
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
It has popped up at this exact point in time because a corporation has now just decided to selectively support the struggle of an oppressed minority to the extent that it financially benefits them while engaging in the oppression of another (because it, too, financially benefits them). As you say, it's an issue of timing.

It isn't a "woke competition" or a matter of convenience to highlight that and rightfully point out that it is likely that these corporations don't give a shit about either black people or Uighur Muslims, nor is it taking the discussion away from what is currently happening in the US because, as you likely know, it is (rightfully) dominating the airwaves across the world on every single media platform.

And please do not misconstrue what I am saying. This thread and discussion is about a corporation's response to issues that black folks in the US face, which is what I am talking about, not the issues themselves.

Alright. I hear you.


Aug 1, 2019
I hate the corporate PR shit, but props to whoever is running Sony's socials for actually getting into it with the "all lives" assholes in the replies. Someone there seems hellbent on shutting down the bullshit. Thank goodness.


Nov 23, 2017
I feel good about Sony spreading awareness, but at the same time I can't help but feel this is all about them playing social activism cards for profit, considering some situations these big technology corporations are tied to. It's an ugly world we live in, that's for sure.

Black lives should have mattered since a long time ago, not only when it's cool to state it on Twitter.

But I guess we should be grateful the masses are still part of their market game, otherwise we wouldn't be hearing these supporting words for people of color.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah its a huge company acting woke but I won't lie and say hearing them at least say it and continue to talk about it, even through just their twitter is refreshing amongst the sea of vague slightly aggrieved commentary from a lot of companies. Hopefully they start donating or something even more serious or hell, make things known during their PS5 reveal.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Very encouraging to hear from Sony! A far cry from the incredibly insensitive "White is Coming!" PSP days.

I just hope these companies continue to speak up.. it's easy to feel jaded in these times when every CEO seemed to email daily about how they care about us during the coronavirus lock down and then rushed to capitalize on "We opening our doors, buy more stuff now!"

Time will tell, but it's a good first step, IMO.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate a big, international company taking clear position of conscience. Now I hope they follow through with a lot of money.


Oct 25, 2017
Between GamerGate and the PewDiePie's of the world, the industry should have taken a vocal stance against bigotry and white supremacy a long fucking time ago, but I'll take it.


Oct 30, 2017
At least it'll get the bigots upset, and getting that message out in a hobby that has tons of bigots and idiots, I don't hate it.


Oct 26, 2017
Calling out the "no, all lives matter!" white supremacists directly in replies gives this 10x the credibility it might have otherwise. This is a fantastic set of communications.

Edit: I see we have some obvious "whataboutism" from people against (subconsciously or otherwise) BLM issues.
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Metal Gear

Jul 28, 2019
User Banned (Permanent): Troll Account
In November 2019, 1500 people were killed in Iran, but I didn't see any reaction from Sony or Microsoft.


Oct 25, 2017
It's easy to be cynical about big corporations doing this but hats off to Sony and Microsoft for showing solidarity with minorities. This is sure to get the chuds foaming at the mouth which is a bonus.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate the corporate PR shit, but props to whoever is running Sony's socials for actually getting into it with the "all lives" assholes in the replies. Someone there seems hellbent on shutting down the bullshit. Thank goodness.
Yeah, I appreciate those responses more than the main tweets. Confronting people in the replies is new and good.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Awesome stuff. The more coverage and support of this from major brands, studios, creators etc, the better.

Also, I'm glad Sony actually responded to the All Lives Matter response in the comments. That if anything is just as if not more powerful.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Employees at NoA have already retweeted and spread information about the whole thing, including several Treehouse members and Bill Trinen.
All PR bullshit, they got to get together and force some real change. These are 3 giants in a huge entertainment industry with money and influence to spare
get together and get shit done I'm done with the talking.


Oct 25, 2017
For whatever reason, whether it's because of the nature of his murder and how it was capture on camera, or the resulting lack of action against the officers, or because it was just one straw too many, George Floyd finally became the one murdered black man where the public narrative towards his death significantly shifted, and is seen as far less divisive as past deaths, like Trayvon Martin or Mike Brown. Corporations and spineless politicians who in the past stayed mostly silent can finally speak out because the risk far outweighs the reward for them, and that's all they care about. Hence all the "brands" being active about this on Twitter.


Oct 26, 2017
It's easy to be cynical about big corporations doing this but hats off to Sony and Microsoft for showing solidarity with minorities. This is sure to get the chuds foaming at the mouth which is a bonus.

I feel pretty much the same. As cameras have become more and more common tools to defend (even if posthumously) against police abuse/murder of the public, it's helped give a wider "window" on how it looks/feels for targeted minorities, even for people outside of that life experience. It makes it easier to understand the powerlessness of being targeted/abused by law enforcement, for people who don't see it themselves. The consistent, flagrant lack of accountability in light of that has pushed the public response in the right direction. It's nice seeing the subtle tipping point, where even international brands see that shift as the socially responsible thing to do. Even when it comes across as self-serving "advertising," I still see it as a positive.

If anything, it makes it all the more obvious when a company like Google/YouTube make statements totally at odds with their white supremacy-factory business model. The low-key public service that comes out of these kinds of statements are people accidently tipping their hand about being outraged/defensive about that positive social shift over time, or a company setting themselves up for a call-out for their actual contributions to the issues.


Oct 25, 2017
It's insane how much traction BLM is finally getting. It has dominated the news and social media nonstop, maybe the pandemic finally got people to prioritize what is important, hope this momentum holds.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Employees at NoA have already retweeted and spread information about the whole thing, including several Treehouse members and Bill Trinen.

I feel like that isn't good enough. I get that Nintendo is a Japanese company first, but their biggest market is literally tearing itself apart.

I was going to purchase Xenoblade Definitive and Clubhouse Games in a couple weeks, but this is seriously making me rethink that. Not to mention my preorder of Paper Mario.
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Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
It has popped up at this exact point in time because a corporation has now just decided to selectively support the struggle of an oppressed minority to the extent that it financially benefits them while engaging in the oppression of another (because it, too, financially benefits them). As you say, it's an issue of timing.

It isn't a "woke competition" or a matter of convenience to highlight that and rightfully point out that it is likely that these corporations don't give a shit about either black people or Uighur Muslims, nor is it taking the discussion away from what is currently happening in the US because, as you likely know, it is (rightfully) dominating the airwaves across the world on every single media platform.

And please do not misconstrue what I am saying. This thread and discussion is about a corporation's response to issues that black folks in the US face, which is what I am talking about, not the issues themselves.

This post really resonated with me. I just watched a video this Instagram Model put out where she showed how many contracts she gets throughout the year to sponsor a product or model (It was like 5-8) compared to how many offers she gets for Black History Month (30-50). It was a staggering difference and just serves to remind you that yeah it's nice that Sony and MS are saying something but just like with the Nike Kapernick deal everything.... EVERYTHING is about the marketing


Nov 12, 2017
It's insane how much traction BLM is finally getting. It has dominated the news and social media nonstop, maybe the pandemic finally got people to prioritize what is important, hope this momentum holds.
At the risk of showing my ignorance of previous US police brutality cases, the way this one played out was particularly brutal and dehumanizing. I feel like that's helping the issue sink in.


Oct 25, 2017
It's insane how much traction BLM is finally getting. It has dominated the news and social media nonstop, maybe the pandemic finally got people to prioritize what is important, hope this momentum holds.

I think Trump continuing to say the quiet part loudly, screaming it over and over really, about bigoted thoughts and actions in America "helped" us get to this point. Sure it united a lot of bigots under the same banner but I think it also slapped a lot of folks in the face about what this country is really about and it ain't making it great for anybody but a certain group of folks who its always been "great" for.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
My daughter is 4. I hope that one day it isn't newsworthy for a corporation to show empathy and respect for human beings.

But given the state of the world and where we are right now I will take it. Nintendo it's time to follow suit.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
I think Trump continuing to say the quiet part loudly, screaming it over and over really, about bigoted thoughts and actions in America "helped" us get to this point. Sure it united a lot of bigots under the same banner but I think it also slapped a lot of folks in the face about what this country is really about and it ain't making it great for anybody but a certain group of folks who its always been "great" for.

It was always a dog whistle appeal to the "good old days" when America was whiter.

Not even much of a dog whistle as it's as obvious as it gets, but still. It's not a coincidence that white supremacists feel like they finally have a modern President speaking directly to them.


Oct 25, 2017
At least PlayStation seems to be matching donations on their employees right now

I don't know if employee donation matching is a thing they always do? Or only in this special situation. Either way very cool.

Donation matching is great because not only is it contributing financially but inspiring others to get involved.


Oct 28, 2017
This is great but all corporations will adopt language that they think will net them more money. Remember the NFL just did the same thing recently


Feb 25, 2020
I think they would not need to postpone if they made a stronger statement at the event itself, if it is live, which I find difficult, it is even more "easy" to do something like that. Let's see what happens, if they postpone I think they will let us know by Tuesday at the latest. But if they postpone for that reason I don't care, the situation is much bigger than that.
This. In my dreams they spend a good time talking about the situation on their event, give the movement any exposure they can.


Oct 26, 2017
At this point in this thread, Sony is "putting its money where it's mouth is" re: matching contributions to direct-action groups, directly boosting topical info, and also engaging directly to counter white-supremacist talking points in replies to the communication. If someone jumps into the convo criticizing them with no awareness of that, at best, they're being a low-effort reactionary.