Oct 25, 2017
We moved to this forum with the promise that it would be community run and very transparent. However, I think the very popular opinion these days is that it is no longer community run. This problem needs to be addressed in a civil manner without constant stifling of discussion before it gets out of hand.
This is where I'm at. It's almost laughable at how many well-meaning threads got locked with no real explanation of why. Apparently talking about ResetEra ON ResetEra is a big no-no.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
As I look around this kitchen, I see people paralyzed by a daunting situation. What began as the promise of a nourishing dinner has gone hopelessly awry, but we must be resilient and rise to the challenge before us. The moment has come. We cannot shirk our duty any longer. The time is upon us, my friends, to clean up this soup I just spilled all over the place.

Action must be taken to stem the tide of broth flowing across this floor, and it must be taken now.

The stakes could not be higher. After an ill-fated lifting without an oven mitt, the saucepan tipped over, and its contents splashed in every direction. A hearty chicken and rice soup now sullies every surface: the stove, the countertops, the walls, the curtains, and the linoleum beneath our very feet. In these dire circumstances, it will be tempting to dwell on what has been lost here—the time spent chopping celery and carrots, the half hour of occasional stirring—but we cannot look back. We must instead work to contain this spill and clean it up before it hardens or gets super sticky.

Let us roll up our sleeves and go forth, treading carefully so as not to step in the soup and unwittingly track this mess all the way into the living room. Let us gather our strength so that one of us can use his hands in an attempt to dam the stream of chicken stock pouring off the counter, while another desperately tries to mop it up with a huge, balled-up wad of napkins. We can and must come together in a frantic effort to pick up the rice, grain by grain, before any more of it falls into the space between the oven and the cabinets.

Now is not the time to point fingers at one another and say that Alex is to blame for never putting the oven mitt back where it belongs, or that the fault lies with Margot, who was the one who wanted to make soup instead of just getting takeout, as I suggested. Some may believe I bear a portion of the responsibility for having dropped the burning saucepan in the first place, despite the fact that Dustin is the one who wasted precious time running to get a bath towel when there was a full roll of paper towels right in front of him. However, this is a disaster of our own making, and we all will suffer if this much parsley gets ground into the throw rug.

Every single one of us here has soup on our hands.

It would be easy to give in, to mop up the excess and leave the rest, accepting that from now on we will dwell in an apartment with the dried remnants of soup splattered everywhere. But if we turn a blind eye to the mushy vegetables all over the windows, the cloves of garlic wedged into the tile grouting, and the bay leaf that fell beneath the burner, where will it all end? If we neglect our duty to clean up this soup spill, what happens when a bowl of cereal is upended on the couch or, God forbid, a bottle of red wine topples onto the carpet? If we don't take a stand today, there's no telling how far we'll fall.

Sure, there will be setbacks along the way. We may accidentally step in the soup and totally soak our socks. There may even be times when it seems as though Alex is actually making things worse by just spreading it around. But do not let your resolve waver. Should we fail to act now, the soup will only continue to pool under the refrigerator, causing the apartment to forever reek. So let us persevere, my friends, and with any luck this kitchen will come out the other side even cleaner than it was before.

Then, and only then, can we deal with the raging microwave fire currently filling the room with smoke and raining sparks down on our heads.

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
Basically what happened was, the mod/admin team thought they had a brilliant idea on their hands, so they made an announcement for it about 2 or 3 days ago. The majority of the community hated it, and rather than listen to their community aka the life blood of this forum, they instead decided to ignore us, implement the changes anyway, only to realize that not only were the changes not good, but everyone hated them which shouldn't have been a surprise given that the reaction to the original announcement was largely negative.

Frankly the Era team as a whole needs to become better at taking and accepting feedback. You should have taken the community's opinions on the matter before doing anything, what you instead did was ignore your community, and implement the changes anyway. Not a good look and you should be doing better than this.


Nov 7, 2017
Glad they've not kept this one locked, you live and learn admins/mods, no need to hide what happened


Oct 25, 2017
Forum went through awful changes that pretty much everybody in the feedback thread was against, they went through with it anyway, people still hated it, they reversed it

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
people make mistakes sometimes, even administrators of popular forums

it was a bad change, but they quickly reverted it

that should be the end of the story. i see no need to whine about it in perpetuity.
But we should have threads discussing upcoming changes, especially restructuring, way ahead of time for feedback and criticism. The announcement thread had a ton of people saying it would not go well, and it didn't.

More transparency with planned updates and taking feedback from the community as a whole would most likely help.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
basically it comes down to a huge lack of transparency - the very basis on which this forum was initially created - and having no faith in the feedback provided by members that arent prominent for whatever the fuck that means
Oct 25, 2017
So the change lasted 5-6 hours? That was enough time to see if people would adapt to it. People don't like change out of nature, so it was only natural there would be initial complaints.
You didn't need to make the change in the first place to see why it wouldn't work. It was blatant within five minutes. There was zero easy way to navigate the forums without being bombarded with 30 OT threads that you didn't care to sort through. As soon as they realized people were simply going to block users in order to avoid the OT's it became crystal clear.

It was a wretched change, I'm glad its back to normal but I'm really not sure why it was done in the first place.

Gaming--Gaming Hangouts OT

Etcetera--Etcera Hangouts OT

It is a perfect setup as is, don't force people to wade through insanely popular OT's just to browse gaming news or general news.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact of the matter is, they could still have implemented those changes, yet they needed to do it by splitting the main etcetera page into two halves as to display the regular stuff at the top half and whatever active community threads with recent posts on the bottom half. Page navigation would have to be a bit creative to get it working but it could probably be done.

Glad they reverted, because seeing community threads mixed with threads that have relatively short life spans was nuts.


Oct 27, 2017
Thank you mods for listening to feedback and letting us discuss it here.

I don't think it was a bad idea, just needed some tweaks. Perhaps an integrated "hide this thread" feature would've been sufficient to support the idea? I don't mind OTs being integrated, as it makes me more likely to check them out, but there has to be some way to filter out ones you're not interested in.


Oct 28, 2017
What i don't get is why they did the change instead of banning all star wars, marvel and anime threads into hangout purgatory.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I definitely agree with the people who say there should be more open conversations with forum members regarding updates of this scale. I know a lot of the responses can be crappy, but there's usually some sound advice hidden among it all, and ignoring it altogether is just a bad look

Like, imagine the casual users who just check in every once in a while. Today would have been a confusing mess to them because there was barely any run-up to the changes being implemented

I think the idea was sound but it should probably be Entertainment + Hangouts + Etcetera. And a general push for threads to link to their communities more often. New piece of Star Wars news? Add in a link to the community in the OP. Then again, a lot of the existing communities have a very "walled garden" vibe to them when it comes to new people entering the discussion, which is another reason why the merger seemed like a bad call.


Oct 29, 2017
So the admin in the other thread mention "prominent members".

Who are they and how did they become prominent members?

I'd like to know.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
But we should have threads discussing upcoming changes, especially restructuring, way ahead of time for feedback and criticism. The announcement thread had a ton of people saying it would not go well, and it didn't.

More transparency with planned updates and taking feedback from the community as a whole would most likely help.
i agree

but i hope/think they learned and that they won't make such a big change again without discussing with the full community first in the future


Oct 25, 2017
Staff decided to split up the EtcetEra board into Entertainment and EtcetEra.
Some of us thought(incorrectly) that it was a move to appease those who whine about politics.
The change happened and it seemed like only the "No politics" folks liked the change.
Staff listened to criticism and thankfully reverted.
Now the poor "no political folk" can't hide from the "SJW" threads.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Video Games > Hangouts | EtcetEra > Hangouts is the most sensible layout of a gaming forum on the entire internet


Oct 27, 2017
The fact of the matter is, they could still have implemented those changes, yet they needed to do it by splitting the main etcetera page into two halves as to display the regular stuff at the top half and whatever active community threads with recent posts on the bottom half. Page navigation would have to be a bit creative to get it working but it could probably be done.

Glad they reverted, because seeing community threads mixed with threads that have relatively short life spans was nuts.

I'm glad things have returned back to the standard format. My concern prior to the change was the siphoning of users/activity from EtcetEra to the Entertainment board - so instead of having a high traffic board, it would have split the community and resulted in two lower to medium traffic boards.

From what I've seen on previous sites, things start to go downhill fast when boards are split up. One gaming site I frequented 10+ years ago had a Gaming forum and OT forum, but then eventually created a Movie/TV board, Politics board, Sports board, Food/Cooking board, etc. The OT was popular, but then the constant creation of new boards resulted in more niche/specialized boards with low activity...which eventually led to the site's demise.


Nov 14, 2017
We moved to this forum with the promise that it would be community run and very transparent. However, I think the very popular opinion these days is that it is no longer community run. This problem needs to be addressed in a civil manner without constant stifling of discussion before it gets out of hand.

Hear hear.

An ongoing feedback thread is a good start.


Oct 25, 2017
This is beyond infuriating honestly, with the lack of transparency and ability to even give feedback. Thank god this one thread is unlocked... seriously, just let the users on your site have some feedback, please.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Throwing in my two cents. It seems as if former members are overestimating their involvement in technical decisions and staff members are under communicating the correct expectation.

Any potential posts saying, "told you so" overlook the fact that staff was not seeking your constructive criticism on the plans.

I'm not interested in being "told you so", but your point is right. Seems like the decision was made rather rashly and with little thought on impact. Or their analysis just wasn't realistic.
Oct 27, 2017
Glad they've not kept this one locked, you live and learn admins/mods, no need to hide what happened

There's not even anything to hide.

They made a change. People didn't like it. Whatever. Even if they left it people would have got over it.

Shutting down the conversation is way worse and risks getting people's backs up more. That's precisely what this forum was supposed to NOT be when it was created.


Oct 26, 2017
What I got about this incident is two things:

- admins need to certainly communicate better with people, and share/test and ask the members about future changes. A better communication will not only make the forum better for everyone but also gives us less headaches.

- some people really need to chill the fuck out and stop seeing malice everywhere. They tried something to improve the forum, it was misguided and frankly pretty stupid IMO but there was never malice, yet I saw people accusing them to pandering to the altright, asking who was those prominent members (seriously I hope no one uses this meme to start dividing people) and a lot of agressiveness towards mods that are doing this as VOLUNTEERS.

Let's take today to learn about how to make this community better, no to start fighting between us.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact of the matter is, they could still have implemented those changes, yet they needed to do it by splitting the main etcetera page into two halves as to display the regular stuff at the top half and whatever active community threads with recent posts on the bottom half. Page navigation would have to be a bit creative to get it working but it could probably be done.

Glad they reverted, because seeing community threads mixed with threads that have relatively short life spans was nuts.
At very minimum, they needed headers.


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
I like the idea of having a separate entertainment board, but mixing in the OT was an... odd decision to make.

They mixed in OTs in order to kill redundant threads and to help communities grow. It wasn't that bad of an idea. People just got so mad though. I kinda wanted to see what would happen with a few days of it.

And no, I'm not a prominent member.

Nick Nehidnyk

Oct 29, 2017
Okay I know this isn't technically a general feedback thread, but here is just a friendly suggestion to mods: please post before you lock. It is so frustrating as a reader going into a thread, seeing it locked, and not getting any sort of reasoning behind it until several minutes (sometimes upwards of ten) later. Obviously egregiously offensive or clean-cut duplicates should be locked immediately, but certain threads are treated as though they need immediately dispatched.

I know things have been heated in the past 72 hours, so I want to stress that this is just a personal thought and opinion, that I'm putting out here because I think it might be worthy of consideration. In now way do I consider this a failing or shortcoming of the moderation team.

I mean, uh, "prominent members" lmao


Oct 26, 2017
What I'm not down with is that repeated thread locks keep happening without a lock message, linking to this bread or a sticky. And it's causing a lot of confusion. At least sticky the damn thread