Which is best?

  • Sonic Spinball

    Votes: 111 26.9%
  • Knuckles' Chaotix

    Votes: 65 15.7%
  • Sonic 3D Blast

    Votes: 77 18.6%
  • Sonic R

    Votes: 160 38.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Knuckles Chaotix is most "Sonic-like" of the games when compared to the mainline Sonic games at the time, so I'm going with that.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Sonic R controls poorly, but it is the best game. Sonic Spinball isn't a game, it's an exercise in tedium.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic R for the technical tour de force. There's no question that Jon Burton was able to squeeze absolutely everything out of that machine.


Oct 25, 2017
Knuckles Chaotix is probably the best game of the bunch, but R has the most staying power because it's the biggest 3d Sonic game of that console generation.

Controls terribly, is unbalanced as all hell, and can be completed in about an hour... but that soundtrack.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I played all of these to death as a kid.
For playtime alone (back then), it would go:

Sonic R > Knuckles Chaotix > Sonic Spinball > Sonic 3D (Saturn version, I didn't have the 16-bit one)

As an adult revisiting these games though..

Knuckles Chaotix > Sonic R > Sonic Spinball maybe just barely above Sonic 3D

Chaotix was more interesting just to explore and see all the stuff you normally miss since the level design is just so weird. It has the best art and music of the four, imo.
Sonic R was magical at the time, but these days the controls are just awkward.
Sonic Spinball has badass music but awful controls.
...I never really liked Sonic 3D. The Saturn soundtrack was kinda ok. The special stages were neat.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't played Chaotix but I assume it's the best of the games mentioned here. I played Sonic Spinball a lot, probably more than was healthy. It's a pretty flawed game and difficult for a Sonic game, in a bad way mostly. But still, I kind of liked it. I never enjoyed Sonic 3D Blast but Sonic R was pretty cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic Spinball was engaging when I was a kid, I loved Pinball in general and Sonic was there and there was emeralds to collect. I didn't notice the low framerate at the time. The high difficulty was great because it felt like there was so much more game to get to and I had to work for it. It was a good weekend rental for me.

I didn't enjoy any of these other games on any level though.


Oct 29, 2017
Sonic R's soundtrack is straight up bad.

It pretty much shifted the Sonic music playbook from "hyperactive funk" to "unironic exercise in a genre which peaked in relevancy a decade earlier".

Super Sonic Racing is so unapologetic it's astonishing.

Sonic Adventure soundtracks only continued this tradition, which largely continues to today.

On topic: I will admit 3D Blast holds a special place in my heart. I swear the game is actually enjoyable if you take a breath and try to get on its level as an exploration/speed run type title.


This guy are sick of the One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Sonic R is amazing, it just sucks you can 100% it in under 30 minutes, but boy is that time fun.

3D Blast Genesis is bad, Saturn/PC is decent and has some really good tracks.

Spinball is kinda fun but not great, I like revisiting it every so often.

Chaotix Is trash.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd vote for Sonic The Fighters if it were an option, but of the choices it's R for the soundtrack.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
All of thse are interesting games, but Sonic R is the one I played the most. I had a lot of fun with it. Sonic Spinball was hard, I finished it once in my life.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 24, 2018
All bad for me but it's between Sonic R and Chaotix, they both have something great I still associate with Sonic in music and art.
Chaotix has, I think, the last time we see the art of Takumi Miyaki, the creator of Espio.

Maybe it goes too far for some but I really love the hyper color contrast/abundance of geometric shapes. It's like Sonic CD on... on something. I dunno what but I like it.


Oct 28, 2017
1. Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn)
2. Sonic R
3. Sonic Spinball
(I have not played Knuckles Chaotix)


May 9, 2018
Spinball's such a good concept but it's really not very fun to play.

Sonic R wins for the soundtrack alone


Oct 26, 2017
If you want to vote a game for the music then you gotta vota Chaotix, it still has one of the best music in the series.

Unfortunatelly the level design is a giant mess, so I still voted R.

Spinball is not even a Sonic game, that shit looks (and plays) too weird.


Oct 26, 2017
I never played Sonic R, so I did not consider it.

Chaotix is not really fun to play, not even in couch-co-op. Sonic 3D Blast has horrible controls that just don't work for me with the speed in an isometric view.

Sonic Spinball may be a bit clunky, but it's the most fun I've had with these 3 games. A game I would actually start up again to play, which I would not consider for the other 2 (maybe Chaotix, just to show someone how bad it actually is).


Oct 27, 2017
I like Spinball and still go back for a quick playthrough occasionally as I can still have fun with it. I don't understand what's so bad about it.

I've never played Chaotix and have no urge to play the other two again either.


Oct 26, 2017
Honestly, would be down for a Spinball 2 that mixes the pinball and platforming a bit better, actually controls good and doesn't have an off-putting artstyle.


Oct 26, 2017
Sonic R obviously lol.
Sonic 3D is boring, and this is coming from someone who loves Eurojank 'collect x amount of things to open the exit' platformers, Spinball is alright I guess as long as you like pinball things, and Knuckles Chaotix is absolute garbage that is only looked upon fondly by people who never played it.


Sep 7, 2020
Going with Chaotix.

The level design is a huge mess in that game, but I always found the mechanics fun to play around with if nothing else. It also has my favorite visuals and music between the four games.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
(Living in the city)
You know you have to survive
(Living in the city)
You've got to keep the dream alive
(Living in the city)
Where everything is free
Can't you seeeeeee

(Sonic R)


Oct 25, 2017
There is only one choice, because the other games cant feel the sunshine, so alive...


Oct 25, 2017
All bad for me but it's between Sonic R and Chaotix, they both have something great I still associate with Sonic in music and art.
Chaotix has, I think, the last time we see the art of Takumi Miyaki, the creator of Espio.

Maybe it goes too far for some but I really love the hyper color contrast/abundance of geometric shapes. It's like Sonic CD on... on something. I dunno what but I like it.

Seeing this collage of screenshots just cements for me what a fucking mess this game is to look at. Super noisy without much distinction between foreground and background. Most of the background art looks extremely phoned in too and I especially dislike the blurred look some of them have with color banding galore. Just makes it look like a quick photoshop job and then run through color reduction. Ristar has a similar type of aesthetic but manages to look a whole lot better, and they even did it without the color boost the 32X offers.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
It's close between Spinball and Sonic R. I ultimately went with R because I still listen to that soundtrack once or twice a month.

Sweet Blue

Nov 1, 2018
Can't believe all the hate on Chaotix when it has one of the best soundtrack from the Sonic 16-bit era =(

Sweet Blue

Nov 1, 2018
The soundtrack is indeed amazing. Way better than R


but that level design is just too bad. It really feels unfinished.

Yeah I agree tho that the level design really ruins the game. I never enjoyed playing it tbh, but I listen to the OST all the time ^^


Knuckles Chaotix: Door into Summer ACTUAL HARDWARE (audio)

Knuckles' Chaotix Door into Summer / Isolated Island with secret Amy Rose in sound test. Recorded off of a Model 1 Sega Genesis (superior sound processor) & ...
Doors into summer is so awesome, I'm trying to learn it on Piano since a few weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
Spinball is great and when you learn it it's pretty satisfying to finish it in an hour or so when you are in the mood. Final bossfight is so intense.


Knuckles Chaotix is probably the best game of the bunch, but R has the most staying power because it's the biggest 3d Sonic game of that console generation.

Controls terribly, is unbalanced as all hell, and can be completed in about an hour... but that soundtrack.

Sonic 2 can be completed 100% in around an hour with all emeralds collected in the first two acts. That's without the more benevolent requirements they put in later, starting with the Knuckles plug-in patch. Never heard anyone complain about it being too short. Why would it be the case for another Sonic game? (Disclaimer: never played more than a few minutes of Chaotix, so maybe I'm just missing something)
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Having never played Chaotix, I'm very tempted to pick that as the answer, but the other posts in here have dissuaded me from that.

Sonic R is fun for exactly 20 minutes, so I'm going with that, as that's more fun than the others.

Sonic 3D Blast is still to this day the only video game that ever gives me a headache. I can't play it for more than a few minutes.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
It's probably last in the poll because it's the most obscure and least played.
Frankly I always felt this helped its reputation moreso than if it were made widely available.

Outside of emulation (it was very briefly available legally on GameTap back when that was a thing), there's no way to play Chaotix outside of straight-up owning a 32x and the original game. I feel like because of this it's always had a certain mystique among the Sonic fan base, like it's this lost gem of the franchise, especially since on paper it has a lot in common with the original games.

Sonic CD went through a similar thing where it had this reputation as the best Sonic game you never played, and the few who did play it would hype it up as the series' best, but when it was re-released in 2011 (and to a lesser extent, included in Sonic Gems Collection in 2005) opinions cooled on it significantly. And Sonic CD is still generally agreed upon to be a good game, whereas IMO people are going to sour heavily on Chaotix if it ever sees the light of day again.

If I had to rank the games given here I'd go 3D Blast > R > Chaotix > Spinball. Spinball is dead last for controlling like complete ass, whereas at least Chaotix feels like a Sonic game even if the level design is significantly worse.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna say Spinball > 3D Blast > R > Chaotix.

Spinball was kind of weird in how they basically already had pinball physics figured out with the original 2D games and opted to just make a unique engine from scratch that isn't nearly as satisfying, but it's still damn fun to play thanks to its inventive level design. I've sunk in a whole bunch of time into it, find it really replayable, and I kinda like its Nine Inch Nails-esque synth-pop/industrial rock soundtrack. It was a bit of a gateway into harder genres of music for me.

3D Blast doesn't really feel like a Sonic game but it's still a pretty fun game that I enjoyed well enough for its time and novelty, the Saturn/PC version is a total vibe. R could have been higher, I like its environmental settings and its soundtrack, but a pitiful number of levels and terrible character balancing mostly make it a curio. You've seen it all after 20 minutes. Chaotix is meh.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
This, plus a secret mission in a demo disk for a different game, a kinda slap dash arcade only fighting game, and running around in Sonic Jam was the entire output of the franchise between Sonic 3 and Adventure.