
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to see OP list out these "dozens" of missing updates on the PS4 that the competition is so good at. I'm still waiting for God damn youtube to come to the Nintendo switch. It's the most barebones console of the last decade.

The only major one I can think of is name changes.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Hopefully MS comes out a lot stronger out of the gate next gen so Sony can be forced to be more competitive.

I feel like Sony's mistakes are being vastly overvalued by a small minority of concern trolls.

Sony would have to fuck up on an extreme level for anything to change, and they have not gone anywhere near that level so far, crossplay or average services aside. They still release great games for a good product at a mass market appreciated value.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I assure you that both consoles take around the same time to install a game from the disc. We've been over this. The PS4 just lets you play it faster. It doesn't install it faster.

I belive PS4 installs quicker too (in early tests by like ~10 mins on certain games, eg NBA 2K), but yes, it generally also allows people to play installing games orders of magnitude quicker. How quickly you get to play is all that matters though.



Early on in the gen the PS4 was generally much quicker than the Xbox UI across the board, on load times, start up, reboots, rest to load, opening certain apps and so on. These days it's much closer, but I still feel the vast majority of gamers out there would say the PS4's UI was still more intuitive and easier to use, just as a bulk of the mainstream press did at the start of the gen.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Sony's mistakes are being vastly overvalued by a small minority of concern trolls.

Sony would have to fuck up on an extreme level for anything to change, and they have not gone anywhere near that level so far, crossplay or average services aside.

I'm not asking them to fuck up and fail or MS to destroy them but I think Sony with some serious competition would be good for everyone.


Oct 29, 2017
I think out of everything only Crossplay and Backwards Compatibility are areas where Sony is clearly chasing the dollar rather than the needs of the consumer.

- This hand was forced by MS, Sony's only denying it for business reasons, as MS did last gen (friends buy friend's consoles snowball effect)
System updates - External Storage, shareplay, and lots of other things have been added - not as frequent as MS, though at this point they're probably just saving features to make PS5 feel fresh.
Inventive smaller games – Not sure on this they did take a huge risk on No Mans Sky, and supported Indie pretty heavily out of the gate - They're paying for a lot of smaller projects on PSVR, which you could argue is very innovative and far more risky than what their competition is doing.
Webstore/online shit – Haven't really had a problem with it once tbh, I wouldn't call it a mess.
PSVR – This is one their competitors deserve criticism for, not Sony. They took the chance invested heavily and provided new experiences for their users with it. They used Move controllers to cut cost sure - but it beats not trying at all.
Backwards compatibility – Agreed more could have been done, almost seems like its 'business reasons' to not support it keeping people buying new games instead. I think people don't realize this make exclusivity deals on new games with 3rd parties more obtainable, and harder for your competitors to get if your consumers are buying new games instead of old ones.
PS+ – Agreed they're clearly making a ton of money off this and could afford to sweeten the deal - though it's not like their competition doesn't deserve the same pushback.
Studio closures – Unwanted, but a reality in any business.


self-requsted ban
Nov 11, 2017
I disagree with pretty much everything in the OP. Strange that he assumes I would care about cross play. My friends all have ps4s as well as switch so i am actually happy Sony is not being persuaded by Microsoft and their clear manipulations.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear you guys with this MS is so Pro Consumer and Sony is not. I swear with all these types of threads has to be a concerted effort of some type of marketing campaign. All over a piece of plastic that plays games.

It's a well known tactic, see #IEBloggers for a recent example

That was a huge fail, this time it seems to be working.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I'm not asking them to fuck up and fail or MS to destroy them but I think Sony with some serious competition would be good for everyone.

I'm not saying you are, i'm saying the narrative being spun in general doesn't accurately reflect the reality of the situation. Sony's 'mistakes' as listed by the OP are actually very low priority for most people. Because MS are "looking at the future" by trying all this frankly annoying stuff like extra subscription services, and such makes people seem to think that Sony needs to copy them or else they are falling behind...but i would bet that most people are happy with the content Sony are putting out on PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say it feels like the public faces of the company from the beginning of the gen have disappeared entirely.

Andrew House
Adam Boyes
Jack Trenton
That guy representing indies

All have either gone silent or have left.

All that's left really that I can think of is Shaun Layden and Sid Shuman

It portrays a more faceless persona as time goes on, thus colder/more corporate
I can agree here. There's no face I picture in my head when I think of Sony anymore like Phil for MS (I don't even have an XBox) or Reggie/Koizumi/Miyamoto for Nintendo.


Oct 25, 2017
Just popping in to say I feel you, OP. Been a PlayStation guy since day one and have been getting the same vibes lately. Couldn't be happier about first party output but that doesn't excuse boneheaded corporate policies and misplaced development resources


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I don't think they're asleep at all. No need to change much when you're dominating that convincingly.

Success causes complacency.

Why are they're studios doing well? Well that's a two decade or so investment that has been shielded from the typical pressures that 3rd party publishers have. Third party publishers just have games. Sony is diversified in gaming so they can take bigger risks and delay games until they're are polished to the gills.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a drawback of being a market leader, especially a market leader with an absolutely massive lead over its direct competitor. They go into cruise control, last gen when they were in last place and had their backs against the wall they shifted into 5th gear and pushed Xbox as hard as they could.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Just popping in to say I feel you, OP. Been a PlayStation guy since day one and have been getting the same vibes lately. Couldn't be happier about first party output but that doesn't excuse boneheaded corporate policies and misplaced development resources

Crossplaying with the competetion's consoles has never been something Sony supported. I feel like the amount of people who think crossplay with other consoles is a must is very small, too small to actually consider that an actual boneheaded policy. And developmental resources being misplaced...i dont think anyone could actually even claim to say where the resources should be placed beyond where they are now


Nov 3, 2017
I believe I said it in the old place, but again, the Xbox One is a superior system to use. It's better at everything but the games. Sony has never been particularly good on the Software/UI side of the console. And PSN is still a mess and more than archaic on the back end.
Good Lord. I have bought the X listening all these chats about it's superiority over the ps4 system but Jeez what people said there it's absolutely subjective and not factual. Said that, the xbone x it's a beautiful console, especially compared the pro, incredibly silent, but I can't disagree more when I read stuff like this. The UI it's absolutely chaotic and let's no talk about the shitty loading time when you try to install some game from the bluray.
I still find "superior" the way how ps4 handle such stuff compared the Xbox and I have no problem to change my preference if one day the Xbox really will offer a superior experience but for now, the system it's not absolutely superior.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
It would help if you actually followed a thread of discussion before you jumped in. I'm not an idiot and I am well aware the every gaming company is a well oiled corporate machine.

However, what I'm trying to point out is as of right now, it feels that nobody with a gaming background seems to be in a decision making position in regards to implementing consumer focused features at Sony. This is further complicated by the fact that the mothership is still based in Japan and clearly is still tight with the purse strings. There is really no indication that PS4s success is fostering a massive reinvestment in the division. Sony's IR statements pretty much have stated this.

It's exactly the opposite.
In their investor reports they clearly stated that they are upping their investements in PSN and related services, creating new first IPs and strengthening their current successful IPs.
Also Yoshida is still in his usual place and Layden has more a chairman/report to role.
Basically you're pushing your own view that does not reflect reality and it's borderline FUD.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Again that's not what I'm trying to say at all. I'm simply pointing out that alot of Sony's decisions at a systems and corporate level seem like they are not being made by people who understand the current gaming landscape. 95% of the people in either company are casual gamers at very best. But some of Microsofts recent decisions seem to come from a place of knowledge and acceptance of how gaming works in 2018, instead of clinging to older business models. Sony is playing catch up all of a sudden. You have to ask why.

How could you possibly think that when Sony is steamrolling the gen? Clearly actual gamers and consumers do not necessarily agree with your perception of things, or have very different priorities.

I would also argue that you're being rather naive. None of these decisions from any of these platform holders come from a place of charity or understanding gamers or whatever, they're all business decisions these companies either do or do not implement for business or revenue reasons, or to incentivise their platform. Microsoft is having to do more simply because it is lagging on the most important aspect of a gaming system, providing more games, or in this instance quality exclusives, but there are other aspects too, eg ease of UI, DLC and content exclusives, hardware performance and things of that nature.

Ultimately the platforms that are doing the best are the ones that are providing the best exclusives. Hell, Nintendo is archaic on the systems and interface side of things, eg online, parties, voice chat, media, screenshots, videos, streaming etc, but the Switch is still selling better than the Xbox One nonetheless.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
I guess I can understand but personally have never really been affected by any of these decisions. If I didn't read about them on Era they'd be nonexistent in my head.

That said, since I -do- read about the stuff online, Sony's gonna have to give up something just for the sake of goodwill or the games alone won't support another generation of domination like this one.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Outside of Concrete Genie there's indeed little in the pipeline on this front, but I think that's because the investment had moved to PSVR games - eg stuff like Moss

I'm right in saying that Sony didn't make Miss did they? It just came out on Steam and Oculus. It was just a marketing deal?

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
While the webstore isn't great, it's miles ahead of what Microsoft and Nintendo have going on. Microsoft has Xbox 360 items on a different site than Xbox One games, which still looks the same as it did 10 years ago when it was set up and the notion that you can't easily use XBL credit on Xbox 360 games without pulling out an Xbox 360. Nintendo has a centralized site for their digital stuff on every platform, but you'd have no idea when any of their sales end without pulling up each console to see when that is. Until recently, they didn't even include launch or pre-order discounts in the sales listings. Their webstore also breaks frequently if I change categories quick enough.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
PSVR – I haven't tried it, so I can't speak to the actual quality, but it seems like a massive oversight to release a VR system but essentially require relatively ancient Move controllers. I've seen the patents for the new controllers, but they should have launched alongside the initial headset. I do get that they needed to strike a balance between capabilities and affordability, but I think they swung too far in the affordability direction. I also personally don't think there would have been anything wrong with limiting VR to Pro in order to maximize the available power, but that's a personal thing and I know many would disagree.
You haven't tried it but are criticizing the Move controllers because they are...old? Beyond an analog stick, I don't know what could be added to the Move controllers to make them perform better. They work really well. Also, almost nothing requires the Move controllers. Sony has made the DS4 the primary input for most VR games I've played.

In a thread of nitpicks, a 'solution' to VR (which again, you don't play and haven't used) is to have locked it behind their newer, more expensive machine and this is meant as a criticism towards Sony? What?


Oct 25, 2017
Crossplaying with the competetion's consoles has never been something Sony supported. I feel like the amount of people who think crossplay with other consoles is a must is very small, too small to actually consider that an actual boneheaded policy. And developmental resources being misplaced...i dont think anyone could actually even claim to say where the resources should be placed beyond where they are now
The fact that they've never supported it is irrelevant when everyone else is currently supporting it and it makes them seem out of touch. It's a bad look and it's frankly indefensible

As for development resources being misplaced, you're right that we don't know the full story and it's hard to judge from the outside looking in. But at the same time, name changes have been a known issue/vocal desire for, oh, a decade now? To be conservative? It's no longer a "hmm well I can understand why that's a problem", but instead it's now an "it's been a freaking decade to figure something out." There are several examples of how usernames and name changes can be handled -- pick one! Make it happen!


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
Investment in First party content is not the issues being discussed here. It's almost beside the point.

Both the Sony corporate tree and IR statements are free to download on Sony's website. You might agree with my conclusions but the information is available for anyone to see.
You said they are not investing back in the Division. WWS is part of the division. You can't make a general statement that they are not investing back in the division and then you move the goal post of what constitute as investment in the division because it's outside op topic but not your post.

You made the claim that they are not investing back, I'm not going to sift through pages of IR statement to proof your point. The onus is on you to support your statement whether providing screenshots of IR, articles, or interviews.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
On the Sony executive front, I think it's kind of telling to see the backgrounds of two of the new people that are now in charge.

John Kodera, the CEO, comes from a network services background. He deals with the growth of network services and digital content.

Shawn Layden worked at WWS London, was VP of SCEE, was President of SCEJ, etc...

These guys don't have to be super charismatic when their work kind of speaks for themselves. And frankly, I don't know how people give Phil Spencer all the time in the world to turn the Xbox around but people like Kodera and Layden have been in charge for less time and people are already complaining.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that they've never supported it is irrelevant when everyone else is currently supporting it and it makes them seem out of touch. It's a bad look and it's frankly indefensible

As for development resources being misplaced, you're right that we don't know the full story and it's hard to judge from the outside looking in. But at the same time, name changes have been a known issue/vocal desire for, oh, a decade now? To be conservative? It's no longer a "hmm well I can understand why that's a problem", but instead it's now an "it's been a freaking decade to figure something out." There are several examples of how usernames and name changes can be handled -- pick one! Make it happen!
They've already said name changes are something they hope to implement before the next PSX (2018)


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I think it's eye rolling calling it arrogance or when some are pulling out the old "arrogant sony is back", but sure there's probably some complacency there combined with also some wanting to save some of the bigger guns like OS announcements or maybe BC for PS5 when they'll need more selling points, however I disagree with your comparison.

PS4's second half has been loaded with quality first party games and clearly we're going to be getting them all the way through to the end of the system upto PS5's launch, just like with PS3, whereas the 360's entire second half was the beginning of their first party issues. There's been no coasting by Sony on the most important thing, game development. All of those late gen PS3 exclusives is one of the things that people loved about it, how they supported it right to the end, and they are seemingly doing that again with all the PS4 games still coming.

Much easier to do nothing? Sure I totally agree there's stuff that they should be doing better and things that they should fix ASAP like the Fortnite/Sony/Epic accounts issue but there's also plenty of features they've added while not rolling back on promised features, like VR, all of the stuff surrounding the Pro including Boost Mode (something many thought they'd never implement), and more. As such that sounds like a veiled "MS has fixed all this stuff why hasn't Sony done just as many things" despite having less overall things that needed fixing. Like Microsoft should get a bonus for quantity, having more things to fix that they screwed up.

I'd still call it coasting. For example nothing at this E3 was new and everything they showed we either knew about or saw last year or previous years. Yeah the gameplay reveals are cool, but most of this stuff has been in development since 2015, with Sucker Punch being MIA since Second Son and even worse Ready at Dawn being MIA since Golden Abyss. I know games take time but Jesus the turnaround has gotten ridiculous media Molecule has been MIA since Tearaway. And Dreams still has no release date and we've barely seen it. Naughty Dog has been the only one to actually push out some titles where as last gen each of these studios pushed out 2-3 titles.

jakob ben-oni

Oct 27, 2017
Again that's not what I'm trying to say at all. I'm simply pointing out that alot of Sony's decisions at a systems and corporate level seem like they are not being made by people who understand the current gaming landscape. 95% of the people in either company are casual gamers at very best. But some of Microsofts recent decisions seem to come from a place of knowledge and acceptance of how gaming works in 2018, instead of clinging to older business models. Sony is playing catch up all of a sudden. You have to ask why.

Business model is getting and locking customers into an ecosystem and skimming 30% off each sale, that hasnt changed.


Oct 25, 2017
After all these years the online features of the PS4 system are still not working properly and haven't been fixed. After playing a game, I can't access the PSN store, gaming tiles won't load (when you press down on a thumbnail), the "What's new" section won't load etc. It's really driving me mad.

I used to have this problem all the time. When I found out my provider had a 100mbs plan I was forced to switch modems. I didn't have bad internet before that and PSN should have been ok, I'm wondering if there's something with specific modems that is fine it up. Might be worth checking with your isp if the have a newer modem you can swap out. Can't promise it will work but it's worth a shot, I know how annoying the problem is.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd still call it coasting. For example nothing at this E3 was new and everything they showed we either knew about or saw last year or previous years. Yeah the gameplay reveals are cool, but most of this stuff has been in development since 2015, with Sucker Punch being MIA since Second Son and even worse Ready at Dawn being MIA since Golden Abyss. I know games take time but Jesus the turnaround has gotten ridiculous media Molecule has been MIA since Tearaway. And Dreams still has no release date and we've barely seen it. Naughty Dog has been the only one to actually push out some titles where as last gen each of these studios pushed out 2-3 titles.
Why do you bring up Ready at Dawn? They aren't a Sony studio and they've released a couple games since The Order. Seems like their partnership with Sony was over after The Order reviewed and sold poorly.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
Investment in obtaining recurring revenue and increasing MAU. Stuff like Plus Vue, PS Now etc. Not what is being talked about here on a systems level.

Yes, there is a commitment to increasing first party but that is not what this thread is about.

SCE had a different corporate structure than SIE does. Just because the man has the same job title does not mean he had the same responsibilities.

I've claimed nothing but speculation. The proof is in the pudding. Sony are being incredibly slow to implement new features to PSN, even often requested ones. Instead we see icons being moved with the explict goal of getting us to sign up for more services. Meanwhile Microsoft is implementing gamer focused features pretty much every few weeks at this point.

I've never seen a post contradict itself as much as this one.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I'd still call it coasting. For example nothing at this E3 was new and everything they showed we either knew about or saw last year or previous years. Yeah the gameplay reveals are cool, but most of this stuff has been in development since 2015, with Sucker Punch being MIA since Second Son and even worse Ready at Dawn being MIA since Golden Abyss. I know games take time but Jesus the turnaround has gotten ridiculous media Molecule has been MIA since Tearaway. And Dreams still has no release date and we've barely seen it. Naughty Dog has been the only one to actually push out some titles where as last gen each of these studios pushed out 2-3 titles.
Sony are giving their developers ample time to develop the kind of game that they want to make. I really don't see why you're trying to frame it as a bad thing. Would you prefer these studios churn out titles every year or two? Or would you prefer they take their time? Sony treats their studios like Rockstar. They can spend however long it takes to make their game and in return, you get a super quality title.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd still call it coasting. For example nothing at this E3 was new and everything they showed we either knew about or saw last year or previous years. Yeah the gameplay reveals are cool, but most of this stuff has been in development since 2015, with Sucker Punch being MIA since Second Son and even worse Ready at Dawn being MIA since Golden Abyss. I know games take time but Jesus the turnaround has gotten ridiculous media Molecule has been MIA since Tearaway. And Dreams still has no release date and we've barely seen it. Naughty Dog has been the only one to actually push out some titles where as last gen each of these studios pushed out 2-3 titles.
I think games taking a longer time to develop has affected almost every developer, specifically first party ones. Still Sony's first party has been able to consistently release critically and commercially acclaimed exclusives year after year, so it'd hard to complain.

I feel like every year since 2015, one of the top games from a sales and critical reception point of view has been a Sony game, which is not something that could be said for their major competitors.

Also, what does Ready at Dawn have to do with Sony. They are not first party


Oct 28, 2017
Investment in obtaining recurring revenue and increasing MAU. Stuff like Plus Vue, PS Now etc. Not what is being talked about here on a systems level.

Yes, there is a commitment to increasing first party but that is not what this thread is about.

SCE had a different corporate structure than SIE does. Just because the man has the same job title does not mean he had the same responsibilities.

I've claimed nothing but speculation. The proof is in the pudding. Sony are being incredibly slow to implement new features to PSN, even often requested ones. Instead we see icons being moved with the explict goal of getting us to sign up for more services. Meanwhile Microsoft is implementing gamer focused features pretty much every few weeks at this point.

No you said that they're not investing back in the division which for people reading you means the full gaming division.
Now it turns out that you're only talking about firmware updates :D while investements in games, PSN and services do not count.
You have also subtly suggested in other posts that all the big games we are having today are the fruits of a management that is now gone and this is total bullshit.
You don't seem to like the idea of Sony wanting us to sign to more services but if Microsoft does precisely that with things like GamePass it's pro consumer.
Honestly this discussion has taken a turn for the worse like other threads on this message board.
I think that after E3 some Xbox fans have clearly given up on the current gen and this pro-consumer thing is a delusional rethoric attempt to believe that in the next gen things will be different.
The point is that at the moment is not based on reality.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Ok, let me make it plain for you.

Sony. is. not. investing. enough. in. gamer. focused. features. that. improve. the. platform.

Not games, not services. QOL improvements. Happy?
Such as what?

Sony were first to add communities/groups. They were the first to add wishlists. They were the first to offer a webstore with remote downloads. Even the first to have discount codes for their store.

What QOL improvements does Microsoft have that Sony doesn't, really?


Oct 25, 2017
Sony are giving their developers ample time to develop the kind of game that they want to make. I really don't see why you're trying to frame it as a bad thing. Would you prefer these studios churn out titles every year or two? Or would you prefer they take their time? Sony treats their studios like Rockstar. They can spend however long it takes to make their game and in return, you get a super quality title.

Also it's clear that Sucker Punch took longer because they went for a risky new IP rather than make another Infamous.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why do you bring up Ready at Dawn? They aren't a Sony studio and they've released a couple games since The Order. Seems like their partnership with Sony was over after The Order reviewed and sold poorly.

Sorry not ready at dawn. I meant Bend. And yes Days gone is coming but in 2019 and Golden abyss was what 2012?

Sony are giving their developers ample time to develop the kind of game that they want to make. I really don't see why you're trying to frame it as a bad thing. Would you prefer these studios churn out titles every year or two? Or would you prefer they take their time? Sony treats their studios like Rockstar. They can spend however long it takes to make their game and in return, you get a super quality title.

There is such a thing as too long. Especially when you haven't released anything for the console in the case of media molecule and bend. There is a middle ground between quality and speed. Ubisoft knows this.


Oct 31, 2017
I feel like Sony's mistakes are being vastly overvalued by a small minority of concern trolls.

Sony would have to fuck up on an extreme level for anything to change, and they have not gone anywhere near that level so far, crossplay or average services aside. They still release great games for a good product at a mass market appreciated value.

I think when you surround yourself with like minded individuals you begin to believe your own crap. Crossplay is definitely important but it is not one of the things that is holding the ps4 back. The ones who know about crossplay probably already bought their consoles.

Network effects of having the most consoles is huge, why cede that for a small but very vocal minority. I would hold on to it, until next gen then do it in a flashy. If the ps4 biggest weakness is this, then sony has nothing to worry about YET.

, I don't know how people give Phil Spencer all the time in the world to turn the Xbox around but people like Kodera and Layden have been in charge for less time and people are already complaining.

That's the ridiculous thing. You got someone saying Shawn Layden isn't a 100% gamer like that is suppose to mean something. It literally means nothing, even if it is true, so fucking what.

I mean Phil Spencer from Microsoft talked the talk for years but took him just before this e3, 5 years after he took over to make any significant positive moves. And those moves probably wont have any dividends for at least 3 to 5 years. Phil Spencer is very charismatic, which I think people mistake for someone who is relateable to the gamers or "100% gamer." Most of Phil Spencer recent PR gains has been based on shitting on sony for something less important than the reason why people buy consoles to play fucking games.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, let me make it plain for you.

Sony. is. not. investing. enough. in. gamer. focused. features. that. improve. the. platform.

Not games, not services. QOL improvements. Happy?
It's your fault bringing in other stuff because you are not interested in genuine discussion but just make unsubstantiated claims based on your preferences. You don't like it when your points get called out and immediately say it's not the point.

You brought up Sony moving icons, when MS has mixer tab and Gamepass, Fortnite, Gold all as ads on the same time on my Dashboard just this week.

Most of the most requested features got added to PSN. You could check PS.share.blog to verify for yourself and see how the top ones got closed.


Oct 25, 2017
You should follow them on Twitter. They may not be appearing on stage at major conferences, but they're definitely out there doing all kinds of stuff. Shu does a lot of interviews, though I would say 75% of them are in Japanese. Gio is basically at every convention imaginable, from BitSummit to PAX, to PSX. I've run into him a couple of times before Cool guy. Loves to eat ramen.
btw, just a reminder, at Develop:Brighton 2018 there will be opening keynote with Shuhei Yoshida on Jul 10 https://www.developconference.com/whats-on/2018-speakers/speaker-detail/shuhei-yoshida

as for interviews and other things - if people miss Yoshida so much, then I would reccomend to watch SIE Japan Studio streams on YouTube more often :) For example:

He maybe a awkward Suite when it comes to presenting himself to a crowd, but behind the scenes he's a guy with a fuck ton of job experience in games and with Sony company. Guy worked for London Studio in the late 90's, worked in Tokyo in 1987-.
... even more, he was a personal assistant to Akio Morita.