What tendency/ideology do you best align with?

  • Anarchism

    Votes: 126 12.0%
  • Marxism

    Votes: 86 8.2%
  • Marxism-Leninism

    Votes: 79 7.5%
  • Left Communism

    Votes: 19 1.8%
  • Democratic Socialism

    Votes: 425 40.5%
  • Social Democracy

    Votes: 241 23.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 73 7.0%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 4346

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Oct 25, 2017
Kind of a dark day for me. I thought it'd be entertaining watching the election close out but instead it feels more desperate. My wife is about to lose her health care coverage and my mother and brother, who are on Obamacare, are seeing a massive increase in their unsubsidized premium cost January 1. Luckily my mother is about to go on Medicare in February but my brother, who is disabled, will be left without coverage. Not that his coverage through the exchange was that great- he had a hospitalization in 2019 and he's left with thousands in uncovered medical bills, which he can't pay. I feel like the dude in the meme saying "healthcare pls". Best case scenario for tonight is that we are left with Joe "I wouldn't sign an M4A bill if it came across my desk" Biden.

Fucking sucks.

Whoever wins this forum is going to be miserable either way. Gonna be a hellish 4 years on RestEra

This is pretty much how I feel, comrades. I want Trump's presidency to end but I'm not really looking forward to 4 years of Biden pathologically trying to get one or two Republican senators to sign on to his weak-ass health care bill or his weak-ass criminal justice reform.


Oct 30, 2017
If anything the progressive movement needs a front and center leader, but I guess that's the joke. I love Bernie for his humbleness and 'not me, us' attitude though, but he should've played up the cult of personality more. This is why the 'Bernie Bro' thing is so stupid. Guy didn't even want the spotlight.

Deleted member 7130

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Oct 25, 2017
Unironically, this is more or less a barometer I use when sizing up a political figure in many countries. Who are the poor behind? Who are the majority of people criticizing that person as a "strongman" and comparing them to Trump? As you know bourgeois libs/neoliberals cannot help comparing even a nominal SocDem to a fascist figure.

Deleted member 4346

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Oct 25, 2017
Does he not qualify for disability-based Medicare?

We're going to see. It's challenging to get him aid because he has severe anxiety disorder and is agoraphobic. He was denied disability-based Medicare in 2019 because he was on my mother's ACA policy at the time, but that policy didn't cover much of his treatment, and then my parents, who are retired, couldn't afford to have him treated out-of-pocket so he ended up untreated. It's a huge mess and it highlights just how lacking social services are in the US.


Oct 30, 2017
We're going to see. It's challenging to get him aid because he has severe anxiety disorder and is agoraphobic. He was denied disability-based Medicare in 2019 because he was on my mother's ACA policy at the time, but that policy didn't cover much of his treatment, and then my parents, who are retired, couldn't afford to have him treated out-of-pocket so he ended up untreated. It's a huge mess and it highlights just how lacking social services are in the US.
Are you able to show social security
the records from his hospitalization and have one of the doctors who treated them write a note? Anxiety disorder is also considered a disability too and they sometimes consider it if a doctor can vouch for how debilitating it is.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Are you able to show social security
the records from his hospitalization and have one of the doctors who treated them write a note? Anxiety disorder is also considered a disability too and they sometimes consider it if a doctor can vouch for how debilitating it is.

IIRC, and I'm not his caretaker so I may be wrong, but when he was hospitalized he didn't get a full and formal diagnosis. They held him for a few days after he had what was a nervous breakdown, I guess, but between his ACA plan not covering the costs and the hospital needing the bed they called my parents and were like, "come get him or we're turning him out into the street". If he were arrested or EP'ed then he would be able to get help, but involving cops with someone who is mentally unwell has the potential to go horribly wrong.

The fucked-up thing is that both my sister and I work in public service and have access to resources which could help him, but I'm in a different county and she's in a neighboring state.

Hopefully in February we can get him Medicare and start the Social Security/Disability process, but there are no guarantees.


Oct 8, 2018
We're going to see. It's challenging to get him aid because he has severe anxiety disorder and is agoraphobic. He was denied disability-based Medicare in 2019 because he was on my mother's ACA policy at the time, but that policy didn't cover much of his treatment, and then my parents, who are retired, couldn't afford to have him treated out-of-pocket so he ended up untreated. It's a huge mess and it highlights just how lacking social services are in the US.

I strongly recommend finding a Social Security/disability lawyer if you run into any more resistance.


Oct 26, 2017
If Biden doesn't make gains with the southern Latino demo by the end of tonight I never want to hear "BUT THE CUBANS" ever again. It is like one of the few things they promised us in exchange for not picking Bernie and they still couldn't deliver it.

Liberals: "But they'll be scared off by the socialisms!"

FL Cubans: Biden is a socialist I'm voting for Trump

Liberals: shockedpikachu.jpg


Oct 25, 2017
If Biden doesn't make gains with the southern Latino demo by the end of tonight I never want to hear "BUT THE CUBANS" ever again. It is like one of the few things they promised us in exchange for not picking Bernie and they still couldn't deliver it.

Liberals: "But they'll be scared off by the socialisms!"

FL Cubans: Biden is a socialist I'm voting for Trump

Liberals: shockedpikachu.jpg


Deleted member 7130

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Oct 25, 2017
Last I heard, Cori could not even bring herself to endorse Biden. I say it as a good thing. She's going to be one to keep an eye on for a lefty with any interest in electoralism.


Oct 29, 2017
Last I heard, Cori could not even bring herself to endorse Biden. I say it as a good thing. She's going to be one to keep an eye on for a lefty with any interest in electoralism.

Dems retained House which is good too. THe 'Squad' next session with Cori, Bowman, and the rest is going to be fun I think.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I'm never listening to polling again.

I shouldn't be surprised Biden is bleeding support with black and Latino voters, and yet here we are...


Oct 25, 2017
At this rate 2032 will be AOC vs Madison Cawthorne and he'll win.

Edit: Actually, this supposed the Dems will ever learn a lesson. It will be like Chris Coons or someone.
Nov 2, 2017
Boy am I glad the democrat electorate picked a middle roader! Left leaning views are really cleaning up this election!

Of course, I've seen people already blaming everything on Bernie/the Left


Oct 25, 2017
Boy am I glad the democrat electorate picked a middle roader! Left leaning views are really cleaning up this election!

Of course, I've seen people already blaming everything on Bernie/the Left

If B*rnie Slanders had never existed, Miami Cubans wouldn't have thought Joe Biden was a socialist! And uh somehow he made Joe underperform with other POC too by being too divisive!


Oct 28, 2017
If B*rnie Slanders had never existed, Miami Cubans wouldn't have thought Joe Biden was a socialist! And uh somehow he made Joe underperform with other POC too by being too divisive!
I guarantee the correct analysis is not that Republicans are terrible strategists who would've run the same red scare playbook no matter who the Dem candidate was. Nope. Total fantasy.


Oct 29, 2017
I think I'm going to listen to the Pod Save Johns' "The Wilderness," tomorrow to get a better understanding of how they're going to rationalize another possible loss.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm going to listen to the Pod Save Johns' "The Wilderness," tomorrow to get a better understanding of how they're going to rationalize another possible loss.

The Dems are just too left wing. We have to appeal more to white moderates. Embrace the Lincoln Project, and if any POC slip away to the GOP, well, it was inevitable!


Oct 28, 2017
Seeing a lot of libs on my TL blame the close race on racism again, not a peep about how maybe Biden was the worst candidate they could've run.


Oct 25, 2017
The path for the GOP going forward is clear - they don't even need to ditch the white supremacy. Machismo + fascism gets them just enough support from right wing women and right wing POC to top off the base white male vote that they can squeak by.

The Dems cannot simply put up moderates each time. Biden shows that at best they also will squeak by if they do that. They need to combat it hard by fanning the flames within their own base, by appealing to them first and foremost to avoid depressing their own vote.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Joe "my path to victory doesn't include Latinos" Biden

Joe "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" Biden

Joe "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle" Biden

is underperforming with POC.


Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine just ignoring such an important, and growing, demographic, to hunt the most unreliable demographic, in white moderates. Jesus Christ.
Oct 28, 2017
Joe Biden didn't listen at all about Hispanic voters, just madness.

The idea that "demographics will save the Democratic Party" is something I have never understood. A lot of demographics are inherently conservative due to religion and/or situations in their own countries. The assumption that they're all left leaning is something that no one should be taking for granted yet here we are.

I'm just surprised how deep the collapse is.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
What's our path forward guys? As socialists I mean. Kind of at a loss here. Even if Biden gets a narrow win, Trump has INCREASED his base. It's clear the hunger for fascism isn't going away. And it's only going to get worse as material conditions keep decaying.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's our path forward guys? As socialists I mean. Kind of at a loss here. Even if Biden gets a narrow win, Trump has INCREASED his base. It's clear the hunger for fascism isn't going away. And it's only going to get worse as material conditions keep decaying.

I think we should let the dust clear before we start looking forward. Biden might stumble across the finish line here. I definitely agree about the hunger for fascism but I pin a lot of that on liberalism's refusal to address the decline in material conditions in America.


Oct 29, 2017
The Dems are just too left wing. We have to appeal more to white moderates. Embrace the Lincoln Project, and if any POC slip away to the GOP, well, it was inevitable!

Yeah. It's becoming clear that PoC and voters in general are beginning to recognize how fruitless electoralism is.

Neither party has made a good faith effort at making normal people's lives better (healthcare, immigration, climate change, taxing the rich, etc.) in the past 50 years.

No one wants to vote for a guy that makes things normal again. Normal means living paycheck to paycheck while getting yelled at, at work for being short $2.78 in your cash machine.

No one wants normal. They want someone who will actually do something.


Oct 25, 2017
What's our path forward guys? As socialists I mean. Kind of at a loss here. Even if Biden gets a narrow win, Trump has INCREASED his base. It's clear the hunger for fascism isn't going away. And it's only going to get worse as material conditions keep decaying.

Secure power in the cities and prepare for a reverse protracted peoples war when the rural white fascists lay siege?

It's clear that Biden is appealing to old white people and nobody else. We need to cut off the rot before it spreads and focus insanely on continuing to radicalize the youth, especially POC.

Resist all attempts at moderation and appealing to the right. Do not do it. Ever.