
Oct 28, 2017
Really with Trump you have to keep your eye on the ball. You can not get distracted with the next outrageous thing he says and really dig in. He really only has "material" at a surface level and if you kept on digging he will get flustered. I thought Hillary did not do a good job of this in the debates and she kind of just let him get away with obviously incorrect things and the debate went onto the next question.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone who isn't willing to press him to speak outside of platitudes to the point where he fucks up completely and walks off the stage isn't ready.

When the heats to hot he'll just walk away. If he walks away clown him for his cowardice if he doesn't he's going to eventually say something stupid enough even the hardcore will have to get it together for a moment.


Nov 6, 2017
As far as I can tell, theo nly wiining move at a political debate is to stick to your own message and values and maybe style on your opponent a little. You're really only speaking to your own base anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Embarrass him. Make him lose his composure.

Be like Batman in the Dark Knight Returns during that one fight with the mutant dude.


Oct 25, 2017
The best way isn't to insult him or whatever. His base knows he's an idiot, they just don't care. Independents are who you need to grab and they're not going to waste their time in an insult fest.

Control the narrative, talk about your policies simplistically and make it about the voters, not yourself or Trump. Warren is doing a great job at that and I think is why she's rising in the polls.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019

Pummel him and don't stop. Yes, stoop to his level. Apparently that's what the American public cares about... So, just beat the shit out of him endlessly. Harris would make him implode on stage, that would be amazing to watch.
Yeah, I could see Trump getting angry at Harris and looking more unhinged then other times. And that says something if you see how unhinged he already is. I think there is a chance he would lose it.


Oct 31, 2017
and every single media outlet in the country was talking about him 24/7

This. The more attention he gets, the more he leans in.

I say push him on facts, and have a moderator hold him to answering the question. Matter of fact, I'd LOVE a debate with rules that both candidates agree to beforehand that include a commitment to not sling mud. It's all Trump can do. Take that away, force him to stick to facts, policy, and proposal.

He'll look like an idiot.


Jun 28, 2018
Does Team Trump have any plans or policies for a second term? I mean, are they trying to sell reelection on anything other than "oh no, scary dems, think of your tax cuts, they want open borders, socialism, etc."?

I know a debate with him can't be 100% dunking on him for being a bad person and horrible president (and he is both); part of it has to be about offering a better vision for this country. What the hell vision are they trying to push in the Republican party other than fear?


Oct 27, 2017
Trump is extraordinarily thin-skinned, so while it might not be the best strategy, I'd love to see someone just attack him personally - relentlessly mock his hair, his weight, the fact that he compares sex partners to his daughter, whatever - and determine exactly how mad he can get.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Beat him at his own game.

I think Gabbard for example could pull it off if she had some similar takedowns regarding the military. Harris would be effective as well though I haven't gotten a chance to watch all of the debate stuff from last night.

What you don't want to do is tell people to go to your website to look up your policies.


Nov 17, 2017
Either you completely ignore and refuse to debate.

Or you have to embarrass him. And not by bringing things up like the pussy tape, or concentration camps at the border. Those things are horrifying, but frankly play into his image as a macho America-first type. You have to undermine his image by making him look weak and for lack of a better word, feminine.


Nov 2, 2018
Talk about how republicans controlled all three branches of government for the first two years of his presidency but couldn't accomplish anything . Why was that? Because of honorable patriotic republicans like John McCain who had integrity. Use his own party against him.


Jul 25, 2018
Does Team Trump have any plans or policies for a second term? I mean, are they trying to sell reelection on anything other than "oh no, scary dems, think of your tax cuts, they want open borders, socialism, etc."?

I know a debate with him can't be 100% dunking on him for being a bad person and horrible president (and he is both); part of it has to be about offering a better vision for this country. What the hell vision are they trying to push in the Republican party other than fear?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Give him zero respect and back him into a corner. Read his old tweets back to him and challenge his positions in reference to those tweets. Have no mercy, and don't "respect the office". It's a shame that "decorum" will be what keeps him in the debate, because no one has the guts to do what needs to be done. He needs to be disrespected and humiliated on a national stage, so much so that he looses his temper.


Oct 27, 2017
No debates. The media gives waaay to much coverage to trump after debates. The only way to win is not to play. Its not about whether you can out debate him, a child could, its about the media coverage making him more popular after. The Dem candidate should refuse to do any debates.


Oct 27, 2017
Send a comedian. A debate with Trump is an entertainment spectacle, you can't win that with politics.


Oct 27, 2017
Which is my point, that debates are not the be all and end all. There are other factors that can swing it.

I would go a step further: debates are largely worthless at this point. No one gives a fuck about actual content.

People will watch clips of sick burns, though. So just start talking shit and see what happens. The American public demands it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You don't have to beat trump, just don't embarrass your self in the debate. On the current political climate debates will not win you any voters just they can only make you lose votes if you mess up.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
Call him a pussy on stage and bet he doesnt fight you.
I know it's classless, but I feel like he'd be dumb enough to fall for it.
He'd start a losing shittalking battle, turn red, and leave the stage with watery eyes.

The debates arent about ideas. Theyre about TV drama and have been since Nixon v Kennedy.
Also, somebody pissing off Trump on live television without the burden of trying to tasteful would be hilarious.

Sorry if I seem cynical, but these days I dont meet many people without a strong opinion on Trump, and debates seem to just be two-sided pep rallies to make people who already support something feel good about themselves. Hence, most folks with a side will think their side won every debate despite both viewing the same debate.

Donald Trump sidestepped this last cycle by simply not participating in a battle of ideas but instead showing that he wasnt afraid of Clinton, and that he didnt feel the need to submit to norms of the political system. And it didnt hurt him at all.

I dont want debates to be like this, but while this guy is around I would love to see someone humilate him in public besides himself. I dont feel like Ive seen that since before he was President.

Yes I deserve to die.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Continually hint (both subtly and not-so-subtly) that he's not as rich as he claims. Nothing pisses him off more, and it's guaranteed to get under his skin.

A 100% traditional policy-based debate is a complete non-starter (though policy should still be a major part). This is the rare case where you really do need to get down in the mud with him, at least a little bit.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Trump was destroyed by Clinton in the debates three years ago. Every single person who watched those realised it. His numbers actually went down in the aftermath of those. Yet the news cycle was going up and down so quickly those were forgotten by the time Election Night came


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
He won because people hated Hillary more than they liked him.
That is not true. It was a part of it. But you are very much underestimating Trump if you think that is the reason why he won. He spoke to Americans in a language they could understand. He was anti-establishment and he is still using the same thing. And he puls it off.
Because he doesn't care about Republicans and neither do his supporters. That's why the whole republican party has bend around Trump and not the other way. As a candidate, you have to speak to the voters in very clear messages and that appeals to them. Point out the failures of Trump. Point to his lies and pin him to narrow points, do not use a large brush. Also, use the tactic Harris did yesterday about the economy. That will take much oxygen away from Trump and his only superficial success.
There is one thing that Trump does very well and that is feel where the undercurrent is in America and use language that the common man uses and laughs at. You have to be the smarter one that caters for this public and show you can speak in there language.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Underrated post, best answer.


Jun 28, 2018
As a candidate, you have to speak to the voters in very clear messages and that appeals to them. Point out the failures of Trump. Point to his lies and pin him to narrow points, do not use a large brush. Also, use the tactic Harris did yesterday about the economy. That will take much oxygen away from Trump and his only superficial success.
I think this is a good tack to take.

It's not enough just to point to the hypocrisy of his old tweets. Show how his promises for the "forgotten man" that he likes to mention have not come true. Most Americans are not seeing net gains from the tax cuts, American companies/farmers are not seeing benefits from Trump's trade wars, outsourced manufacturing is not flocking back, gains in the stock market haven't resulted in any real benefits for millions of Americans who can't afford to buy stock/fund retirement accounts, he hasn't made health care better, he tried to take health care from millions of Americans. Nail him on specifics.


Oct 25, 2017
Make a bunch of John McCain quotes.

"A great man once said..."

"... and Donald, that man's name was JOHN MCCAIN."

-Trump will stew for the whole debate over it.


Oct 27, 2017
The debates are largely irrelevant. Clinton won those easily and so too will the next Democratic nominee. The people you are trying to persuade aren't watching the debates and if they are they certainly aren't persuaded by eloquent arguments.
Oct 27, 2017
talk sensible policy while deconstructing and exposing his manipulative fuckery, at least as much as possible. go for the jugular as simply and efficiently as possible


Oct 29, 2017
yeah, trump is known for his great debate skills.

the answer to the question you ask is "show up".

the question you want an answer to is "what is the best way to get the american people to not love a reality show asshole?"


Jun 28, 2018
The debates are largely irrelevant. Clinton won those easily and so too will the next Democratic nominee. The people you are trying to persuade aren't watching the debates and if they are they certainly aren't persuaded by eloquent arguments.
To an extent, sure, but... part of the debates is also getting folks to show up on election day. I'm not going to assume a Dem candidate is going to convert many redhats, no matter how they do in the debate. But getting Dems and left-leaning independents interested in voting is important. Even if they don't watch it live, they might still hear/read salient points in the news.

Deleted member 984

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Shit all over the board and act like you won before he gets a chance.

Seriously though find out what the biggest floating voter demographic is then relentlessly target that with simple rememberable phrases and repeat over and over. Throw in some basic bitch shade that gets people whooping and turn whatever Trumps slogan is against him so it puts off his target audience.