
Oct 28, 2017
Quick translation as the article is in german:

According to an initial investigation, the vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer apparently largely prevents the transmission of the coronavirus. According to SPIEGEL information, this is the result of a large observational study carried out jointly with the Israeli Ministry of Health.

It was found that the vaccine was 89.4 percent efficient in preventing Sars-CoV-2 infections. For the further course of the pandemic, this message can be decisive in several ways. Around a third of the population in Israel has already been vaccinated.

That is why it was possible for the first time to observe on a broad basis how the vaccine works and influences the pandemic.
Overall, the data from around 1.7 million vaccinated people were apparently included in the study. The results had been eagerly awaited, as the clinical trials for the approval of the corona vaccines only examined how effectively Covid-19 disease is prevented. It was previously unclear whether vaccinated people could still pass the virus on.

Expectations were restrained, and Biontech boss Uğur Şahin had also suspected that his vaccine could prevent 60 percent of infections at most.

The result was actually surprisingly clear: While only 1842 Sars-CoV-2 infections occurred in the group of people who had been vaccinated twice, which corresponds to an incidence rate of 11.5 per 100,000 person-days - i.e. 11.5 infections per 100,000 days that the test persons combined participated in the study - there were 76,797 infections in the control group of the unvaccinated, which corresponds to an incidence rate of 114.4 that is about ten times as high.

The practical data from Israel showed a decrease in infections in ever larger sections of the population. This suggests that vaccinated people not only protect themselves but also others. It is important to note that variant B.1.1.7 was already dominant during the investigation with 81 percent of the cases.

The study is still to be published on a preprint server and in a specialist magazine. For this reason, the detailed data have not yet been commented on by Biontech and Pfizer. However, the almost 22-page paper was already known in Israel.

More here

(S+) Coronavirus: Biontech-Impfstoff stoppt Virusübertragung zu 89,4 Prozent

Überraschender Lichtblick im Kampf gegen Corona: Der Biontech-Impfstoff wirkt nicht nur gegen die Erkrankung, sondern verhindert auch die Infektion. Was das für den Pandemieverlauf bedeutet.


Oct 27, 2017
So far the first one is best one out there. Shame about the cold storage. But overal Pfizer ones seems the best overall.


Oct 27, 2017
As Moderna is really similar in terms of how it works, we can safely assume it will have a similar effect which makes this even better.

So far the first one is best one out there. Shame about the cold storage. But overal Pfizer ones seems the best overall.
They have studied that it can be stored at the similar temperatures as Moderna without impacting the quality.


Oct 25, 2017
So far the first one is best one out there. Shame about the cold storage. But overal Pfizer ones seems the best overall.
Moderna and Pfizer are largely equivalent in terms of efficacy. Since they're both mRNA vaccines that use the same basic method of achieving immunity there's no real reason to believe they'd be different here. To my understanding the main difference between the two is some of the secondary ingredients like the specifics on the lipid delivery system, but since they're both about as effective at creating immunity we can probably safely assume they'll be about as effective at preventing transmission since the core mechanism for both of those relies on the same thing in both cases


Oct 25, 2017
Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna
As wise of the works of Seneca
Just do me a favor US government
And throw away AstraZeneca~


Oct 27, 2017
And here I got the stupid Moderna one.

Moderna and Pfizer/Biontech are almost identical. They are using the same technology, the same idea, so what applies to one almost certainly applies to the other. The difference between them is packaging, production speed and so on, but you're getting the same level of protection.


Oct 26, 2017
I just want the jab even if it's of the vaccine with 60% protection (but almost 100% of bad cases).


Oct 28, 2017
And here I got the stupid Moderna one.
Moderna is probably similar. Imo we should heavily build up Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna production as these two are clearly setting the standard compared to other vaccines like Oxford/AZ or J&J.

There are some projections that Israel could hit 0 new cases by mid year thanks to these vaccines

Can you even imagine late summer without covid?
Oct 25, 2017
The Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE Covid-19 vaccine appeared to stop the vast majority of recipients in Israel becoming infected, providing the first real-world indication that the immunization will curb transmission of the coronavirus.

The vaccine, which was rolled out in a national immunization program that began Dec. 20, was 89.4% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed infections, according to a copy of a draft publication that was posted on Twitter and confirmed by a person familiar with the work. The companies and Israel's Health Ministry worked together on the preliminary observational analysis, which has not yet been peer-reviewed.

The results, also reported in Der Spiegel, are the latest in a series of positive data to emerge out of Israel, which has given more Covid vaccines per capita than anywhere else in the world. Nearly half of the population has had at least one dose of vaccine. Separately, Israeli authorities on Saturday said the Pfizer-BioNTech shot was 99% effective at preventing deathsfrom the virus.

Data analysis in a study by the Israeli Health Ministry and Pfizer Inc found the Pfizer vaccine developed with Germany's BioNTech reduces infection, including in asymptomatic cases, by 89.4% and in syptomatic cases by 93.7%.

Israeli studies find Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine reduces transmission

Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine greatly reduces virus transmission, two Israeli studies have found, shedding light on one of the biggest questions of the global effort to quash the pandemic.


Oct 27, 2017
Does this apply to the Moderna vaccine as well since they are pretty similar? I always see positive articles about Pfizer but never Moderna.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Moderna is probably similar. Imo we should heavily build up Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna production as these two are clearly setting the standard compared to other vaccines like Oxford/AZ or J&J.

There are some projections that Israel could hit 0 new cases by mid year thanks to these vaccines

Can you even imagine late summer without covid?
I dream about it every day


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they're increasing the amount of vaccine doses given to Palestinians. Share the success! Last I heard it was only a paltry 5000 for Palestinian medical workers, and that was after international pressure. The population of Palestinians is 2.7 million.


Jun 13, 2018
Very good news. If this applies to the other vaccines too, not only will it kill this thing even faster as it will protect even those who aren't vaccinated as more people get vaccinated, it would even mean we're not THAT far from being able to get rid of masks in public if you're vaccinated. As in, we might be able to be back to actual normal by fall, not just a hybrid version of normal where we can do things again but have to mask up and distance still.


Oct 30, 2017
This is great news. Glad Israel is confirming a lot of the assumptions.

Also, Not sure why there's a preference. Vaccine is a vaccine and all so far have shown to be effective at keeping you out of the hospital and dying (to my knowledge).

If everyone gets whatever vaccine that is available (you probably won't have a choice) and factored with those who have already had acquired some natural immunity (even if they opt out of rushing for a vaccine) then we probably all good. Correct?

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
This is great news. Glad Israel is confirming a lot of the assumptions.

Also, Not sure why there's a preference. Vaccine is a vaccine and all so far have shown to be effective at keeping you out of the hospital and dying (to my knowledge).

If everyone gets whatever vaccine that is available (you probably won't have a choice) and factored with those who have already had acquired some natural immunity (even if they opt out of rushing for a vaccine) then we probably all good. Correct?


Nov 3, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.


Oct 28, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.
Why? We didn't know and even the scientists who made this at biontech were expecting something around 60% which is obviously still good but way worse than 90%


Oct 27, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.
Yeah it really wasn't clear from the trial though, especially given the degree to which SARS-CoV2 can transmit asymptomatically. This data was much awaited by everyone, including the scientific community.

Not saying there's not a subtle anti-vax contingent on era, cuz there is... just not with respect to this though.
Oct 26, 2017
Up until this report, the moderna had a few percentages above the Pfizer is most studies in effectiveness so I'm assuming it will be very similar.

I was mostly joking everyone. Sorry for any ruffled feathers.

I will say that the CDC website says the Moderna is slightly less effective than Pfizer: 95% vs 94.1%. Not a big difference at all, I know. But still, it is slightly less effective.


Oct 28, 2017
This is promising news and should extend to Moderna like other posters have mentioned. I would have preferred getting the Pfizer shot if only for the less significant after affects it presents compared to Moderna. Half of my coworkers have been put out of commission for a day or two compared those that got Pfizer. If you're in the biotech sector you know that Pfizer has a reputation for being as thorough as it gets with regards to quality control even compared to the other big wigs in the industry. Excited to see more papers on vaccine efficacy going forward.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.
I get where you are coming from but the concern is understandable. Until we have evidence one way or the other we can't draw a definitive conclusion either way. The people who say "we're gonna be on lockdown until 2023" are the real people to shake your head at.


Oct 25, 2017
Its really nice to hear that ultimately covid19 isn't that new or different and behaves like most viruses, and gets stopped quickly (by society time) by tools we have deployed in the past. In nine months many areas of the world will be back to a pre covid world, and in 1-2 years almost the entire planet will be. It does absolutely nothing for the millions who have died or gotten really sick from it and that really sucks, but the impact has been in the millions, not billions, of lives.

Also scary to think how poorly we reacted as a species to something that isn't that different, and how bad we will fare when something far more deadly and virulent and different does strike us. Its not a question of if, but when. I'd like to think we'll come together to figure out steps for that scenario, but I have my doubts.


Nov 30, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.

Most of the posts were emphasizing the we don't know yet part which was fine. Of course we did have some posters who jumped from we don't know to it doesn't help which was annoying.
This is such good news though it should be water under the bridge


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Really shaking my head at the "You might still transmit even if you had the vaccine!! We don't know!!!" Folks.
My wife's sister is one of those...
"I'm not going to get the shot because we don't know if I'd still transmit the virus afterwards."

Don't care about the percentage. A 30% reduction would be better than nothing. Close to 90% is incredible!