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The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't kind of the root of what he is saying objectively false?

They are actually compromising the PS4 experience by not allowing you to take for example take your experience and progress on the go with your Switch.

Yes. My PS4 experience of Fortnite (and others) is objectively the worst place to play. I don't understand the argument that 'it's the best place to play so we must protect that'. Nah mate. I can't carry on my progress on my other consoles, play with my other console friends and it even looks worse than the Xbox/PC version. There's literally nothing about it that suggests 'best place to play'.


Oct 27, 2017
And yet with all those advantages, PS4 is still the generation leader so what does that tell you about the user base and their worry about Crossplay in general?

Nothing? Crossplay is a relatively new trend (not feature) that is gaining momentum, not losing it. Arrogance and ignoring trends doesn't generally work out super well.

I don't think "they're #1 so you can't criticize them" holds any weight as an argument.


Oct 27, 2017
Yikes, that was a terrible response. Even worse than Greenbergs' usual bullshit.

"We're too good to cross play with the competition"


Oct 27, 2017
Sony allows crossplay with mobile gamers.

lol :D
Oct 27, 2017
...aight, let's get back to the topic y'all.

I mean being honest, what is there really to discuss at this point that hasn't no been discussed ad nauseum in the precious Fortnite thread? Sony doesn't want Crossplay with Nintendo and MS. Sony fans defend Sony's stance while non-Sony fans call Sony arrogant. Nothing has changed.

Nothing? Crossplay is a relatively new trend (not feature) that is gaining momentum, not losing it. Arrogance and ignoring trends doesn't generally work out super well.

I don't think "they're #1 so you can't criticize them" holds any weight as an argument.

Lol Thats not what I said at all. I was just bringing up the state of where we are in the generation. And as for ignoring trends, Sony put out a PS4 Fortnite bundle literally in the middle of all the controversy. This is not an issue that is going to make or break anything at this point in time, despite how other people feel. Next generation is where you need to make your stand.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Yes it sucks ass but I understand from a business perspective why they'd be hesitant. How much would it benefit Sony to allow crossplay? Considering they're on top and chances are if ppl want to play Fortnite, Madden, CoD, etc with their friends they have to go get a PS4. As a company that's what u want no? Like I said I understand both sides, I just think ppl complaining about this is a lost cause and it's one battle we won't win as consumers.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
I've since put almost 50 hours into Fortnite on Switch, and havent touched the PS4 version since that one came out. All my friends but 1 play on Switch.

If I only had PS4, I might be a little more pissed.

However, this is Sony's loss in my case.

But I guess they don't care anyway, so I'm not expecting cross play to become a thing ever with them, aside from PC and mobile.

And of course he's a Ken player

Main checks out.


Oct 27, 2017
Handle business behind the scenes and stop doing stupid interviews @Everyone from Sony. This little dropping of liquid is only going to give those who are mad thirsty any energy for another day or week.

This topic dies and comes back to life quicker than the hopes of a half-life 4 fan.

Either make it available or don't speak on it.
Oct 31, 2017
I don't get it, like 5 people called out Jedeye on how PS4 still does crossplay with PC AND it's entirely optional. But you still chose to ignore all that lol.

Because toggling between On/Off isn't the point. The point is, the game is designed in such a way that all players from a variety of devices can play simultaneously.

I actually don't play Fortnite and I have zero interest in doing so, with the way the game mechanically looks to play being one of the fundamental reasons why. (hmm...)
Nov 12, 2017
I mean being honest, what is there really to discuss at this point that hasn't no been discussed ad nauseum in the precious Fortnite thread? Sony doesn't want Crossplay with Nintendo and MS. Sony fans defend Sony's stance while non-Sony fans call Sony arrogant. Nothing has changed.
It need to point out every stupid answer we get from any of the big three.....why we shouldt do with Sony!? That is honestly a stupid answer from Sony

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
I mean being honest, what is there really to discuss at this point that hasn't no been discussed ad nauseum in the precious Fortnite thread? Sony doesn't want Crossplay with Nintendo and MS. Sony fans defend Sony's stance while non-Sony fans call Sony arrogant. Nothing has changed.

This is the actual CEO of Sony tripling down on their crossplay stance after the whole Fortnite account fiasco - this absolutely warrants this thread which also has an high activity. And if you feel like you are not getting anything new from this thread, you always have the option to not click it


Oct 25, 2017

No one really gives a shit if you don't care.

If you truly don't care so much, you wouldn't participate in the conversation anyway, rather than investing time in saying "well it's not great, but I don't care, so it's not a problem."

So because it does not affect me i cannot participate in the conversation? I do play 99% single player but would still like it for the people that want it.

Unfortunately from my anecdotal evidence, most people who are not enthusiasts dont care, and have workarounds if need be.


Oct 25, 2017
We all know the real reason is money.
If any other console manufacturer was in Sonys place they would be doing the same shit.


Oct 31, 2017
This whole summer I've been playing with a couple of friends on Fortnite who play on PC while I'm on Xbox. It's been great being able to play with these people. Cross-play has opened my eyes in a big way and I hope more games enable it.


Oct 27, 2017
I read through the post and I really am scratching my head on this. It isn't to say that this rivals, "We have a Product For People Who Can't Access The Internet, It's Called Xbox 360," but man does this give me flashbacks to it.

Speaking at the IFA technology show in Berlin, Sony chief executive Kenichiro Yoshida said he felt playing on the PlayStation 4 was the best experience for gamers and therefore should not be compromised.

I feel like this is a response that you would expect out of the various people that try and start a console wars argument rather than a statement from Sony's Chief Executive.

"On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PlayStation 4 is the best experience for users, that's our belief," he said.

Was that issue about playing FortNite on PS4 resolved by the way? Or is it ongoing? I feel like after what happened with that, this might not be the best thing to say out loud.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Well what do you expect people in their position to say. I remember when my cousin worked for Pepsi, and he couldn't be seen drinking a coke without getting in trouble for it. Though it's not that extreme for the sony twitter guy since he has been seen praising nintendo consoles and showing off his own nintendo console. Of course they think their service is the best place to play, it would be kinda bad for them to not think that, even if only to psych themselves up.

They do have the numbers and that kinda makes them a pretty awesome place to play though, with native communication channels, unified friends list, and whatever PSN offers. More PC + PS4 games please, I want more free tastes of PS+ on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
This whole summer I've been playing with a couple of friends on Fortnite who play on PC while I'm on Xbox. It's been great being able to play with these people. Cross-play has opened my eyes in a big way and I hope more games enable it.
You can play with PC on PS4. just can't play with other consoles.

I've played with my friends who are on PC


Oct 26, 2017
2 things I never thought would happen.

First being I actually feel sorry for Ethomaz somehow.

Second being that this came from Shu? I mean I'd expect this kind of garbage from Jim Ryan, but I actually like Shu so this is really disappointing.

Pretty confident they will not backtrack on this.
Oct 27, 2017
This is the actual CEO of Sony tripling down on their crossplay stance after the whole Fortnite account fiasco - this absolutely warrants this thread which also has an high activity. And if you feel like you are not getting anything new from this thread, you always have the option to not click it

Why the aggression? I wasn't thread whining, just asking a question, but I'm not trying to invoke the wrath of a mod so peace.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
It's not going to happen until there's a financial reason for them to do so.

Most people don't care about crossplay. Their friends already own a PS4. Sony is perfectly happy to gain the ill will of hardcore gamers until a breaking point when they're the underdogs again.

Second being that this came from Shu? I mean I'd expect this kind of garbage from Jim Ryan, but I actually like Shu so this is really disappointing.
Nope. Kenichiro Yoshida, not Shu.

Deleted member 21858

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
ethomaz making us brazilians look good, thanks buddy

Might even run for elections in october talking like that!

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why the aggression? I wasn't thread whining, just asking a question, but I'm not trying to invoke the wrath of a mod so peace.

there was literally nothing aggressive about that post

explained why this is newsworthy beyond the fortnite thread, said it has high activity so era obviously has a lot to say regarding the topic, and suggested that if you don't find worth in this particular thread topic you don't have to click it

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Doubt they will change tune until they start losing massively in sales. software and hardware numbers and that's pigs will fly sort of times.

The only other way is for EA, Rockstar, Activision etc. to just not release multiplayer modes until they cave which would be very interesting but to pull that lever, industry wide would need to turn on Sony.
Oct 30, 2017
I think Sony don't give a fuck and with next gen coming that's another reason for them to not give a fuck. You want to switch from PS4 to Xbox 2, well too bad you need to start over. You want to buy a PS5, great you will have all you Fortnite content in tact with better graphics and you can even play against your PS4 friends between PS4 and PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno what else there is to say on this topic.

It sucks. The reasons are obvious. It won't change until it makes sense financially. That's kinda it.


Nov 1, 2017
Handle business behind the scenes and stop doing stupid interviews @Everyone from Sony. This little dropping of liquid is only going to give those who are mad thirsty any energy for another day or week.

This topic dies and comes back to life quicker than the hopes of a half-life 4 fan.

Either make it available or don't speak on it.
What timeline have I ended up in?


Oct 26, 2017
I mean being honest, what is there really to discuss at this point that hasn't no been discussed ad nauseum in the precious Fortnite thread? Sony doesn't want Crossplay with Nintendo and MS. Sony fans defend Sony's stance while non-Sony fans call Sony arrogant. Nothing has changed.

What's there to discuss is that people still don't understand that Sony is holding Fortnite accounts hostage on the PS4.

Nothing to do with Crossplay, they just won't let my account free to play on Switch.


Aug 3, 2018
It's like they are trying to have the PS5 be a repeat of the PS3. Who knew after the beginning of the gen where it was MS taking lumps left and right and Sony saying all the right things that by the end of the gen things would reverse. I'm much more exciting about what Microsoft is doing next gen than I am for Sony at this point.


Nov 3, 2017
I have no idea why Sony feels the need to still address this stuff. Not like anyone outside of a small internet circlejerk gives a shit about crossplay anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Quick! Somebody start a thread about F2P not actually being free on Xbox, lol.

OT it would be better for Sony just to give it the PR line we don't comment on the relationships we have with our external partners.

These answers are just nonsensical and they never look good after giving them.

I was hoping i'd be the first to make a remark about the inevitable but f2p response when i saw this at work. Heck, i already missed a landmark (Someone blaming epic games), but it appears that particular user won't be back in this thread at least.

Did anyone make bingo sheets? If not, we need to get that shit prepped for the upcoming Rocket League Cross-Party thread.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread was an absolute ride to catch up on.. whew.

Still a stupid way to talk about this subject, just say nothing at all.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Except that this was Microsoft's exact attitude LAST gen when Xbox 360 was in first place. If Microsoft beats them into submission next gen, then the Xbox Two will be the one that gets walled off.


this is a door that you open and walk through once and it shuts and locks behind you once you do
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