
Oct 26, 2017
Considering how many people are annoyed by the furry costume on the internet you can be sure that other players at tournaments are bothered by it as well. And if any of them spoke up about it they'd get dog piled by the community just like everyone here is piling up on this guy for expressing his opinion, one that was fairly tame. Anyone in the spotlight who expresses a different opinion these days is crucified and risks having rabid fans try and bring down their career. Pro players are well aware of this.

Usually these different opinions come from intolerance, discrimination or just plain hate, and those are aspects that are not worth being debated because it's allowing a spot for these views tha harms other people just for being who they are.
For example, people being bothered by someone wearing a fursuit, what is the reason for that?


Oct 28, 2017
Considering how many people are annoyed by the furry costume on the internet you can be sure that other players at tournaments are bothered by it as well. And if any of them spoke up about it they'd get dog piled by the community just like everyone here is piling up on this guy for expressing his opinion, one that was fairly tame. Anyone in the spotlight who expresses a different opinion these days is crucified and risks having rabid fans try and bring down their career. Pro players are well aware of this.

The avenue to go down if many people are annoyed or find it problematic is to launch a formal complaint and have a dress code. But if the entire reasoning boils down to "I think its rude", that's not good enough. Especially when they let you wear any bullshit to pro gamer events.


Oct 25, 2017
People getting offended by this is strange, but not unexpected.
If you're too steamed by this hashtag, Twitter has an unfollow button


Oct 25, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
"Indifference is progressive" might be the absolute dumbest thing I've read in this short year.

Please continue to be loud and proud. It does a great job making the garbage wiggle about.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno if it's wrong of me to find it funny, but i think it's hilarious that the guy who made the video, a self claimed gay man, is bothered by this while looking like the gay guy from glee had a child with the non gay dude from the show.

I can't even fathom how this even is an issue for anybody, much less for a supposed member of the queer community.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks) - Excusing homophobia
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.


Oct 25, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.

When simply stating it leads to the kind of venemous and toxic reactions you are seeing both in this thread and on the internet in general, then no we are not yet (if ever) at a point where it doesn't need to be said. The playing field is not equal. First step is acknowledging that, which far too many refuse to do. This is not some "both sides" bullshit. Somebody simply stating what they are is not in any way at fault for or contributing to the problem. That's ridiculous.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.

I'm gonna blow your mind when I tell you that conformity is not resistance.


Oct 27, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.
Actually, you have zero ground to stand on as a straight person to police how and when I discuss my sexuality.


Oct 28, 2017
Saying "I'm gay" is not "making a big deal of it", lol. I'm lactose intolerant.

I'm lactose intolerant.

There you go, I said it twice. I wonder if I'll get backlash for "pushing my lactose intolerance down people's throats".


Oct 25, 2017
My only problem with the fur suit is that the tourneys don't look to be the most cool of the places, temperature wise, so he must be cooking inside it ...I hope he washes it a lot before each tourney =P

Body odor should not be a tool to weak your opponent's concentration xD


Oct 25, 2017
I first found out about SonicFox during the Game Awards, and I wish him nothing but the best. Loved his acceptance speech, and his ability to put idiots and haters in their place puts a smile on my face.


Oct 27, 2017
sonic is so fucking funny. all the people shouting about snowflakes all day going on a weeklong meltdown over some guy tweeting two words repeatedly lmao

the "stop rubbing it in our faces" crowd are the softest dorks on earth

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
lmao is that Ricki? I need to see this now.


Oct 28, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.

As a society we are no where near the point where the fantasy you just typed is valid.

Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.
...Not really how it works? You'd be hard-pressed to find a gay that only has to come out once. Most will have to come out weekly because the assumption has been taken that they're straight in a lot of scenarios. You have to repeat it.

Aside from that, this stuff makes headlines partially because it's still an anomaly. Having two homosexual relationships in a vidoegame is pretty novel. Having an out and proud gamer in such a volatile place is also groundbreaking. Breaking the established norm gets clicks and is worth reporting.

Dude can shout as much as he wants about it. It makes homophobes uncomfortable and irritated.


Oct 25, 2017
My only problem with the fur suit is that the tourneys don't look to be the most cool of the places, temperature wise, so he must be cooking inside it ...I hope he washes it a lot before each tourney =P

Dunno about his, but im told a lot of furries actually build in cooling systems (mostly fans) into their suits.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.

You can't tell the world you're gay once. Not everyone can see my Hercules Rainbow avatar. I have to consistently explain it daily. I had a work event where I brought my partner last week and for some people who didn't know me well, it was like coming out all over again, all night. I'm sure it would make them more comfortable for me to have never brought my partner but that's just one way of me coming out or saying "I'm gay."

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
As a society we are no where near the point where the fantasy you just typed is valid.

Yeah, not to be a party pooper but discrimination against homosexuals (and racism, while we're at it.) will probably still be alive and well even when the youngest, healthiest poster that reads this post dies.

This is and will be an uphill battle that will take a long ass time before the world reaches any state close to what the poster you quoted refers to. Not that it's a bad thing to wish for it, hell, I do, for our fellow LGBTQ members here and around the world. But thinking that now is the time is act as this was already a normal by not acting is wishful thinking, the homophobic opposition is still waaaay too strong and present to think like that. Hell, look at all the world leaders in place right now if my words aren't enough.

If anything, our current world is in a state of political regression, you have fascist leaders getting votes, now is the time to fight more than anytime before.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent) - Homophobia
Sonic is my favorite FGC player, and I'm straight as an arrow. I personally feel that it's your prerogative to live your life however you see fit, but I think there's degrees to the disdain straight men have for male homosexuality. Imo, these four positions/areas trigger the hate for gay men

-I feel that some men are "on the down low," and feel the need to lash out on social media or whenever feasible.
-Some attacks homosexual men like Sonic, because of the stigmas associated with that type of activity...AIDS, high STD rates, etc.
- Religious teachings
-Disgust/repulsion of male on male sex acts

As a black male, every gay black man I know was molested as a child or raped in jail/prison. That reality saddens me. I tend to believe that's not so much the case in other communities; however, I also have enough sense to know that's not the case for every black male...but it seems that way. I don't agree with male homosexuality, but gay men have the right to do them (or anyone else), peacefully.

This is kinda a fucked a story, but it provides a small bit of context about some things I've stated. I believe the midnight launch of Black Ops 2 is when this happened. My best friend is on the west coast (we're from the east coast), who's married with a little girl...my god daughter. He also became a police officer, which always seemed like an odd profession for him. Anyway, I pickup the game and get back home to try it out. His little brother sees that I'm online (he's an adult at this point maybe early 20's at the time), and sends me a party invite on Xbox Live. I accept it, and he's basically having a nervous breakdown. He begins going in about how everyone is getting on him about not being successful or "getting his shit together." I'm basically his big brother, so I'm giving him positive affirmations, and telling him I got his back if no one else does. He then states, you're close to our family, but we have a lot of demons, etc., etc. I'm like, "how so, what's up?" He then goes in on his brother (my best friend) stating that he was raping him all through high school. His brother and I were basketball stars in high school, and his brother is a relatively know college basketball star, who became a police officer/detective after an injury. He cited particular instances of physical abuse that I remembered. His brother would lock him in his room some days when I would come over and bring my OG Playstation. I asked did he tell his mom, he said she was on drugs and didn't believe him. His brother had a really good reputation. He then showed signs of sympathy for him, because his uncle was molesting him prior to him molesting his little brother. My ex-bff use to always go see his uncle for money, but I could never come inside of his house...it's was always an odd scenario. His brother was in middle school at the time of the rapes. I asked, "were you all maybe wrestling or playing around and he grabbed you," because it was so hard to imagine my best friend doing this. We'd always double date best friends, and had a lot of girlfriends prior to us settling down. His brother stated, "I know how all of this sounds to you, but nah, we were having FULL BLOWN GAY SEX!" I'm still devastated by hearing those words come out of his mouth. I'm gonna be fucked up for the rest of my life behind this shit!

I cut off my best friend behind this shit, and will never forgive or accept an explanation for what he did, but I still respect free will. Sonic can be gay, that's his choice. You have to respect his skill at fighting games nonetheless.
Oct 27, 2017
We need to quit making a big deal out of this sort of stuff if we're going to normalize it, which is the goal. At the same time I get that it requires some attention considering as a society we haven't reached a point yet where announcing you're gay is viewed to be as irrelevant as announcing you're straight. Mainly I feel that the media needs to quit making headlines about people coming out as gay, it shouldn't be made a big deal of, and ultimately the people that are in fact gay shouldn't feel like they need to announce it or "come out". It's saddening to me, but I do feel like the media and even some ppl that are gay don't help the cause when they make a big deal of it themselves. Telling the world your gay once is enough imo, you don't owe it to anyone to keep repeating it.

Uh, I don't agree with this. We still live in a very heteronormative world (some parts are worse than others), and to me it seems as if we're shifting towards less progressive times. So visibility - and being "loud" about your sexuality (which, hey, guess what, is an important aspect of our identity, since we've been pushed and discriminated - not to mention, harassed, violated, and even killed - for), is, I believe, a good tool to fight the more conservative (and fascists) aspects of this world.

Also, as it's been mentioned before, we don't just come out once. It's something you're constantly dealing with, because people still assume you're straight as an arrow. I do feel like I do have to come out to people, because when people assume I'm straight, they're assuming something about me that is not right. And I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, so I shouldn't have to hide it away somehow or simply don't mention it. I mean, straight people are constantly shoving in their straightness and strict gender roles onto others, so I can't tell people I'm gay?

Also, it sure as shit is a big deal for me, and it's probably a huge deal for other LGBTIQ+ folks out there. I've broken off toxic relationships with family because of it, not to mention, dealing with institutional discrimination and fearing for your own life at some point. I think I'mma say I'm gay whenever the fuck I feel like, dude.


Oct 27, 2017
...Not really how it works? You'd be hard-pressed to find a gay that only has to come out once. Most will have to come out weekly because the assumption has been taken that they're straight in a lot of scenarios. You have to repeat it.

Aside from that, this stuff makes headlines partially because it's still an anomaly. Having two homosexual relationships in a vidoegame is pretty novel. Having an out and proud gamer in such a volatile place is also groundbreaking. Breaking the established norm gets clicks and is worth reporting.

Dude can shout as much as he wants about it. It makes homophobes uncomfortable and irritated.

Seconding this. Every time I meet a new person I have to worry if they're going to react badly to my being gay. Every time my boyfriend and I go to an event, we have to be aware of how we're being perceived and make sure we don't do anything overtly romantic or else we risk causing drama or getting harassed. Coming out is constant.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He's an absolute class act, and we need more loud and fuckin' proud folks. It's contagious, and it leads to so much good for empowering other folks. Live your best life and be your best self, and do it in spite of other people. Unless you're a Nazi, then go fuck off to a ditch someplace.



Oct 30, 2017
Alright cool,

Although the furry thing over the last few months has been a shitshow with the kero the wolf stuff, suprised he's not toned it down a bit, but hey, whatever makes you happy, keep being you


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
SonicFox kicks ass and his repeated statement and affirmation of his sexuality is a big reason why. We live in a society that's become way more tolerant of LGBTQ+ folks but we still have a long way to go, and it's still important to have role models like SonicFox demonstrate that it's okay to be LGBTQ+, that it's okay to ALWAYS be proud to be LGBTQ+, and to highlight that needless fear and hate toward LGBTQ+ is still out there so no chilling on the message yet. Him drawing attention to that is a sobering reminder that the fight for dignity and normalization is not over, even if the tolerance has greatly expanded -- that's nice, but it isn't enough.

Deleted member 3038

Oct 25, 2017
SonicFox kicks ass and his repeated statement and affirmation of his sexuality is a big reason why. We live in a society that's become way more tolerant of LGBTQ+ folks but we still have a long way to go, and it's still important to have role models like SonicFox demonstrate that it's okay to be LGBTQ+, that it's okay to ALWAYS be proud to be LGBTQ+, and to highlight that needless fear and hate toward LGBTQ+ is still out there so no chilling on the message yet. Him drawing attention to that is a sobering reminder that the fight for dignity and normalization is not over, even if the tolerance has greatly expanded -- that's nice, but it isn't enough.
Exactly. LGBTQ+ Rights still isn't even near to 1:1 to straight rights and people like sonicfox who shows that it's ok to be out and proud is empowering. People saying "it's more commonplace now so it's ok to be quiet" is ridiculous


Oct 26, 2017
He's my pick and without QUESTION THE BEST FIGHTING GAME PLAYER WALKING EARTH. He has won under huge pressure in multiple games that span the FGC he wins and he keeps making haters mad and coming up with lame excuses as to why he is not the best fighting game player on earth. Keep the excuses coming while he keeps topping up his bank account.

Good to see he does not give a flying fuck what people think and he will say and do what he feels is right.
Oct 27, 2017
figured this thread was gonna be about him memeing a la mid-2000s luelinks era but I was completely wrong

good on him


Oct 27, 2017
Saying "I'm gay" is not "making a big deal of it", lol. I'm lactose intolerant.

I'm lactose intolerant.

There you go, I said it twice. I wonder if I'll get backlash for "pushing my lactose intolerance down people's throats".

Please excuse my ignorance. It's important for me to state up front that I have no issue with Sonicfox stating that he's gay. This post has less to do with the obvious upset this has inexplicably caused and more to do with the "lactose intolerant" statement. There's inevitably going to be a connection drawn, but I don't intend it that way.

That being said, it would annoy the hell out of me if in every interaction we have together you stated, "I'm lactose intolerant." It's the "We get it, you vape" meme.

The clear difference in this case being that lactose intolerant people and folks who vape aren't oppressed by years of negativity. I just don't think your analogy works the same, is all.

But hey, maybe there's a more obvious way these things go together that I'm not seeing.

This is an interesting topic. Thanks for all the insightful posts, all.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Please excuse my ignorance. It's important for me to state up front that I have no issue with Sonicfox stating that he's gay. This post has less to do with the obvious upset this has inexplicably caused and more to do with the "lactose intolerant" statement. There's inevitably going to be a connection drawn, but I don't intend it that way.

That being said, it would annoy the hell out of me if in every interaction we have together you stated, "I'm lactose intolerant." It's the "We get it, you vape" meme.

The clear difference in this case being that lactose intolerant people and folks who vape aren't oppressed by years of negativity. I just don't think your analogy works the same, is all.

But hey, maybe there's a more obvious way these things go together that I'm not seeing.

This is an interesting topic. Thanks for all the insightful posts, all.
I think the poster is intending to say that being gay, and saying that you're gay, should be met with the same level of "oh neat" that saying you're lactose intolerant would receive.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Please excuse my ignorance. It's important for me to state up front that I have no issue with Sonicfox stating that he's gay. This post has less to do with the obvious upset this has inexplicably caused and more to do with the "lactose intolerant" statement. There's inevitably going to be a connection drawn, but I don't intend it that way.

That being said, it would annoy the hell out of me if in every interaction we have together you stated, "I'm lactose intolerant." It's the "We get it, you vape" meme.

The clear difference in this case being that lactose intolerant people and folks who vape aren't oppressed by years of negativity. I just don't think your analogy works the same, is all.

But hey, maybe there's a more obvious way these things go together that I'm not seeing.

This is an interesting topic. Thanks for all the insightful posts, all.

In essence, the reason "I'm gay" has become a thing to rally behind is because the society we live in treats queer folks as aberrant. Now that queer people have clawed and climbed their way to a place of relative prominence, suddenly straight people have decided that this thing they spent all this time beating and killing them for is instead something they should keep on the down low so as to not to annoy everyone else.

To be succinct, it's a fat load of shit.

As much as we want it, we don't live in a world where being queer is just another part of ourselves. We take pride in it because the alternative is to subsume ourselves in the miasma of straight people's views on queer living while simultaneously facing Straight Pride in a thousand subtle ways that are never questioned because that's just the way things have always been.


Oct 30, 2017
I mean...this nigga is BLACK.

and GAY.

and the BEST PLAYER in one of the world's hottest fighting games right now...in a space and GENRE that is largely dominated by Asians and non-black people. So basically he's kinda like a real life unicorn.

Let that man PLAY IT LOUD™ if he wants to.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sonic is my favorite FGC player, and I'm straight as an arrow. I personally feel that it's your prerogative to live your life however you see fit, but I think there's degrees to the disdain straight men have for male homosexuality. Imo, these four positions/areas trigger the hate for gay men

-I feel that some men are "on the down low," and feel the need to lash out on social media or whenever feasible.
-Some attacks homosexual men like Sonic, because of the stigmas associated with that type of activity...AIDS, high STD rates, etc.
- Religious teachings
-Disgust/repulsion of male on male sex acts

As a black male, every gay black man I know was molested as a child or raped in jail/prison. That reality saddens me. I tend to believe that's not so much the case in other communities; however, I also have enough sense to know that's not the case for every black male...but it seems that way. I don't agree with male homosexuality, but gay men have the right to do them (or anyone else), peacefully.

This is kinda a fucked a story, but it provides a small bit of context about some things I've stated. I believe the midnight launch of Black Ops 2 is when this happened. My best friend is on the west coast (we're from the east coast), who's married with a little girl...my god daughter. He also became a police officer, which always seemed like an odd profession for him. Anyway, I pickup the game and get back home to try it out. His little brother sees that I'm online (he's an adult at this point maybe early 20's at the time), and sends me a party invite on Xbox Live. I accept it, and he's basically having a nervous breakdown. He begins going in about how everyone is getting on him about not being successful or "getting his shit together." I'm basically his big brother, so I'm giving him positive affirmations, and telling him I got his back if no one else does. He then states, you're close to our family, but we have a lot of demons, etc., etc. I'm like, "how so, what's up?" He then goes in on his brother (my best friend) stating that he was raping him all through high school. His brother and I were basketball stars in high school, and his brother is a relatively know college basketball star, who became a police officer/detective after an injury. He cited particular instances of physical abuse that I remembered. His brother would lock him in his room some days when I would come over and bring my OG Playstation. I asked did he tell his mom, he said she was on drugs and didn't believe him. His brother had a really good reputation. He then showed signs of sympathy for him, because his uncle was molesting him prior to him molesting his little brother. My ex-bff use to always go see his uncle for money, but I could never come inside of his house...it's was always an odd scenario. His brother was in middle school at the time of the rapes. I asked, "were you all maybe wrestling or playing around and he grabbed you," because it was so hard to imagine my best friend doing this. We'd always double date best friends, and had a lot of girlfriends prior to us settling down. His brother stated, "I know how all of this sounds to you, but nah, we were having FULL BLOWN GAY SEX!" I'm still devastated by hearing those words come out of his mouth. I'm gonna be fucked up for the rest of my life behind this shit!

I cut off my best friend behind this shit, and will never forgive or accept an explanation for what he did, but I still respect free will. Sonic can be gay, that's his choice. You have to respect his skill at fighting games nonetheless.
Imagine taking the time to type all this shit and thinking people will buy it.