
Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Chaos Island is an underrated Jurassic Park title. Seems most people don't even remember it.

I actually lucked out and found this game for a $1 awhile back complete in jewel case. I should try and re-install it soon. One of the coolest things are that it has Jeff Godblum and a few others of the other actors doing the voice.
Oct 28, 2017
I'll be another person voting for Operation Genesis. That may very well change in a few months time once Jurassic World: Evolution releases.

I had an okay time playing LEGO Jurrasic World

This is another good game. You get to play as dinosaurs, even the horrible monstrosities that you design!



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL


A fun and competent Contra esque game with varied level design, an interesting gameplay catch (the dinosaur counter) andakickasssoundtrack. Also you play as Alan Grant but he's buff as hell and can jump higher than a Velociraptor can.

Yes! My childhood friend and I loved this game on SNES. We used to call the other guy Jake because...it sounded cool at the time.


Oct 28, 2017
Jurassic Park snes is a gem. It was a great Zelda clone combined with an interesting fps.

Had some major downsides though. No real guide or direction to it, you just had to use a paper guide or just memorize the correct path and objectives.


Oct 25, 2017
Chaos Island is an underrated Jurassic Park title. Seems most people don't even remember it.

I actually lucked out and found this game for a $1 awhile back complete in jewel case. I should try and re-install it soon. One of the coolest things are that it has Jeff Godblum and a few others of the other actors doing the voice.

I was under the impression that I was the only person in existence who played the living hell out of this game haha

One of the first original games I've owned on the PC, you actually get to play as a T-Rex in the last level and cause some mayhem in the city. The game has plenty of flaws all around, but the idea is spectacular. I would love to see an alternative dimension where either the StarCraft or Age of Empires dudes were in charge of creating this one... A man can dream.


Oct 28, 2017
...Last but not least is Trespasser. While it isn't the best game. It's so hugely ambitious that you can't help but appreciate what it tried to do.
To this day, I wish someone would get the rights to it and remaster the gameplay side of things. Though I recall the game is practically held together
by tape and spit.

This game is one of several I got free with a new PC in 1999. It is the one and only game I have played and completed at least a dozen times. Yes the gun aiming is a bit hit and miss at times. Yes, the physics is a bit wonky. But it is still one awesome game.
Nov 1, 2017
FL, United States
Operation Genesis is my all-time favorite. However, if we're going a little out of the way of the IP King Kong: The Official Game was not only a great game, but one of the best introductions to a new system outside of *insert Nintendo IP here*.


Feb 13, 2018

Also have a soft spot for

My pick as well, I'd say to date it's the best raptor simulator available (apparently you could also play as Grant but let's be honest, why would you when you can play a raptor).

As for Trespasser, have you all forgotten what an incredible jank-fest that was? One of the first things you have to do is stack boxes to jump a fence but the character controls like Octodad every bit of the way - and if you moved the mouse too fast the arm just begins to flop wildly like some kind of stranded eel. I think it was even possible to kill yourself by bashing your own head in with the boxes.

Filament Star

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Telltale's Jurassic Park was pretty good. It just came out ~a year before everyone suddenly decided they like that kind of Telltale game.


Oct 30, 2017
i loved the PSone game. but plain old jurassic park on the megadrive/gensis has a special place in my heart. i remember the music, sound effects and everything. i don't doubt for a second that's it's aged poorly though. but at the time it fit the style of game i really enjoyed back then to a tea. things like judge dredd, flashback etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, but I have a soft spot for the SNES one because of its FPS environments. Not to mention the soundtrack.

Gonna have to see how this new Jurassic World game by Frontier holds up.


Oct 27, 2017
For me operation genesis is the best Jurassic park game. IMO it captures the feeling of managing a park with these majestic creatures.


Nov 4, 2017
I remember liking the Genesis Jurassic Park back in the day, not sure how it holds up nowadays. Never got to playing Operation genesis....


Oct 25, 2017
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues for Game Boy

You play as Chibi Grant and collect card keys while shooting dinosaurs in a surprisingly solid side-scrolling shooter.

Jan 29, 2018
I just recently tried to get into the SNES Jurassic Park. The overhead stuff is pretty decent and looks really charming, but I don't know what they were thinking with the FPS segments.

I loved the Game Boy game back in the day. Someone should do a romhack where it's the SNES game, but when you go inside a building instead of switching to FPS it just switches to the GB game.


Jan 19, 2018
Yeah I have a soft spot for the genesis ones but I replayed them not too long back and they did NOT age well. The platforming is horrific. Makes me appreciate the "good" platfoemers from that era more (cough cough, ALADDIN, cough)


Oct 27, 2017
I second PJ's King Kong. Really cool and ambitious game for the time. Also way more entertaining than the film it's based on.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 2, 2017
Oh man, this thread is making me very nostalgic and is also making me realise how much of a Jurassic Park fanatic I was (am?).

I've played both the SNES and Mega Drive (?) versions of Jurassic Park but honestly barely remember them, must have only been 4 or 5 at that stage.

Before I owned a PS1, we'd rent the console and The Lost World game several times.. always just getting a little bit further each time since I couldn't save. Once I got a PS1 I did get around to finishing the game a few times and while I'm sure it's rough, I definitely really enjoyed it.

After seeing the cover for Warpath, I absolutely remember playing it but that's about it. I genuinely couldn't even tell you how good it is.

I'm also apparently one of the few people who played Chaos Island and again, as a kid, I'd a blast with it. it's a load of fun building your own little army of dinosaurs.

Operation Genesis is easily the actual best game (of the ones I've played) which does get the whole idea of Jurassic Park and I can't wait for Jurassic World Evolution.

Now, does anyone remember the cancelled game? Jurassic Park: Survival for PS2 (Probably Xbox and GC too). It was a third person action game. From magazine previews, it sounded really cool. Pretty sure there is a very 90s trailer for it and bunch of screenshots. I remember when I heard it was cancelled I emailed the dev team about how gutted I was and any chance of a demo. A few weeks later, they sent me a Jurassic Park poster with signatures from the dev team. That was pretty cool.


Oct 27, 2017
I've really only played the Mega CD one and got stuck within minutes. Otherwise I did play the SNES one, but that really could have used a password or save system. Never finished it.

I hear decent things about Jurassic Park Rampage Edition on Genesis, but I've never played it.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 2, 2017
Oh ya, one other thing. This thread is just reminding me of how much I'd love a Jurassic Park Isolation game. I think that could be absolutely incredible.


Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
Only played a couple. Both the Genesis Jurassic Park games (the first was pretty good, you could play as either Alan Grant or a Raptor. Lost World was good from what i can remember of it, sort of had an Isometric view in-game. Operation Genesis however is the beast that remains my favorite.

Have also played Lego Jurassic World, that was quite pleasant in places.


Oct 30, 2017
Will echo Trespasser. Had that game when it came out and loved it despite all the control and tech issues. Blew my my mind at the time to have such a large open island and how organic the in-game encounters felt at a time when most games were scripted (a lot of these were pretty scripted too but hid it better). As a kid being able to physically walk around a 3d recreation of one of the JP islands was a dream come true, wish someone would take a stab at it again in the modern age. Would love another survival/fps type game that let me just run around and check out all the different parts of the park. One of the reasons I really enjoyed LEGO Jurassic World was that it was cool to be able to see the island/parks as a unified place and how each area connected to the other.

Also JP and Lost World for SEGA Genesis (the SEGA versions were superior to the SNES versions, fight me). I played the hell out of JP for SEGA and that game used to scare the hell out of me. I remember this part causing lots of anxiety:


Lost World was really great for different reasons. The top down camera, two player co-op, super large maps with multiple objectives, a bunch of different weapons and ridable vehicles. Really felt a bit ahead of its time when it came out.


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's mostly just nostalgia, but I personally love The Lost World for ps1.

I've been wanting to replay this for years (I lent the disc to a friend and it was returned scratched and didn't work). Sony seems to have given up putting more PS1 games on PSN (and there's no sign of PS4 being updated to support emulation). I would buy the game in a heartbeat if it was available.