
Oct 30, 2017
No, I, in fact, believe a lot of it was the studio causing deliberate controversy to sell tickets.

The studio didn't need to do anything. There were multiple long threads on this forum, for example, with fearmongering that had nothing to do with anything the studio had done.


Oct 25, 2017
This is like the 4th thread on this in the last 2 weeks. I'm not one to thread whine usually but what else do we have to discuss here?


Alt account
Mar 23, 2019
This is like the 4th thread on this in the last 2 weeks. I'm not one to thread whine usually but what else do we have to discuss here?

At this point, I'm convinced just like the MSM, they're begging for a mass shooting to happen just so they can use Joker as a scapegoat
Aug 16, 2019

*Chan incels will adopt it as their new identity and that will not be good in the long run, so yes

But, that danger is more intangible than someone shooting up a theater
you realise that is a meme, right?

Will the day when people are intelligent enough to understand a 4chan troll ever come?


Oct 27, 2017
People on this forum were saying this nonsense before "the media" got their hands on the film. The incel shit was started based on the initial script leaks and such.


Oct 25, 2017
If right wing incels didn't have Joker to latch on to, they would have something else. I think criticism of the movie's messaging is valid, and it would only take a single individual's actions to cement Joker as "dangerous", but that kind of human being would have done something regardless, I feel. The problem isn't that a movie could inspire violence, it's that we live in a society country where that kind of violence is common despite bring preventable, and emboldened by forces much more malicious and unrelenting than a comic book clown movie.

That said, Todd Phillips is a fucking idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
It would have to have been dangerous in the first place for it to no longer be dangerous now

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Im just glad nothing bad happened. With the various warnings and precautions by authorities you know that they had some kind of inclination that something might happen.

Still not going to see the movie though. Not after the comments from the director. I will catch it on a streaming service at some point maybe.

Deleted member 42102

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
I personally never thought it was a dangerous film. But I'll definitely never watch it thanks to the director showing his ass.


Oct 25, 2017
If you buy this film when it comes out for home release, you should have to register it as a deadly weapon.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It never was. People just didn't (and still don't) want to back down, since that means they would be wrong, and no one* likes to be wrong on the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
This Joker is very clearly not an incel though. He harbors no particular ill will towards women.

I'd be kind of surprised if a movie with an unironic "eat the rich" message would gain any significant right wing following in the US at least. Incels don't want to take down Chad, they want to become Chad.
I never rrally understood where the incel part came from. Like i didn't even get that vibe from the trailers, but so many were labeling him one.


Oct 27, 2017
Some people nowadays are, somewhat understandably, concerned about anything that resembles a lot of the fucked alt right shit in the world right now. So, a movie whose protagonist is a white male lashing out violently at a society that has failed them, this aesthetic is immediately linked with people like incels, even if in substantive terms they aren't the same thing at all. This all equals a shit tier conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, it is. Have you seen the posts the past few months. It was very terrifying. How could you leave the house after reading them. Since the first reviews came out it was a scary time thinking knowing this movie will do will damage in the world. How could Warner Brothers do such a thing?

Nah it was a big deal for 0 reason. I am seeing it tonight.


Nov 2, 2017
Truly wonder why the US was the only country where such worries got any attention.

Maybe because the US has a tiny issue with mass shootings carried out by far-right nutcases that this film might end up enabling or empowering because it follows very similar rhetoric than their own. Just a hunch.

Scarlet Spider

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
It never was and it was stupid to think it would be. It's a fucking comic book movie. All it seemed to be was fear mongering, hyperbole and the media trying to incite something to happen to feel vindicated. Glad nothing happened.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
After all this talked about the movie being an incels wet dream, it's weird how the movie's narrative is closer to Era members who repeatedly post "eat the rich" or another variant of that.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Warnings that were released by law enforcement aren't usually done without some kind of precedent. There likely was something planned that either backed down or was already stopped.
they still arrest you. no one has been arrested. it's very obvious these credible threats were law enforcement reading chan sites that previous shooters posted on and saw general "for teh lulz" threats and prepared.

people got cynical and believed this movie was dangerous. now they are just ignoring all the nothing that has happened hoping someone doesn't put them on a list asking for receipts.


Nov 4, 2017
After all this talked about the movie being an incels wet dream, it's weird how the movie's narrative is closer to Era members who repeatedly post "eat the rich" or another variant of that.
I was very confused. Joker's opposition is called a fascist and everyone rallies against him. I have no idea how this whole this could have even started.


Apr 14, 2018
Still? It never was

The irony of the response to this movie is that it's easily the most moral comic book movie I've seen in a while. Questioning of authority and making no bones of its character's descent into narcissistic rage. I've much more problems with the optics of movies like Captain Marvel, Avengers Endgame and Spider-Man Far From Home.

I agree with this so much, except more like Iron Man, Captain America and Far From Man


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This forum has gone [0] days without a Joker thread
"Joker" is the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man of movies.

Jokes aside, I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie. Not sure if I'll enjoy it, but I feel like I need to see it in order to understand what's making literally everybody discuss it all the time.
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't seen it. I thought the fear was in showing joker, a mental health victim turned violent, as a victim, justified in his actions.

Guess that wasnt the case, or it was handled well, cuz I've heard mostly praise or indifference.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Warnings that were released by law enforcement aren't usually done without some kind of precedent. There likely was something planned that either backed down or was already stopped.
When you broadcast to domestic terrorist over and over again you may fear them doing an attack on 10/4/2019 (months prior to release) to the point where a few deranged individuals may have even contemplated it and started to talk about it on Hate message bosrds, then yeah....Law Enforcement will get involved.

Meanwhile all that fear mongering to keep people away from the film did the exact opposite. It was free advertising for the film basically.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
it's not good enough to inspire people the way everyone feared.

I've said it before, but it reminds me of the lead up to Ghostbusters 2016, but with incels


Apr 19, 2018
After all this talked about the movie being an incels wet dream, it's weird how the movie's narrative is closer to Era members who repeatedly post "eat the rich" or another variant of that.

All the fear mongering clicked into place in my head once I saw what the film was actually about. Gotta discredit these sorts of things.