
Jul 11, 2022
Saying horrible shit like this isn't just about trying to say the right things to attract sales from certain crowds or grifting, there are people who actually believe these things and are just speaking their minds so it's a lot worse than just pitching to people.

As for me, always helps to know who these assholes are so I know to spend my money elsewhere.
100%, they often just use excuses like this to show their true colours and go off on a tirade about how "the woke mob are oppressing me because they asked if I could implement X thing into my game!!!", absolutely hamming it up (whether they're aware they're doing it or not) to drum up support from right wingers and gain new sales from people buying it simply to "own the libs".

That being said, I've definitely seen devs (or others involved in the production of a game) go off on unhinged rants about LGBT+ people and other minorities completely unprompted before.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Sorry Im not familiar with some of this, does posting the Polish flag meant anything other than hes polish?

Regardless, this guy seems like an idiot.
Equating LGBT with the Nazis is one of the main talking points of the Polish far-right. As in the past, Polish nationalism had to express itself primarily as opposition to an occupier, so now as an independent nation, Polish fascists have to invent an occupier, and define homophobia not just as consequence of their values (as when Republicans say "We are Americans, so we have family values, so we are against LGBT"), but their nationalism as consequence of their "oppression" by queer people ("LGBT attack us, so we have to defend ourselves, so that resistance makes us Polish nationalists").

So it's not that the flag is supposed to mean anything, but the bigotry before is meant to mean something for the flag. But in the end it's not much different from the far-right in the rest of the world, just more confusing.


Oct 25, 2017
ngl reading the title I thought "Homophobic Meltdown" was the name of a game. Then reading their tweets I'm thinking it might as well be. Anyway fuck them.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
First tweet was understandable, even if somewhat disappointing, but then the mask goes off and, of course, it wasn't really about prioritizing resources at all.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Equating LGBT with the Nazis is one of the main talking points of the Polish far-right. As in the past, Polish nationalism had to express itself primarily as opposition to an occupier, so now as an independent nation, Polish fascists have to invent an occupier, and define homophobia not just as consequence of their values (as when Republicans say "We are Americans, so we have family values, so we are against LGBT"), but their nationalism as consequence of their "oppression" by queer people ("LGBT attack us, so we have to defend ourselves, so that resistance makes us Polish nationalists").

So it's not that the flag is supposed to mean anything, but the bigotry before is meant to mean something for the flag. But in the end it's not much different from the far-right in the rest of the world, just more confusing.
Gotcha, thanks. Fucking sucks


Oct 26, 2017
Ugh, that's disappointing. Just heard of Soulash 2 for the first time a while ago and it seems incredible, but I guess I'll be skipping it.


Oct 27, 2017
At this point on the timeline you gotta start wondering why are these people so loud about their beliefs. Dont they learn? Its always harmful for their business. Always. If I would have negative or problematic views on anything that I know society criticise (which I dont) why would I let anybody lnow about them knowing its gonna throw a shade at me, my company and my profit?

Is their bigotness/homophobic nature more important? Its so stupid (they cant all be stupid, can they?)


Oct 25, 2017
At this point on the timeline you gotta start wondering why are these people so loud about their beliefs. Dont they learn? Its always harmful for their business. Always. If I would have negative or problematic views on anything that I know society criticise (which I dont) why would I let anybody lnow about them knowing its gonna throw a shade at me, my company and my profit?

Is their bigotness/homophobic nature more important? Its so stupid (they cant all be stupid, can they?)
There is a basic human urge to double down when you feel attacked. Combine that with having friends/family/community telling you that you're in the right, a failure to introspect about your own beliefs, and a lack of empathy toward others, and you get people who spiral into bullshit like this.


Aug 25, 2024
Yeah, the initial response was fine, if a little disappointing. The dev went on to ban the user who initially asked, and I did try to find more of the Steam discussion info, but it's basically full of right wing chuds praising the dev for battling against queer demons

He may have initially had a perfectly reasonable stance, but his actions & statements, in particular "meeting half way" with people who would like to see all LGBT people dead & the included tweets, it's clear he always held these views but used "game design" as a shield.
Or probably the fine response was from a social media or some team moderator, rarely head directors or devs interact there, if not some small indie solo or studio.

My bad i missed the name.
Maybe i'm used to others sm where there are representative of the person, like Fb vip pages.
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▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
I completely agree with your assessment that the initial response was ultimately fine. Disappointing but not offensive. No idea why he would double down like that. The conservative anti-woke brainrot runs deep on Twitter unfortunately.


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
I find this whole thing confusing as laid out. Obviously he's gone full asshole in his most recent tweets so he can get bent, but as a gay man that first response of his seems pretty reasonable? And that caused a weeklong campaign of people criticizing and demanding he do it anyway before he even went off the deep end? I feel like everyone involved needs to touch grass.

Uh, you can't harass that second tweet out of anyone. That's genuine.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Also curious about this.

So it seems his game got reviewed bomb, considering it is a small game that could hurt its chances to sell more copies later.
Game got anywhere from 1 to 5 reviews a day then all a sudden got 28 negative reviews in one day. Though now it has gotten 120 reviews today, 90 being positive, 30 being negative. That is kinda crazy.
Oct 27, 2017
We really need a Chud directory sticky. I'd like something to cross-reference, so I don't have to memorise every bag of shit in the industry.


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for the heads up, OP, I would've totally missed this.

I'm deeply curious how many of those turn into "user refunded product" reviews in the next few weeks.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets mass refunds soon. I hope so actually. He's courted the far right and I would love to see him get the payback he deserves


Oct 25, 2017
This is so incredibly disappointing.

I loved Soulash 1 and have been playing 2 since it hit early access.

But I don't play games made by bigots. Uninstalling and never touching it again.

Fuck this guy.


Oct 27, 2017
The initial response was totally reasonable but yeah once you choose Grummz on your side then it's over.


Oct 22, 2018
Never heard of this dev nor his game. Now I'll actively look for his Steam page to block it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ is it possible to block them on the mobile Steam app? Or just through the computer program?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
Will always be sad people have these beliefs, but glad that they can't help but out themselves. Thank you for helping me avoid you and your work in the future.


Oct 28, 2017
Just for context, it appears the "week long activist campaign" amounted to 5-10 negative reviews from people concerned about his initial response…

Whilst this sounds insignificant, it likely did impact the recent reviews score from (IIRC) a very positive, to a mixed score.

That being said, a tiny handful of people running with negative reviews against a disappointing response should not result in a nuclear explosion of you deferring to literal Nazi fucks & courting their hateful rhetoric and cash.

I fully expect, & hope, that a bunch of these will inevitably refund once they've "done their job" and this idiot will realise he's as expendable to them as any other piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
How are queer people like Nazi's? I don't even understand
Because they exist and don't want to be marginalized.

A lot of people just can't deal with the fact that we live in an age where everybody can be heard and they're being forced to be made aware their experience isn't universal.

Just the fact that they can hear it is apparently oppression despite the fact that straight white dudes still hold all the cards and these groups are still treated like shit.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
How do you go through life this offended by something?

"Can you include this in your game to make it more welcoming and inclusive?"

"I'm not bending the knee to your rainbow flag tyranny!"



Oct 26, 2017
Bold defiance in his refusal to swear allegiance to House Pride
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So a fan of the game asks a question and he gives a reply and after that a few people negatively review his game.

And because of those reviews he melts down and compares /negative reviews of his game/ to his family history of being oppressed by Nazis. All while kinda revealing being 'cancelled' or something.

Bro touch some grass.


Oct 28, 2017
So a fan of the game asks a question and he gives a reply and after that a few people negatively review his game.

And because of those reviews he melts down and compares /negative reviews of his game/ to his family history of being oppressed by Nazis. All while kinda revealing being 'cancelled' or something.

Bro touch some grass.

Yeah it's just a needless escalation that it ends up feeling like it was the end goal. It was a reasonably interesting game that if he continued to work on it, could have possibly blew up…

Instead, he's appealed to a market that are so historically loyal and supportive for the long term /s

Honestly, roguelike games that are good are actually quite rare so he had a dedicated market. My experience with them though, is they are overall a very open & inclusive community that do not enjoy prats like him.


Oct 27, 2017
Very disappointing as I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on this for a while.

My trigger shall remain unpulled, fuck this bigot.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
I had never heard of this game before, but I looked at both game's steam pages and put them both on ignore before they could ever be recommended to me.


Born to be Wise and Corrupted by Vengeance
Dec 15, 2020
I haven't noticed that. As a matter of fact, I've been verbally assaulted by homosexuals who think that everyone should be gay. Here's the thing, though. If everyone's gay, then the entire human race would go extinct.
JoinedSunday at 04:18

So if this is not sarcasm, your mom should've been gay


Oct 29, 2017
Wow. I own the game and honestly there's nothing to do outside of interact with systems that have no ultimate purpose. I kept waiting for real gameplay to show up but it hasn't yet so I wrote the game off completely just on that perspective.

Now I have a good reason to uninstall it forever.