• WoW

    Votes: 162 15.9%

    Votes: 859 84.1%

  • Total voters


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
FFXIV delivers for me in the fronts that matter most to me: story, music, and class fantasy. I stay subbed and playing actively for the friends I've made. The content itself is generally very high quality, so I always have a great time playing with those friends.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont play either atm but if i had to choose one it'd be WoW. FF14's leveling and combat just aren't enjoyable for me. I'm sure its getting better content updates atm, but WoW as a total package overall is better IMO


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
WoD is a goddamn masterpiece compared to BFA. That's a fact.


Jun 8, 2018
FFXIV's PS4 support alone makes it far more accessible and valuable to me. WoW was fun when I played it for a short while (back before Cataclysm), but getting into FFXIV at its (re)start and watching its story unfold over the years has been too great of an experience for me to want to trade it for a different MMO.


Jul 12, 2018
WoD is far from the worst expansion. WoD had better class design than BFA and Legion as well as one of the best endgame experiences. There was no bullshit artifact power grind, no endless treadmill for titanforged gear, and had Challenge Modes which never had to be taken away for M+.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Controller support is definitely one of XIV's strong points. It's honestly perfect.


Oct 29, 2017
ESO if you ask me, love the Elder Scrolls storylines and the worlds feel way more populated and "lIved in" than FFXIV


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on what your looking for. I finally jumped ship from WoW to FFXIV for good since I kept going back and forth. Honestly if your looking for PvP it's WoW hands down easily but for everything else it's I would say FFXIV. XIV is also one of the best looking MMOs out there also which pleases me.

Schierke Mori

Oct 28, 2017
FFXIV is an MMO where you can sub for 1-2 months to go through story content and be completely satisfied with leaving it for a long extended amount of time.

I usually sub for 2 months, go through the story content and have my fill with extra activities, then resub again whenever enough updates come out or an expansion releases. The times where I sub though I'm having a blast. Story is excellent starting from the first expansion with Shadowbringers being one of the greatest FF stories I've experienced. I enjoy it because there isn't constant pressure to keep playing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
If you've got people to play with and some amount of interest in higher level instanced content, WoW is still superior in my eyes. BFA is definitely a letdown in many regards, but the latest patch does a lot to fix some issues.

That said, if you don't care about any of that, I can't see much that would keep someone around. XIV does far better at storytelling even though I personally have a lot of issues with it.


Oct 26, 2017
They both have their good points. I played WoW for several years, same with FXIV. WoW is probably a more cohesive package, has more group activities, has a more serious focus on PvP if one chooses and is not bogged down too hard by early leveling, but FFXIV has a lot of graphical/musical style, a much better main campaign, and (likely, it's not done yet) the best expansion it's ever had under its belt. Right now, if you can stomach the early game and make it to HW and beyond, I'd definitely give the nod to FFXIV.


Oct 25, 2017
You mean the xpac with the least post-launch content in the history of the game? Where one of the highlights of 6.1 was a fucking selfie camera toy?

Yeah, WoD was given no support and left to die. I genuinely don't understand people who say BfA is worse.

Rise of Azshara (Patch 8.2) is pretty great and has a -lot- of content. And the addition of essences add some ability variety.

But if your reason for leaving WoW was class pruning, you're not going to see any major changes until the next expansion that gets announced at Blizzcon in November.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
FF14 is a game that I can really enjoy even if I'm not playing with friends, and WoW is a chore I will begrudgingly partake in for the sake for friends.


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
Having played both relatively recently, I would say FFXIV is definitely a better game than Battle for Azeroth. Classic will likely be better than both, if beta impressions are to be believed.

I can't wait to start my journey through Azeroth all over again.


Jul 12, 2018
If you've got people to play with and some amount of interest in higher level instanced content, WoW is still superior in my eyes.
I was going to give FF14 another go but my friends who play told me there was very little in the way of high level repeatable end game content. M+ and selling carries was what kept be interested in Legion.

Buff Beefbroth

Chicken Chaser
Apr 12, 2018
They both have their problems and things I seriously wish were different, but XIV is the one I'm playing after leaving WoW in early BFA.


Oct 27, 2017
As bad as WoW is at the moment, Blizz at least tries to mix it up EVERY xpac (BFA being pretty much a failure; although, 8.2 is pretty good).

With FFXIV it's the same ol same ol, with just a new coat of paint. Not saying it's bad, it's actually really good, but this to me is just plain boring. The MSQ is good, but end game is same thing since 2.0. I don't know if Yoshi-P is afraid to mix it up, or it's not in the budget, so they just stick to what works.


Lead Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to know how far those complaining about the GCD in FFXIV actually got. I have almost all of the combat jobs to 60, and I don't think there is one that I feel like I'm standing around waiting for the GCD to finish before having something else to do with all of the other actions that unlocked by that point. Yeah, up to 50 the GCD feels long, especially if you're coming from WoW as you don't have a lot of other things to do, but skills post-50, plus the dungeon fights beginning to require much greater attention to avoidance/movement starting in HWS meant I never paid much attention to it how long it was after that.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to know how far those complaining about the GCD in FFXIV actually got. I have almost all of the combat jobs to 60, and I don't think there is one that I feel like I'm standing around waiting for the GCD to finish before having something else to do with all of the other actions that unlocked by that point. Yeah, up to 50 the GCD feels long, especially if you're coming from WoW as you don't have a lot of other things to do, but skills post-50, plus the dungeon fights beginning to require much greater attention to avoidance/movement starting in HWS meant I never paid much attention to it how long it was after that.
Now I don't know if or how they changed classes with Shadowbringers but I played a Summoner to 57 and Red Mage to 68 and they're probably the slowest and most boring classes I've ever played in an mmo. There is no thought process involved in playing those classes and I would find my self consistently alt+f4ing the game out of boredom because of how slow the GCD is. My friends tried to get me to play other classes but there's no way that I could sit there in palace of the dead or heaven on high for days just mindlessly grinding and I felt like dropping $25 just to boost a character was a waste considering I wasn't really enjoying what I was experiencing too much. The only other class that really interested me was Machinist but you cannot properly play the class at 130 ping which is what I get from the east coast. You needed at maximum 50-60 to do your proper rotation.

Edit: I know this is a meme video, but it's a pretty accurate representation of what it was like to play RDM.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's FFXIV, and it's not particularly close. The upcoming launch of Vanilla is an implicit admission that BfA is an utter failure (that, and bleeding subs). Lots of different reasons why, but with XIV, while it's formulaic, you can feel the thought and care in the design. World of Warcraft, on the hand, is a shell of its former self. I loved WoW and I hate to see what it's become, but my time in Azeroth is over.


Oct 25, 2017
I played WOW heavily a number of years ago. Haven't played it recently. I have checked out FF14 a bit.

I think FF14 is an impressive package and probably the better overall game if you favor PVE. WOW is your only real choice if you have more than a passing interest in PVP.


Dec 23, 2017
Secret answer #3 ffxi

Did not enjoy FFXIV gameplay and gear progression at all


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
It's FFXIV, and it's not particularly close. The upcoming launch of Vanilla is an implicit admission that BfA is an utter failure (that, and bleeding subs). Lots of different reasons why, but with XIV, while it's formulaic, you can feel the thought and care in the design. World of Warcraft, on the hand, is a shell of its former self. I loved WoW and I hate to see what it's become, but my time in Azeroth is over.
They announced Classic the same time they announced BFA though?

I'm all for giving BFA the rightful criticism it deserves, but let's not pretend Classic is a response to that.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to know how far those complaining about the GCD in FFXIV actually got. I have almost all of the combat jobs to 60, and I don't think there is one that I feel like I'm standing around waiting for the GCD to finish before having something else to do with all of the other actions that unlocked by that point. Yeah, up to 50 the GCD feels long, especially if you're coming from WoW as you don't have a lot of other things to do, but skills post-50, plus the dungeon fights beginning to require much greater attention to avoidance/movement starting in HWS meant I never paid much attention to it how long it was after that.

As someone who plays both games actively right now, I honestly don't feel a difference in APM doing 60+ content. WoW's rotations aren't that complicated; most of them have a high skill floor, much like RDM, because by design they want to bake a lot of the innovation and difficulty into the encounter mechanics themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
They announced Classic the same time they announced BFA though?

I'm all for giving BFA the rightful criticism it deserves, but let's not pretend Classic is a response to that.

They announced WoW Classic -before- Battle for Azeroth at Blizzcon 2017.

Classic was coming regardless of how BfA was received.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm currently playing FFXIV and I played WoW for many years. I'd say WoW has massively better combat, and a lot of QoL improvements over FFXIV. FFXIV has a wider variety of content and everything is more reasonably priced (cosmetics, services etc), I also really like their mob design and dungeons feel a bit more epic, although WoW does boss fights better. WoW also has better questing, the story quests in FFXIV are really boring and amount to run to NPC 2, read text, go back to NPC 1, I have gone an hour without killing a single mob before which just isn't fun. As a package I think WoW is better, especially when it's hot, right now it's stone cold so the gap is closer. I'll probably drop FFXIV like a rock once Classic hits.


Dec 27, 2017
Ff14 is better than WoW ever was, to me, and I played wow from launch day through Wrath of the Loch King. The gameplay in FF14 is better and the story, an actual RPG story that can stand with the best of them, is a world apart.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Everything I've heard of recent WoW makes me think I got out at a good time at the end of WotLK. At least my good memories are intact lol. That was a great expansion but it was also when the game was showing some cracks (the game started having ridiculously long gaps between meaningful content updates, and apparently that becomes the norm)


Oct 25, 2017
Everything I've heard of recent WoW makes me think I got out at a good time at the end of WotLK. At least my good memories are intact lol. That was a great expansion but it was also when the game was showing some cracks (the game started having ridiculously long gaps between meaningful content updates, and apparently that becomes the norm)
Would just like to point out that the last xpack legion was very well received and that also happened to be expansion that addressed the frequency of updates,blizzard switched to a 6 patch cycle alternating from a major patch to a minor patch the way the number it is a bit strange but it looks something like 7.1 7.1.5 7.2 ect with legion ending on 7.3.5. BFA continues this, the problem with the expansion lays elsewhere mostly with it being the same format as legion but worse due to some questionable high level changes to the game.

Buff Beefbroth

Chicken Chaser
Apr 12, 2018
Edit: I know this is a meme video, but it's a pretty accurate representation of what it was like to play RDM.

This isn't even the worst thing about RDM. The worst thing is that because it spends like 95% of its time casting it might as well be a Black Mage. There's hardly any class identity because of the rigid adherance to the Holy Trinity and the one weapon per class restriction.


Oct 25, 2017
FFXIV wins on the things that matter to me - the world, the story, the characters, the music. The community is, as a casual player at least, significantly less toxic as well.

Pre-BfA I'd say WoW did combat better but they sure messed that up.

I do wish XIV had WoW's transmog system though. The Glamour dresser is a poor substitute.


Oct 25, 2017
Played wow for years and went back to ffxiv recently. Ffxiv hands down, and I haven't even gotten to the new expansion yet.
Oct 26, 2017
FFXIV for me, but it really depends on what you want out of an MMO.

I don't care for PvP and the story in FFXIV is exceptional for an online game, the writing itself also feels a lot more impactful than whatever inconsequential story arc Blizzard tends to trot out every expansion.

WoW is currently at an all time low with BfA though and FFXIV is at an all time high with Shadowbringers, so right now the difference between the two is even more pronounced.