

Oct 27, 2017
I went and checked her car and found nothing, I know she wouldn't drink on the job. I woke her up and asked her to look and talk to me. She told me she hasn't taken anything and forgot to take her Zoloft this morning, which she often does. Her respirations and pulse are normal. Just a weird day.


Oct 27, 2017
If this were something she has done before, for whatever reason, I would call it a weird day. But, if this is literally the first time she has done something like this, it is pretty serious. I mean, best case, it was just sleep walking. But, beyond that it can be anything.

She seemed normal/coherent when talking to her?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This is very much not the place to talk about this kind of thing. Speak to your girlfriend, then to a medical professional, then go from there.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
I mean, well I'll keep you in my thoughts. That's just weird, at least pee in a container if you can't make it to the toilet.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Nothing wrong with posting a thread like this OP, sometimes you just need to talk. I've been through something similar, but it was drinking related. Hope it all gets worked out, these things can be pretty scary.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Never did drugs and didn't drink when I worked thirds for a few years but did drink about 8 monsters a day and let me tell you it does start to get to you. Never peed in a cup over a rocking chair but it is when my sleep paralysis and night terror's came back hard. So I could be something like sleepwalking but yeah people here aren't qualified to answer.


Oct 27, 2017
Sleep walking due to exhaustion from working so much or something else is going on. If she doesn't even remember doing it than I'm going to bet on sleep walking. Only time I've ever seen something like that outside of drugs. Hope you guys get it sorted


Oct 26, 2017
Simplest answer is alcohol. Can you smell it on her breath as she's sleeping? Hopefully that's not a weird thing to do given the context.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like sleepwalking. If she really was out of her mind drunk, she'd have difficulty getting back to bed. But the way she just got up and went back to bed makes it seem like sleepwalking.


Oct 27, 2017
i've definitely had dreams like that before when i really had to go. never happened in real life though, might be something as simple as sleep inertia especially if shes physically or mentally exhausted.


Oct 25, 2017
I've known a small handful of people that would do something similar and each time they were sleeping after being absolutely hammered and had no idea what they were doing.


Nov 13, 2017
Her breathing is normal, I couldn't see her pupils well enough. It could be sleep walking, but she had a look of grogginess that resembled high/drunk to me. It was just fucking bizarre. She simply pulled her pants back up and crawled in bed while I started cleaning her piss up. She's had an issue with drinking - I was going to go look in her car, but her kids would act up while I'm out. I'll never look at that chair the same again.
I'm six months sober from alcohol, I'm a serious alcoholic. I suspected she was black out drunk, and then you said she's had problems with drinking. I'm not saying with any certainty that she was or is, but I do think that would be a place to dig a little deeper with her. Maybe check her bag or car for bottles, or if she's hidden alcohol in the house before, those places. If you share bank accounts, I don't think it would be out of line at all to check and see if she made any purchases.

I hope it's not and there's a more benign explanation. That's a scary thing to see someone do. Wishing you the best of luck

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
This might seriously be a need for the doctor, as many have stated. In the worst case, what could be going on could be the result of a brain tumor or something (my dad just passed away from one of those, and I saw him doing WILDLY out of character things on this level). Better safe than sorry unless she can give you a concrete explanation of what happened and why.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I once roundhouse kicked my mother in the head, because she grabbed me while I was while screaming about staring into the maw of hell.as it opened. Totally sober, no meds involved, just asleep. That event taught people to leave me alone when I was sleepwalking.

People are sending you off the ledge, but try not to assume the worst just yet.


Aug 18, 2024
Era is anonymous, Facebook would be weird


He's concerned about another human that he cares about and is in a situation that he's not trained for and is seeking advice from other humans.

Never said his heart was in the wrong place, but I would advice to be a bit more 'creative' about asking for help and not be so descriptive about a situation that is after all embarassing for both parties. And asking for medical help on the internet isn't wise either, there are hotlines for that if there is a worry that something is off.

That's all.


Jombie Hope everything turns out okay and no more chairs are pissed on 🙏


Feb 17, 2022
As others have said, could be sleepwalking or could be something more serious. You already said she wasn't drunk.

Reading this just reminded me of something similar that happened with my dad once, he came home and walked into the garage and just sat there and when I went and asked why he walked into the garage instead of front door he just looked at me with glassy eyes and a distant look. Next day he was fine and normal like he was before. Then a year later we found out he had suffered a brain bleed that day.

I'm NOT SAYING this is what's happening here so please don't panic, it most likely isn't, but please go to a doctor and find out if everything is alright just to be sure. I hope it's nothing very serious like this. Good luck.


Oct 25, 2017
I beg yall to please talk to your partners before going to the internet, the person with the best possible information is an arm's length away (when they're lucid).


Oct 27, 2017
My partner once pee'd in our dog's food bowl while sleepwalking. This was also at a time when we were generally stressed with our lives, and he was also taking some antidepressants meds around that time.

The next day, he confessed to it (I wouldn't have known otherwise) and was extremely embarrassed by the whole thing, lol. We've been together for 12 years and this sort of thing has happened exactly once.

So yeah, people do do weird things while in a sleepwalking state. Stay vigilant and ask questions, but if your girlfriend wakes up and earnestly thinks it was just sleepwalking, then chances are it's just that.


Oct 27, 2017
When you have the chance to talk with her make sure to mention you posted this story on the internet before asking a medical professional.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Taking antidepressants or bipolar medicine or missing doses of them can absolutely cause this kind of sleepwalking.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
I went and checked her car and found nothing, I know she wouldn't drink on the job. I woke her up and asked her to look and talk to me. She told me she hasn't taken anything and forgot to take her Zoloft this morning, which she often does. Her respirations and pulse are normal. Just a weird day.

she's on an SSRI instead of an antipsychotic with a BPD diagnosis? is it monotherapy?

Time for an exorcism



Nov 13, 2017
I went and checked her car and found nothing, I know she wouldn't drink on the job. I woke her up and asked her to look and talk to me. She told me she hasn't taken anything and forgot to take her Zoloft this morning, which she often does. Her respirations and pulse are normal. Just a weird day.
Did she mention anything about the incident? If so did she bring it up, did you bring it up? If she didn't remember and you told her about it, was she embarrassed or apologetic?


Oct 27, 2017
Could be a number of things although it doesn't make it any less disconcerting.

I had a friend who would sleepwalk constantly in residence at university and she'd end up all sorts of places doing weird things...but that was sort of known beforehand, it didn't come out of nowhere.


Oct 31, 2017
Whatever you do talk to her and a doctor ASAP.

When I lived with her, my sister used to sleepwalk. It's very fucking strange. Sometimes she's almost coherent enough to pass as normal, like give semi-normal responses but if I look in her eyes I know she isn't actually there. Other times she's a bumbling Mr. Mcgoo and it's clear she's sleeping. (She also sleep eats which is even more screwed up.)

Rei no Otaku

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cranston RI
Sounds like sleepwalking. Especially if she's stressed and tired from working 3rd shift.

My son sleepwalks sometimes and one time we caught him trying to pee in the trashcan. When we confronted him he said "Had to use the bathroom" and just went back to bed.

Still get checked out though.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
This would definitely warrant a more professional help I have seen patients do something like this if they're like really out of it one older patient one time was like so frustrated decided to just go to the corner and do their business even though the bathroom was like right next door.

I don't know it's been a while since I've dealt with like drunk people or somebody Under the influence but do make sure that you check it out cuz this is not enough information to go off of.

I do hope everything is okay and it's just a matter of it being a temporary thing but still it's always better to check up!


Oct 29, 2017
Sounds like sleepwalking. Especially if she's stressed and tired from working 3rd shift.

My son sleepwalks sometimes and one time we caught him trying to pee in the trashcan. When we confronted him he said "Had to use the bathroom" and just went back to bed.

Still get checked out though.
for some reason pissing in a trashcan seems to be a common thing with sleep walkers


Oct 28, 2017
2 of my roommates in college did this after coming back from pledging nights. Both were swiftly removed from my room.

Your situation requires communication once she has the ability to do so.


May 11, 2023
Has anyone ever experienced something like this?

One time my ex came home from a night out with her sister really drunk, which was cool, she wasn't driving. However, she got up from bed to use the bathroom. She went into the laundry room instead, sat on a bucket and just left a massive load in it. So yeah, I'd guess there was alcohol or drugs involved.


Jan 6, 2021
Call the ex husband or baby daddy(s) to pick up the kids up and have a conversation. Don't need the kids to hear that stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Check her eyes, if it's dilated then she's on something, if she's breathing irratically then that too can mean she's on something. If it's not then she's mentally out of it.

I speak from experience because my ex used to do stuff like this (not peeing on chair, but similar aloof inexplicable stuff that made no sense) and she would be having a psychotic break whenever she would do something like that, as she suffers from atleast BPD at the minimum (never got diagnosed while we were together, she left midway through he treatment). But once she had an altered mental state due to Hypernatremia (low sodium levels, cause she wasn't eating much and drinking loads of water).

Not saying your GF is having a psychotic break, the likelihood is not high, but odd behaviour can show up even due to other mental health issues unrelated to BPD/Bipolar/schizophrenia etc.

But yea check her eyes first.
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