
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Aside from just messing up box office numbers for the forseeable weeks or months, this is putting a halt on actual productions. Some delayed for weeks, some indefinitely, which will directly impact workers, low-income actors, and production crew.


Oct 31, 2017
This is going to be a test to most companies regarding how much money they have saved.

Given how most movie studios seem to be one failure away from closing, I don't think it's going to be pretty.


Oct 31, 2017
Los Angeles
This damn virus is gonna make the great depression seem like an economic boom.

Friggin' Peter Rabbit 2 is getting delayed to August. It's a movie about bunnies that was gonna be released just before Easter. Black Widow isn't gonna hit theaters. Calling it.

So what can the movie industry do about upcoming releases? What about theaters? I have a few ideas, they might be dumb, I dunno.

RENT OUT NEW MOVIES DIGITALLY AT A BIGGER PRICE - Only fair. Instead of $3.99, have a $9.99 or $14.99 charge since you know other people in your house will be watching and that's about the same price as a movie ticket. Paramount should be doing that with Sonic in China. Also.....

NETFLIX, DISNEY+, HULU - Gotta recoup some loss. Why not just put it on a streaming service? I'm looking at you, New Mutants. You were gonna bomb anyway, so why not?

So what about theaters? How will they survive with fewer releases and low attendance?

FIXED SEATING AND MAX FILL AT 25% - Spread out! This virus is a serious business, so the further distance, the better. This doesn't count for families, however. Just use half the aisles and one seat per three seats so everyone is at a distance. This won't affect the attendance of most early and late shows, but the 1-7pm crowds will take a hit.

DIFFERENT PRICES PER SEATING - Some are gonna hate me for this, but it relates to the 25% max fill. Don't wanna pay much or wanna pay extra for the best seat? A seat in the first or third row is $10, the back is $15 and the middle is $20.

MORE CLASSIC AND PRIVATE MOVIE EVENTS AND FILMED CONCERTS - Less new movies means more events needed. Offer low prices for private screenings. Charge for one room and have the nursing home come in for a screening of Casablanca. Rooms just for kids' birthday parties with the lights on and cartoons on the screen.

I'm just spitballing here, but that's all I can think of. Otherwise, this virus will kill theaters as we know them.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
My bad read it wronfg..

‘Riverdale’ Suspends Production Due To Coronavirus Concerns

The CW's Riverdale has suspended production over concerns that someone on the show came in contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19.

I wonder if this will spread to the Arrowverse shows. They have about a month left of shooting.

I believe Supernatural has another 2 weeks or so left. Given that it's the series finale, I imagine they'll push through no matter what.


Nov 7, 2018
A lot of the bigger movies in China just went straight to streaming services. I would kill to see that happen elsewhere to set precedent.


Oct 30, 2017
The movie industry should shut up and make no changes at all, because Donald's economy narrative is on the line here.

This is a great year for the economy. Experts are calling it the greatest economy ever!

Have you french kissed a doorknob lately? If not, why not? Do you hate America?
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2018
VOD has to happen. This virus will be a part of our everyday reality for the next year probably, or at least the way that we practice risk mitigation.

James Bond should come out on amazon/google play whatever

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
I've been waiting for movie theaters to become a secondary option I love streraming and hope major studios release their movies on there simultaneously. Even charge double of what they would cost the convenience is worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
This damn virus is gonna make the great depression seem like an economic boom.

Friggin' Peter Rabbit 2 is getting delayed to August. It's a movie about bunnies that was gonna be released just before Easter. Black Widow isn't gonna hit theaters. Calling it.

So what can the movie industry do about upcoming releases? What about theaters? I have a few ideas, they might be dumb, I dunno.

RENT OUT NEW MOVIES DIGITALLY AT A BIGGER PRICE - Only fair. Instead of $3.99, have a $9.99 or $14.99 charge since you know other people in your house will be watching and that's about the same price as a movie ticket. Paramount should be doing that with Sonic in China. Also.....

NETFLIX, DISNEY+, HULU - Gotta recoup some loss. Why not just put it on a streaming service? I'm looking at you, New Mutants. You were gonna bomb anyway, so why not?

So what about theaters? How will they survive with fewer releases and low attendance?

FIXED SEATING AND MAX FILL AT 25% - Spread out! This virus is a serious business, so the further distance, the better. This doesn't count for families, however. Just use half the aisles and one seat per three seats so everyone is at a distance. This won't affect the attendance of most early and late shows, but the 1-7pm crowds will take a hit.

DIFFERENT PRICES PER SEATING - Some are gonna hate me for this, but it relates to the 25% max fill. Don't wanna pay much or wanna pay extra for the best seat? A seat in the first or third row is $10, the back is $15 and the middle is $20.

MORE CLASSIC AND PRIVATE MOVIE EVENTS AND FILMED CONCERTS - Less new movies means more events needed. Offer low prices for private screenings. Charge for one room and have the nursing home come in for a screening of Casablanca. Rooms just for kids' birthday parties with the lights on and cartoons on the screen.

I'm just spitballing here, but that's all I can think of. Otherwise, this virus will kill theaters as we know them.

theymtried experiments I think with the vod stuff but we're charging something like $30 for a ticket - I assume they figure there would be family/friends watching. not sure if that would fly.


Oct 25, 2017
Going VOD is a genie that they can't put back in the bottle- making new-release films so vulnerable across the board to piracy will make any movie executive shudder.

Battening down the hatches and hoping this blows over soon is just about all they can do, because the alternative is the likely destruction of their business.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Film industry is going to be hurt bad. All of these bans on public gatherings are going to close a lot of theaters. And even the theaters that remain open are going to see a huge loss of attendance because people don't want to be that close to others right now.

I expect by the end of the month most of the early summer tentpole movies (Black Widow, Fast 9, etc) are going to be pushed back to later in the year. I wouldn't be at all suprised to see A Quiet Place Part 2 get a very sudden last minute delay.

Some smaller AA movies are probably going to be repurposed for streaming to make room for the delays of the heavy hitters. Artemis Fowl is likely going to be sent straight to Disney+.
We'll be alright. Everything's gonna hurt, but we'll survive.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I was in a crowded Alamo Drafthouse and they didn't seem to change anything whatsoever. No gloves, and I have a sneaking suspicion that they never clean the menus. I had two guys on either side of me coughing the entire film and man was I mentally retreating inside myself because of it. I could totally see an outbreak in one of these places.
They put out a statement yesterday saying they'll be doing extra wipe downs between showings during which the staff will wear gloves.
Oct 27, 2017
Henderson, NV
Aside from just messing up box office numbers for the forseeable weeks or months, this is putting a halt on actual productions. Some delayed for weeks, some indefinitely, which will directly impact workers, low-income actors, and production crew.
Was just about to say this. Productions are severely compromised with an outbreak like this. Everything on set is community based with hundreds of people sharing and touching things regularly. Crafty? Forget about it!

Considering that the grueling 12 hour+ days of erratic hours often tax the body, being on set is the last place you'd want a highly contagious virus to appear. It would ...bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Out of curiosity (to those of you that know the stock market), is Netflix thriving from all this news? I imagine the video game industry is about to make bank on digital purchases.

Not for streaming services

Not sure how Netflix is doing right now, but I can see how it might be all positive. I guess most people who are into TV already has Netflix and people being stuck at home and watching more doesn't necessarily mean more subscribers or revenue since they aren't driven by ads. People running out of things to watch on Netflix may turn them to lesser known and newer competitors. In a recession, there probably would be less room for them to raise prices and streaming is probably one thing that is easy to cut down on if money is tight. I'm not sure what productions shutting down would cost Netflix; but if key shows are delayed, their might be a content gap down the line and they can loses subscribers then. And they borrow a lot to fund productions, a downturn might me they can't get to the capital as easily. In the long run, I think it'll drive up subscribers internationally for Netflix.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
I'm on holiday at the moment but very curious as to what the heck'll happen when I get back to Stonehenge. When gatherings of X people are banned or prohibited, well, that kinda screws over the notion of people surrounding a big stone circle to take photos

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
nah. streaming will see a huge surge in popularity. netflix, amazon, disney etc will be fine. well of course...but they have streaming services. at the end of all this sure The Mouse will have saw some profits drop but it'll be a blip.

maybe the dinosaurs of the industry will try something different to get new movies into our homes ASAP. as much as i enjoy going to see a movie at the cinema i really do hate the ~4 month wait before i can watch it in my house.

who am i kidding... there is no way we'd get new movies on a streaming service day 1.


Oct 27, 2017
Black Widow would be cool as a Disney Plus premiere and they could test how much money they would make with subscribers for a big MCU being streamed at home exclusively.


Dec 4, 2017
Talking to an actress right now that is worried about her production being canceled. Rehearsing all night every single night for weeks and weeks only for it to be canned right before it starts would be crushing. Plus she's really proud of it too. She said she wants to see if streaming is an option but I don't even know how you'd arrange that or make sure it's stable and high quality enough like an actual streaming service would be. Not to mention how you'd control access/payments, etc.
Nov 13, 2017
Disney would be VERY wise to release Artemis Fowl and New Mutants on D+. Both of them are going to bomb, even without the virus.

This would give people big incentive to subscribe and snag them some good PR. Plus, the films can't flop if they're not released in theaters.


Oct 28, 2017
Christopher Nolan is probably seething right now over the thought of movie premiers happening through streams for now.


Oct 26, 2017
NETFLIX, DISNEY+, HULU - Gotta recoup some loss. Why not just put it on a streaming service? I'm looking at you, New Mutants. You were gonna bomb anyway, so why not?
The problem with this is that streaming doesn't make money for the studio. All of Disney's income from streaming comes from subscribers, which probably won't significantly increase if they put bigger Disney movies on instant access. Netflix doesn't pay royalties for streaming, all income a studio makes from putting a film on Netflix is the initial licensing fee which is never enough to cover production costs (Netflix isn't going to pay >1 million for a single streaming licence).

The only reasons big studios go for insta-streaming is when they think a movie would make literally no money in a market and in that case it might be more 'profitable' to go to Netflix instantly (as some money via exclusive streaming licenses beats making almost nothing). Examples of this include Cloverfield Paradox (was considered so awful by the studio that if they put it in cinemas it would just instantly die) and Annihilation (the studio saw no possible profit for an European release and had a conflict with the director and producer).

There's literally no upside for putting a film on a streaming service instantly for a studio, especially for bigger releases. Delaying makes much more sense than basically just throwing any chance of ever making money with the movie in the trash.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
I think this will be an interesting year as studios scramble to figure out how to get the most money out of their movies when there's likely to be declining crowds at the box office.
Disney has their streaming service which theoretically could be very useful at this point in getting their movie out.

I actually find it really interesting when someone was asking last week about how much would you pay to view a new movie release from the comfort of your home?
Chrome Hyena

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
So Fast and Furious 9 and Quiet Place 2 both been delayed, so it seems that's going to be the play for big movies, delay till next year. Does Disney follow suit?


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who enjoys Japanese Tokusatsu productions I'm wondering how long until those are effected.

I think episodes are filmed a few months in ahead so we should start seeing post-outbreak Sentai and Rider episodes.


Oct 28, 2017
Not one case in my country yet.
Hoping the situation is completely under control before the virus has a chance to actually hit us.

I dont think the whole year is a write off as people are making it out to be.....are people expecting the whole planet to be locked indoors for the whole year till the virus dies out?


Oct 26, 2017
THe most fucked industry is the travel industry by far. Airlines, hotels, travel agencies.

But yeah, the film industry will take a huge hit as well.


Oct 27, 2017
This damn virus is gonna make the great depression seem like an economic boom.

Friggin' Peter Rabbit 2 is getting delayed to August. It's a movie about bunnies that was gonna be released just before Easter. Black Widow isn't gonna hit theaters. Calling it.

So what can the movie industry do about upcoming releases? What about theaters? I have a few ideas, they might be dumb, I dunno.

RENT OUT NEW MOVIES DIGITALLY AT A BIGGER PRICE - Only fair. Instead of $3.99, have a $9.99 or $14.99 charge since you know other people in your house will be watching and that's about the same price as a movie ticket. Paramount should be doing that with Sonic in China. Also.....

NETFLIX, DISNEY+, HULU - Gotta recoup some loss. Why not just put it on a streaming service? I'm looking at you, New Mutants. You were gonna bomb anyway, so why not?

So what about theaters? How will they survive with fewer releases and low attendance?

FIXED SEATING AND MAX FILL AT 25% - Spread out! This virus is a serious business, so the further distance, the better. This doesn't count for families, however. Just use half the aisles and one seat per three seats so everyone is at a distance. This won't affect the attendance of most early and late shows, but the 1-7pm crowds will take a hit.

DIFFERENT PRICES PER SEATING - Some are gonna hate me for this, but it relates to the 25% max fill. Don't wanna pay much or wanna pay extra for the best seat? A seat in the first or third row is $10, the back is $15 and the middle is $20.

MORE CLASSIC AND PRIVATE MOVIE EVENTS AND FILMED CONCERTS - Less new movies means more events needed. Offer low prices for private screenings. Charge for one room and have the nursing home come in for a screening of Casablanca. Rooms just for kids' birthday parties with the lights on and cartoons on the screen.

I'm just spitballing here, but that's all I can think of. Otherwise, this virus will kill theaters as we know them.
They should probably shut the theatres until the situation improves a bit. Then maybe do the separated seating.

I think several of the Chinese New Year blockbusters got released for online streaming instead when theatres shut down. Not sure they could do the same in the West, but they should certainly experiment.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Friendly reminder that some of us work in the industry. Companies like, say, Disney taking a hit means a lot of people are fucked. If you think that's going to land on the high-ranking people, you don't know shit about Hollywood.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
My gf's production has been halted for a month - her roommate too. this really sucks.

Friendly reminder that some of us work in the industry. Companies like, say, Disney taking a hit means a lot of people are fucked. If you think that's going to land on the high-ranking people, you don't know shit about Hollywood.

This place seems to only stretch it's sympathies to developers and/or wait staff lol


Oct 31, 2017
Los Angeles
Well, there is one type of movie theater that might thrive well in this environment. The drive-in. My brother and his wife are gonna go see a double-header of Sonic and Onward safe in their vehicles. The only problem is that these types of theaters are few and far between now. I would be surprised is some places take old, abandoned parking lots and turn into makeshift ones.