Apr 2, 2021
I like the 3D, and I've been waiting for something different from a South Park game. TBH I always thought the RPGs felt too much like I was watching a not particularly great episode of the show with decent turn based battles and exploration added in. It looking EXACTLY like the show disappointed me, because I wanted to see South Park properly "adapted" into a video game. I felt like I played the RPGS just to watch some South Park episode that I hadn't already seen a million times. Thats just my opinion as a fan of SP and videogame enthusiast.

This intrigues me much more, even though I don't like the multiplayer aspect. If it were a single player action game it would pretty much be exactly what I wanted from a South Park game


Oct 29, 2017
Regardless of what you think is best for the IP, it means nothing if M&T are not personally motivated to make one. It's very possible they are exhausted by the thought of it and want to try something smaller out. We hardly know anything about this game, but shifting genres and rendering styles does not preclude many of those elements you listed from existing in this title.

It kind of does though. Like if someone bought the license to John Wick and decided to make a turn-based strategy game with it I think it'd be fair to question whether that's a good fit. It COULD be good, and I'm not saying this South Park game will necessarily be bad. But I do think an RPG is a great fit.

How involved are Matt and Trey in this? I could be wrong, but I doubt they're designing the game.
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
our n64 south park cartridge was rendered unplayable back in the day when it got dropped in the toilet by accident and i'm thinking maybe if we do the same to this game it will also be rendered unplayable


Oct 29, 2017
I like the 3D, and I've been waiting for something different from a South Park game. TBH I always thought the RPGs felt too much like I was watching a not particularly great episode of the show with decent turn based battles and exploration added in. It looking EXACTLY like the show disappointed me, because I wanted to see South Park properly "adapted" into a video game. I felt like I played the RPGS just to watch some South Park episode that I hadn't already seen a million times. Thats just my opinion as a fan of SP and videogame enthusiast.

This intrigues me much more, even though I don't like the multiplayer aspect. If it were a single player action game it would pretty much be exactly what I wanted from a South Park game

Different strokes, but personally "playable South Park episode" is far more interesting to me than "generic action game with a coat of SP paint slapped over it."


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
A dramatic step back from what made the visual appeal of the olders games so amazing.

It better be fun as hell because I'm already tired of looking at it.

Mass One

Oct 28, 2017
Getting South Park N64 vibes from these graphics.


They could have at least attempted to do some toon shader stuff similar to some of the skins in Fortnite.
Yes! I remember this one. It's with the pee snowballs ?

On topic, looks like a early early unity/unreal steam greenlight project.


Oct 30, 2017
Where are people getting battle royale from? The trailer and brief description made it sound more like a gauntlet/Diablo esque multiplayer action game, which I still want less than another rpg but would at least have some interest to me where if it's straight online battle royale with a SP skin I couldn't care less.


Oct 29, 2017
Idk where people got the battle royale thing? It's a teaser and they didn't really say anything other than that it's co-op. I get there's a large battle happening in the video but the previous games also had large battle scenes. (Obviously it's not a turn based rpg) I'm cautiously optimistic.


Oct 28, 2017
Despite not having watched the show in years (since PC Principal first appeared I think), I would have been all-in on another RPG like Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole.

But this…a multiplayer Battle Royale game is everything I hate, so no thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
giving a benefit of a doubt that the trailer is just bad

i mean it doesn't even tell you what it is


Oct 6, 2022
Matt and Trey almost certainly have nothing to do with this. I remember a while back they talked about those N64 games and basically said that Comedy Central owned South Park and could do whatever they liked with it.


Alt Account
Jun 30, 2023
I played both the RPGs the last couple of weeks thanks to Ubisoft+ so this is disappointing but I'll check it out

I suppose it looking terrible is in the spirit Matt and Trey made the show in


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Feels like a huge step back in multiple respects but have to wait and see what it actually is, I guess. That said I've never bothered with Fractured But Whole so maybe more RPG isn't what I wanted anyway.


Nov 27, 2017
Yeah. This looks like shit especially compared to Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole. This looks more like it started off as a remaster of the N64 game.
Apr 2, 2021
Yeah, i kinda fell off the show years ago when it devolved into a lot of lazy dissaffected both sides-ism.
to be honest it had this sort of message from like, season 2 onward. People like to be reductive about things to act above it all, but they're not wrong. However I could tell you that black mirror is always about how your phone is bad, or that 90% of prestige dramas in the last 15 years are about toxic masculinity and I wouldn't be wrong. Doesn't mean there isn't some good entertainment to be enjoyed and maybe even some good points to think about.

I will always prefer the episodes where the boys do a scheme or go on an adventure to the "you know what i learned today..." episodes though, and the show has had some stuff over the years that I do find indefensible and not funny in the slightest. They also are pretty lazy about the show today, it feels like they make it just because it makes so much money. They do still have one or two funny jokes an episode and even still raise an interesting point every once or twice a season.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugly 3D aside, that's a pretty awful trailer. It's hard to tell wtf the game even is, a gauntlet clone?


Oct 25, 2017
to be honest it had this sort of message from like, season 2 onward. People like to be reductive about things to act above it all, but they're not wrong. However I could tell you that black mirror is always about how your phone is bad, or that 90% of prestige dramas in the last 15 years are about toxic masculinity and I wouldn't be wrong. Doesn't mean there isn't some good entertainment to be enjoyed and maybe even some good points to think about.

I will always prefer the episodes where the boys do a scheme or go on an adventure to the "you know what i learned today..." episodes though, and the show has had some stuff over the years that I do find indefensible and not funny in the slightest. They also are pretty lazy about the show today, it feels like they make it just because it makes so much money. They do still have one or two funny jokes an episode and even still raise an interesting point every once or twice a season.

You're not wrong, i feel it just got worse in that regard as the show went on and there weren't enough good jokes to offset it. And sure, part of that was also just me becoming more socially aware and outgrowing the show but it also felt increasingly out of ideas and less on point.


Oct 28, 2017
Like mentioned above, unless OP has some information no-one else has there's nothing saying that it's a battle royale game instead of some sort of multiplayer hack n slash / Gauntlet game


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Glad I'm not the only one confused by the OP calling it a battle royal when the video description doesn't mention that. A 4 player beat em up with South Park characters sounds like it could be fun. I would need to more gameplay though.