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 21, 2019
I agree with Gwen and the developers who recognize which way the wind is blowing. Posting this from my Android phone.

There's no reason to expect that the service is just gonna die because they're not blowing the doors off at launch. "Google cancels everything" is a meme people latch onto to feel like they're part of something. Everyone gets lonely.
I personally and professionally have had their services retired out from under me.

'do not trust google with your games. they have refused to share a way to play them once Stadia closes.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
They are totally correct. Other than search,youtube and to some extent android. Google is famous for never keeping up with their platforms.


Nov 3, 2017
Microsoft had to tough out a couple of years before finding their place in gaming, it remains to be seen if Google is willing to do the same


Jul 13, 2019
Right, but, with all of those things, Google either made a convincing and attractive case for everyone to adopt it, *or* they were there early enough in the rush to make them that everyone jumped on it first. Those things (phones, email, calendar, map) are also crucial every day functions at this point.

Absolutely none of those factors are in play with Stadia. It's just another, arguably less convenient way to play video games.

Also, most of their competition are going to offer a similar service. Sony has a massive back catalogue to put in theirs. Xbox Game pass is going to have every Msoft release at launch and you can bet xcloud will do the same.

If you are going in for a streaming service...are you going to pick the one with a small library of games you can get everywhere and hope that 3rd parties (or steam!) don't go for their own streaming service, or go with either one of of major console makers who already have an established library, established fan bases and multiple other revenue streams to draw from in gaming.


Nov 7, 2017
Certainly could, but I'm assuming it's mostly slapping low cost to develop PC ports on there so what really have they got to lose?

For like the Ubisoft's, they can easily take any small financial hit.

For indies, I would imagine being one of the early few games on the platform would VASTLY outweigh any other avenues of publicity. At least initially, which would seem to be when the worries of closure would be strongest anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
As for the service's continued existence, Frey thinks such concerns among other developers are "kind of silly."

"Working in tech, you have to be willing to make bold moves and try things that could fail," Frey continued. "And yeah, Google's canceled a lot of projects. But I also have a Pixel in my pocket, I'm using Google Maps to get around. I only got here because my Google Calendar told me to get here by giving me a prompt in Gmail. It's not like Google cancels every fucking thing they make."
So the person they interviewed doesn't hold this opinion at all it seems. They're pointing out it's in the back of minds of other devs.


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
I have yet to see a single reasoned argument explaining why Google would kill Stadia.

Most of the stuff on that killedbygoogle site are obviously engineer pet projects that were probably faded out as teams moved on.
Alphabet wasn't going to pull in gaming market level billions of dollars of revenue from that one RSS feed reader that everyone loved.

Google really only has one service that is directly comparable to Stadia, and it was also an incredibly rushed and messy launch known as the Android Market back in 2012(?). The argument would only make sense if they canceled that one before it started pulling in billions of dollars of revenue a year as Google Play.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
No one reads. Stadia Hate Boners in full effect. She called it, "kind of silly."

That's not what she really said. It's literally in the first paragraph ffs. The circle jerk against Stadia is really tiresome.

The title is not inaccurate though.

The fact that she called it "kind of silly" doesn't mean that there are no concerns about it among Stadia devs.

In fact, her calling it that in fact actually proof that there ARE concerns about it among the devs. See? She just thinks its silly, but the worry is there.

Maybe before you two complain about "hate boners" or "circle jerk", you'd do well to give an effort to think just a little bit.

So the person they interviewed doesn't hold this opinion at all it seems. They're pointing out it's in the back of minds of other devs.

Precisely. It's not hard at all to reach this conclusion.
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Agent X

Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
I don't believe Google would "kill" or suddenly discontinue Stadia, if it were to struggle. It would certainly look bad for them, considering customers are paying to purchase the rights to play games on the service.

A more likely scenario is that Google would wind Stadia down gradually. They would cease pouring resources into marketing and development. They might leave the store up for existing customers, but they wouldn't take any new customers. They might eventually strike a deal with one or more other online game marketplaces (such as Steam or GOG), and work out a method to allow customers to transfer their purchases of Stadia games to versions on these other online stores.


Oct 27, 2017
Shouldn't a mod change the title due to OP click baiting the thread as in if she thinks that rather than basically saying that people who who think that are silly ?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's silly that developers wouldn't want to excitedly jump headlong with exclusive products into a new Google hardware ecosyst- *trips over Google Daydream*

Killed by Google

Killed by Google is the open source list of dead Google products, services, and devices. It serves as a tribute and memorial of beloved services and products killed by Google.

I thought at first Daydream may not have been added to this list, but no, it just had several things that got killed after it, and several other things that have an expiration date soon.

(I wasn't a big fan of Daydream personally, but I know people who were trying to make things for it, and it's a pretty good example of "It didn't initially work out and Google really didn't try that hard to salvage it.")


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
Shouldn't a mod change the title due to OP click baiting the thread as in if she thinks that rather than basically saying that people who who think that are silly ?
I don't think the title is inaccurate. That's literally what she said people think. Whether she agrees with that view or not is immaterial to the fact that the view is common in her circles