
Oct 27, 2017
This is a pretty bad look, especially with how Neil, Cory and Troy have been acting on Twitter recently in regards to Jason Schreier


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
It seems like they just wanted some feedback just because that review is an outlier or they just wanted to get a better understanding of what the reviewer was saying. No they didn't force him to change his score or his opinion. They just wanted a better understanding of his opinion and this was entirely Sony PR. ND is probably celebrating at the 94 Avg and millions of copies sold lol

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Ridiculous, don't know what else to say. I'm sure the PR rep was just doing their job but this is an ugly precedent.


Jun 3, 2019
That would be interesting to know why Vice was contacted, but not Polygon if the "negative" opinion was the sole reason.
Oct 25, 2017
There are absolutely goons online cynically using the labor stuff that they don't give a shit about, but the answer to that is to focus fire on those people, not to lash out at the reporter who legitimately exposed the labor stuff. That makes it look like you're either too thin skinned to handle any criticism, or are just as cynically using the trolls to delegitimize labor criticism.

Except the reporter has been constantly making snide digs and petty remarks, and also has thin skin by blocking people who call him out on twitter.

There was nothing wrong with Jason reporting on the crunch issue. However he constantly uses it to rub it in the face of people who work at the studio as a defense for making snide comments about the work, not the conditions it was made under.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Ah, I see we're at the stage where people are now attacking the review and the reviewer, and it's Rob Zacny of all people in the industry lmao. Took longer than I thought lol. Almost to 10 pages. But yeah, time to bounce, nothing at all productive to say at this point when you get that point. Maybe it never was considering the Naughty Dogites in general, but especially once you get there, you know even the smallest morsel of intelligent discussion is lost.


Oct 27, 2017
why not? Is there some writers code that says they shouldn't? Maybe Sony just wanted to know what they could focus on for next time to get even better reviews

This breaks down to two factors:

1.) People already think reviews are paid for by AAA publishers, and this only helps more people think that.

2.) People have been fired before for giving negative reviews. Or been pressured to change their reviews. It's in the best interest of everyone if everyone involves stays far away from the appearance of impropriety.


Oct 25, 2017
Man so many people jump to conclusions and didn't even READ the OP.

This is a direct quote from it.

It's also Sony PR, NOT Naughty Dog.

This is nothing,

Yep, the only embarrassing is actually some of the posts here. Nothing wrong with what they did to understand the criticism more. :)


Nov 19, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Inflammatory trolling, numerous prior bans for inflammatory behaviour

It's almost like people can have different experiences and interpretations of the same product...

Are you OK with me screaming bloody murder and you being a racist based on your post?

If you're not, are you really OK with people having different experiences and interpretations?

So silly, think before you post
Dec 9, 2019
Next time, VICE won't receive an early review copy. I really don't get the high metacritic score for that game. For me, this game is more like 75-80, not >90. I guess Sony had few more calls of this kind.


Dec 13, 2019
Some people really need to read the full quote from the article about how and when companies contact reviewers.

"Zacny clarified that the exchange wasn't "confrontational," but that it was nonetheless "unusual," as the site doesn't typically have big publishers asking in an official capacity why a review reads the way it does. Such things can happen, of course, though often with smaller developers, or from publishers who have spotted a factual error in a piece that they want corrected."

So while review contacts do happen it's not usually from companies the size of Sony or about non-objective issues.

Obviously there's no allegation Sony tampered with review scores but it's also not standard practice or normal for a big company to contact a reviewer under these circumstances.

It just makes them look insecure about the scores. Which is ridiculous both because they are just review scores and because it's got great scores regardless.

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jason was also not a saint on all of this
I'm not really a fan of Jason Schreier but he didn't do anything to deserve having Neil, Cory, and Troy get their fans to harass him.

Something I'm sure Neil Druckmann knows is the effect him screenshotting tweets has, with him being buds with Colin Moriarty and all.


Sep 27, 2019
It seems like they just wanted some feedback just because that review is an outlier or they just wanted to get a better understanding of what the reviewer was saying. No they didn't force him to change his score or his opinion. They just wanted a better understanding of his opinion and this was entirely Sony PR. ND is probably celebrating at the 94 Avg and millions of copies sold lol



Oct 27, 2017
Everything surrounding this game is being amplified into hysterics when, sometimes, it doesn't need to
Aug 9, 2018
It's not a game critic's job to help a developer make a better game.
I would argue that it is a part of their job, at least in essence. The reviews they write is a form of feedback that developers can take into consideration in making their next game a better one.

Now their job ends after they have written their review but I don't think it is a bad thing to ask them for clarification/additional feedback if the developers feel that some things in the review are unfair. It is another thing though if they pressure the critic to change his review which didn't seem to happen in this instance.

Is it unusual? Yes, the article said as much but it also said it isn't unheard of.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Except the reporter has been constantly making snide digs and petty remarks, and also has thin skin by blocking people who call him out on twitter.

There was nothing wrong with Jason reporting on the crunch issue. However he constantly uses it to rub it in the face of people who work at the studio as a defense for making snide comments about the work, not the conditions it was made under.

Ok, now we're just back to if "it's too long" is too unacceptably snide for you to take sitting down, you probably shouldn't be making public-facing creative media for a living. If you legit believe that Jason Schreier is out carrying out some personal vendetta against Naughty Dog by "rubbing it in their faces", you've gotten way too paranoid about this stuff.

Deleted member 420

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is nothing.

Wtf? This reads like the reviewer obviously played on the easiest difficulty and then chose to complain about it being too easy.
I played on moderate and found much of this to be true. Game was just throwing resources at me and felt way easier than the first game, which I replayed on normal the week prior.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
VICE farming the clicks on top of the anti-LGBTQ rage inflicted on TLOU2..

I think negative reviews of TLOU2 are fine. I think it's a highly flawed game. Some of the things the VICE review says though.. can't be someone who's played it

Are you implying the Vice reviewer did not play the game and just made shit up? That's a pretty big accusation.


Oct 25, 2017
I knew this was going to get a thread and the responses don't surprise me at. I never thought people would side with a company's PR over a journalists review, but here we are.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah thinking this isn't a big deal is just incredibly weird to me. The central point of the article is that this combined with all the other crap surrounding the game fosters an environment where you can't have an honest conversation about what's actually in it. This shouldn't be normal. But judging by some of the responses in this thread all people are concerned with is the cycle of hyperbolic praise with each release is preserved.


May 9, 2019
Totally inappropriate behavior from Sony/ND. The discourse surrounding this game has been a complete mess; from alt-right gamergaters, Playstation fanboys, and defensive creators it has been impossible to have a nuanced and adult discussion about this game. I can't imagine things getting much better until the end of awards season either. Shame this had to happen with what should be a landmark title.


Oct 26, 2017
It does make me wonder, what if a review flat out gets something wrong?

Is it still considered poor form to contact them?

No. When information needs to be corrected the editor in chief gets contacted so that the publication can correct the error if it's an online review or print a correction in the next issue back in the magazine days. This only applies to objectively wrong information, like saying that a game lacks a certain feature that it actually doesn't. Not for expressing an opinion on the game itself.


Nov 2, 2018
Zacny's review really nailed my fundamental problem with ND gameplay. The illusion of obstacles or scarcity, rather than actual obstacles or scarcity.