
Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I still need to see/read Cursed Child at some point, out of curiosity now. Kinda weird to have been so into the series as a kid, and then just have like 0 interest in that (admittedly supposedly bad) thing due to what's happened around the series since.

but yeah it's mostly the TERF thing, and the bizarre/racist/bad extra material

Wait...the wizards shitting on the floor thing was actually her? I thought it was a photoshop

I don't think it's even recent, is the thing? I assume it was in some actual Pottermore material because I remember hearing about it a good while ago, but then the official account did really tweet about it somewhat recently and people rightfully went "what the fuck".


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Then I came to know that there was Harry Potter Play and the script was converted to a book!!? How lazy and cash grabby is that!?
This is like the lowest ranking thing to grill her over. Not everyone has the money, ability, or time to go see a play. I'm still waiting for Matt and Trey to make the Book of Mormon a movie so I can finally see it, they set up a whole goddamn production company just to do it and still haven't gotten around to it lmao guys!!! pls ;__;

So she's
Who did this?
The artist's name is right there in the second panel lol, it's Adam Ellis / AdamTots


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Her recent work has made all of the subtle nuance, the very thing that made Harry Potter blow up when so many other novel series like it failed to gain much steam, either disappear or feel contrived. Her problematic personal beliefs are also a factor, but I think people outside of certain spheres would largely gloss over them if she was producing work on the level of quality as was writing 10-15 years ago. The only consistently strong products in the franchise these days are the theme parks and ultimately that isn't what much of the fanbase wants or is in a position to enjoy