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Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Idk why but that Obama Pass must be fucking incredible. Because Black voters so indeed like Joe Biden, I'm not even entirely sure why.
Probably for the same reason alot of other people like Biden. Because he isn't Trump.

You could put an actual axe murderer up against Trump and he would still pull impressive numbers.


Nov 14, 2019
i love being white, middle class, and telling black people what to think about Joe Biden



Oct 25, 2017
If they care about having a data driven campaign, then they should already be aware this is a terrible way to address less active black voters.

Why Anger At Trump May Not Help Democrats Win

One dominating response to Donald Trump’s presidency has been anger. Trump has stoked outrage among his supporters, who have echoed his rhetoric and fury, and h…

There's only one problem for Democrats looking to replicate Barack Obama's multiracial coalition: The voters most energized by anger are white.
Many of the underlying reasons, Phoenix argues, are systemic. Simply put, nonwhite voters have far fewer expectations of the political system working for them. Instead, Phoenix found nonwhite voters are more likely to be motivated to vote if they feel pride or hope — as they did in 2008 due to Obama's historic presidential nomination.

"The Clinton campaign bet big on the strategy of highlighting the racist and xenophobic undertones of the Trump campaign," Phoenix writes, "but its 'basket of deplorables' messaging appeared to engender more of a rise from Trump supporters falling under this label than people of color feeling targeted. … [It was] a severe miscalculation of the way people of color respond to political threats."
Former Vice President Joe Biden faces enormous pressure to turn out nonwhite voters in 2020, but if 2016 is any indication, liberal policy positions alone won't be enough. Because like the broader anti-Trump resistance movement, the leftward movement of the Democratic Party has been most pronounced among white voters. Even on issues of race, nonwhite voters are no longersignificantly more liberal than white Democrats. And research finds that many African American voters identify as conservative despite their strong collective identification with the Democratic Party.


Oct 26, 2017
It is true about the myth of the undecided voter in today's world, but it has nothing to do with being black.

Imagine if Trump said "If you are having trouble deciding between me and Biden, then you ain't white."

Actually aside from the ain't part it sounds like something he'd say.


Oct 25, 2017
So are you on the biden defense team? Cause every thread about joe being shit I see waving away his shit
Sounds like people want to see some semblance of truth rather than bullshit in the discussion. You trying to browbeat with this joe Biden defense bullshit isn't going to change that. Like I get that it's possible that you enjoy seeing the same variation of "fuck Biden" or "we could have picked Bernie" ad nauseam, but a statement like "bleeding voters" is outright misinformation and I don't see why anyone should be cool with that. As we know he isn't bleeding voters, there's no need to say it or imply it otherwise one could ask you if you were on the misinformation defense force. Plenty to comment on without resorting to falsehoods.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's respectful of the black vote at all. How are people not seeing the issue??
People see the issue. They just don't want that to interfere with the election, so shit that would easily sink a Republican- or even Democrats in other contexts- simply doesn't matter right now, and they will be happy to ironically throw minorities under the bus to maintain solidarity, because where else are you gonna go?



Oct 28, 2017
New York
smdh...I could have had 30 guesses for what he would have said for that last word and black wouldn't have been one of them. jfc


Apr 13, 2019
A whole lot of people will need to do a whole lot of work to make this guy win, despite himself. Its sad that he is clearly not the right person for the job, yet here we are.

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017

The guy making an ad targeting "Chinese" and using the dogwhistle of "people from China could travel to the US thanks to Trump" does another racist act?



Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
NOT a good look Josef.

You can recognize that Trump is still worse in every way while noting that this is really bad optics at the very least.


Oct 25, 2017
This ain't it, Big Biden.

The "Democratic plantation" nonsense from conservatives over the next week is going to be insufferable.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't help but feel like the intended read from that joke was "I'm advocating the black community, if you're equivocating me with Trump you have no idea what it's like being a black person in this country", and had he played that in a more traditional media setting that might've worked a smidge better.

But he decided to play it in a couch stream with an indie black guy, so it reads a helluva lot more like him dangling his blackness over his head and.....yeah, yeesh.


Oct 25, 2017
Also can we stop using the word dumb when ever someone makes a this type of comment.
This shit aint dumb, it is racist
Jun 1, 2019
The audacity and entitlement of this guy is something else, fuck him. I'm probably voting for a more progressive third party this year ( I live in NYS, Biden is all but assured to win here regardless ) and shaming me isn't gonna convince me to do otherwise. If you don't have an ounce of black in you, then you have no right to speak on other people's "blackness".


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Man that whole thing had so much of a "I'm not around hip, young black people very often" vibe to it. If you haven't, I suggest watching the whole interview.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
People actually voted for Biden to be where's he at. No Joe won't resign, he won't be replaced. Bernie lost

Yes, we voted for him. He won by a huge margin too. People did not vote for the others.

People also voted for Trump to be where he at.

What is your point?

What he said should be criticized.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Or Warren. Or Klobuchar. Or Buttigeig. I would have voted for ANY of these politicians over Biden.

It really does suck.

or Inslee or Castro or Beto or Harris or Booker. fuck man, Tom Steyer wasn't so bad either!

the only time I felt good about Biden was when Bloomberg entered the fray

What was the response to that? I don't recall.

people literally wanted her head on a stick because she had hot sauce in her bag


Nov 6, 2017
Did he just try to act more black too with his manners and 'okay pal'? It reminded me of Tarantino when he is with black people lol.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't help but feel like the intended read from that joke was "I'm advocating the black community, if you're equivocating me with Trump you have no idea what it's like being a black person in this country", and had he played that in a more traditional media setting that might've worked a smidge better.

But he decided to play it in a couch stream with an indie black guy, so it reads a helluva lot more like him dangling his blackness over his head and.....yeah, yeesh.
It's literally an old white man who was friends with segregationists saying your blackness is conditional and predicated on you voting for me. There is no circumstance where this would not be fucking awful


Oct 26, 2017
It's funny that people in this thread keep saying go back to your basement and republicans are like come out of your basement.
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